MO - Grief and protests follow shooting of teen Michael Brown

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and btw 3 of those witness statements were given in the aftermath of the incident with nothing that i have seen to suggest any of them had talked to each other or seen or heard the others statements.

but maybe you have some reason to suggest that they had seen and were influenced by the other witness statements , do you?
I'm going to move this thread over to "Crimes in the News". With all the rioting going on, it's time.

What a horrible situation. :(
is this your typical reaction when you hear 4 witnesses recount the same version of something they have seen?

what specifically do you know about these people that would make you question their honesty and say that they are heavily biased against the police?


liljim, I have to tell you that half my family thinks I am the most liberal thinking person in the world. The other half thinks I'm painfully conservative. Lol!

I try to keep an open mind, and I evaluate each situation from my personal collection of moral and social ideas, and life experience, just as we all do. I like to hear all sides of an investigation. We've only heard a tiny bit of perceptions of what happened, and as JeannaT pointed out, I'd be more inclined to believe the report of someone completely uninvolved, such as a passing delivery truck driver. The companion to MB has his story and perception, as do the other 3. That is not the end of the story-- it is only the beginning. There is much more.

As a general rule of thumb, I don't have a bias against all authority figures. I know how hard their job is, and how hard they have to work just to get there. I generally respect authority figures until I have a compelling reason not to. The officer has 6 years of a good and uneventful record, per the chief's words. Just because he was involved in a fatal shooting does not automatically mean he was acting unlawfully, or with undue force. He was assaulted and required ER care. I want to hear more about what happened. Until then, and based on everything else that has elapsed, I tend to believe there was a serious provocation of the officer, and due to social/ racial perceptions of that altercation, there has been a vastly disproportionate response of some of the local public to what happened.

And I think the altercation and shooting death has been used as an opportunity (not an excuse) for some thugs to get out and indulge their inclination to riot, loot, burn, injure, fight the police, etc.
Let's stop beating around the bush about the motivations for wanting this officer's name released (or hacked) at THIS particular point in time-- during the serious and unstable riots going on.

The groups that are advocating violence (Anonymous and New Black Panthers), are telling their "faithful supporters" (rioters) to hunt down and seriously hurt, or kill, if possible, this officer. IMO, and the opinions of a whole lotta others, lol! There is NO other reason to "hack" the name of this officer. They want mob justice. IMO, of course!

I get the concern and no, I wouldn't release the name. While I think those groups do like to incite and inflame, I think the community and the family want it because there has to be some trust and transparency established.
Do you know the breakdown of applicants to Ferguson PD...minorities to white?
Respectfully snipped. This is only rumor and hearsay, at this point in time. There has been no official announcement of the specific nature of MB's injuries, nor the police report of exactly what happened. There is also rumor that the officer has a broken jaw and his eye is swollen shut. That hasn't been officially announced yet, either.

Oh lawdy, he was treated for a swollen face, no broken jaw...oh the cops the victims..all righty...

Sunny Hostin ‏@sunnyhostin 1m

Officer who killed Michael Brown was taken to area hospital after shooting and treated for a "swollen face" and released same day says Chief
The only thing the President should be saying is how dismayed he is about the riots and violence, and how he has faith in the state and local law enforcement to take measures to quell the riots. He should not mention race or the shooting AT ALL, IMO. It is highly inappropriate for the President to make any comment on those things, particularly at this point in time. IMO.

Go read our Governor's statement. That is what he should say.

ETA - And thank you for your service to our country.
thanx for the reply KZ, i completely understand the reason to be wary of his friends statement and give it scrutiny, it seems to hold up imo.

i dont really understand the doubting or suspicion over the others statements. everything i hear seems to imply that they are not being entirely truthful, or worse.

3 of them do appear to be completely uninvolved, and we dont know anything about where they work, or go to school, or anything else. so i guess its just because they are young then?
Thank you Reedus for your very thoughtful and informative post upthread.

As someone on the outside looking in, I appreciate the experiences and insight from someone familiar with the community.
Do you know the breakdown of applicants to Ferguson PD...minorities to white?

I don't and that is what Ferguson needs to address. If it is disproportionate, is there anything that can be done to ensure it is more proportionate while still hiring only highly qualified individuals. It's a tough task. I get it. Cops leave Ferguson and the like at the drop of a dime if they can get a job in west county, for example. It's not an easy task but it's one that should be undertaken IMHO.
FERGUSON, Mo. – NewsChannel 5 has learned the FBI will now take over a large part of the investigation into the shooting death of 18-year-old Michael Brown.

The FBI will oversee all operations, protests and other activities in Ferguson.

ETA "We've also learned the department of justice will send special prosecutors to Ferguson to help with the investigation"
I have read ads for minorities for law enforcement jobs but you can't make people want a job they don't want. The police department can't change that. The community can...imo
Oh lawdy, he was treated for a swollen face, no broken jaw...oh the cops the victims..all righty...


I am one of those folks that would turn on their interior light if I was pulled over by a police officer after dark.

Why? Because I know it would be darn scary to pull cars over after dark in most places, and I wouldn't want to be a jerk and make his/her life/job harder.

BTW I have encountered somewhat rude police officers, but I have never ever felt or said they "disrespected me". Some officers are jaded and ornery (for good reason) and I remain polite. They deal with criminals and extreme nastiness all day long, I don't need to make their job/lives worse.
"To call this militarization doesn't characterize the military very well," says Josh Weinberg, an Army veteran who focuses on security issues for the Truman Project. "We always were trained in escalation of force."

The police apparently "had their weapons up and pointed at protesters who are obviously unarmed," he said. In the military, he learned that "your force posture matches the threat. You only raise your weapon if there is a threat that requires lethal force."

With a pointed weapon, Weinberg says, "You could make a mistake, maybe get startled, put your finger on the trigger and shoot somebody who doesn't deserve to be shot."

And threatening people unnecessarily can increase the tensions and danger, exacerbating the situation, he says. "A crowd kind of has a mind of its own that develops over time, depending on what threat they perceive."

I am one of those folks that would turn on their interior light if I was pulled over by a police officer after dark.

Why? Because I know it would be darn scary to pull cars over after dark in most places, and I wouldn't want to be a jerk and make his/her life/job harder.

BTW I have encountered somewhat rude police officers, but I have never ever felt or said they "disrespected me". Some officers are jaded and ornery (for good reason) and I remain polite. They deal with criminals and extreme nastiness all day long, I don't need to make their job/lives worse.
So have I.
Alderman Antonio French, and St. Louis City Board of Alderman President Lewis Reed were among 10 people arrested during the Wednesday night protest. Two national journalists from the Washington Post and The Huffington Post were also detained.

“If anybody was arrested, from what I understand, it was because they were in an area that was being cleared by police.” Jackson says if the commander declares the scene as an unlawful gathering because of the violence, then everyone would have to leave.
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