MO - Grief & protests follow shooting of teen Michael Brown #12

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IMO CNN is going by "the narrative," not the facts.

It really makes me angry because I used to 'trust' CNN much more so than the network newsies, or Fox, etc. but now there is such an obvious spin everywhere. I've downloaded the AP app on my phone, at least they cover the international stuff in much more depth than "OMG MH370, where did it go, some kid who was flying in kite on a small island off Bora Bora has a possible sighting, was it the missing airliner, or just his friend Bobby's RC toy airplane, join us after the news breaking news once he's finished his nap!"
I think it's crazy MB did what he did to OW... maybe he thought he wouldn't be harmed????? I personally don't think he had a suicide wish, but from my understanding he did have pot in his system, and maybe pot made him do crazy things????? Again, if you get in a altercation with a police officer, then, well, expect not a pleasant outcome.. MOO!

Well perhaps some of the jury members, if it goes to trial, will have tried pot before. I find it difficult to believe that anyone who's tried it will say it makes them go homicidal or crazy.
I have heard speculation of pot. I wouldn't be surprised by pot. But where are you hearing pot?

I agree about the ramifications of getting into an altercation with a cop, but that doesn't address the issue of whether it is justified or unjustified, that only goes to whether it should be expected or unexpected.

Well if OW has injuries to his face, and those injuries were from MB, then that tells me OW had a right to protect himself from further harm.

Link regarding pot :)
While the extent of Officer Wilson's injury is unknown we know he sustained a significant injury to his eye enough to make his face swell. If he were hit in the eye wouldn't it be natural for his eye to water immediately. After jumping from the SUV is it possible he was favoring that one eye trying to focus with the good eye and MB took it as a sign to rush him? It certainly would account for the missed shots until he could readjust his aim. Anyone ever get hit in the eye?
Well perhaps some of the jury members, if it goes to trial, will have tried pot before. I find it difficult to believe that anyone who's tried it will say it makes them go homicidal or crazy.

Some people react differently to different types of "drugs", and pot included. I know people who have smoked pot and got extremely paranoid and agitated. Others it mellows them out.
From what I am reading the FBI has the recording. I guess we will have to wait and see what they say, But I would not give something to the FBI I knew was fake..
It really makes me angry because I used to 'trust' CNN much more so than the network newsies, or Fox, etc. but now there is such an obvious spin everywhere. I've downloaded the AP app on my phone, at least they cover the international stuff in much more depth than "OMG MH370, where did it go, some kid who was flying in kite on a small island off Bora Bora has a possible sighting, was it the missing airliner, or just his friend Bobby's RC toy airplane, join us after the news breaking news once he's finished his nap!"

Hey now. A couple of us on here followed MH370 very closely on this website, and I for one was happy for the attention it was receiving on CNN b/c we could learn a lot of information. But yes, for other folks it must have OVERLOAD.
Guess the occupant could just as easily go for the non-passenger's neck? And do we know that MB was left handed? Was OW left or right handed?
Now, have the non-occupant go after driver's "weapon"............
Might as well re-enact what witnesses have said if you're going to re-enact what 3rd parties and "hearsay" talking heads are claiming? KWIM?

I re watched the quickmart vid. MB seems to do everything with his right hand, except the I'm gonna grab the little guy and shove activity. That he does with his left, I guess cause his right hand is busy clutching stolen merchandise.
Some people react differently to different types of "drugs", and pot included. I know people who have smoked pot and got extremely paranoid and agitated. Others it mellows them out.

There is a lot of info on how dangerous a drug pot is. Not saying it's true, but many experts feel the perceptions that it's harmless, and non-addictive are false.

The big thing seems to center on the fact that pot is very different today vs 25-30 years ago, b/c now it has a much higher level of THC.
While the extent of Officer Wilson's injury is unknown we know he sustained a significant injury to his eye enough to make his face swell. If he were hit in the eye wouldn't it be natural for his eye to water immediately. After jumping from the SUV is it possible he was favoring that one eye trying to focus with the good eye and MB took it as a sign to rush him? It certainly would account for the missed shots until he could readjust his aim. Anyone ever get hit in the eye?

Yes, I've been hit in the eye and it hurts and the eye does water, plus I would think in OW situation it would also cause a sense of urgency to make sure this guy doesn't cause anymore harm. I wasn't there to see what happened, I can only "guess" ;)
Google it. Much of the body cam from the police officer wearing it has been yanked off the internet, mysteriously.

It is the same story as this one only the races are reversed.


Check it out.

Yeah, it's since been talked about a bit here. The shame of it is, it seems people are spending more time complaining about the lack of coverage compared to the case and that makes getting the facts difficult. The little I did read though, makes me wish there was more actual coverage of it. Glad to see there are people there, though, demanding answers. Hopefully they keep it up. Has anyone started a thread on that case here? I'd be interested in reading more about it and following it. Are you saying that the video from the cam had been on the internet at one time? I would have thought that articles about that would have popped up right away.
NG- police reconstructing the seen and shooting
Yeah, it's pretty difficult to say based on the mobility of lower arms. I do not think all the bullets were fired after he turned around, it seems everyone agrees shots were fired before MB turned around. Those reports are very consistent. It's also impossible to guess right now how many bullets completely missed him.

I just hope that there was a thorough, complete and secure forensic examination of the scene of the incident. They need to have found all of the bullet casings, and all of the stray bullets, their trajectories distances, etc. The photos of the scene, marked by crime tape, in my opinion, DO NOT secure the entire scene event. I know that is difficult because of gawkers and that it is a residential area. But that is their job, as professionals. IE. If it is believed that MB ran away then turned around and "charged" for some distance, then the crime scene tape should be a rather large distance beyond his corpse's order for him to have died 35ft from the SUV. Plus, we don't know where the "misses" impacted. Wouldn't that include a longer and wider area of the "secured" crime scene?? That bugs me. ALL is Just My Opinion.
Some people react differently to different types of "drugs", and pot included. I know people who have smoked pot and got extremely paranoid and agitated. Others it mellows them out.

Yea it's always been said it can make you paranoid. Not the "I'm gonna lock myself in the basement and cover the windows with tinfoil paranoia." More like, "damn, I just stole some smokes, and pushed around some little store guy, and now this cop is hassling me," kinda paranoia :)
There is a lot of info on how dangerous a drug pot is. Not saying it's true, but many experts feel the perceptions that it's harmless, and non-addictive are false.

The big thing seems to center on the fact that pot is very different today vs 25-30 years ago, b/c now it has a much higher level of THC.

And yet it's on the way to sometime IMO in the near future becoming legal in every state....
Well perhaps some of the jury members, if it goes to trial, will have tried pot before. I find it difficult to believe that anyone who's tried it will say it makes them go homicidal or crazy.

Here here..... If it was pot I would think BM would be in a happier mode.

It really makes me angry because I used to 'trust' CNN much more so than the network newsies, or Fox, etc. but now there is such an obvious spin everywhere. I've downloaded the AP app on my phone, at least they cover the international stuff in much more depth than "OMG MH370, where did it go, some kid who was flying in kite on a small island off Bora Bora has a possible sighting, was it the missing airliner, or just his friend Bobby's RC toy airplane, join us after the news breaking news once he's finished his nap!"

AP sucks too. Just look at the AP reporters comments on Black Canseco's video.
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