MO - Grief & protests follow shooting of teen Michael Brown #9

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I said nothing about "running away." He could have waited right where he was, or followed MB in his cruiser.

My understanding about how police work is that they are supposed to ARREST or FINE criminals whenever possible, not shoot them, unless there is a direct and immediate need for self-defense or defending another citizen from immediate harm. I would rather police in MY neighborhood act that way(and that's pretty much how it is here, thankfully).

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Where is here?

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Okay guys. Let's try to keep the political ranting down to a dull roar.

I said nothing about "running away." He could have waited right where he was, or followed MB in his cruiser.

My understanding about how police work is that they are supposed to ARREST or FINE criminals whenever possible, not shoot them, unless there is a direct and immediate need for self-defense or defending another citizen from immediate harm. I would rather police in MY neighborhood act that way(and that's pretty much how it is here, thankfully).

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BBM. You just answered your own question/concern.
I said nothing about "running away." He could have waited right where he was, or followed MB in his cruiser.

My understanding about how police work is that they are supposed to ARREST or FINE criminals whenever possible, not shoot them, unless there is a direct and immediate need for self-defense or defending another citizen from immediate harm. I would rather police in MY neighborhood act that way(and that's pretty much how it is here, thankfully).

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Law enforcement officers don't stand aside and wait, they intervene.

In this case the initial issue was MB walking down the center of the street. There was no need to call for backup. Things escalated from there, and at that point the two options available to the LEO were (a) take control and subdue the suspect; or (b) run away. Any officer who opts for choice (b) when a suspect gets defiant and aggressive needs to be fired immediately. It is their job to control the situation.
Awe inspiring though as it's the only version that lines up with Officer Wilson's account... And the known evidence. It was immediate like a spontaneous utterance....

ALL other versions...have fallen completely apart because they keep changing when the facts prove them wrong.


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The BBM is why I tend to believe that unidentified alleged witness's account. Excited utterances made immediately following the incident. Before the press, before this thing was anything "bigger". And by using the term bigger I am not minimizing the incident. I am referring to the poo storm of reaction and press and "dignitaries" and all of us becoming aware of the shooting.
British Columbia, Canada

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Id much rather live there than Ferguson!

You enjoy a rather low crime rate no? Not many people even have guns from
What I understand?

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BBM. You just answered your own question/concern.

Not really, because I have not seen any convincing evidence that this was the case. Brown was not in close proximity to OW when he was shot. He was also not in the act of harming any other citizens.

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Id much rather live there than Ferguson!

You enjoy a rather low crime rate no? Not many people even have guns from
What I understand?

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Aggressive suspects get shot by police here as well. They do not back down in those sorts of situations.
Okay guys. Let's try to keep the political ranting down to a dull roar.


I love when the warnings are about political...then I know for sure it ain't me:)


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That is here for me too, so your neighbors do not agree with you.

Well, one person does not agree with me, lol. You surely don't claim to represent all of BC? At any rate, what part do you disagree with? Does BC have trigger happy cops? Or do most perps manage to be successfully arrested without.gunfire here? My experience as someone who grew up and lived most of my life here is the latter.

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What form of protection should he have used, in your opinion? What were his options after there was a fight for his gun? Bear in mind this time frame- 50 seconds.

And, MB wasn't a "child". He was big enough to go bear hunting with a switch.

Just bouncing off of you post, lilome. :)

ITA! MB certainly wasn't a child. He was a very large adult who seemed to like throwing his weight (literally) around.

Sadly I do think this officer will be indicted. How will the jurors still be able to live there if they don't indict? Look at how many threats have already been made.

I asked my hubby today, since he just had grand jury in our area a couple of weeks ago, what would he do if the evidence showed it was a justifiable homicide. He told me he would never agree to true bill a case if it was shown to be justifiable or if the evidence was lacking. He said he would never be a sellout just to appease a group of people no matter who they were. He said he took his oath very seriously and would follow that oath and laws no matter how it ended up. He also said we would just have to move away if his decision became a personal safety issue for us.

Imo, MBs demeanor and attitude just 15 minutes before this happened hadn't changed. In the video we see the true MB. MB seems to like to intimidate/threaten others by using his large statute. He not only shoved the small store clerk...... he came right back and postured in a threatening aggressive manner again before he left. I think he pretty much did the same thing when he encountered Officer Wilson.

I still cant understand why he and DJ just didn't move to the sidewalk when asked. That is what a sidewalk is far. It shows such disregard for the law and rules imo. I can possibly understand them walking on the shoulder of the road if there were no sidewalks but that just wasn't the case. It was like MB was just looking for a fight.

I do believe that he did injure this officer which is a Class A Felony in Missouri. So MB was in the commission of committing a very serious felony since a Class A Felony is the top charge in our country.

I also believe he did just like he did to the store clerk and came back toward Officer Wilson. DW knew when he was assaulted by MB not one person there tried to stop him. So he knew he was on his own and he also knew by then that MB was strong and powerful since he had taken the brunt of the blows MB swung. In some cases the person doesn't have to be armed. Their sheer strength and size is the dangerous weapon itself.

MB being unarmed is totally irrelevant to me. There have been countless cases where a person has been beaten and kicked to death. I think DW knew if MB was able to tackle him and get him on the ground his life would be in grave danger of being severely injured or death.

Like I said I do believe there will be indictment due to the fear and intimidating threats already made but imo when it goes to trial I don't think this case is a slam dunk whatsoever.

If they bus in jurors from another county I wouldn't be the least bit surprised if there is an acquittal.

Also, imo, the eye witnesses will be a wash. Some will be found to have their own personal biases and credibility issues. The ones that will be believed are the ones who testifies and it lines up with the AR and forensic reports including the trajectory of the bullets.

Imo, as far as Officer Wilson struggling with MB concerning his gun DW had every right to shoot him right then and there. He certainly had to be in fear of his life.
Holy crap.....judge Jeannine Ps show I can't even describe it.

Had on DJs lawyer, and I think MBs dad.

Quickly went south, and she ended the segment.

Hoping video will go up

Also Baden will be on as well.
Aggressive suspects get shot by police here as well. They do not back down in those sorts of situations.

The stories about Canada being so much safer ... Not a lot of murders, shootings ....isn't true?

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Not really, because I have not seen any convincing evidence that this was the case. Brown was not in close proximity to OW when he was shot. He was also not in the act of harming any other citizens.

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Could you kindly provide a link to the distance between Officer Wilson and Mike during the actual shooting?

Have you read the links on the law regarding what LE can do to a fleeing felon who is a danger to LE or the public?

Have you read the actual laws wrt assault on a police officer and what they are allowed or required to legally do?
Anyone watching Judge Jeanine?
State Senator and Mosley on. Dr. B coming up. Fox News
Holy crap.....judge Jeannine Ps show I can't even describe robe it.

Had on DJs lawyer, and I think MBs dad.

Quickly went south, and she ended the segment.

Hoping video will go up

Also Baden will be on as well.

Do tell!!!

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Anyone watching Judge Jeanine?
State Senator and Mosley on. Dr. B coming up. Fox News

I just tuned in.... I missed the good part... Waiting for Baden

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