MO - Grief & protests follow shooting of teen Michael Brown #3

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At least two autopsies have been performed on Brown — one by government authorities and second arranged by attorneys for his family, according to attorneys for Brown’s parents.

The family is represented by Benjamin Crump and Darryl Parks — the Florida lawyers who represented the family of Trayvon Martin, the unarmed teenager whose death at the hands of a neighborhood watch volunteer sparked national outrage in 2012.

Parks declined to discuss the autopsy results.

When they refused to comply, he said, the officer grabbed Brown’s throat through the window of his cruiser, pulled out a pistol and shot him.

bbm Why silent I wonder.

Wondering the same. It's not like he said, "we're not authorized to release the info."

And even if this were the case, I doubt they would adhear to it anyway.
I clicked on the link from post #29 above & there were other stories connected to this topic. One radio interview was from a woman who is friends with the LE who shot MB.

It is VERY interesting to hear this (alleged) side of the story & corroborates the behaviors of MB seen on the video surveillance of the strong-armed robbery of the convenience store. This version corroborates aggressive behavior towards the officer (including shoving him against the patrol car) much like MB's behavior of shoving/intimidating the store clerk minutes before. Was MB's behavior fueled by substances? I'm sure we need to see toxicology reports.

After the investigations, forensics, & autopsies are completed and IF the version of the friend of the police officer is accurate, the looter/rioters will be unhappy & the officer will be exonerated.

All facts need to be presented, verified....and the truth shall prevail. And I fear hatred will continue to prevail regardless of the verified facts in this case. Sad.



Listen to this youtube video from about 6:40. It's hard to hear, but it sounds like there is a man who saw what happened, and it is pretty close to what that woman claims. I can't make it all out, but what I can hear is the man said MB ran away from the cop and then turned and ran back toward the cop.

Warning Graphic!
I believe it's due to the parallel investigation of the FBI/DOJ and the DA of that county who is bringing in The Grand Jury to decide if this officer should be charged with a crime..
Yet for some reason all sorts of info should be released in regards to the shooting by Officer Wilson.:waitasec: :thinking:
Listen to this youtube video from about 6:40. It's hard to hear, but it sounds like there is a man who saw what happened, and it is pretty close to what that woman claims. I can't make it all out, but what I can hear is the man said MB ran away from the cop and then turned and ran back toward the cop.

Warning Graphic!

Has this video been discussed on any main stream media outlets?
It's sad to see the country my ancestors fought to bring forth in the American Revolution, and fought to maintain in the Civil War being reduced to a third world hell.

Take a good look at the pics of the demonstrators, curfew breakers, whatever they are:

Frankly, these pics scare the hell out of me. This is not the world I want to live in. How did America get to this point?

:waitasec: linky no worky :thinking:
Wow. Obviously I'm not there, I'm in the UK, I don't share many of the views expressed here which are too political to get into. It does, however, remind me of the shooting of Mark Duggan by police here in the UK three years ago (remember, our police aren't usually armed). There are SOME parallels, in terms of race, and the event being followed by rioting and looting. However the rioting and looting spread to a number of urban centres throughout the UK and wasn't simply confined to the London neighbourhood where it occurred. I pray that the situation calms down soon and that the facts can come to light.

The riots and looting here were popularly blamed on youth. However once arrests were made and details emerged, I think a high percentage of participants had prior criminal records.

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I am just curious why Parks declined to discuss the autopsy results.

I think we all know why.

Fact is if their autopsy proved that MB was shot in the back etc...they WOULD be releasing it and also demanding that the officer be immediately arrested to face charges. The family would be screaming from the rooftops that this is a police coverup etc...
I just read on Reddit that the first half of the video was played on CNN. They left out the bums rush, doubling back, etc...

Shocking right?
Vulture....the concept of the "Broken Window" has been much studied. Google it & check it out when you get a chance. TIA.

That's great, thanks! I've heard that theory before but not called that exactly. Makes a lot of sense. When I was leading the crew at the Wal-Mart, one of our daily tasks was to clean up the store after it was closed. Many days it looked like a riot had taken place even though it was just a normal business day. It was normal for the crew to feel pretty discouraged and feel like what they were doing was useless. When I was giving one of my pep talks, I'd say, paraphrasing, that "I know you are feeling like it's pointless to clean this up. When I was a floor associate in charge of keeping a department looking orderly, I did notice that the better the department looked at the beginning of my shift, the less torn up it would be at the end. I think when people see a torn up area, they feel they have license to treat it badly. So look at this as preventing it from being worse tomorrow night. It will never be perfect but we can make it less bad. What you're doing is not wasted even though I know it seems like it."

That was interesting to read about how much responsibility people think they have for their environment. I take a trash bag with me when I go kayaking and I pick up whatever trash I see. I hope I'm preventing more littering and also keeping wildlife safer from not getting caught in it or eating it. Cleanup of Ferguson is a tangible way to help, perhaps wait until things die down but that would be a good way for people to help if they want to and keep the crime from getting more entrenched.
When you talk about witnesses... The female witness that pick-up a coworker and claims she saw this all take place. Back in an earlier article, the same one that discussed the robbery and then deleted most of the info along with the witness statements... she mentioned this info. She looked out the window and watched what happened and after he fell to the ground she began to record the scene. She says that is why she only has from that point on recorded.

I want to know if anyone has this recorded or if anyone really saw this.

It would make sense if MB was leaning into the car through the open window, possibly attacking the officer at that point who grabbed his throat while simultaneously reaching for his gun. jmo
Good point E. And that would be a circumstance where a very tall persons throat would be available. But to grab someones throat from a sitting position in a car...There would not be good traction or leverage (or availability). Just doesn't make sense that that would be done by LE IMO.
When you talk about witnesses... The female witness that pick-up a coworker and claims she saw this all take place. Back in an earlier article, the same one that discussed the robbery and then deleted most of the info along with the witness statements... she mentioned this info. She looked out the window and watched what happened and after he fell to the ground she began to record the scene. She says that is why she only has from that point on recorded.

I want to know if anyone has this recorded or if anyone really saw this.


The guy talking about it in the background in the youtube video definitely sounds like he witnessed it.
Wow. Obviously I'm not there, I'm in the UK, I don't share many of the views expressed here which are too political to get into. It does, however, remind me of the shooting of Mark Duggan by police here in the UK three years ago (remember, our police aren't usually armed). There are SOME parallels, in terms of race, and the event being followed by rioting and looting. However the rioting and looting spread to a number of urban centres throughout the UK and wasn't simply confined to the London neighbourhood where it occurred. I pray that the situation calms down soon and that the facts can come to light.

The riots and looting here were popularly blamed on youth. However once arrests were made and details emerged, I think a high percentage of participants had prior criminal records.

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Last night they weren't looting it was a large group that waited until after curfew and were seen armed with weapons and they wanted a violent confrontation with police per MSM tweets.
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