MO - Grief & protests follow shooting of teen Michael Brown #9

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Do you have the video of the punch in the face and this terrible attack and gun snatching?? I am itching to see it. AND even after i see that, did he derseve to be shot??? Not in my book. Sorry lol

Wilson was treated for facial injuries. That's a known. Both "sides" agree there was a "tussle" inside the car, and at least one shot was fired from inside the car. What do you think Brown and Wilson were "tussling" over? All these events took place in less than a minute. All MOO
Oh i am fine to agree to disagree, i am good with that, i do read what i can but i am not buying it with this case lol i am trying too deeply but its not happening as of yet...We will c

In my opinion, you should try to read as many of the main stream media posts as you can. Cherry picking a few phrases to align with your thoughts is really not fair to LE or MB. Most of the posters here are trying to find out the truth about what happened to MB. As I stated before, when I joined websleuths July 2014 to follow 2 other cases, I have gained a tremendous amount of knowledge by reading as many full articles as I could. Sorry you don't feel that way. I don't feel I can add anything else to help you seek the truth.
Parcells' questionable qualifications have been discussed several times thru the threads here.
K_Z nurse anethesist explains it in detail. You may want to read these articles before placing too much emphasis on what Parcells says. Parcells is not an MD.

K_Z Verified Anesthetist :

Shawn Parcells, man of many invented credentials. A legend in his own mind.

Regarding Shawn Parcells, the "assistant" to the eminent Dr. Baden, who conducted the private family second autopsy of MB.

Decide for yourself how much weight to give to his "work" and his "professional opinions." I can't link ALL the professional blog comments about him lol! I might ask a mod if those sites can be linked, but there is enough on the authorized sites to keep one busy reading for a while. I understand why the Brown family attorneys contracted his business, but I'm baffled why anyone keeps giving this man a microphone to talk. (Oh. Wait. Maybe I'm not baffled at all, lol!) Incidentally, Shwan Parcells also has a ministry business, Shawn Parcells Ministries. (Can't link all the blogs there either.)

Apparently, there is a lot of $$ to be made in the "private autopsy" business. Average price is $3000 cash. Nice WSJ article on same. Lots of outsourcing from counties and municipalities to private companies-- largely unregulated. That seems to be a bit of a problem to me for criminal cases, or insurance cases, etc.

Shawn L. Parcells, a forensic pathologist assistant and founder of Parcells Forensic Pathology Group, testified an underlying infection likely led to disseminated intravascular coagulation.
Read more here:

By transporting the body from the funeral home to the morgue in his black SUV and bringing along his own autopsy tools, he saves coroners both time and money.

Lol-- here is a RECENT article that refers to him as "Professor Shawn Parcells!" His sum total of "professor" experience was ONE DAY of shadowing. He has no degree higher than a bachelor's degree. (Lol-- not even university "faculty", contract or affiliate, would try that stunt! Talk about credential inflation, whoooweee!) But WAIT!! Now he's an "instrumental participant". Or is he a Professor? Which is it? Getting whiplash here from all the fake credentials flying around!

Professor Shawn Parcells, an instrumental participant in the autopsy evaluation, said Brown could have survived five of the wounds, but one, which hit the apex of his head, went through is brain and was not survivable.
You know, sometimes one just has to stop looking. There is just too much out there about this man's invented credentials for me to give a single instant of respect to anything he has to say clinically. He needs desperately to STFU, IMO. Or the media need to get a REAL "google clue" about this man!

Until Baden publicly removes himself from Parcells or refutes what Parcells is saying, Baden is supporting Parcells' statements. For anyone who thinks highly of Baden, this shows him in a very bad light.

I've read all the background on Parcells. And I don't have a high opinion of Baden. For either to be involved in this case, in my opinion, is just "showboating".
I do not agree with those laws so its pointless me even trying to understand. I know police need to stop shooting children, knowing some of these incidents could have been dealt with better. But no, we fire and kill cause we do not care about you...

"Fire to kill" is false. They fire to stop a threat. Their training isn't to hit an arm or leg. Everyone needs to know and understand that. Agree with it or not. Know it. Everyone should.

Continue to move forward and ignore the directive to freeze ...the police have every right to view the subject as a threat, access that threat, and take whatever steps THEY feel necessary to stop it...all within second.

This thread is about one incident. This one.

How was officer Wilson suppose to ascertain the age of Mike Brown? Ask him for ID?
At what age are people responsible for their own behavior?

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Until Baden publicly removes himself from Parcells or refutes what Parcells is saying, Baden is supporting Parcells' statements. For anyone who thinks highly of Baden, this shows him in a very bad light.

I've read all the background on Parcells. And I don't have a high opinion of Baden. For either to be involved in this case, in my opinion, is just "showboating".

Completely agree. In his last two interviews, he hasn't really discussed the AR he conducted, instead he has begun to preach about aspects of the case he doesn't "agree with" in a critical manner.

This is not a medical examiners role in an investigation. He will never take the stand and answer these sorts of questions.

IMO when he does this, he discredits his supposed objectivity, and is now advocating for the family.

Of course he has every right to do this, but by doing so he shows a bias which ultimately could lead people to discount his work as an ME as it relates to this case.
A theme running through certain posts seems to be that we shouldn't be making inferences or connecting-dots using yet unproven bits of information. For instance, the several quotes from Brown family lawyer Daryl Parks re what occurred between MB and DW "at the car" shouldn't be given any weight because they haven't been proven in a court of law? I don't know why others are here, but I enjoy the "sleuthing" aspect of solving a mystery by tying together and discarding bit of information with others as things roll along. If all we're allowed to do is post and read links, but draw no conclusions together about them, I don't see the point ... or the fun.

Agree. Trouble is, IN MY OPINION, has evolved into asserting some things as statements of fact, none of which have been proven by forensics. We can only speculate, for now. And that IS fun. But none of us knows the factual accuracy of any witness statements, including assertions of truth by unnamed LE "sources". All that LE can say, is a repetition of what DW (a WITNESS) has asserted as fact. His assertions are no more or less TRUE than any of the other witnesses, IMO. JMO JMHO
Legal age for becoming an adult is 18 years old. MB was 18 years old. Would a normal person looking at a 6 ft 4 inch 293 agitated male assume he was a "kid"? Have you seen the video of the alleged strong armed robbery? MB was at least twice the size of the store clerk. MB appeared to be leaving thru the front door, then MB turned around and MB put his hand around the clerk's neck and shoved the clerk into a end rack display of food items. You can check the MB media thread for the video. Also, the video has been shown numerous times on this thread. Even if MB had been under the age of 18, he could have been charged as a juvenile for this alleged "strong armed robbery".

I'm NOT saying that what MB did in the store was right by any means or any stretch of the imagination. What I am saying is, that the storekeeper should have realized that it was not a safe thing to do to try to block multiple robbers from leaving the store using his little body alone. I don't think I am being unreasonable or saying something which is hard to understand.

When I saw the video, it was clear that the shopkeeper was coming after the group to try to stop them from leaving the store with the cigarillos. He was trying to stop the robbery using his body alone. He came after MB, trying to stop MB. So, in any universe, that would not be a very wise thing to do.

In my opinion, Dr Baden's opinion might be influenced by his defense attorney wife. Just my opinion.

"Baden is of German descent. He received his medical degree from New York University School of Medicine in 1960.[3]

He is married to Linda Kenney-Baden, who served as one of Phil Spector’s main attorneys during his capital murder trial and replaced Bruce Cutler after his withdrawal from the proceedings. [4] They have four children."

Dr Baden's wife Linda Kenney-Baden is defense attorney.
I find it very hard to ask this, but him doing all of that, which some things i have done as a teen, Yes in London, i would hope a cop would not just shoot me dead. Come on, not saying MB was innocent but no human being is. But you mention all these learnt behaviours as if, it was derseving...Lawd help me
When I lived in London the cops didn't carry guns. Seemed so quaint.
I'm NOT saying that what MB did in the store was right by any means or any stretch of the imagination. What I am saying is, that the storekeeper should have realized that it was not a safe thing to do to try to block multiple robbers from leaving the store using his little body alone. I don't think I am being unreasonable or saying something which is hard to understand.

When I saw the video, it was clear that the shopkeeper was coming after the group to try to stop them from leaving the store with the cigarillos. He was trying to stop the robbery using his body alone. He came after MB, trying to stop MB. So, in any universe, that would not be a very wise thing to do.


I am truly confused by your post. Are you saying the shop keeper is at fault for trying to stop MB? Are you saying it is not MB's fault for the strong armed robbery?
And if she tried to remove their gun she might have been.

She didn't try to assault the officer because the officer was being very polite to her, saying "m'am" over and over again, even as Reese was doing a prime drama-queen act in front of them.

Let's see what would have happened had the officer started cursing at her and speaking down to her. We won't know because it didn't happen that way, because she was treated with much respect by the officer.
She didn't try to assault the officer because the officer was being very polite to her, saying "m'am" over and over again, even as Reese was doing a prime drama-queen act in front of them.

Let's see what would have happened had the officer started cursing at her and speaking down to her. We won't know because it didn't happen that way, because she was treated with much respect by the officer.

Please post link with confirmation that LE was cursing MB.
In all fairness I believe you stated you are British, so it is safe to say (barring police or military training) you do not have much experience with using handguns in self defense.

Baden even said the first four shots were NOT lethal, they appear to have all struck MB in the arm. The last TWO shots were lethal.

If Officer Wilson had NOT fired the last two head shots MB would have likely kept coming and the size/strength difference between the two was likely substantial, at that point MB could have EASILY overpowered the officer and likely taken the weapon.

There are numerous cases of suspects taking half a dozen shots in the chest or MORE and they do NOT go down, they either continue to attack or they sometimes flee the scene, but they are NOT immediately disabled.

He could have grabbed a weapon after being shot four times IN THE ARM? Sorry, that does not seem likely to me!
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