MO - Grief & protests follow shooting of teen Michael Brown #3

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The shooting death of someone breaking the law results in another night of hundreds breaking the law.............makes sense>>>>>>> not!

It makes a lot of sense if the fight is really about who really owns the neighborhood - criminals or people who want to live in peace.
That shows just how utterly insane and ridiculous the whole situation is. The authorities don't want to reveal the "truth" because it will just hurt the feelings of the criminals that are rioting and looting?

Wow. Utterly pathetic.

I highly doubt that is the true story about why Eric Holder made this decision. He just didn't want the truth about Michael Brown to come out.
Family felt that since business owners pay taxes, that is contract for help from LE when they call for it.

That's exactly how I felt when I called the police while working at the Wal-Mart there! I wished I didn't have to call them so much, but I did realize we were paying for it.
It's sad to see the country my ancestors fought to bring forth in the American Revolution, and fought to maintain in the Civil War being reduced to a third world hell.

Take a good look at the pics of the demonstrators, curfew breakers, whatever they are:

Frankly, these pics scare the hell out of me. This is not the world I want to live in. How did America get to this point?

I hear you, although most of my ancestors came to the US in the 1870s, I have one Revolutionary War vet and one Civil war vet (northern side) in my family tree, and my grandfather was a WWII vet. I feel bad that we're throwing away everything they fought for on my watch, but I don't know what I can do about it. I did work on my garden some to make my little part of the world look better. I do believe an environment of physical ugliness does breed mental illness in people. Awhile back I wrote some theories about how we got to this point in society, I thought later I should have mentioned living in ugly surroundings. I have a book that shows how gardening reduced crime in parts of New York City. I don't know how you come out of an environment of dilapidated buildings and strip malls with a healthy state of mind, frankly. And even if you can afford good food and have a grocery store to go to, I've heard it's as little as 10% as nutritious as food was 100 years ago because the soil it's grown in is depleted. IQ points are down in the US by 10 points in the last 100 years, I have heard. Many old homes have lead in them and that's been cited as a factor that causes crime. Here is a link to my previous attempt to answer this question -
Do we know if and when the autopsy results will be released? TIA

Good morning..

Don't know when the autopsy report will be released but I believe DOJ/FBI would want it released after their investigation.

Then there is this:

FERGUSON, Mo. ( – A Grand Jury is expected to decide if there is enough evidence to indict Darren Wilson, the officer who shot Michael Brown.

St. Louis County Prosecutor Bob McCulloch’s office is continuing to process evidence and says the Grand Jury is planning reviewing the evidence as soon as possible. This comes after many residents, including St. Louis County Executive Charlie Dooley, have said they are calling for the State Attorney General to assign a special prosecutor to the Michael Brown case.

"I think his objectivity is in question now and I think he is part of the problem," said Dooley. "We remove that problem until we get a solution."
I hear you, although most of my ancestors came to the US in the 1870s, I have one Revolutionary War vet and one Civil war vet (northern side) in my family tree, and my grandfather was a WWII vet. I feel bad that we're throwing away everything they fought for on my watch, but I don't know what I can do about it. I did work on my garden some to make my little part of the world look better. I do believe an environment of physical ugliness does breed mental illness in people. Awhile back I wrote some theories about how we got to this point in society, I thought later I should have mentioned living in ugly surroundings. I have a book that shows how gardening reduced crime in parts of New York City. I don't know how you come out of an environment of dilapidated buildings and strip malls with a healthy state of mind, frankly. And even if you can afford good food and have a grocery store to go to, I've heard it's as little as 10% as nutritious as food was 100 years ago because the soil it's grown in is depleted. IQ points are down in the US by 10 points in the last 100 years, I have heard. Many old homes have lead in them and that's been cited as a factor that causes crime. Here is a link to my previous attempt to answer this question -

Vulture....the concept of the "Broken Window" has been much studied. Google it & check it out when you get a chance. TIA.
I just don't understand the looting and destruction. It appears the businesses that were targeted have been majorly owned by minorities. How on earth does this help bring justice for MB?

From everything I have read on here, yes, it appears things could have been handled better and much differently. I was very disturbed to see that MB lay dead, uncovered, in the street for at least 20 minutes. In motor vehicle crashes, tarps are very quickly placed over the deceased.

I hope that a compilation of videos can show what actually happened. I tend to trust the police's account of incidents. I don't find the statements of DW to be plausible. I agree with the above posters, doubting strongly the officer grabbed this huge kid and shot him while sitting in his patrol car. I truly wish those that are protesting would think about the logistics and encourage others to do the same. JMV

Thanks to all of you that have posted the links to info and pics.
I clicked on the link from post #29 above & there were other stories connected to this topic. One radio interview was from a woman who is friends with the LE who shot MB.

It is VERY interesting to hear this (alleged) side of the story & corroborates the behaviors of MB seen on the video surveillance of the strong-armed robbery of the convenience store. This version corroborates aggressive behavior towards the officer (including shoving him against the patrol car) much like MB's behavior of shoving/intimidating the store clerk minutes before. Was MB's behavior fueled by substances? I'm sure we need to see toxicology reports.

After the investigations, forensics, & autopsies are completed and IF the version of the friend of the police officer is accurate, the looter/rioters will be unhappy & the officer will be exonerated.

All facts need to be presented, verified....and the truth shall prevail. And I fear hatred will continue to prevail regardless of the verified facts in this case. Sad.


At least two autopsies have been performed on Brown — one by government authorities and second arranged by attorneys for his family, according to attorneys for Brown’s parents.

The family is represented by Benjamin Crump and Darryl Parks — the Florida lawyers who represented the family of Trayvon Martin, the unarmed teenager whose death at the hands of a neighborhood watch volunteer sparked national outrage in 2012.

Parks declined to discuss the autopsy results.

When they refused to comply, he said, the officer grabbed Brown’s throat through the window of his cruiser, pulled out a pistol and shot him.

bbm Why silent I wonder.

I am just curious why Parks declined to discuss the autopsy results.
I am just curious why Parks declined to discuss the autopsy results.

I believe it's due to the parallel investigation of the FBI/DOJ and the DA of that county who is bringing in The Grand Jury to decide if this officer should be charged with a crime..
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