MO - Grief & protests follow shooting of teen Michael Brown #11

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I think this guy, Parcells who 'assisted' Baden is a pathological liar. I cannot believe the family's attorney hired this fool.

This guy is a train wreck. I am reading where it talks about his qualifications and the reporter keeps catching him in lies.

What I am not understanding about this Parcells guy is that nobody seems ta actually have taken him to task for fraudulent reports. After all, he is actually working for prosecutors. When testifying on the stand for the trials, did he inflate his credentials under oath? The only part that I do believe from him is that it's done all the time. I couldn't tell you how many times I took my Mother, or even myself to the emergency room and got bills from Doctors who had never been in the room and never even met. My Mother was elderly and I went where she went. Every test, x-ray, scan or consult. So when someone is deceased Lord only knows what truly happens.

From what I saw on the live feed, there were almost NO protestors out last night. And there wont be many out tomorrow because MB's father has asked for 24 hrs of silence, so he can bury his son in peace. So I hope the whole thing quiets down now.
A Pastor/family friend was just on CNN. He is doubtful that it will stay quiet today. He is worried this service will stir up all the feelings and upset people. He is praying it won't happen, but not really confident it will stay quiet.

No link yet,just viewed live on "New Day"with Michaela Pereira

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When the GJ verdict comes out I wonder if they will put the national guard in the streets to prepare for the announcement?

At least the stores have time to plan for more rioting and up their security (if they choose too).
From what I saw on the live feed, there were almost NO protestors out last night. And there wont be many out tomorrow because MB's father has asked for 24 hrs of silence, so he can bury his son in peace. So I hope the whole thing quiets down now.
There is a planned silent march/protest today at 4pm. Forget which the tweet called it but I posted it on the last thread.

Lilly A. Fowler ‏@LillyAFowler 7h
Silent march planned for 4pm tomorrow. Starts at Greater St. Mark church. Traffic restrictions start at 3 pm. #Ferguson
His body had been released to the family.

"It is cleaned to remove traces of fluid or blood. The hair is washed. You complete the cause of death documentation and the body can be released for cremation or burial"

"After embalming, we will dress the body before placing it in a coffin."

"FERGUSON, Mo. - A lawyer for the family of Michael Brown says the Ferguson teen's body has been turned over to the family, NewsChannel 5 has learned."

"According to attorney Anthony Gray, the legal representative for Mike Brown's family, the family is hiring someone to perform a second autopsy"

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There is nothing in the lawyer's statement above that suggests the order in which MB had the 2nd autopsy and was embalmed/cleaned. Logically, if they wanted a valid autopsy result, they would have requested the ME do the 2nd autopsy BEFORE the embalming and cleaning. That is probably what happened.
There is nothing in the lawyer's statement above that suggests the order in which MB had the 2nd autopsy and was embalmed/cleaned. Logically, if they wanted a valid autopsy result, they would have requested the ME do the 2nd autopsy BEFORE the embalming and cleaning. That is probably what happened.

There is an interview with Dr Baden where he discussed the second autopsy was done at the funeral home and the body had been embalmed. Check the media thread.

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There is nothing in the lawyer's statement above that suggests the order in which MB had the 2nd autopsy and was embalmed/cleaned. Logically, if they wanted a valid autopsy result, they would have requested the ME do the 2nd autopsy BEFORE the embalming and cleaning. That is probably what happened.

From what Dr. Baden said when he was on Fox News the body had already been embalmed when he did the second autopsy.

one more ? about the 1st autopsy results - is it standard protocol to release the results to the family/attorney? just wondering if they are privy to the information. thanks

I believe so. Of all parties, the family would be the MOST entitled to the results! Can you imagine someone doing an autopsy in your family member and not telling you what the results were?
There is an interview with Dr Baden where he discussed the second autopsy was done at the funeral home and the body had been embalmed. Check the media thread.

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LOL! We posted at the same time!

Good Morning Linda and everyone!
“I’m a little shocked,” said Doris Stewart, the aunt of the man arrested in the vehicle, after learning for the first time this weekend that her nephew’s arrest had resulted in an award for the same officer who had fatally shot Mr. Brown. “I’m also a little relieved that he wasn’t badly injured,” she said of her nephew Christopher Brooks, who, like Mr. Brown, is black.

What is the point in that? Was he roughed up or anything?
ETA: The unknowns of the Michael Brown case: 1:50 secs
Who is Darren Wilson?: 0:30 secs. 0:10 secs


I was just trying to get my bearings on the scene. So I grabbed screen shots from the front and back of OW vehicle. Then I realized that LE kept adding cars closer and closer so now I don't think it helped. :dunno: but to answer LOVEJAC the hat was beside OW vehicle as if it fell when MB started to run FROM OW. Imo he thought he had knocked him unconscious.


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I too have been trying to put all the photos of the police vehicles together, to determine the exact context of the theater of the shooting. The left yellow arrow is pointing to the wrong car (Wilson's, we think), if you point the arrow to the car in front of the man in shorts with his back to us, that is the car the arrows originate from. Note the location of the statie's car, the light standard and the no parking sign.

By all means though folks, keep sleuthing on the locations of landmarks, I feel it benefits the entire forum for us to gather this info accurately and I have certainly had to correct mice elf numerous times on this stuff. (Forgive shameless promotion of Sly Stone here!)

BTW, anyone know what the gray object next to the cone is, beyond Mike's hat? I believe that is going in the direction of Mike's body from the car.
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