MO - Grief & protests follow shooting of teen Michael Brown #9

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Canada is relatively safe, but that does not mean that LE are soft. Part of having a safe community is that LE are proactive in controlling and/or removing threatening or disruptive individuals. Police here do not back down in a confrontation.

I never said LE were "soft" here. Just that they shoot to kill suspects less often. Which I believe is true. I think a police officer is actually tougher if they can take down a suspect without using a weapon. Some here may have a problem with that viewpoint but oh well! I think it's OK to have different points of view.

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You think people are less sympathetic to the mentally ill or drug addicted in Canada than in the USA? I would wholeheartedly disagree with that! Dying while being subdued, while tragic, is much different than being shot. Usually, it is not the police actions but the effect of certain drugs that causes suspects to die while being subdued.

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If they have to run the gauntlet past a crazy guy every morning when they go to work, or they have drunk homeless people screaming at nothing outside their bedroom window at 2 in the morning, then ya, sure, they are less sympathetic. Sympathetic people are those that don't have to deal with nonsense on a frequent basis.

As for deaths while being subdued by the police, like that guy who was tazered at Vancouver Airport? Or Paul Boyd?
I never said LE were "soft" here. Just that they shoot to kill suspects less often. Which I believe is true. I think a police officer is actually tougher if they can take down a suspect without using a weapon. Some here may have a problem with that viewpoint but oh well! I think it's OK to have different points of view.

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MB was 6 ft 3 inches and weighed 293 pounds. Do you have a link providing the size of LE?
Rerun on Hannity... The one worth watching!

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Darren Wilson’s first job was on a troubled police force disbanded by authorities

Several in the crowd had connections to law enforcement, including one who said he knew Wilson from working in private security — and got a call from him on the night of Aug. 9. He said Wilson called to say he couldn’t make it to work because of the shooting.

“Really surprised me that he would think to notify somebody to cover a position that he was responsible for after being involved in what he was involved in,” the officer said.
It's true where I live. Maybe this other poster lives in a rough neighborhood. We do have some of those, like every province/country. Overall, our gun deaths are inarguably a fraction of those in the USA, even on a per capita basis.

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That's for sure. I live in an area with approx. half a million people. There have been 3 murders here in 4 years. (none of these murders were by gun)
Darren Wilson’s first job was on a troubled police force disbanded by authorities

Several in the crowd had connections to law enforcement, including one who said he knew Wilson from working in private security — and got a call from him on the night of Aug. 9. He said Wilson called to say he couldn’t make it to work because of the shooting.

“Really surprised me that he would think to notify somebody to cover a position that he was responsible for after being involved in what he was involved in,” the officer said.


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Fox. I think she's done with this topic...

In addition to no bodies on neck, he also said, MB wouldn't necessarily have marks on his hands from punching. He doesn't believe the orbital fracture "rumor"

Baden is showing his bias here. Why would a medical doctor offer an opinion on a injury that he has not personally examined? It's almost unethical. He may have been a good ME in his day but statements that he has made make me question his expertise. For example he told the NYT's that police are "not supposed" to fire as many rounds as were fired by OW. This is a ridiculous statement as police are trained to keep firing until the threat is neutralized. Dr Baden should know by now about police training and protocol.
I m very curious...why not give the benefit of the doubt to the person with a stellar background?

Why so much twisting for a known armed robber that willfully defied law enforcements simple request to get out of the street?


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That is exactly who I am giving the benefit of a doubt to, Linda. Officer Wilson deserves a presumption of innocence, imo. Unless and when further evidence is known and vetted I will support him. I am glad to see the fund setup for him is really picking up a lot of support now.

Not only was MB a strong armed robber who also assaulted a man just because he was much smaller than him but I do believe MB struck DW and that is also a felony. So imo,within 15 minutes he had committed two felonies. He certainly is no gentle giant that is for sure. We all can see how MB really was just by watching his demeanor/actions in the robbery video. I would like to know what he was saying to the clerk too. I wish it had had audio with it.

Officer Wilson doesn't have one blemish on his record.

In fact he was just given a commendation a few months back.

There is nothing in his past that makes me think he just went out and shot MB for the hell of it that day. Nope, I just don't believe it.

One thing from the very beginning of all of this case that has completely been forgotten by the Media, MO Governor (GAG), and all political talking heads from that district or from Fed/government and that is Officer Wilson also has a constitutional right to a fair and impartial process. If one listened to all of these people or those on CNN or MSNBC you would think the one American that wasn't afforded those rights like everyone else has......... is Officer Wilson.

It has been shocking to really listen to some of these people who have made the situation far worse. Imo, some should be arrested for making terrorist threats or arrested for intimidation.

One even said if the GJ doesn't indict DW 'Ferguson hasn't seen anything yet' in other words if some don't get their way the looting, shootings, and burnings will be even worse.

I have never felt so sorry for a GJ in my entire life as I do those on this case. But I feel even sorrier for DW who is caught up in all of this. He has to be terrified that he is going to be made into a scapegoat to please the masses even if it is shown he had a justifiable right to shoot MB

OMG you must paraphrase at least!
I can't wait till midnight to watch the rerun!

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Idk if I can :lol: hot mess....

She asked DJs lawyer...

You were on the show last week, and told us that while seated in the car OW reached out and grabbed MB and tried to pull him into the car, correct? Do you still stand by that statement...?

And he says, "I never said that!"

her eyes nearly bug out of her head, and then they are both talking over each other.

I have no idea what he's talking about, but she's screaming, wait a minute, last week that's what you told me!

When she finally gets him to listen to her, he answers, "oh yea I still stand by that statement!"

Then she tries to ask MBs dad a question, I'm not even sure what, and he starts ranting, b/c some he feels offended in some way (idk what she asked him, I'm not saying he shouldn't have been offended.)

IDK, everyone was yelling and then she just shut it down!!!

Cray, cray.

I will keep a look out for the vid.
I'm leaning towards this being a justified police shooting. Before I'm certain I would like to see some more details like the distance between the two when the fatal shot/shots where fired. If there's evidence that the officer did sustain injuries to his face it will go a long way in showing that MB assaulted him at the beginning of the incident and officer Wilson had reason to fear for his life if he was being charged by MB.

From what I've read in MSM I see every reason to feel that this is an unfortunate but justified shooting by officer Wilson. I'll be surprised if evidence come's out that will change my mind about this case. JMO.
Darn. I missed The attorney's segment on Judge Jeanine. Husband and son hijacked the tv for the football game. lol
On Fox just now Judge Jeanine

Dr. Baden said when asked about an injury to the hand "no, we looked closely, and we did not find any injuries on his hands."
Judge J asks if there were an injury to Officer Wilson to the eye socket, you would expect to see something?"
Dr. B says "well often, often, we'd see injuries to the hand but not always. Punches can be delivered without injuries to the hand too."
Judge J: "Yeah, but if, if, and again we don't know, if the orbital socket, the bone is broken that's serious."
Dr. B: "That's right, that's leakage and there's no official report to support that as yet. These reports will come out I assume as the GJ winds down"

I hope Dr. Case, StL County ME, checked MB's knuckles for swelling. If Baden did so, wouldn't he have mentioned there was no swelling indicating MB hit DW, instead of saying simply, "There was no sign of a struggle"?

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I'm so happy that Officer Wilson turned his unstable childhood into something positive.

Stories like that warm my heart and make me proud. Too many people use their troubled upbringing as an excuse to stay down and that's sad.
I hope Dr. Case, StL County ME, checked MB's knuckles for swelling. If Baden did so, wouldn't he have mentioned there was no swelling indicating MB hit DW, instead of saying simply, "There was no sign of a struggle"?

Sometimes there are no abrasions on the knuckles and no swelling so I don't think that would tell them anything definitively one way or the other.

I did hear Dr. Baden say something very interesting the first day he spoke out about the autopsy he did. He mentioned that MB had a cut on one of his hands that it could be consistent if DW was trying to engage the slide action on his gun and if MBs hand was on the gun, then the slide could have pinched his hand cutting it.

I know this can happen because I carry a Glock 9mm and twice when I pulled the slide back and then forward I have pinched/cut my hand when it got caught in the slide. It hurts like heck and has caused the cut to bleed.
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