MO - Grief & protests follow shooting of teen Michael Brown #7

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I think what is lacking is the ability to empathize with law enforcement and what they face everyday. Everyday every call from a routine traffic stop or a domestic dispute can end an officers life. They are always on alert, accessing danger...

Is a dangerous job.

Of course there are bad cops....And IMO they deserve a harsher penalty than a ordinary citizen when caught, tried and convicted.
I tend to believe there are far far many more fantastic police officers...and I have absolutely nothing but respect for them.

Especially if they're working in known dangerous areas with known gang activity.

It's really no different than a trained solider in times of war. if an officer or a soldiers life is threatened...they need the ability to stop the threat to protect their own lives.

Would anyone except or suggest otherwise?


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I think what is lacking is the ability to empathize with law enforcement and what they face everyday. Everyday every call from a routine traffic stop or a domestic dispute can end an officers life. They are always on alert, accessing danger...

Is a dangerous job.

Of course there are bad cops....And IMO they deserve a harsher penalty than a ordinary citizen when caught, tried and convicted.
I tend to believe there are far far many more fantastic police officers...and I have absolutely nothing but respect for them.

Especially if they're working in known dangerous areas with known gang activity.

It's really no different than a trained solider in times of war. if an officer or a soldiers life is threatened...they need the ability to stop the threat to protect their own lives.

Would anyone except or suggest otherwise?


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Thanks is not enough!!! I completely agree they have the right to defend themselves, and that bad cops should face harsher punishment for their crimes because of their position of power. What a heavy load these men and women carry day in and day out.
I agree. It might not be the bravest move. Because of the heated nature of this case, the prosecutor, even if he did not think there was enough to charge could drop it in the GJ's lap.

IMO If he is bringing this to a GJ for any reason OTHER than his belief that evidence shows probable cause that a crime was committed and that Wilson committed it, THAT is a dereliction of his duty as the DA. If it is found that he has done this nefariously he should be prosecuted himself. JMO
werk is seriously impossible and hectic today.

I was reading earlier in the last thread when trying to check in for news about Wilson sustaining an orbital fracture and trying to post that my husband's eye socket had to be entirely recreated with plates and tiny screws thanks to that very injury. His was sustained by a blow to his face with a crowbar. Not a pretty injury, not a pretty recovery and a pretty serious injury IMO.

ETA forgot to ask have Wilson's alleged injuries been confirmed via MSM and if so was the info sourced by them or an unnamed source? TIA
<modsnip>Folks, it is quite obvious that there is a campaign from those supporting officer Wilson to justify this killing <modsnip>Yes, it is possible that it was a justified shooting, but just as possible it is going to be found that it was not. The only facts are that this boy was shot at least 6 times and died. We do not know from how far away he was shot, what position he was in when shot, where is hands were, what he was saying, what the officer was saying to him etc..<modsnip> Just as we are expecting the protesters to wait for the facts, we ourselves should wait for the facts before we give officer Wilson a medal for gunning down a KID.

In my humble opinion, I will say, certain issues are just so polarizing in our society and this case has brought them out. In my opinion, people take sides and get so deeply entrenched on either side. All it does in my opinion is create more anger and hatred between the sides. Even forgetting the final result this specific case, in my opinion it just shows the need to sit down a peaceably figure out how this divide can be lessened, if not eliminated. All just my opinion. No facts given.
Did your bad decisions include one or more of the following?

... robbing a store?
... committing assault on the storeowner?
... committing battery on the storeowner?
... using illegal drugs during the above?
... bust an officer's eye socket? (a felony)

A simple yes or no will suffice.

And even if they say yes, not all people who commit crimes like this die as a result, some lead a long life of crime, some reform and some do ultimately pay with their life. Just like the analogy I made before to unprotected sex, some people have it all the time and never get pregnant or an std, some get pregnant or an std right away. Using age to justify stupid behavior is why, IMO, so many 18 year olds act like kids, instead of being the men/women that their grandparents/great grandparents were at that age.
Here is one truth I see as a fact (IMO) to start things rolling:

Had the officer not fired on MB, the outcome would have been a dead cop. (IMO)
One sentence, 15 words>>>>> the truth. (IMO no doubt.)
I'm trying to catch up (again!) so I don't know if this has been posted . . . tweet from MSNBC reporter:

Zachary Roth
&#10004; @zackroth

Grand jury session ended 30 mins ago says lead protester who spoke to police. Says ppl should now go to Ferguson to try to meet with Holder.
12:14 PM - 20 Aug 2014
I think what is lacking is the ability to empathize with law enforcement and what they face everyday. Everyday every call from a routine traffic stop or a domestic dispute can end an officers life. They are always on alert, accessing danger...

Is a dangerous job.

Of course there are bad cops....And IMO they deserve a harsher penalty than a ordinary citizen when caught, tried and convicted.
I tend to believe there are far far many more fantastic police officers...and I have absolutely nothing but respect for them.

Especially if they're working in known dangerous areas with known gang activity.

It's really no different than a trained solider in times of war. if an officer or a soldiers life is threatened...they need the ability to stop the threat to protect their own lives.

Would anyone except or suggest otherwise?


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Well said and agree for the most part. I will only add that I think that the lack of empathy applies not only to law enforcement. I find a lack of empathy in general. Period. Not necessarily talking about at WS. Just in general. And it saddens me to see it.
Ok I'm sure this has been discussed, but I joined in late, is there no dash cam video from the police cruiser?
Wouldn't the prosecutor be obligated to give information to the GJ because the Governor is demanding the officer's arrest?
I think what is lacking is the ability to empathize with law enforcement and what they face everyday. Everyday every call from a routine traffic stop or a domestic dispute can end an officers life. They are always on alert, accessing danger...

Is a dangerous job.

Of course there are bad cops....And IMO they deserve a harsher penalty than a ordinary citizen when caught, tried and convicted.
I tend to believe there are far far many more fantastic police officers...and I have absolutely nothing but respect for them.

Especially if they're working in known dangerous areas with known gang activity.

It's really no different than a trained solider in times of war. if an officer or a soldiers life is threatened...they need the ability to stop the threat to protect their own lives.

Would anyone except or suggest otherwise?


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I DO empathize with him, and I don't necessarily think that he is a bad cop. I think he was a terrified cop who's terror overcame his cop-sense. The result was a killing. The question is, was the killing justified or not. I do not know all the facts of this case and no one here does either. Let the process take its course. JMO
Ok I'm sure this has been discussed, but I joined in late, is there no dash can video from the police cruiser?

apparently they don't have that in Ferguson. They need them though IMO. The long held mistrust is evident. Dash cams or those newer cams that attach to the front of officers uniforms would be a wise investment if the politicians want to do more than just give lip service to their wish for peace in Ferguson.
Shimon Prokupecz &#8207;@ShimonPro 5m
pool: Jason Moore, died of cardiac arrest after officers allegedly used stun gun during disturbance call, his sister told Holder. #Ferguson

That happened in 2011... interesting, I read an article today, she just filed suit against Ferguson police.
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