MO - Grief & protests follow shooting of teen Michael Brown #10

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Please. Disagree respectfully with the post, without attacking the poster.

Respectful debate is welcome at WS, as it fosters an often-helpful exchange of ideas. Bickering is not welcome, as it fosters a spirit of divisiveness and discord.

Do not make statements you cannot back up with a link. If it is just your opinion say so in the post.
What PROVEN felony was he committing at the time he was shot to death? Not interested in speculation. How do you know what I have and have not read? I can read something that is an opinion and not accept it as the truth. I reserve that right.

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Laws and protocols are not opinions.

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You know I tried reading the threads about this but got so upset that I left for 5 days to calm down. I'm glad to see we are insulting and mocking the protesters. Really. It's so mature and makes you all look so good and this site by extension. I was at a march yesterday where we chanted "Hands Up, don't shoot!" and put our hands in there. Clearly we were nothing but troublemakers.

Hands up, don't shoot is about a lot more than Mike Brown. It's about the many alarming cases of police harassment, brutality and most disturbingly, the sheer number of young black men killed by police. I think it's great that you have only had positive interaction with LE but many, many people who are not white have not be so fortunate. There is so much history of this that it impacts how People of Color see and react to LE.

I'm not defending looting or what may have been Michael Brown's actions but there is a bad history in Ferguson and given how poorly the PD handled the case, everyone should be upset.
Would it be better if the LE took a time out from Fergus*n for a month or so? Would it be better if the force was made up of only People of Color?
Would it be better if the citizens of that town policed themselves?
Would it be better if there was a program in place to reduce criminal behavior?

I am asking sincerely.
What PROVEN felony was he committing at the time he was shot to death? Not interested in speculation. How do you know what I have and have not read? I can read something that is an opinion and not accept it as the truth. I reserve that right.

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Resisting arrest / fleeing for assaulting an officer?
Yes, including thieves. We have penalties for stealing and they are not death.

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right........Remember MB didn't have an altercation with LE at the store he stole merchandise from. He had an altercation with LE when he ignored the cops request to get outta the road.
If Officer Wilson's version is factual (MB punched him in the face, tried to wrestle his firearm away from him, a shot went off in the car), from that moment on MB was a highly dangerous suspect, even if MB retreated momentarily. If MB then (for whatever reason) turned around and began to approach the officer (even if he only took a few steps toward Officer Wilson), he was still a highly dangerous suspect due to his previous actions seconds before.

MB had already punched the officer and tried to seize the officer's weapon. If this is true (I believe it is), then, as far as I'm concerned, there was an extremely strong probability that if MB got close enough to Officer Wilson again he would have tried again to gain possession of his firearm, unless immediate action was taken to stop him.

It's been reported that MB was shot 6 times. It's also been reported upthread that the type of gun Officer Wilson was issued holds a total of 13 rounds (12 in the clip, 1 in the chamber). Although we don't know how many rounds DW fired, it's more than likely there were still bullets left in the clip.

I don't have difficulty envisioning that DW fired only enough rounds to stop the threat, no more and no less.

I've heard so many comments in the various media from random community members who've asked "Why did he shoot him so many times? Why didn't he just shoot him once?"

Apparently, one shot wasn't enough to stop the threat, because that 1st shot struck MB in the right arm, as did the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th shots, according to Baden's autopsy diagram.

Based on what's been reported thus far, I don't have to stretch my imagination to believe that if Officer Wilson would not have shot and killed MB, it's more than likely that Officer Wilson would have been shot and killed with his own gun and there would be one more name to add to the list of law enforcement fatalities on the Officer Down Memorial Page.
Resisting arrest / fleeing for assaulting an officer?

Do we know for a fact that he assaulted an officer? Do we know for a fact he was resisting arrest? We only have OW's word on those things, and very few words at that.

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What PROVEN felony was he committing at the time he was shot to death? Not interested in speculation. How do you know what I have and have not read? I can read something that is an opinion and not accept it as the truth. I reserve that right.

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The suspected felon was attacking a police officer, followed by trying to escape an arrest.
Do we know for a fact that he assaulted an officer? Do we know for a fact he was resisting arrest? We only have OW's word on those things, and very few words at that.

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk's a fact.

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You said MB was killed in the act of committing a felony. Which one?

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Coming back at the officer. Eyewitness testimony (moments after the incident, caught on audio...) In fact, that person was so astonished, he couldn't believe it. Clearly, MB was not just walking calmly & compliantly towards the officer.

Now, can you answer the above question where I asked about when an arrest could have taken place? TIA!
You said MB was killed in the act of committing a felony. Which one?

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Resisting or interfering with an arrest is a class D felony for an arrest for a:
(1) Felony;
(2) Warrant issued for failure to appear on a felony case; or
(3) Warrant issued for a probation violation on a felony case.
Resisting an arrest, detention or stop by fleeing in such a manner that the person fleeing creates a substantial risk of serious physical injury or death to any person is a class D felony;
Yesterday, an unrehabilitated criminal shot deputy with his own gun, but his b-p vest saved him.

Just speculating here but when are we going to hear about what record MB had as a juvenile which is currently sealed? It's only fair since we've heard the record of the officer.
So if what I feel may be true (based partly on MB's boldness in the store---not his first "rodeo" of robbery) then I feel he had a juvie record. And if he had this juvie record, and is now an adult then he is an unrehabilitated criminal. This is my personal opinion and speculation.

Also, I wonder why MB wasn't living at home. Anyone know? Why was he living with his grandma when I see his parents on the news?
Do we know for a fact that he assaulted an officer? Do we know for a fact he was resisting arrest? We only have OW's word on those things, and very few words at that.

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What about the eyewitness who said he saw the officer and MB tussling?
I hadn't thought of that, but maybe it's true that when DW backs the car up he said "what did you say?"

I've had a suspicion that both boys were threatening the DW and playing mind games with him. One of the many interviews said that at one time DW didn't know where MB's friends was - and that the friend was hiding behind the car. Does anyone else think the two were somehow involved in the initial confrontation and then it got out of hand real quickly?
Do you have links to support this protocol?

Premeditated murder is the crime of wrongfully and intentionally causing the death of another human being (also known as murder) after rationally considering the timing or method of doing so, in order to either increase the likelihood of success, or to evade detection or apprehension.[1] State laws in the United States vary as to definitions of "premeditation." In some states, premeditation may be construed as taking place mere seconds before the murder

The rest is logic, there was some sort of "break" or seconds to reassess as MB ran away. That makes the shooting premeditated to me

Where has it been proven, to a legal standard?

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When The Brown family lawyer, Daryl Parks concedes it...take it for a fact ... Not in dispute.

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Do we know for a fact that he assaulted an officer? Do we know for a fact he was resisting arrest? We only have OW's word on those things, and very few words at that.

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I think we have more than just his word.

Would you do me a favor and read this post:

... And tell me if you think the Browns' family lawyer would have made those admissions if he could instead have said anything that gave plausible deniability, like "there is no evidence or proof, etc"?
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