MO - Grief & protests follow shooting of teen Michael Brown #9

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What about letting MB walk away, which he apparently WAS doing? Or calling for backup and arresting MB? Why we're shooting OR tazing necessary, given the facts we currently know?

He didn't get shot in the back, he got shot in the front. Obviously he was coming back toward Wilson. There's a short video that someone took while this was happening and the person recording can be heard saying something to the effect " Oh no, he's turning around and coming back!" I'll try to find it if you haven't seen it.
Here's a link to a new article about why MB's body was in the street for several hours. It gives explanations for the police actions and the reasons people are upset.
Baden should stay out of a discussion regarding police procedure and their particular way of securing and working a crime scene, imo.

I agree.

I wouldn't ask an LE officer to perform an autopsy and I certainly wouldn't ask Baden to process a crime scene.
Do you live in the USA?

I live in New Jersey. We pay a little over $10,000 dollars a year in property taxes. Our police don't have cameras. They purchase their own vests or the fundraisers & citizens donate them.
Our local volunteer fire department has fund raisers all the time as well as the fundraising by the woman's auxiliary.

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Im your Neighbor in PA.. :)
We do have cameras and such. That is sad and should not be. All police should get safety equipment standard.

I think that at this point I am just firmly in the middle here. I have not all in one camp, I can see points on both sides that make sense.
Geez, where does your property tax money go? That is crazy that the police are underfunded like that when taxes are so high!

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It's insanity!!!
The bulk of it goes to schools ... I'm pretty sure. I can't even look because I get all "worked up" lol

Here's a link. ( keep the answer to yourself, I don't want to know)

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I may have missed it but do we have the last witness Brady's video with his own voice on it. In the interview I saw the reporter asked him about what he was saying while taping the aftermath. Seems like that would hold more truth.
And he was still advancing when he was shot. It is not like he got within 5 feet and stopped. He kept coming.

You're right that he kept coming. He only stopped advancing toward Officer Wilson after that final, fatal shot.
Well, it seems pretty obvious that he had walked some distance away because he was not shot right beside the police cruiser. He was shot at a distance.

OW could have let MB go until backup arrived, and pursued him then. I have not read any confirmation of an immediate physical threat OW was experiencing once MB had left the vicinity of the police cruiser that would necessitate deadly force. I have read speculation about MB "charging" OW right before he was shot, but this has not been proven or confirmed, to my knowledge.

I don't believe that is how police officers work. When someone presents a threat to public safety, or a reasonable expectation thereof, they are supposed to act, not run away and wait for reinforcements. At least, I would not want any officer who did that working for my city.
Re: # 3-10

Or, couldn't it have been that before or during whatever altercation/incident/verbal/non-verbal/physical/etc. happened at the car b/w MB and OW, OW grabbed for his gun in order to threaten MB with it?

He pointed it at MB, b/c whole reason he got his gun out was to threaten MB.

MB then tried to get the gun away from being pointed and aimed directly at him.

IDK but this scenario also makes sense to me.


So you think that the cop instantly pulled his weapon on MB and threatened to shoot him, with no provocation?

I am not saying that cops have never done this. But this was noon on a weekend, right in front of a huge apt. complex full of windows and balconies, and residents who are not big fans of LE. Why would this cop, with no prior record of being abusive, pull out a gun and threaten a teen in broad daylight in front of hundreds of witnesses?
He didn't get shot in the back, he got shot in the front. Obviously he was coming back toward Wilson. There's a short video that someone took while this was happening and the person recording can be heard saying something to the effect " Oh no, he's turning around and coming back!" I'll try to find it if you haven't seen it.

Well, being shot in the front doesn't necessarily mean MB was "heading back." He may just have turned around. I would appreciate the video. I assume it does not show the whole incident, or there would be no argument. I don't place a huge amount of credibility in some words a bystander uttered, if it is not backed up with evidence.

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Do you live in the USA?

I live in New Jersey. We pay a little over $10,000 dollars a year in property taxes. Our police don't have cameras. They purchase their own vests or the fundraisers & citizens donate them.
Our local volunteer fire department has fund raisers all the time as well as the fundraising by the woman's auxiliary.

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Cameras and voice recorders are or should be vital elements of evidence gathering in a first responder situation, so there isn't really much excuse not to have them. In the grand scheme of things they would represent a relatively minor percentage of the cost of keeping an officer in the field.
Two white house officials will be attending Mike's funeral. When has this EVER happened??

And how many white house officials attended Margaret Thatcher's funeral service? Zip.... none, not that I heard of.

And how many white house officials attended Major General Harold Greene's funeral service last week? None.

Need I say more?
You're right that he kept coming. He only stopped advancing toward Officer Wilson after that final, fatal shot.

I was not talking about MB but the man wielding a gun that was shot and killed.
MB had no weapon and it seems likely he was already going down when he was shot multiple times again. That is where I have the biggest problem.
Well, being shot in the front doesn't necessarily mean MB was "heading back." He may just have turned around. I would appreciate the video. I assume it does not show the whole incident, or there would be no argument. I don't place a huge amount of credibility in some words a bystander uttered, if it is not backed up with evidence.

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Awe inspiring though as it's the only version that lines up with Officer Wilson's account... And the known evidence. It was immediate like a spontaneous utterance....

ALL other versions...have fallen completely apart because they keep changing when the facts prove them wrong.


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I don't believe that is how police officers work. When someone presents a threat to public safety, or a reasonable expectation thereof, they are supposed to act, not run away and wait for reinforcements. At least, I would not want any officer who did that working for my city.

I said nothing about "running away." He could have waited right where he was, or followed MB in his cruiser.

My understanding about how police work is that they are supposed to ARREST or FINE criminals whenever possible, not shoot them, unless there is a direct and immediate need for self-defense or defending another citizen from immediate harm. I would rather police in MY neighborhood act that way(and that's pretty much how it is here, thankfully).

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So you think that the cop instantly pulled his weapon on MB and threatened to shoot him, with no provocation?

I am not saying that cops have never done this. But this was noon on a weekend, right in front of a huge apt. complex full of windows and balconies, and residents who are not big fans of LE. Why would this cop, with no prior record of being abusive, pull out a gun and threaten a teen in broad daylight in front of hundreds of witnesses?

Police deal with uncooperative individuals every day, it is extremely rare for them to pull a gun and shoot for no reason. I think it was pretty obvious that MB was behaving in an extraordinary manner to warrant that sort of reaction from an officer who otherwise had what appears to be a pretty spotless record.
So you think that the cop instantly pulled his weapon on MB and threatened to shoot him, with no provocation?

I am not saying that cops have never done this. But this was noon on a weekend, right in front of a huge apt. complex full of windows and balconies, and residents who are not big fans of LE. Why would this cop, with no prior record of being abusive, pull out a gun and threaten a teen in broad daylight in front of hundreds of witnesses?

Cause according to Parks, "he was mad"

Link is somewhere from Kelly file show....
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