GUILTY MO - Ireland, 2 & Goodknight Ribando, 7 weeks, found dead outside home, Kearney, July 2018 *arrest*

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Or maybe look at how the call was processed. The individual case worker may not have gotten the call assigned to him until the next morning.

Nothing in any of the timelines seem to match up to each other.
Right? Why would someone call the hotline at 11:00 p.m. and the dad didn't leave until 3-4 in the morning? Who called and why?
I dont think a lot of it makes sense cause she was out of her freakin mind. Im sure a lot of us here wouldnt get kicked out of a public pool for taking our two babies there and then leaving them unattended for 25 minutes while we were in the pool restroom. What the heck would we be doin in there for 25 mins?? What would make us think that was ever ok? Even for a second?? Drugs. Thats just my opinion. I know some here have a completely different opinion but come on! Theres got to be a reason for this crazy behavior and I personally think the reason is right in front of us.

Where did the pool story come from? Could you post the link, thanks :)
You know what? I'm believing mom's story less and less.
I want to know why that car was towed. Was this after she rammed his car?
Who the heck puts two babies in a car so they don't hear an argument? Then they die!
Who the heck sleeps in a car when the door to the house is open? I'm simply not believing this.
I’m not believing the dcf person was detailed enough to tell that the fan wasn’t on, so the AC wasn’t running in the Jeep. Yet he didn’t look or knock on the window of the Jeep ? If I were worried about children a running car with no seen adult in it would alarm me. He might not of been able to see in the back unless he opened the door whatever. Depending on if the back windows are tinted. Mine are you can’t see back seats passengers at all.

I also honestly can’t tell a difference on either of our cars on when the AC is on vs off. This had me curios enough to actually test this out this morning. There was nothing that could be heard kicking on etc sounded the same with AC on and off. It could be the model of cars I have Idk. But I’ve never noticed hearing a ac fan kick on period in a car. You can hear AC units running on homes when your on the porch , front lawn etc so I thought at first it was a misprint and he meant the AC on the home wasn’t on. But I see that’s not the case everything about this case is confusing.

The only possibility I can possibly think of as to if the kids died in the car because of a total accident. Is if indeed they were in the Jeep with AC running. But that jeep didn’t have rear AC and the kids were in rear facing car seats. In that circumstance I can see that being possible. In my car there are vents that cool down the back seat passengers. However it wasn’t enough to keep a infant or child rear facing in the back seat cool enough. Forward facing was fine. But the first time I discovered the car was to hot for a infant, we didn’t go anywhere with the baby until we resolved that problem. That same infant just turned 3 and he still rearfaces in the same car he’s perfectly comfortable year round still using the noogle. I can’t imagine this mom not knowing that this could be a issue for her kids though. I mean it took one time for me crying baby sweaty etc. duh he’s to hot let’s take care of the problem. Especially in the Ks mo area where the heat index is usually way higher then the actual temps. This year as been brutal
I think they should look into why the investigator waited until morning to go. If it seemed important enough to rush it through in less than 12 hours, why not do it right away? I have no idea if he could have done anything to save them that morning, but I have no doubt he would have had the chance the night before. I'm not blaming him for their deaths, I believe that falls entirely on the mother's shoulders, but I am questioning how well he did his job. MOO

I can't get over the fact he just walked away from a scene where the front door was open and there was a running vehicle in the driveway, and he never gave it a second thought. I mean, I'm no social worker but to me that's proof right there he did not do his job.
Right? Why would someone call the hotline at 11:00 p.m. and the dad didn't leave until 3-4 in the morning? Who called and why?

I am wondering if mother-in-law called CPS. She may have heard from son, that they were arguing, Mom was acting weird, maybe medicated, but was jealous, angry...and Grandma may have been concerned about the babies?
From this link Mother says she fell asleep in vehicle; girls found dead next day

“I dozed off for just a second. When I woke up, I saw them and ran to the neighbors,” Boedecker is cited in a search warrant as telling deputies.

Mother didn't "doze off for just a second" and then find the babies unresponsive. That's a flat-out lie. She knows it and anyone with any common sense knows it. It doesn't take a PhD in criminology to ascertain that Mom's tall tale doesn't add up.

Mother claims that she fell asleep in the car with her babies. I call total BS on that, as well. The front door to the house was found open by the CPS investigator at about 9:30 a.m. on July 4. The CPS investigator didn't notice anyone in the driver's seat of the Jeep.

1. The car was found running at about 9:30 a.m. by CPS.

2. No one was observed in the driver's seat

3. The front door of the house was open

4. The CPS investigator knocked, no one answered

Everything this mother says must be considered through the lens of a reckless, black-out drunk, IMO. I don't know whether or not she was under the influence of alcohol and/or other substances, but I suspect that she was.

Here's the thing: When you hear the phrase 'black-out drunk' - that phrase refers to memory impairment due to the effects of alcohol/pharmaceuticals on the hippocampus (a structure of the brain that is responsible for capturing short-term memories & storing them as long-term memories).

A person can be 'black-out' impaired and still be awake, upright, mobile, and conversing with others (or any of a number of other activities, including operating a motor vehicle). They just won't remember it later, because the hippocampus activity was suppressed by alcohol or other pharmacological substances.

'Black-out' drunk doesn't mean passed out and asleep. It means that the level of intoxication has affected the memory center of the brain, so that the brain is incapable of storing short-term memories, resulting in fragmentary memory loss.
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Here's the thing: When you hear the phrase 'black-out drunk' - that phrase refers to alcohol/pharmaceutical-induced memory impairment due to the effects of alcohol/pharmaceuticals on the hippocampus (a structure of the brain that is responsible for capturing short-term memories & storing them as long-term memories).

A person can be 'black-out' impaired and still be awake, upright, mobile, and conversing with others (or any of a number of other activities, including operating a motor vehicle). They just won't remember it later, because the hippocampus activity was suppressed by alcohol or other pharmacological substances.

'Black-out' drunk doesn't mean passed out. It means that the level of intoxication has affected the memory center of the brain, so that the brain is incapable of storing short-term memories.
When I was young (I quit drinking over 40 years ago), I had a lot of blackouts; some of them were bad enough that I couldn't remember things that happened before I started drinking. I never used that as an excuse for anything I said or did during that time. If I found out I had said or done something that hurt someone else (physically or emotionally), I always apologized and accepted responsibility for my behavior. That's one of the reasons I no longer drink, I don't want to have to apologize later for something that never should have happened in the first place (that and 3-4 day hangovers!) If she was drunk/high to the point of blacking out, it would explain her jumbled stories but wouldn't excuse anything she did to cause the deaths of her daughters. In my not so humble opinion, choosing to drink/use is also choosing to accept responsibility for anything that happens because of it. MOO
If she was drunk/high to the point of blacking out, it would explain her jumbled stories but wouldn't excuse anything she did to cause the deaths of her daughters. In my not so humble opinion, choosing to drink/use is also choosing to accept responsibility for anything that happens because of it.

I agree with you 100% that if she was chemically impaired, it may explain her nonsensical stories.

Having said that, if she was chemically impaired (I believe she was), she cannot use that as an excuse. Her babies depended upon her to keep them safe, to keep them alive.

Regardless of whether or not she was drunk/high/under the influence of any mind-altering substance or if she was in a completely sober state of mind (which I doubt), she utterly & completely failed them. Her FB friends/commenters seem more than willing to give her a pass. I will not.

Based upon her reported actions, it seems that she was more concerned with her man than she was with her babies.
I can't get over the fact he just walked away from a scene where the front door was open and there was a running vehicle in the driveway, and he never gave it a second thought. I mean, I'm no social worker but to me that's proof right there he did not do his job.
I'm torn on this one. In one of the articles linked upthread a reporter stated (so not a direct quote from him) that the investigator didn't inspect the running car too closely because he was concerned the neighbors in this rural setting might think he was "prowling around" the property.

I kind of get that he might have been nervous that someone would mistake him for a thief and do something stupid, like pull a gun on him.

However, in light of the circumstances it would have been appropriate for him to call LE and request an assist in order to check the vehicle for occupants, especially if he thought enough to say he couldn't see a person if they were slumped over. For all anyone knew it could have been a murder-suicide situation or an emergency requiring an ambulance. Which it might have been at that moment.

We don't know what the CPS caller said but apparently it was enough to send a worker out to check so for now I mostly lean to his falling short in his duty to the kids. JMO.
ETA: To add:
“Humphrey said he did not want someone thinking he could have been prowling around cars out in a rural area,” police wrote.

Humphrey said he arrived at the home between 9:30 a.m. and 9:40 a.m. The 911 call came in at 12:10 p.m.

He said he knocked on the door of the residence several times, waiting a minute or two between knocks.

He then walked past the driver’s side door of the silver SUV (police said Boedecker has a silver Jeep Patriot). He estimated he was about 2 or 3 feet away from the vehicle but didn’t see anyone inside.

But Humphrey acknowledged to police that he may not have seen children in the back or an adult in the front if they were slumped over, according to the documents.

Humphrey, when reached by phone, said, “I don’t have any comment. You’ll have to talk to my supervisor.”
Clay County social worker was at girls' home hours before they were found dead
It’s now clear that investigator walked right by the Jeep just hours before Ireland and Goodknight Ribando died. He admits he was looking for the girls but spent less than five minutes at the property and never specifically looked inside the jeep.

It’s possible this might have been a heartbreaking missed opportunity to save the young girls ages 7 weeks and 2 years old.

“This investigation is ongoing. Children’s Division responded timely and appropriately to a Child Abuse and Neglect Hotline report that the reported indicated was a non-emergency concern,” said Rebeca Woelfel with Missouri Social Services.
Missouri Social Services defends welfare check on 2 Kearney girls
More at the link.
Also from the article:
It is clear this appears to be a hot car investigation from court documents and that the Jeep may have run out of gas turning the vehicle into an oven.
I'm thinking she was black-out drunk, as mentioned just upthread. I've lived with drunks before, and they do stuff they can't remember. One roommate I had came home so wasted one night, once she passed out, I actually went and inspected her vehicle, worried she could have hit someone or something driving home. What's really messed up is a few weeks later, she was complaining that several of her "friends" were mad at her and "accusing" her of being belligerent and crazy at a recent party. She kept saying, "I wasn't even AT that party!" Well, guess what? That's where she had come from that night...told me all about the party when she got home, but apparently did not even remember being there, let alone being a belligerent fool. Needless to say, she got a DUI soon after. Surprise surprise...she must have had some worried roommates who tipped LE off as soon as she drove off with her bottle.

Another time, I got up in the morning and found a knife sticking out of the floor and my cat sleeping next to it, thankfully unharmed. Person tried to tell me they didn't do it. Because my cat apparently had grown then lost thumbs overnight. Maybe someone came in, got a knife from the drawer, stabbed my floor, then politely locked all the doors behind them on the way out. Yeah. Good times.

My current working theory is something like this: They fought around 11pm. He left to go get smokes and didn't come back in a timely manner. After a while she got mad, packed the kids into the jeep and went looking for him. Either she found him and they fought at a different location, maybe even with the brick throwing and car ramming happening there, or they made their way home and started fighting immediately upon exiting the vehicles, with her leaving hers running...perhaps so she could ram him again. He finally is like, "I'm out, deuces," and she goes back inside to get another drink or whatever, leaving the kids in the running car, and ends up sitting or lying down, then passing out, and the kids die from her preventable negligence.


They fought, he left, etc., then she was like "eff you, dude" and maybe turned the heat on in the car and left the kids in there and went and passed out.

Again, though, work in progress and subject to changing by the minute....kinda like mom's story!
I too think more than likely she was under the influence.
Her story just doesn’t have the flow the truth has.
I think she was in the house.
I’m not sure what caused the children’s deaths and we can’t be sure they really died in the car. She might have done something in the house and then put them in the car to get them all heated up before taking them to the neighbor. We just don't know anything yet except there are 2 dead children after a woman was scorned.
Missouri Social Services defends welfare check on 2 Kearney girls
More at the link.
Also from the article:
It is clear this appears to be a hot car investigation from court documents and that the Jeep may have run out of gas turning the vehicle into an oven.

If the vehicle was out of gas after running the a/c while parked, that does explain why she ran to the shed to get gas - perhaps she wanted to re-start the car and a/c again after finding the kids overheated.

Gradually the sequence of the story will fall into place.

I can't come up with why the babies were in the at that hour in the first place. It was noon and the car was out of gas so it's not like they were going anywhere. The front door to the house was ajar so it's not like they couldn't be taken inside.
The mom's excuse of putting them in the car so they didn't hear the arguing is bs if you ask me. That makes no sense. Has anyone ever heard of doing such a thing?
Plus she was crazy psyched out, throwing a brick and ramming her car into his. Do you really think she would have had that presence of mind to put the kids in the car so they didn't hear them fighting? No way!
If she put them in the car for another reason were they in the car when she rammed him? So much for keeping the kids out of the argument!
The dad said the kids were in the house when he left. That is what I believe.
Now how and why did those beautiful children die?
One more thing. I'll bet she did not know prior to her arrest that the CPS guy had stopped by. He knew the car was running and most importantly that the front door was ajar. So she lied about being locked out.
Why would the car be running if she could get in the house?

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