MO - Elizabeth Olten, 9, St Martin's, 21 Oct 2009 #9

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What that says the hearing is for the alleged killer. It doesnt say the ribbons are for her tho. I think its being taken out of context.
I have voiced my opinion about the connection in the teacher's death before, the day it happened, I believe --I find it very odd that a long-time teacher would choose to commit suicide just after a teen at the school where he taught was taken into custody for a murder, a teacher very familiar with the media I might add -- a teacher who was also a religious man, right? I would think that it would take more than an illness to commit such a violent and in most religious minds sinful act at the same moment JCHS was at a crisis point? Suicide is also a selfish act, but what about the timing of this suicide? What about all of the other teens he worked with? He allegedly was popular at the high school -- would not he care about how his suicide would affect those children? It just does not add up IMO -- the timing of his suicide is telling

The tragedy of Elizabeth's death involves more that an open and shut case of trying AB as an adult and putting her away for life; Yes, it will put out the fire, and provide Elizabeth's family with some sense of justice -- but what about all of the real adults involved? What about all of the systems that are supposed to be in place to protect our children?
Yes tgrlaw, I truly believe my information is accurate. What the NT has printed doesn't change the facts it just puts everything more in prospective that things are being covered up. The NT printed the Sheriff and JCPD both say Currie's death was not related. I believe I can get documented proof that is public record. However, the documented proof will only substantiate what I was told and not prove his death was in fact related. It would be impossible to actually prove this unless he left a suicide note - which I have not been told exsists. Believe me I don't want to post information that is just "rumors" I also want cold hard proof....I just think we all have to work together before the records are "poof" gone!
A "close friend" of the 15 year old suspect in Elizabeth Olten case calls the suspect a "really good person." @KOMUnews

That was from a tweet.
Yes tgrlaw, I truly believe my information is accurate. What the NT has printed doesn't change the facts it just puts everything more in prospective that things are being covered up. The NT printed the Sheriff and JCPD both say Currie's death was not related. I believe I can get documented proof that is public record. However, the documented proof will only substantiate what I was told and not prove his death was in fact related. It would be impossible to actually prove this unless he left a suicide note - which I have not been told exsists. Believe me I don't want to post information that is just "rumors" I also want cold hard proof....I just think we all have to work together before the records are "poof" gone!

Can you prove that AB and Currie had contact with each other. I have had four kids graduate from JCHS and don't see anyway AB would have been in a class of his. So can you connect the two?
I wish someone would have a video stream set up so we could see as people come out so we would know when to expect an update! grrr.

UHH.. I gotta go find some gum, when I get anxious or nervous I chew my lips and mouth like a freaking crack head, if this keeps up I will be lipless! lol
I have voiced my opinion about the connection in the teacher's death before, the day it happened, I believe --I find it very odd that a long-time teacher would choose to commit suicide just after a teen at the school where he taught was taken into custody for a murder, a teacher very familiar with the media I might add -- a teacher who was also a religious man, right? I would think that it would take more than an illness to commit such a violent and in most religious minds sinful act at the same moment JCHS was at a crisis point? Suicide is also a selfish act, but what about the timing of this suicide? What about all of the other teens he worked with? He allegedly was popular at the high school -- would not he care about how his suicide would affect those children? It just does not add up IMO -- the timing of his suicide is telling

The tragedy of Elizabeth's death involves more that an open and shut case of trying AB as an adult and putting her away for life; Yes, it will put out the fire, and provide Elizabeth's family with some sense of justice -- but what about all of the real adults involved? What about all of the systems that are supposed to be in place to protect our children?
Mr. Currie was maybe popular with the kids on yearbook and paper. The kids who were not involved in those organizations barely knew who he was. Not sure he was religious just bc at one time he was ordained. I have my reliable sources as well who say no connection. He was 65 years old and had health issues. I have talked to people who have said they wouldn't even think to try to connect the two. In most cases if a teacher gets a paper they hand it over to a counselor anyway.
I wish someone would have a video stream set up so we could see as people come out so we would know when to expect an update! grrr.

UHH.. I gotta go find some gum, when I get anxious or nervous I chew my lips and mouth like a freaking crack head, if this keeps up I will be lipless! lol

OMG, I do the same thing!
I hear everyone's concerns about cover-ups being behind the secrecy but I really think this is more about an elected sheriff and prosecutor not wanting to give the defense a chance to argue that the local jury pool is tainted. The prosecutor wants to make sure this case doesn't get removed to a distant venue and that it gets tried in his home court where he can get credit in front of his electorate. And who wants to be known as the Sheriff who let Elizabeth Olten's killer walk because he couldn't keep his mouth shut?

First, if necessary they will get a jury from some other county many many months from now. They just had a trial in Columbia with a jury from Sedalia. Can't taint the whole state of Missouri. Second, a change of venue is highly unlikely because of the ability to bring in a jury from another county.

The issue surrounding the involment of the teacher really has no bearing on the case against the accused. I has big implications with the way the school is handling things. I don't fault Mr. Currie if he knew anything. He allegedly pointed the LE in AB's direction, maybe even after they were looking her way, but after the fact. Flat out saying he was not involved in the matter, when multiple sources and individuals have reliably heard he was, is a lie. Sheriff's and newspapers should not lie.
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