MO - Grief & protests follow shooting of teen Michael Brown #9

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Did MB talk with the tree trimmers before or after the theft of cigarillos? (swishers)
Sonya i do not care...he is a damm child in my eyes. He did not need to fire all those rounds to get him down and he knows it. One to the leg, would have been fine, since he claims he was in fear of his life. No matter how MB reacted, he would have still beeen scarred of his own life. It was not needed to shot ole boy dead. my views are sticking and those who get it, great, if u dont, then u dont.

How familiar are you with police training and laws on the justifiable use of deadly force?

It's incredibly important to understand these things. IMO it's basic fundamental knowledge everyone should understand. Maybe Mike Brown didn't understand, maybe his ignorance of those things got him killed?

Where does Mike Browns personal responsibly start and end for you?

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I'm lost. Are you saying the majority of 18 year olds behave the same way Mike Brown did?

Where are the mountains of dead 18 year olds?

"Learnt behavior" taught by who????? Where did they allegedly learn it???

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Am i saying what???????? Did i mention all??? Look around u and your find out lol not very hard to see 18 year olds acting a damn fool. Of course i am not saying all. I am talking about myself as well, my community, my environment, who i hang around with, how i chose to speak etc. I learnt it and i am not mad about it. I am older now, part of life
Wow, Baden is on fox tight now. Talking about how "there probably won't be significant differences Among the 3 autopsies, however the the interpretations can be different.

Said he is disappointed that MB lay in the street for so long, and states ITS NOT NORMAL TO DO THAT, and compares it to a fatality from a car crash.

From what I read, and heard, this is completely untrue.
Right and i get where your coming from, with the breaking the law, MB being in an altercation with the officer in the car, if thats true. But he did not derserve to be shot dead for none of that, where i am coming from...

our law in America states if an officer of the law fears for his life & the threat is in close proximity, lethal force is permitted (paraphrased)
thank you! I didn't know how to respond to "learnt behavior". FYI my 20 yo nephew who manages 2 Subway restaurants while going to community college just left my house after I took him out for birthday sushi !

He's such an awesome kid/young man because of how he was raised !

Great! Proud of you nephew! Neither of my adult children have ever been disrespectful to any authority figure, teacher, LE, etc.
Am i saying what???????? Did i mention all??? Look around u and your find out lol not very hard to see 18 year olds acting a damn fool. Of course i am not saying all. I am talking about myself as well, my community, my environment, who i hang around with, how i chose to speak etc. I learnt it and i am not mad about it. I am older now, part of life

I asked for clarification. You said most, most to me means the majority. I never said "all"

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Maybe one of our websleuths attorneys can answer the question legally, what rights does LE have once a citizen "has serious incident" with LE. In my opinion, with MB's 6 ft 4 inch 293 lb body combined with witness Dorian's attorney admitting (see my 4 links to main stream media above) that there was a "serious incident in LE's car between LE and MB, LE was justified in self defense. As I have stated many times, I joined websleuths to read about this case because from the tidbits main stream media was broadcasting, it appeared LE had acted improperly. Many of us have spent countless hours reading posts and reading the main stream media links provided and watching video links provided from main stream media TV/cable. I realize it is very time consuming, but it would help you understand where some of us are coming from if you would go back and read as many threads as you can. There are lots of discussion. Some posters have spent days and days, hours and hours researching the web for links.
Oh i am fine to agree to disagree, i am good with that, i do read what i can but i am not buying it with this case lol i am trying too deeply but its not happening as of yet...We will c
I have to go, but a couple of things...

One, remember that arms being up does not mean a person is safe, especially if they have shown aggression and aren't heeding the requirement to freeze or, God forbid, taking even one step closer.

Two, if anyone can find and post yesterday's interview with the brown family attorney about MB's juvenile record (more than his first response, but his follow-up too) I would be forever grateful!
What do you think the officer should have done when a much bigger man punched him in the face and tried to take his weapon? Let him have it and hope for the best? If he had, that would be one shooting we wouldn't be discussing on multiple threads because there would be no agendas attached, no self promotion to be had, no ratings to be gained, no voters to be ginned up. Ill informed celebrities, millionaire "activists" and polarizing pundits would not be pouring gas on a fire because there would be no fire. All MOO
Do you have the video of the punch in the face and this terrible attack and gun snatching?? I am itching to see it. AND even after i see that, did he derseve to be shot??? Not in my book. Sorry lol
Am i saying what???????? Did i mention all??? Look around u and your find out lol not very hard to see 18 year olds acting a damn fool. Of course i am not saying all. I am talking about myself as well, my community, my environment, who i hang around with, how i chose to speak etc. I learnt it and i am not mad about it. I am older now, part of life

My parents as well as all my aunts and uncles never graduated from high school. But my 2 siblings and I all have college degrees and so do most of my cousins. Education was preached to me and my cousins day and night. I can remember my parents and grandmothers telling me as a very young child thru high school that it does not cost one penny to have manners and show respect to others. I did not come from a family with lots of money, but we were in church every Sunday and were taught right from wrong from a very early age. And we were held accountable for our actions from toddler age thru adulthood.
How familiar are you with police training and laws on the justifiable use of deadly force?

It's incredibly important to understand these things. IMO it's basic fundamental knowledge everyone should understand. Maybe Mike Brown didn't understand, maybe his ignorance of those things got him killed?

Where does Mike Browns personal responsibly start and end for you?

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I do not agree with those laws so its pointless me even trying to understand. I know police need to stop shooting children, knowing some of these incidents could have been dealt with better. But no, we fire and kill cause we do not care about you...
our law in America states if an officer of the law fears for his life & the threat is in close proximity, lethal force is permitted (paraphrased)

I think something getting lost in the mist is, if true, the effect on DW of MB striking him in the head, especially given everything that followed happened in less than a minute irrc. Not only was DW emotionally rattled, he was likely somewhat dazed and mentally confused. It's hard to imagine he didn't end up with at least a concussion. jmo
No ones knows what this "altercation" was except what limited eyewitness accounts have become public.

How MB was actually standing or walking, whatever, in the relationship to the officer firing his weapon can NOT be accurately stated until the path of the bullets into MB's body can be substantiated.
If the one shot to the arm came from the rear, (what some witnesses said was "his back") MB MAY have turned around and raised his hands.....
If MB had his hands raised, the entry wounds on his arms CAN substantiate it. If he grabbed his wounded arm, it would validate him holding his wounded arm with his other, over his stomach. The continued shots dropped him to his knees and forward, for the last shots to his head as he fell.

Do a demonstration of the above with your body.

There's a lot of "theories" about this or that, but no one walks with their palms facing forward.

And I honestly have to say, if you don't have experience with firearms, have never gone hunting, been in war situation, or actually shot someone, it is NOTHING like what the movies portray.

I don't think we'll see Wilson's report until all the witnesses have made their statements to LE, and it'll be finely tailored to shed doubt on their statements in favor of the officer.

You don't bring a knife to a gun fight. Regardless of what happened in the convenience store, MB did not strong arm a clerk with a gun.
Let's assume Wilson's gun was on his right side, not only is it the furthest away from the window, let's also assume it had a holster snap to keep the gun in it's holster. MB couldn't just grab the weapon out of it's holster. Then you have the obstruction of the seat belt clipped over the holster. The only person who could easily access the gun was Wilson by leaning to the right, hitting the release on the seat belt, unsnapping the snap with his thumb and pulling out the weapon......
Was MD trying to deflect the gun if Wilson had brought it up? From a far vantage point might it look like MB was "punching" when he might have actually been trying to direct the muzzle away from his face?

And why would someone who just stole some cigars want to get into with LE? Could it be that after Wilson said "Get off the Fing street", drove a few feet forward, then reversed quickly almost hitting the 2, and striking them when he opened the door?

I think I'd go up to the window and ask "Dude, do you have a problem?"

From all that has been reported, Wilson set the "tone". I have yet to hear that Wilson said, "We have a medical emergency down the street, could you please move to the sidewalk?" Respect begets respect.

No one can verify whether Wilson heard the BOLO or it had even been issued yet. Conflicting stories.

Brown family lawyer Daryl Parks on CNN re MB having a juvenile arrest record:

"I'll just say this. He was a typical kid. Some situations may have occurred while (he was) a juvenile, but we need to not be at a point where we start to blame the victim."

The irony is rich!!! So much for transparently!

"Typical kid"

So how many police interactions does the typical kid have in his opinion??? lol

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our law in America states if an officer of the law fears for his life & the threat is in close proximity, lethal force is permitted (paraphrased)

Reposting from yesterday...

Supreme Court case to shape Ferguson investigation

a 1989 Supreme Court decision has become the prism for evaluating how police use force. As soon as Ferguson police Officer Darren Wilson shot Michael Brown on Aug. 9, the Graham v. Connor case became the foundational test for whether Wilson’s response was appropriate or criminal.

To most civilians, an 18-year-old unarmed man may not appear to pose a deadly threat. But a police officer’s perspective is different. And that is how an officer should be judged after the fact, Chief Justice William Rehnquist wrote in the 1989 opinion.

“The ‘reasonableness’ of a particular use of force must be judged from the perspective of a reasonable officer on the scene, rather than with the 20/20 vision of hindsight,” Rehnquist wrote.

The sequence of events that led to the death of Brown, a black man shot by a white officer, remains unclear.

A grand jury is hearing evidence to determine whether Wilson, 28, who has policed the St. Louis suburbs for six years, should be charged in Brown’s death.

The key question will be: Would a reasonable police officer, with a background such as Wilson’s, have responded the same way?

The answer is typically yes.

“Except in the most outrageous cases of police misconduct, juries tend to side with police officers and give them a lot of leeway,” said Woody Connette, the attorney who represented Graham.

And this quote from another article discussing the same topic.

"What a police officer, what she perceives at the moment of application of force, may seem very different in the hard light of the following Monday morning," said Ken Wallentine, a recently retired police chief and former law professor in Utah. "And there's the rub."
My parents as well as all my aunts and uncles never graduated from high school. But my 2 siblings and I all have college degrees and so do most of my cousins. Education was preached to me and my cousins day and night. I can remember my parents and grandmothers telling me as a very young child thru high school that it does not cost one penny to have manners and show respect to others. I did not come from a family with lots of money, but we were in church every Sunday and were taught right from wrong from a very early age. And we were held accountable for our actions from toddler age thru adulthood.
Right, and i am not against nothing you just said tiger. I am that way right now, although i am just 31, but when i was 18, omg i am surprised i escaped jail. Just being honest, and my dad who was a gov in prison over here, would tell me, your be here one day, so i guess i overcome all that BS that you go through as a teen.
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