MO - Grief & protests follow shooting of teen Michael Brown #21

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Some people on twitter are posting that some white guy hit a protester with his car. So take that FWIW.

That was DJ's complaint too iirc, when OW opened his door "an inch or so" and "it ricocheted" off MB.
Tef Poe/FootKlan ‏@TefPoe 19h
October 10-13th the fire expands we are asking the ENTIRE world to come join us in #Ferguson !!!! PLEASE SHARE !!! RT

What does 'the fire expands' mean? :eek:
I can't believe no one is here to watch this with me :(
they were chanting " He didnt do nothing"
I don't get it either. If someone bullies me, I'm certainly not going to be supportive to them or their cause especially if they're damaging things and especially if I'm a business owner and they disrupt my business.

I also don't get the "let my people vote" Tshirts some are wearing as seen in Pops pics posted.

IMO, it's a bit changed from the bible "Let my people go" (Old Testament, Exodus) as it's something easily to remember and to "chant" to! :giggle:

IMO, a lot of things those protesters are doing or saying does not make any sense, at least, not to me. :)
I'm here but have no live feed at Argus Radio. They are vids from earlier. :waitasec:

Oh okay. Thanks! It said it was a live feed.

So this is what happened at the Farmers Market earlier?
Some protesters say Saturday’s demonstration is part of a new strategy to become more active on South Florissant, in front of many of the community’s most popular businesses and community gathering spots. They’ll be back next Saturday, they say.

“That way it’ll get their attention and they’ll call City Hall,” said Marvin Skull, one of the protesters.

That’s the goal,” he said. “To make people uncomfortable.

He and others in the group are calling for a boycott of South Florissant businesses to get owners to put pressure on local officials to act.

IMO, they're trying to hold the city hostage so people feel forced to answer their demands. The terrorism parallels are amazing in their tactics. Seems they don't want people to feel safe or like normal business can be conducted in diverse areas.

"To make people uncomfortable" So what is the logic in this statement regarding protestors? Why would any group that claims that they want support from the community make an effort to be disruptive just to make citizens "uncomfortable"?

Uncomfortable with the status quo.

Dancing on the razor thin edge of making terroristic threats, IMO. Again, these "activities", disrupting traffic, riots, looting, violence, threats to disrupt major league football, are not peaceful protests of anything. They are terroristic threats and terrorist behavior, designed to frighten, menace, and disrupt peaceful citizens going about their business. Peaceful protest is carrying signs, organizing, and speaking in an appropriate place and time, to achieve specific goals. Thugs descending in a menacing manner on a farmer's market with the goal of frightening patrons, children, and sellers is terroristic and criminal. IMO. I'm just sickened at the depths of ignorance and criminality-- toward their own friends and neighbors, no less. WTH is that supposed to accomplish?? Where are the police?

IMO, the city council needs to grow a pair, and set forth binding rules for what will be considered a peaceful protest, and where and when those may occur. They should give notice that further lawbreaking, menacing, and terroristic threats and behavior will be treated as the criminal activity that it clearly is-- and then carry through by arresting those responsible. Set the rules, announc how they will be enforced, announce that they will begin enforcing the rules, and then start making mass arrests. It is the only answer.

There is no "negotiating" or "diplomacy" that persuades terrorists. The only thing they understand is force that overwhelms theirs, and clear consequences. IMO. (And yes, my military background clearly colors my opinions on this.)

Literally hundreds of people should have been arrested since this fiasco of "civil unrest" began, and I simply cannot imagine why it is being tolerated so benignly. It makes me question everything that civil, peaceful, and organized society stands for. Especially when people and business are being harmed! IMO, if LE began to take a more proactive and assertive response to these groups and their threats and behavior, order would be restored much sooner.

This is not "freedom of speech", nor is it "protest". It's lawlessness, and arrogant and dangerous criminal behavior, IMO. Law abiding citizens should not be forced to put up with this. I'm really disgusted.

I expect this kind of ignorant criminal and menacing behavior in parts of the world that are without functioning governments, immersed in corruption, and mired in poverty so grinding they have no clean water or food security. To think that this behavior is occurring right in the middle of the U.S. is absolutely sickening, IMO. And even more disturbing is that it is being essentially ignored and tolerated by LE and governmental authorities. <end KZ rant>

so they just arrested the guy in the car that hit the protester

THe public is going to have to keep their heads together. Stupid chit like that is EXACTLY what the protestors want. They block traffic and get in peoples faces, hoping to piss everyone off. This guy deserves to be arrested but I hope people calm down.
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