GUILTY MO - Ireland, 2 & Goodknight Ribando, 7 weeks, found dead outside home, Kearney, July 2018 *arrest*

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This case has me so confused!

Mother gives differing accounts about night 2 girls died

The social worker noticed the car was running but didn't approach it because he didn't want to look like he was "prowling around?" At that time the car was running.

Mother says she fell asleep in vehicle; girls found dead next day

OMG - from Warrant: Mother of Clay County girls found dead told police she fell asleep with car running

The search warrant also reveals someone called the Missouri Department of Social Services hotline at 11 p.m. the night before the girls died. The complaint was not deemed as serious enough to be handled immediately so it "was put off until the morning".

I don't often get this confused. I trust LE will straighten things out over the next few days. My heart breaks for both children but I can't wrap my head around ignoring a 7-week-old baby for that amount of time. I feel sick.
Still very confusing!

The Jeep was broken down and was towed to the home. So, how did she ram his vehicle with it?

And when did she go to the shed for gas and why? From the article, it seems that she went to the shed after discovering her children, but that doesn't make sense if the vehicle doesn't work. ? Maybe in a panic she did that, before running to the neighbors for help?

Anyone have this figured out?

Still very confusing!

The Jeep was broken down and was towed to the home. So, how did she ram his vehicle with it?

And when did she go to the shed for gas and why? From the article, it seems that she went to the shed after discovering her children, but that doesn't make sense if the vehicle doesn't work. ? Maybe in a panic she did that, before running to the neighbors for help?

Anyone have this figured out?


Where did you read the Jeep had been towed to the home?

It was towed FROM the home after the girls were found and mom was arrested.
Nope. I haven't seen anything mentioning car seats. I was doing my own suppositioning..I was thinking that if she had put them in the car to get them out of the house, that she would put them in their respective car seats. In honesty, I have no clue, but am just trying to envision what may have happened. So, sorry for mentioning car seats..I just assumed that that's what people do with kids in cars these days. A seven week old baby? Just laying in a car? I would have bet in a car seat! Sorry if I mislead anyone.

I would assume the baby was in a carrier/car seat. Like this:

but I could be wrong...
Still very confusing!

The Jeep was broken down and was towed to the home. So, how did she ram his vehicle with it?

And when did she go to the shed for gas and why? From the article, it seems that she went to the shed after discovering her children, but that doesn't make sense if the vehicle doesn't work. ? Maybe in a panic she did that, before running to the neighbors for help?

Anyone have this figured out?

I did not see that the jeep was broken down and had to be towed to the house anywhere. Have I missed this detail,in the article?
Someone asked what an assessment call to CPS would be. I don't know Missouri CPS have only worked for Kansas but hotline calls are "triaged" based on the info given and each type of call gives the worker a certain amount of time in which to investigate based off of the danger to the child. I have no idea what could have been said to have them investigate the next morning but not immediately though.

This case is another example of why I always tell people if you are seriously concerned for a child's safety call police and make a hotline report. Police will respond much faster.
I did not see that the jeep was broken down and had to be towed to the house anywhere. Have I missed this detail,in the article?
Where did you read the Jeep had been towed to the home?

It was towed FROM the home after the girls were found and mom was arrested.

I read the info about the Jeep here, as linked above, bolded by me:

"During an interview with a Clay County detective, Boedecker's husband, Joe Ribando, allegedly stated the Jeep had been broken down on July 3, and that around 10 p.m. he and his mother had the vehicle towed to the family's house on Cameron Road. Around 11:30 p.m., Ribando left the residence to purchase cigarettes. Upon returning, Ribando and Boedecker got into a fight, court documents state."

Mother says she fell asleep in vehicle; girls found dead next day
I have come up with a scenario that would fit with most of what she's said, and what others have said, but I'm not convinced it's even close to what happened. If the parents got into a fight at 11, the girls were in bed sleeping, the brick throwing and car crashing happened, and dad left as said, he could have gone to his mother's house like he said but she may have thought he went to pick up the girl he was accused of cheating with. When he wasn't back by 3-4 am, she may have assumed he was with the girl and put the girls in the car to prepare for the fight when he got home (which never happened). She could have covered them to protect them from bugs, etc. and left the car running with the air on low to keep them cool thinking it wouldn't be that long before he was back and the fight was over. While waiting for him, she could have been drinking and eventually fallen asleep/passed out.

When the CP worker came the next morning, she could have been passed out in bed and not heard him, and the girls were still sleeping in the car. If the car ran out of gas shortly after he left, it might not take long for it to heat up in there without the air on. I'm not sure how likely it is, but could they have died from the heat if they were in the car from about 9:45 until 12:00 with the windows closed and no air on? Putting cold water on them and fanning them sounds like they were trying to cool them off because they were overheated.

I know this whole idea is extremely unlikely, but I'm really trying hard to come up with a way that it could have happened that didn't involve just one more parent who put herself before her children, or killed them out of spite for someone else. MOO

To piggy back off this - instead of putting the girls in the car waiting for him to come home...Maybe she put them in the car and drove around looking for him. When she returned home, the girls were asleep and she didn't want to risk waking them by moving them back into the house. She left the AC on to keep them cool and went inside and passed out. What happened after that is still up for debate.
I read the info about the Jeep here, as linked above, bolded by me:

"During an interview with a Clay County detective, Boedecker's husband, Joe Ribando, allegedly stated the Jeep had been broken down on July 3, and that around 10 p.m. he and his mother had the vehicle towed to the family's house on Cameron Road. Around 11:30 p.m., Ribando left the residence to purchase cigarettes. Upon returning, Ribando and Boedecker got into a fight, court documents state."

Mother says she fell asleep in vehicle; girls found dead next day
Well, now I'm even more confused.
The article that I finally just read, says the funeral,for,the girls is July 13th, also that results of toxicology etc might be six to eight weeks in coming. The details in that article are clearly different than what I have seen so far. Very weird how things and stories keep changing.
Except the next paragraph...

"During an interview with a Clay County detective, Boedecker's husband, Joe Ribando, allegedly stated the Jeep had been broken down on July 3, and that around 10 p.m. he and his mother had the vehicle towed to the family's house on Cameron Road. Around 11:30 p.m., Ribando left the residence to purchase cigarettes. Upon returning, Ribando and Boedecker got into a fight, court documents state.

“He got into his vehicle to leave. Mrs. Boedecker rammed his vehicle with her Jeep Patriot,” the search warrant states."

She rammed him AFTER it was towed home. So it was working well enough to do that.
I read the info about the Jeep here, as linked above, bolded by me:

"During an interview with a Clay County detective, Boedecker's husband, Joe Ribando, allegedly stated the Jeep had been broken down on July 3, and that around 10 p.m. he and his mother had the vehicle towed to the family's house on Cameron Road. Around 11:30 p.m., Ribando left the residence to purchase cigarettes. Upon returning, Ribando and Boedecker got into a fight, court documents state."

Mother says she fell asleep in vehicle; girls found dead next day
Some things in there don't make a lot of sense. It says that he left at 11:30 to get cigarettes and they got into a fight when he got home, so who called CPS (or whatever it's called there) at 11:00 and why? I'm also curious about how she could have rammed his car with the jeep if it had to be towed home because it broke down. Seems to me that either the mother isn't the only one being less than truthful or some of these reporters have things really mixed up - or both. MOO
Upon arrival at the property July 4, the investigator told a Clay County detective he noticed a silver SUV in the driveway with its rear lights on and the motor running.

“He commented he didn't know if someone was just getting home or if they were getting ready to leave,” the search warrant states. “He also said he thought someone may have just left the lights on for the car by accident.”

The children's investigator stated he looked toward the SUV and walked along the driver side of it but didn't see anyone.

“(The investigator) stated if there was someone seated upright in the front seat of the car, he would have seen them, but he may not have seen children seated in the back or an adult in the front if they were slumped over,” the warrant document states.

The investigator also knocked on the door of the residence, which he reported had the interior door open but a screen door closed. The investigator reported knocking on the door three times with no answer. “He didn't see anything unusual through the open door.”

The investigator told the county detective he went back to his car, waited several minutes to see if someone came to the door and left when no one did.

Mother says she fell asleep in vehicle; girls found dead next day
Except the next paragraph...

"During an interview with a Clay County detective, Boedecker's husband, Joe Ribando, allegedly stated the Jeep had been broken down on July 3, and that around 10 p.m. he and his mother had the vehicle towed to the family's house on Cameron Road. Around 11:30 p.m., Ribando left the residence to purchase cigarettes. Upon returning, Ribando and Boedecker got into a fight, court documents state.

“He got into his vehicle to leave. Mrs. Boedecker rammed his vehicle with her Jeep Patriot,” the search warrant states."

She rammed him AFTER it was towed home. So it was working well enough to do that.

Maybe it was out of gas at that time too and had to be towed. Definetly makes this much more confusing. I was originally convinced that they may have died from carbon monoxide, as someones link said up thread regarding sleeping in car with a/c on, if the air conditioner isn't working properly it won't circulate fresh air into the car and can cause carbon monoxide poisoning, in which case you would not wake up and could even die. Maybe the babies died from it before the jeep ran out of gas and also caused the mom to be deeply passed out, but because the jeep ran out of gas and the air conditioner stopped, she could get some cleaner air/oxygen, and woke up? I'm sort of thinking she put the kids in the car to follow the husband, or go find him, but was embarassed to admit she was 'stalking' her husband, so made up a reason to be in the Jeep, or maybe she lied about it because she didn't want to admit to DUI...grasping at straws, I know :)

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