MO - Grief & protests follow shooting of teen Michael Brown #15

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He did lie. He stated there were numerous requests. He gave the impression that he was inundated by FOIA requests, and this is the only one that can even be construed as meeting the criteria of his statement.

In addition, he acted like he was worried about public safety in protecting Officer Wilson. However, he was only interested in protecting the police department and not the community as a whole.

The totality of arresting journalists hanging out in a Mcdonald's, exploiting African-Americans with warrants and excessive traffic citations, the abusive language and threatening behavior shown protesters and reporters, the self-reporting of police misconduct and not saving or keeping records, it shows a pattern of corruption.

Here is the problem. People want to equate Crump an advocacy lawyer with a chief of police. I can't speak for anyone else but I expect more honesty from a public servant. Crump only has to answer to his client. Jackson is supposed to answer to the entire city of Ferguson, not just the 53 wearing blue.

Please read Lovejac's post and accompanying documents above. TY
Please read Lovejac's post and accompanying documents above. TY

I already did and you are welcome. The video did not have anything to do with Wilson's stop according to the changing and contradictory story the Ferguson and St. Louis Co. police departments have given.

Chief Jackson had to release the video of Michael Brown, but did not have to release an incident report, 911 recordings, or other requests. It was used to divert attention from the lack of transparency in all other matters.

I find it laughable and sad how much people are invested in MB's juvenile record from 3 or more years ago, and his toxicology report. Yet, there is no interest in Officer Wilson's record or his toxicology report.

There is a significant issue that no one has addressed. According to the New York Times article from last week, OW was working another job and was scheduled to work that night after his Ferguson shift was over. I have seen no coverage on how many hours he worked for his extra job, and if he worked the night before. He could have been sleep deprived at the time of the shooting which could cause perception problems. In addition, he could have been on stimulants to keep him awake which also could have affected his judgement the day of the shooting.

Yet, we are supposed to be more interested in what crackpots like Charles C. Johnson are cranking out to get hits, or fake pictures or reports on OW's injuries.

I don't get it.

Please read Lovejac's post and accompanying documents above. TY

The Judicial Watch FOIA request (Scribd link) actually defines the time period of their request as August 1, 2013 to Aug 9, 2014. Anything in that time frame related to MB.

"Any and all log entries or related records regarding, concerning, or related to Michael Brown, an adult former resident of Ferguson, MO, who died on August 9, 2014. The timeframe for this request is August 1, 2013, to August 2 2014."

Good God, how in the hello can HuffPo interpret that as a "lie" by Chief Jackson??? Really does boggle the mind. It seems to me all they want to do is incite a race war, and to inflame the passions of intellectually vulnerable minds.
I already did and you are welcome. The video did not have anything to do with Wilson's stop according to the changing and contradictory story the Ferguson and St. Louis Co. police departments have given.

Chief Jackson had to release the video of Michael Brown, but did not have to release an incident report, 911 recordings, or other requests. It was used to divert attention from the lack of transparency in all other matters.

I find it laughable and sad how much people are invested in MB's juvenile record from 3 or more years ago, and his toxicology report. Yet, there is no interest in Officer Wilson's record or his toxicology report.

There is a significant issue that no one has addressed. According to the New York Times article from last week, OW was working another job and was scheduled to work that night after his Ferguson shift was over. I have seen no coverage on how many hours he worked for his extra job, and if he worked the night before. He could have been sleep deprived at the time of the shooting which could cause perception problems. In addition, he could have been on stimulants to keep him awake which also could have affected his judgement the day of the shooting.

Yet, we are supposed to be more interested in what crackpots like Charles C. Johnson are cranking out to get hits, or fake pictures or reports on OW's injuries.

I don't get it.


You could not have read them thoroughly because if you did, you would not be making that statement.

And I have great interest in info about Wilson--not sure where that is coming from. Give me evidence that Wilson executed Brown "like a dog in the street" and I will flip right over to the other side.
I already did and you are welcome. The video did not have anything to do with Wilson's stop according to the changing and contradictory story the Ferguson and St. Louis Co. police departments have given.

Chief Jackson had to release the video of Michael Brown, but did not have to release an incident report, 911 recordings, or other requests. It was used to divert attention from the lack of transparency in all other matters.

I find it laughable and sad how much people are invested in MB's juvenile record from 3 or more years ago, and his toxicology report. Yet, there is no interest in Officer Wilson's record or his toxicology report.

There is a significant issue that no one has addressed. According to the New York Times article from last week, OW was working another job and was scheduled to work that night after his Ferguson shift was over. I have seen no coverage on how many hours he worked for his extra job, and if he worked the night before. He could have been sleep deprived at the time of the shooting which could cause perception problems. In addition, he could have been on stimulants to keep him awake which also could have affected his judgement the day of the shooting.

Yet, we are supposed to be more interested in what crackpots like Charles C. Johnson are cranking out to get hits, or fake pictures or reports on OW's injuries.

I don't get it.


Now we are going after officer Wilson because he has a strong work ethic ? You want to know how many cups of coffee he drank?
His record is clean...there is zero evidence of any kind that officer Wilson acted in any way inappropriately. The law is on his side. There are several witnesses that corroborate his version.

Mr. Brown made a series of criminal choices the day he forced a police officer to shoot him. His death could have been avoided if Mr. Brown had made better choices. " pro Brown" witnesses can't tell the same story twice and their versions do not match in content or the known evidence.


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The Judicial Watch entry (Scribd link) actually defines the time period of their request as August 1 to Aug 9, 2014. Anything in that time frame related to MB.

Good God, how in the hello can HuffPo interpret that as a "lie" by Chief Jackson??? Really does boggle the mind. It seems to me all they want to do is incite a race war, and to inflame the passions of intellectually vulnerable minds.

Yup. It couldn't be any more in your face than that. I think I will message the author of that story and see if anything happens:)
I find it laughable and sad how much people are invested in MB's juvenile record from 3 or more years ago, and his toxicology report. Yet, there is no interest in Officer Wilson's record or his toxicology report.

There is a significant issue that no one has addressed. According to the New York Times article from last week, OW was working another job and was scheduled to work that night after his Ferguson shift was over. I have seen no coverage on how many hours he worked for his extra job, and if he worked the night before. He could have been sleep deprived at the time of the shooting which could cause perception problems. In addition, he could have been on stimulants to keep him awake which also could have affected his judgement the day of the shooting.

Yet, we are supposed to be more interested in what crackpots like Charles C. Johnson are cranking out to get hits, or fake pictures or reports on OW's injuries.

I don't get it.


I don't get it either.
Well, call me cynical, but I don't exactly think that site would issue an apology and print a retraction! That headline, with its inflammatory language, was almost certainly chosen and approved by several individuals. They worded it that way for a specific reason. They also know what kind of words increase "hits" and make their stories show up higher in the search engines. It's not rocket science, and it's not an accident, or a mistake that the word "lie" and the Chief's name was used in the headline. It's quite intentional. IMO.

The video itself is an enormous problem for MB supporters. They have been unable to attack the truth of the video, so now they attack/ criticize the process of the release of the video. Deflection. Distraction. Accuse. Inflame. Lather, rinse, repeat.

Remember also that what is recorded on that video would have equaled criminal felony charges for MB, along with a jail or prison sentence, once convicted, if he had lived to face charges. Add to that assault of a police officer, possible charges related to trying to take OW's weapon, possible charges for fleeing arrest, disobeying a lawful request to get off the road, positive tox for marijuana, and he would have been facing a long prison sentence, if he had lived to face charges. IMO.

That's just another reason why reading that Normandy HS flew their flag at half staff to "honor" MB makes me nauseated. Honor WHAT?? Nice message to disadvantaged teens already tremendously confused about a lot of things in their community and social environment. Makes me sick to see the flag I serve under used in this way, to glorify a kid who made a lot of criminal decisions, that ultimately produced his own death, IMO.

I suspect Frances Howell HS did not fly their flag at half staff to "honor" MB.

You sure you're in the medical profession and not a lawyer? :seeya: ;)
Except he did NOT release what the reporters asked for, he released what he wanted them to have- and implied they specifically asked for it.
Sorry, I think it's pretty devious.

Because MOST of what they asked for was not able to be released because of the ongoing investigation. So I don't see it as devious at all. It was a successful strategy, to try and tamp down the violence and imminent civil unrest. And that is his responsibility.
Yup. It couldn't be any more in your face than that. I think I will message the author of that story and see if anything happens:)

I edited my post above. it was August 1, 2013 to August 9, 2014. A year plus a week.
You sure you're in the medical profession and not a lawyer? :seeya: ;)

Umm....well... have done "some" paid "consulting" for attorneys.....they pay well for attention to details, at least in medical records....and pay even better if you are willing to come to court and say the same things you wrote in your reports. ;)
I already did and you are welcome. The video did not have anything to do with Wilson's stop according to the changing and contradictory story the Ferguson and St. Louis Co. police departments have given. - snipped for space-
We have covered this misunderstanding and claims of inconsistencies thoroughly in previous threads.

To sum up, before they released the information about the robbery, the chief said, accurately, that Officer Wilson stopped MB & DW because they were walking in the road.

That was true.

As soon as they went public with the robbery connection, he simply added further information (since he could then come out with it all), maintaining consistently that they were *initially* stopped for walking in the road, and in addition, Officer Wilson was aware of the robbery and realized during the encounter that MB matched the description of the suspect.

I've seen Huffington post's determined attempts to say he lied and/or wasn't consistent about this too, and it makes my blood boil, because I don't believe for a moment that they accidentally misunderstood or forgot the timeline of events.

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I already did and you are welcome. The video did not have anything to do with Wilson's stop according to the changing and contradictory story the Ferguson and St. Louis Co. police departments have given.

[ it seemed to be contradictory because it was a detail that he may or may not have been aware of at the time. He is the Chief of police. He was in the middle of a press conference and seems like he misspoke when he first answered the question. Then he CLARIFIED. That kind of thing happens all of the time in high profile cases. And I don't think it even matters that much one way or another. ]

Chief Jackson had to release the video of Michael Brown, but did not have to release an incident report, 911 recordings, or other requests. It was used to divert attention from the lack of transparency in all other matters.

[ NO, he couldn't release those other items because they are part of an ongoing investigation. The robbery video was not.
And is that you opinion that he was doing so as a diversion? It seems to be written in a statement form]

I find it laughable and sad how much people are invested in MB's juvenile record from 3 or more years ago, and his toxicology report. Yet, there is no interest in Officer Wilson's record or his toxicology report.

There is a significant issue that no one has addressed. According to the New York Times article from last week, OW was working another job and was scheduled to work that night after his Ferguson shift was over. I have seen no coverage on how many hours he worked for his extra job, and if he worked the night before. He could have been sleep deprived at the time of the shooting which could cause perception problems. In addition, he could have been on stimulants to keep him awake which also could have affected his judgement the day of the shooting.

[ OW absolutely was given a full tox screen immediately after the incident. If he was on anything illegal, he would probably be in jail already. ]

My answers to your questions are in brackets above.

I don't get why everyone is so upset about the robbery video. Tell me, if a citizen had a cell video of OW at the sick call, 1o minutes earlier, and he was being angry and aggressive with someone, would it be wrong for that video to be released to the media?
So the guy that originally wrote this article on the

Claimed that the Chief lied about record requests. And of course, most people would read the article and take it as fact :facepalm: which is one of the things that is so wrong about the way the media has handled this case. But I did some sleuthing and guess what, more media lies :gaah:

Here, look for yourself. I didn't count the requests, but there were more than one. Let this be a lesson to everyone to not always believe what you read. If it sounds hinky, take the time to look into it so you can accept it or disprove it.

Here is the link to the Report pertaining to Aug. 9 robbery of Ferguson, Mo., convenience store

Which states, The City has received numerous request for records..............

I read through the various FOIA requests and found three separate requests for videos :

Joel Currier
St. Louis Post-Dispatch

"All documentation concerning the events leading up to and including the shootings of Michael Brown.. This could include, but may not be limited to, incident, arrest and investigative reports, 911 audio, photos and video retained by the police department"

Josh Margolin / ABC News

"ABC News requests copies of records, including police reports, incident reports, 911 recordings and/or transcripts, police-dispatch recordings and/or transcripts, after-action reports and other video and audio records, associated with the death of Michael Brown"

Mound City Bar Association

"12. Any videos, memoranda, notes, dash-cam and the like of the incident and the scene immediately before during and after the incident"

So as we see it is false for the HP reporter to claim that Chief Jackson "lied" about getting requests for video's. The problem was the inarticulate way that Jackson handled the press conference. He said there had been requests for the "robbery video". There were no specific requests for a "robbery" video only requests for "all video". I don't think Jackson tried to mislead the public. He is just poor at public speaking as we can see from the video of the bungled press conference where he is apparently so nervous that his hand is visibly shaking.

Something to consider is the source of this attempted smear of Chief Jackson. The HP report is based on reporting by Matthew Keys - a reporter with a controversial past:


Alleged hacking incident[edit]

In March 2013, Keys was charged by federal prosecutors with providing unauthorized access to the Los Angeles Times website for members of the hacker group Anonymous in December 2010. The hackers published a false story on the website.[4] Keys pleaded not guilty in federal court in April, 2013.[5]

Dismissal from Reuters
On April 22, 2013, Reuters fired Keys over purported inaccuracies in reporting on his personal Twitter account while covering the Boston Marathon bombings.[1][6] The dismissal has been challenged by the union that represented him.[7]

Malaysia Airlines Flight 17 passport[edit]
Keys was heavily criticized in the immediate aftermath of the crash of Malaysia Airlines Flight 17 on July 17, 2014, for posting a photograph to Twitter of what was believed to be the passport details of a victim before families had been informed.[8]
I find it laughable and sad how much people are invested in MB's juvenile record from 3 or more years ago, and his toxicology report. Yet, there is no interest in Officer Wilson's record or his toxicology report.

There is a significant issue that no one has addressed. According to the New York Times article from last week, OW was working another job and was scheduled to work that night after his Ferguson shift was over. I have seen no coverage on how many hours he worked for his extra job, and if he worked the night before. He could have been sleep deprived at the time of the shooting which could cause perception problems. In addition, he could have been on stimulants to keep him awake which also could have affected his judgement the day of the shooting.

Yet, we are supposed to be more interested in what crackpots like Charles C. Johnson are cranking out to get hits, or fake pictures or reports on OW's injuries.

I don't get it.


Snipped and BBM.

Oh YES, I am definitely interested in OW's toxicology report! Holy buckets, YES. And I am 1000% certain that he DID receive tox tests. It's standard of care, so to speak, for officers involved with a shooting. Will go find a link to support that statement right now. It's part of the IAD investigation process for when a cop shoots a suspect.

OW was screened, IMO. And the GJ will receive those results. We, the public, may have access to them in the future, also.

And I think that OW's "record" has been sleuthed, scoured, investigated, poked, prodded, and shredded by a huge number of people, and nothing of any significance has been found. IMO. Except that his mom died when he was 16, and she had many problems with fraud, so of course that makes OW a bad, racist cop. So without anything of significance in OW's history, this is what MSM has resorted to criticizing. Oh-- and he had a pool in his backyard that he let neighbor kids use. (Yikes! What a monster!) And abandoned his lawn mower (the horror!) in the tall grass of his front yard, as he frantically abandoned his home in the wake of death chants and riots. Pathetic, isn't it?

Here is a Denver protocol. To read more protocols, search under "police officer shootings and protocols,"or "officer involved shootings and protocols".

The protocol also allows for any officer to voluntarily submit to intoxicant testing if they chose. The most common circumstance under which an officer might elect to do so would be in a shooting while working at an establishment that serves alcohol beverages. Compelled intoxicant testing can be conducted if there are indications of possible intoxication and legal standards are met. Protocol.pdf

OW was injured and in the ER. That is not in dispute. It's my opinion he underwent tox testing at that time, and that the officer's union rep would have advised he request that for his own safety and protection, if it was not already mandatory by the circumstances.
I did. I live in St Louis County and it was all over our local news station. I saw the video and also saw one of the gang punch the woman square in the face. It was frightening. Shame though, this is all the coverage this incident will probably get.

For sure this will be ignored by the American msm. Seeing that this occurred in St Louis county it does raise the question if this disgusting attack by a group of coward thugs was the result of the whipped-up tensions in the area after the Michael Brown incident. I recall that in the wake of the Trayvon Martin debacle an increase in attacks on whites most notably the emergence of the "knock out game"
Snipped and BBM.

Oh YES, I am definitely interested in OW's toxicology report! Holy buckets, YES. And I am 1000% certain that he DID receive tox tests. It's standard of care, so to speak, for officers involved with a shooting. Will go find a link to support that statement right now. It's part of the IAD investigation process for when a cop shoots a suspect.

OW was screened, IMO. And the GJ will receive those results. We, the public, may have access to them in the future, also.

And I think that OW's "record" has been sleuthed, scoured, investigated, poked, prodded, and shredded by a huge number of people, and nothing of any significance has been found. IMO. Except that his mom died when he was 16, and she had many problems with fraud, so of course that makes OW a bad, racist cop. So without anything of significance in OW's history, this is what MSM has resorted to criticizing. Oh-- and he had a pool in his backyard that he let neighbor kids use. (Yikes! What a monster!) And abandoned his lawn mower (the horror!) in the tall grass of his front yard, as he frantically abandoned his home in the wake of death chants and riots. Pathetic, isn't it?

Here is a Denver protocol. To read more protocols, search under "police officer shootings and protocols,"or "officer involved shootings and protocols". Protocol.pdf

OW was injured and in the ER. That is not in dispute. It's my opinion he underwent tox testing at that time, and that the officer's union rep would have advised he request that for his own safety and protection, if it was not already mandatory by the circumstances.

Here ya go!


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