Glad to hear Governor Nixon speak out about the handling of this video..
Seems the Chief did as he wanted and didn't listen to the higher ups...damn shame
The governor's words, AND the DOJ who wanted the robbery and assault suppressed, IMO, are complete and utter BS. Gov Nixon should be recalled, or at least voted out of office. That is
simply outrageous. No one dredged up parking tickets or graffiti charges from 5 years ago-- MB violently and aggressively robbed and assaulted
TEN MINUTES before the encounter when he assaulted the police officer and was shot. TEN MINUTES.
HIGHLY relevant to the encounter with Officer Wilson. I am dumbfounded that
any human being would think that is not highly relevant. Entirely relevant. I am sorry that the TRUTH HURTS and upsets people, but the TRUTH is what we are supposed to be working toward.
The TRUTH is that MB robbed a store and assaulted a clerk TEN MINUTES before he was shot during the encounter with Officer Wilson. FTLOG, TEN MINUTES.
I'm not worried about crooked beat cops in this situation anymore. I think the worst corruption is at the highest levels-- the governor, a
heavily biased Ron Johnson, who has posed in uniform in the last few days for
simply outrageous pictures (self edited because the pictures probably can't be linked here, pics for which he should be
immediately fired, IMO), media bias in their reporting, etc. Unbelievable. Outrageous. Staggering.
seven people arrested last night??
Seven? Should have been about
207, maybe 307, more, from the pictures and video. The handling of this whole situation, rioting and looting, etc is biased and rotten to the core, IMO.