MO - Elizabeth Olten, 9, St Martin's, 21 Oct 2009 #7

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Wonder why it is taking so long to decided if they are going to try her as an adult.

In the case of 4yr old Alex (found in the dryer last week) the perp was 14 yrs old been in custody since friday i think. monday or Tuesday they made the decision to try him as an adult. that was in Cali..come on MO get with the program.

I wasn't familiar with this case, until your post. How terrible!!
Re: "I should've gone to church"

Wow, if this is true, to me it says she felt some kind of remorse afterwards, and therefore KNEW right from wrong! She better be tried as an adult... is all I can say.

I'm thinking it's more like she was concerned about herself getting into trouble than what she did to her victim. In anycase, it does show she knew right from wrong. Concealing a body is another indication she knew right from wrong.
Welcome Dal Gal

We welcome all newbies especially those from the JonBenet Ramsey days.

Off Topic, what hat did you use during JonBenet?

On Topic, what are your thoughts on this case?

Thanks, Tricia!

Back then I believe I was wearing my "Satin" hat.

This case really comes to life when locals participate, one just has to be wary of the perception of those close to the case. I've seen both families painted in different lights. The truth usually lays somewhere in the middle, and hopefully it finds justice for an innocent 9 year old!

I think that one thing to keep in mind that seems to be established is that AB did NOT have a cell phone, so she couldn't have called EO back to the house on hers. Also, if EO had her mom's cell phone, her mom could not have texted her -- IF mom did contact EO it had to have been from a land line without texting capabilities. Therefore, AB couldn't have faked a text response. Of course, I'm not convinced that Mom did call EO home. The timeline is totally dependant on what event determined the 6:15 "last seen alive" time.

I just hope AB experienced genuine fear when she realized she was busted. I doubt she felt remorse for what happened to EO, but maybe she felt terror about losing her freedom.
or she just thought it would sound cool once she was caught. A one liner her friends could remember her by.

Exactly - she WANTS to be known as a killer and likes the notoriority - I bet this is how she thinks and I don't think the crime scene was bloody. I think it was a soft kill.

IMHO - I do wonder if there were two graves who she was thinking of for that grave, maybe her half sister and Elizabeth or maybe her twin brothers.

I have to believe that she bragged to someone about what she did - IMO maybe her BF.
It will take me forever to try to find it, someone can confirm. I think 4 adults lived there, the 2 grandparents, AB's aunt and one other (aunt's sig other?)
It will take me forever to try to find it, someone can confirm. I think 4 adults lived there, the 2 grandparents, AB's aunt and one other (aunt's sig other?)

What we were discussing yesterday was 4 adults (gp's, unidentified male stated by ILC, and the g'ma other dau.)
AB's aunt & husband did not live there according to ILC. They visited very frequently.
My opinion of the phrase "she called her back" was that was done by voice and not by cell. Also my recollection of what ILC understood was that the focus on Wed night was the focus was on the 6yr old bc that is who was thought to see her last. But Thurs. morning AB was being sought out but was no where to be found.
I'm thinking it's more like she was concerned about herself getting into trouble than what she did to her victim. In anycase, it does show she knew right from wrong. Concealing a body is another indication she knew right from wrong.

I agree. To me that says "I'm busted".
I also thought ILC said that the aunt/gmas daughter and her sig. other didn't live there anymore, but visited frequently.

Yes, I remember that too. And was that Aunt K (who moved out)? Does that leave a 2nd aunt who still resides there, then? Plus the guy who is said to have prepared to take video at EO's house.
Yes, I remember that too. And was that Aunt K (who moved out)? Does that leave a 2nd aunt who still resides there, then? Plus the guy who is said to have prepared to take video at EO's house.

Im not sure it was ever really figured out. But, I took the video guy to be Ks sig. other. So maybe it's just the gps and the four children...well, now 3.
Just spoke to my source.

Supposedly, AB dug the second grave because she didn't like the first one.

Now, if this is true and this is what she told Law Enforcement I would say it is a load of garbage. I think she absolutely had a second victim in mind and just said this to keep the heat off of her.

Think how hard it is to dig something deep enough to bury a body. Damn it is hard. Now think about doing it AGAIN because you didn't like the first one. Doesn't make sense.
Yes, I remember that too. And was that Aunt K (who moved out)? Does that leave a 2nd aunt who still resides there, then? Plus the guy who is said to have prepared to take video at EO's house.

iirc the one that went with the GP's to the O house on Wed with the phone to record the events is a friend of ILC, prob married to the daughter, I think they were just recently wed. So
So, IF, and we know that's a big unconfirmed IF right now, AB dug 2 graves, how on earth did the sheriff and the search group search those woods twice, and miss 2 graves? Missing one is bad enough, underbrush, well-concealed, etc, but two? And why wouldn't they keep searching after dark on Wed. night? There is such a thing as search lights, etc.
I've been lurking for the past two weeks here and trying to keep up on what's been going on, just to try to make some sort of sense of this crime. I found these comments on Nancy Grace's facebook page from a girl who claimed to be friends with AB. I apologize if this was already posted, but I hadn't seen it yet. These are responses to others who were asking if she knew AB and the bf.

That 15 year old is my friend. I heard that she was drugged by her boyfriend and they both were drunk. He had a part in it. In fact I very much believe he did it.
October 31 at 1:42am

No I think he did it and she helped. I know her and I kinda know her ex and he isnt a good guy. He has always kinda creeped me out. And he was arrested on drug charges because they wanted to get him on something.
October 31 at 11:13am

I know who he is. I never really wanted to get to know him. Something about him creeps me out. I dont know how to explain it. But I heard he got arrested on drug charges. They dont want him running off.
Sun at 3:11pm

I always thought I was being judgemental because he looked like a creep. He looked like a druggie. I kinda felt bad cuz I was judging him. But now I know I was very right. All the kids here are young adults. And A LOT of the kids foot act like it.
Sun at 6:17pm

(I don't understand that last sentence, maybe a typo in there).

If you can sleuth your way over to Nancy Grace's FB, this girl also talks about how hard it's been for her and how some guy ditched her because she had been friends with AB. Just thought it was interesting to hear these theories about the boyfriend from someone local who knew them both.
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