MO - Grief & protests follow shooting of teen Michael Brown #9

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JMO The cap and Brown are in the Piaget video and both are slightly blurred (by CNN, I believe.) The cap is 3 to 5 feet in front of Brown, on the yellow line. I could swear I saw a close up of it in one video, but I can't remember whose. JMO good night
Keeps happening?

The statistics don't lie.

Where is the real genuine concern for the horrific abundance of black on black crime? 98% of the time a young black man is murdered, it was by the hand of another young black man.

There's no getting around that. As the mother of a young black son... Those statistics terrify me.

My son has a better chance of being killed by lightening than unjustly shot and killed by police.
When he walks out the door, that's not my #1 fear. It's not even on my list of Top Five

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Thanks for this, Linda!

Let me ask you this- at the risk of being called racist as I have been previously :roll eyes:

Why are you NOT concerned about your son being unjustly shot and killed by police? I mean, I'm sure there are a number of reasons, but can you list a few for us?
Just because there is black on black crime that does not excuse or abate this incident. The issue at hand is did this officer act inappropriately or not.
Being a punk does not come with a death penalty. So far, I believe this officer crossed a line because he is held to a different standard. He is not allowed to kill someone unless it meets certain criteria and in this case, I think he is wrong. Everything I have seen so far shows me there was no immediate threat and that he should not have shot MB the way he did and as many times as he did.

I think there will be an indictment here. And I am looking forward to the case in court to see all the documents and evidence.

Sometimes being a punk DOES come with a death penalty.

Just a question... if you have a gun and someone wrestles you for it and a shot is fired, would you consider that person an immediate threat? I'm just wondering what your definition of an "immediate threat" is.
Let me ask this, How many times do the police go out on domestic disputes with nasty angry people, Most likely swinging and acting like fools? I bet a lot. How many of them end up dead? Not many.
Like I said before I am still waiting for a final analysis but at this point, It looks to me that this cop had other options than taking this life and did not take them.

How many of those people go for an officer's gun? I'd say that hardly anyone is that crazy, to be perfectly honest. Why? Because everyone knows that's only going to get you one place: dead. Rightfully so.
Use another form of protection is what he should have done...he is trained right? Well then stop killing for the sake of it and making out a child is incredible hulk lol

What form of protection should he have used, in your opinion? What were his options after there was a fight for his gun? Bear in mind this time frame- 50 seconds.

And, MB wasn't a "child". He was big enough to go bear hunting with a switch.

With the moderator's permission, I am able to insert the video of the shooting. Thank you, LambChop. Also, I will include the news article posted by popsicle.



Thank you for posting this. I had seen it in the last few days but wasn't sure if people were talking about it (don't have time to read all the posts). Are we certain it was a protester? I hadn't heard that before. But it was not far away from the place where MB was shot. The police very clearly overreacted (IMO) to the odd but nonthreatening behaviour of a man who was (to me) clearly mentally ill and had done nothing more than steal some snacks. Very sad that this "shoot first and ask questions later" approach seems to be so common with this particular police force. They need to revisit their police procedures IMO.
Sometimes being a punk DOES come with a death penalty.

Just a question... if you have a gun and someone wrestles you for it and a shot is fired, would you consider that person an immediate threat? I'm just wondering what your definition of an "immediate threat" is.

Not if they were half way down the street.
Thanks for this, Linda!

Let me ask you this- at the risk of being called racist as I have been previously :roll eyes:

Why are you NOT concerned about your son being unjustly shot and killed by police? I mean, I'm sure there are a number of reasons, but can you list a few for us?

Why certainly!

He knows how to behave, he's respectful and was taught how to survive an interaction with police. He was taught the time, place and procedure for appropriate venues for grievances.

He would rather stick a fork in his eye than be viewed as a or criminal. He carries himself more like a cop than a teenager. lol

Fortunately, law enforcement where I live, have went above and beyond to build a rapport with young people. Our police force mirrors the racial diversity of my township.

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So since some believe that, why did he not come out himself and just say that....Not buying it at all. What i do believe is, that cop was up to no good and the rest, well he is dead

Curious.. do you think MB was up to "good" ?
His vision was probably impaired from being punched in the face. He couldn't even hit center mass ( and a lot of it) from a short distance. I doubt he had time to holster his gun, pull out a taser, and try to use that. He did what he had to do.

He wasn't even thinking about using his taser because THAT IS NOT PROTOCOL OR THE LAW (not yelling, just emphasizing :)
JMO The cap and Brown are in the Piaget video and both are slightly blurred (by CNN, I believe.) The cap is 3 to 5 feet in front of Brown, on the yellow line. I could swear I saw a close up of it in one video, but I can't remember whose. JMO good night
I am fairly certain that Michael's baseball cap is lying on the ground near the driver's side door of Officer Wilson's car. I think in the long video by the rapper guy, it has traffic cones around it.
How many of those people go for an officer's gun? I'd say that hardly anyone is that crazy, to be perfectly honest. Why? Because everyone knows that's only going to get you one place: dead. Rightfully so.

But we still don't know what happened in that car for sure. We don't know that MB reached for that gun. We have only the officers word at this point. I am hoping with more evidence if that gun was fired in the car there will be reports on trajectory.
Here's a link to a new article about why MB's body was in the street for several hours. It gives explanations for the police actions and the reasons people are upset.
Baden should stay out of a discussion regarding police procedure and their particular way of securing and working a crime scene, imo.

In my opinion, Dr Baden should hang his head in shame after using someone with horrible references and lack of qualifications like Parcells. Just my opinion.
There are numerous links in the previous threads concerning Parcells.
But we still don't know what happened in that car for sure. We don't know that MB reached for that gun. We have only the officers word at this point. I am hoping with more evidence if that gun was fired in the car there will be reports on trajectory.

We do actually know what happened. The Chief of police said there was a struggle for the gun and a gunshot in the car. The attorney for the family said that too. I'm pretty sure that the chief of police is not just taking the officer's word for that- I'm certain he saw the undeniable evidence. And, in order for their to be a struggle, MB had to go for the gun. I mean, OW didn't take MB's hand and put it on the gun, right?
But we still don't know what happened in that car for sure. We don't know that MB reached for that gun. We have only the officers word at this point. I am hoping with more evidence if that gun was fired in the car there will be reports on trajectory.

I m very curious...why not give the benefit of the doubt to the person with a stellar background?

Why so much twisting for a known armed robber that willfully defied law enforcements simple request to get out of the street?


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