MO - Grief & protests follow shooting of teen Michael Brown #12

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Unless humm humm romeo had not started "romancing her" ! until that part of the event had already occurred!!

But it is signfigant that CNn reported about an hour ago that the guy does indeed in an apt very close to the scene - once that makes it print medai i am sure we can find a link or 458!

Good point, perhaps he hadn't started his recorder until things had reached that point in their chatting and therefore missed the first shot. Also, notice the snip we have all heard is not the complete tape. So who knows what was editted out prior to that snippet being released to the press. Hope the Feds have all of it. start to finish, embarrassing tho it may be.
You know that feeling you get when you type a well thought out post, hit send and then get the dreaded "THREAD CLOSED" message?

:tantrum: :gaah: :desert:

That just happened to me
I agree and the audio today if valid now gives most the reality that everything surrounding this question is a 8 second event
I'll even take it a step further to say that because it was only 8seconds.... It also negates several eyewitnesses testimony.
There was no time for a long drawn out detailed description and there was no time for any exchange of words other than "FREEZE" again moo

All posts are MOO
That whole notion about the officer trying to pull him into the car just defies protocol IMO. What reason would a cop think " oh I want a 6 4 300 lb suspect in my car unhandcuffed" - forget the fact that common sense (just a visual would suffice !) would clearly indicate that it is just a alegbra/geometry problem!

Can C FIT into Y answer : Not on your life!!!

IMO that angle just lack a purpose!

This is what I keep picturing:

Why in the hell would a cop want a suspect in his lap?!!!!! Face first no less. With his rear-end sticking out of the window??! Ridiculous!
and IMO the notion that he was surrundering seems like the media seems to forget at this point he had been shot somehwhere so flailing of the arms could acutally be trying to "fight" falling down or balancing onesel as they are bleeding and feeling weak imo like if one were slipping

I don't know how to carry over posts from the previous threads but did want to comment on a couple of things and carry over a portion of the discussion.

First, Irish-Eyes, I thanked and wanted to thank you again for a post on the last page about what law officers go through and do.

Second, you had asked a question about what report, if I'm understanding the one you're asking about, it's here, on page 15, close to the last entry at 18:54:26 saying they still haven't found anyone that matches the description.

Finally, katydid, you posed a good question to me about DW getting out of his vehicle and closing the distance. My point is, to determine justification IMO, the key factor is what MB was doing when he was 35 feet or whatever distance it was from the vehicle. DW may very well have closed the distance, and I suspect he did. But as I see it, what is important is what was MB doing while he closed that distance. Was he surrendering himself while DW closed the distance or was he charging while DW closed the distance.
carrying this over from previous thread to respond.

To me, what happened at the car and what took place outside the car are all one continuing event. Others are seeing them as two separate events which I think is sort of determining where folks are leaning as to justified or no. And yes, even though we are seeing things in a very different light from alternate perspectives, I appreciate the civil discussion about those view. You hit the nail on the head about some of the hotter more emotional citizens on either side benefiting from joining us here. :D

I can understand seeing it as one continuous event. My point I guess is, that the circumstances that at one time could support justification can be stopped and it could have stopped 35 feet from the vehicle. I don't know that it did. A poster above put forth an interesting thought, that maybe MB charged him while changing clips. While I have a hard time buying into a story that someone would charge headfirst into a hail of bullets, changing clips would make sense to me that would allow for a charge from MB. If the tox comes back with bath salts or something of the ilk in his system, charging head first would make sense. Even without any of that, a trail of blood from say 45 feet to his resting spot at 35 feet would tell me he was advancing on the cop. Just don't know those things yet and just waiting to find out myself.
You know that feeling you get when you type a well thought out post, hit send and then get the dreaded "THREAD CLOSED" message?

:tantrum: :gaah: :desert:

That just happened to me

Sorry... :truce: :giggle:
and frankly it is almost a comical visual considering size height and weight !! YOUr description of the sitution could not hit it on the head any better --just silly huh!!
forgot the fact that if stuff had not gone the way it did I suspect his supervisor might have a question or two!! Please expalin EXACTLY what your were attempting here officer

it supasses logic and heads right into obserd land!

QUOTE=zoomom;10900053]This is what I keep picturing:

Why in the hell would a cop want a suspect in his lap?!!!!! Face first no less. With his rear-end sticking out of the window??! Ridiculous![/QUOTE]
Thanks. Knew I was missing something! Your post says page 15 but in my head I kept reading Page 19 and I found nothing on page 19 anything like what you were saying, lol. Now, I get what you are saying.
I have to say, this case has completely and finally rid me of the mistaken notion that CNN is in any way a reliable news source. Collectively, the media coverage of this case has been kind of a humbling, embarrassing thing for me to witness as an American. They go out of their way to excuse, ignore, any racist statements on the part of MB or his supporters. They go out of their way to emphasize that the looters are just bad apples, the ones that throw water bottles and molotov cocktails do not represent the views of the many peaceful protestors. Yet the Wilson protestors are out their in their T-shirts and some guy not in a T-shirt who may or may not have even been part of their group tells someone to speak English and they use it to imply that Wilson's supporters are racists - even as Wilson's supporter in the actual group shirt is trying to dissuade the crazy-looking dude rather than encourage him - that one guy apparently speaks for all of them. They have done this repeatedly within the two groups. It can't be an accident.

You can't have it both ways CNN. Either the bad apples speak for the whole group or they don't.

:floorlaugh: welcome to the dark side. But I tend to think all the MSM does that to one degree or another and so I watch/read almost all of them on cases and news stories I follow and take it all with grains of salt and try to see past the rhetoric and the agendas and take what makes sense to me.
Quite honestly, I can't stand watching it on CNN, FOX, MSNBC or any other national station. I have grudgingly watched some of it on the local stations or radio here. Most of the "news" I get is from reading, watching what y'all post here. That way if it appears to be mindless rhetoric, I simply skip it. If it seems important, I'll read/listen. All of the national stations in my very very very humble opinion are all about pushing their point of view, whether for DW or for MB. To me, that's not reporting. That's pandering to an audience and I guess that's fine. Just not my cup of tea. I wish we had simply a true "news" outlet that simply reported.

Yep, that was me when I first came to this thread. I had listened to what all the news stations were saying and came here mad as he!! that a college student walking home to his grandmother's was gunned down in cold blood.

Once I started reading here and actively searching for those few fact filled articles that never made it to CNN. FOX, or MSNBC I felt so duped. I'm not saying I have all the answers, but I have a pretty good idea IMO what happened. But I'm always open to whatever bits of proof I can find.

BTW, are you any relation to Norman Reedus :crush: aka Daryl Dixon from The Walking Dead? He's my next future husband :hot:
But Ilearned the hard way you can click back , cut and paste it into one that one just tried to post on ! I wish the closing warning was a huge font!-- in sky blue pink colors !! Flashing if

You know that feeling you get when you type a well thought out post, hit send and then get the dreaded "THREAD CLOSED" message?

:tantrum: :gaah: :desert:

That just happened to me
Still WAY behind and trying to catch up, but wanted to bump this....

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Attention Please!

I should not have to remind you that Websleuths is a victim friendly website. MB is a victim. There is to be no sleuthing of MB.


I am almost caught up....just 7 more pages.....:lookingitup::findinglink:
carrying this over from previous thread to respond.

To me, what happened at the car and what took place outside the car are all one continuing event. Others are seeing them as two separate events which I think is sort of determining where folks are leaning as to justified or no. And yes, even though we are seeing things in a very different light from alternate perspectives, I appreciate the civil discussion about those view. You hit the nail on the head about some of the hotter more emotional citizens on either side benefiting from joining us here. :D

It's most definitely a continuous event IMO, and it's why parks tries to dismiss it.

Cause and effect, it doesn't get much simpler IMO

I tried googling the penalty for the assault of a police and where the suspect tries taking away officers gun to no avail. However, you get plenty of info on what a huge no no assaulting an officer is. so I've gotta figure that when adding in a struggle over an officers weapon comes into play, it becomes a completely non negotiable event. To a cop it's gotta be considered lawless defiance at its most extreme. IMO
I see only one reason for MB to be or reach into the car window>>>>>>>>>>> to hit/punch OW.
imo MB was again using his size to intimidate.
Quite honestly, I can't stand watching it on CNN, FOX, MSNBC or any other national station. I have grudgingly watched some of it on the local stations or radio here. Most of the "news" I get is from reading, watching what y'all post here. That way if it appears to be mindless rhetoric, I simply skip it. If it seems important, I'll read/listen. All of the national stations in my very very very humble opinion are all about pushing their point of view, whether for DW or for MB. To me, that's not reporting. That's pandering to an audience and I guess that's fine. Just not my cup of tea. I wish we had simply a true "news" outlet that simply reported.

Journalism is dead, JMO. Sadly, dialogue goes with it.
But Ilearned the hard way you can click back , cut and paste it into one that one just tried to post on ! I wish the closing warning was a huge font!-- in sky blue pink colors !! Flashing if

It was totally my fault. I went to pack lunches and didn't refresh when I came back. Thanks for that info about hitting the back button :seeya:
Yep, that was me when I first came to this thread. I had listened to what all the news stations were saying and came here mad as he!! that a college student walking home to his grandmother's was gunned down in cold blood.

Once I started reading here and actively searching for those few fact filled articles that never made it to CNN. FOX, or MSNBC I felt so duped. I'm not saying I have all the answers, but I have a pretty good idea IMO what happened. But I'm always open to whatever bits of proof I can find.

BTW, are you any relation to Norman Reedus :crush: aka Daryl Dixon from The Walking Dead? He's my next future husband :hot:

I will admit I did get caught up watching the livestreams while the craziness was going on. But really, it was more me just staring in disbelief and wanting to drive up there and say people, what are we thinking. And I'm an equal opportunist, I wanted to say those words to the rioters and I wanted to say it to the police force. Just "What are we doing here? Everyone, let's settle down."

Anyways, no, no relation unfortunately. Not even my name :lol:
BBM: We definitely need a link for this one since very little specific details have been released from LE. That is why everyone is complaining. So what specific details are coming out.

Sorry I have not seen complaints- was wondering the same thing about those sleuthing the dead man's twitter, or quoting that "Josie" person- since she is at best, 3rd person gossip. I guess it's not worth even linking to her here, but I sure see a lot of people here treating it as gospel. :shrug:

I figured you had seen this, but.... here you go, LE changing their story:

Quote Originally Posted by reedus23 View Post
Here is an article on FPD saying first contact wasn't related to robbery, contradicting the theory that DW knew all along they were connected to the robbery.

As to the 15, nearly last entry on that page at 18:54:26.
This is so strange.... Right from the get go, I had a strange feeling about that chief, he was stuttering over his words, looking at others for answers... He didn't seem confident at all in answering questions... How could they have still been looking for the suspect to the robbery at that point in time. Doesn't make sense at all that they couldn't put 2 and 2 together.
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