MO - Grief & protests follow shooting of teen Michael Brown #15

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The lie, as per the article, was that the Chief stated that he had received many specific requests for the tape. Whether or not he included the tape in an omnibus request is another matter. From the article:

"Ferguson Police Chief Thomas Jackson lied when he said he had received "many" specific requests for the videotape that allegedly shows Michael Brown robbing a convenience store, according to a new report.

"All I did -- what I did was -- was release the videotape to you, because I had to," Jackson told reporters on Aug. 15 when asked why he released the robbery footage. "I’d been sitting on it, but I -- too many people put in a [Freedom of Information Act] request for that thing, and I had to release that tape to you.""

But there was no specific request for that tape, or 'that thing' as he also calls it. Nor did he respect the omnibus request -- he did not release all information, but selectively released some. I think that's why the author of the article (and the sources on which the article is based) refers to it as a lie.


See Lovejac's post above. HP/Blot are the liars.
For his part, Jackson responded to a recent question about why he released the video with a statement issued by a public relations firm.

The statement said that the Ferguson Police Department “had indeed received numerous requests for video footage that showed the strong-arm robbery that preceded the unfortunate incident involving Michael Brown … Providing a clear, concise picture of the situation was all the police department was seeking in releasing the robbery footage on August 15th.”

City Clerk Megan Asikainen said in an email that in the rush to get information some media outlets made inquiries directly to the police department or other city officials. These requests never made it to her “as the official Custodian of Records,” she said.

“I provided copies of all Sunshine Law requests which were directed to me as the official Custodian of Records,” Asikainen said in the email.
City Clerk Megan Asikainen said in an email that in the rush to get information some media outlets made inquiries directly to the police department or other city officials. These requests never made it to her “as the official Custodian of Records,” she said.

“I provided copies of all Sunshine Law requests which were directed to me as the official Custodian of Records,” Asikainen said in the email.

No doubt. Anyone in the know in Ferguson knew about Brown robbing the store on the day he was killed. It was no secret.
LOL, that's not what I meant, but okay.

I'm sure you don't trust Crump, Parks, any other attorneys for the Brown's, the "activists", DJ, or any of the witnesses either, correct? They all lied.

Fire the Chief, I don't care. It won't change the facts of this case, like I posted above.

Trust lawyers, LOL! Of course not- but LEO's- you should be able to trust. IMHO.
As far as witnesses go, this jury here is completely out on that, till we hear more and see what is credible, based on forensics as well. Way too many unknowns- and no real facts at this point.
We certainly have a MUCH clearer picture of what happened today then we did early on.

The links are available in the media thread and I personally sent one to you, that you requested.



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"keep the horse in the barn."
:hilarious: I love LambChop.
So the guy that originally wrote this article on the

Claimed that the Chief lied about record requests. And of course, most people would read the article and take it as fact :facepalm: which is one of the things that is so wrong about the way the media has handled this case. But I did some sleuthing and guess what, more media lies :gaah:

Here, look for yourself. I didn't count the requests, but there were more than one. Let this be a lesson to everyone to not always believe what you read. If it sounds hinky, take the time to look into it so you can accept it or disprove it.

Here is the link to the Report pertaining to Aug. 9 robbery of Ferguson, Mo., convenience store

Which states, The City has received numerous request for records..............

Oh yeah. Just because some heavily biased reporter puts the inflammatory and opinionated word "lie" in a headline does not make it so.

From just the first FOIA request documented on the Scribd link above:

"ABC News requests copies of records, including police reports, incident reports, 911 recordings and/ or transcripts, after action reports and other video and audio records, associated with the death of Michael Brown, on Saturday, August 14, 2014."

Bold by me. "Associated with": 10 min before is definitely relevant, and "associated with".
And the Chief is being slimed now because of HIS deceptive statements, pretending he was under sooo much pressure from so many sources, what a crock. He was responsible for reassuring people that the investigation was impartial and honest, and he blew it big time, IMHO.

Really foolish time for him to be screwing with the trust of the public! I hope for his own sake they actually started taking reports of police abuse seriously, instead of allowing them to file their own reports, and then burying them. That might change my mind about him.
That's awesome, because he said that ending that practice and setting up a centralized system was one of the changes he made to improve the department. :thumbup:

So now you can change your mind about him! ;)

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Someone needs to go over to HP and give them the real story on the supposed lie. I tried, but it seems they are not allowing me to post there:biggrin:
"keep the horse in the barn."
:hilarious: I love LambChop.

:floorlaugh: We have the absolute best Mods ever.

Putting up with our snarky, off topic, country music quoting, political blog posting bee-hinds and still keep their sense of humor
:floorlaugh: We have the absolute best Mods ever.

Putting up with our snarky, off topic, country music quoting, political blog posting bee-hinds and still keep their sense of humor

I have to be honest. I was gone most of the afternoon and tonight. Tricia, Fran and Beach had to read your posts. Poor things, they may never be the same. So be good. You never know who is watching.
I have to be honest. I was gone most of the afternoon and tonight. Tricia, Fran and Beach had to read your posts. Poor things, they may never be the same. So be good. You never know who is watching.

:eek: But we hadn't even broken them in. Hope they recover!
So the guy that originally wrote this article on the

Claimed that the Chief lied about record requests. And of course, most people would read the article and take it as fact :facepalm: which is one of the things that is so wrong about the way the media has handled this case. But I did some sleuthing and guess what, more media lies :gaah:

Here, look for yourself. I didn't count the requests, but there were more than one. Let this be a lesson to everyone to not always believe what you read. If it sounds hinky, take the time to look into it so you can accept it or disprove it.

Here is the link to the Report pertaining to Aug. 9 robbery of Ferguson, Mo., convenience store

Which states, The City has received numerous request for records..............

Except he did NOT release what the reporters asked for, he released what he wanted them to have- and implied they specifically asked for it.
Sorry, I think it's pretty devious.
That's awesome, because he said that ending that practice and setting up a centralized system was one of the changes he made to improve the department. :thumbup:

So now you can change your mind about him! ;)

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I'm open to it if it turns out to be true- seriously.
I do not understand how anyone thinks they have enough info about what happened that day. My minds wide open about that, too.
We are all just guessing here.
Oh yeah. Just because some heavily biased reporter puts the inflammatory and opinionated word "lie" in a headline does not make it so.

From just the first FOIA request documented on the Scribd link above:

Bold by me. "Associated with": 10 min before is definitely relevant, and "associated with".

Indeed. But history doesn't give me faith that any amount of evidence or facts will stop them from repeating whatever keeps the manufactured outrage boiling. :(

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From your link:

There was one reporter, Joel Currier with the St. Louis Post-Dispatch, who asked for any and all evidence "leading up to" Brown’s death in a FOIA request. The request could have possibly included the tape, since the incident report on the robbery identifies Brown as a suspect in the crime.

He asked for everything and he got it. There was NO lie.

He did lie. He stated there were numerous requests. He gave the impression that he was inundated by FOIA requests, and this is the only one that can even be construed as meeting the criteria of his statement.

In addition, he acted like he was worried about public safety in protecting Officer Wilson. However, he was only interested in protecting the police department and not the community as a whole.

The totality of arresting journalists hanging out in a Mcdonald's, exploiting African-Americans with warrants and excessive traffic citations, the abusive language and threatening behavior shown protesters and reporters, the self-reporting of police misconduct and not saving or keeping records, it shows a pattern of corruption.

Here is the problem. People want to equate Crump an advocacy lawyer with a chief of police. I can't speak for anyone else but I expect more honesty from a public servant. Crump only has to answer to his client. Jackson is supposed to answer to the entire city of Ferguson, not just the 53 wearing blue.
There are people over there who are STILL saying Brown did not rob the store. :floorlaugh::floorlaugh::floorlaugh:

^Case in point. :thumbup:

If there weren't so many people harmed by this insanity, it might be funny - in a humorous instead of comical way.

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Someone needs to go over to HP and give them the real story on the supposed lie. I tried, but it seems they are not allowing me to post there :biggrin:

Well, call me cynical, but I don't exactly think that site would issue an apology and print a retraction! That headline, with its inflammatory language, was almost certainly chosen and approved by several individuals. They worded it that way for a specific reason. They also know what kind of words increase "hits" and make their stories show up higher in the search engines. It's not rocket science, and it's not an accident, or a mistake that the word "lie" and the Chief's name was used in the headline. It's quite intentional. IMO.

The video itself is an enormous problem for MB supporters. They have been unable to attack the truth of the video, so now they attack/ criticize the process of the release of the video. Deflection. Distraction. Accuse. Inflame. Lather, rinse, repeat.

Remember also that what is recorded on that video would have equaled criminal felony charges for MB, along with a jail or prison sentence, once convicted, if he had lived to face charges. Add to that assault of a police officer, possible charges related to trying to take OW's weapon, possible charges for fleeing arrest, disobeying a lawful request to get off the road, positive tox for marijuana, and he would have been facing a long prison sentence, if he had lived to face charges. IMO.

That's just another reason why reading that Normandy HS flew their flag at half staff to "honor" MB makes me nauseated. Honor WHAT?? Nice message to disadvantaged teens already tremendously confused about a lot of things in their community and social environment. Makes me sick to see the flag I serve under used in this way, to glorify a kid who made a lot of criminal decisions, that ultimately produced his own death, IMO.

I suspect Frances Howell HS did not fly their flag at half staff to "honor" MB.

The American flag at the entrance of Normandy High School flies at half-staff. Students write and draw in their journals and read essays about police brutality, Brown’s fatal shooting by a white police officer on Aug. 9 considered the most vivid case study at hand.
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