Found Deceased MO - John Forsyth, 49, doctor, Mercy ER Clinic, Cassville, 21 May 2023 *car found*

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If this was a murder, I have no idea why he’d leave it out other than I understand from reports he was set to fly out to see some of his children. (You don’t require a passport for domestic flights in Canada, I’m not sure about the US, but I use my passport for domestic flights here.)

(SBM) In the US you will soon need a 'real ID' to fly domestically. 'Real ID' is a law that has much higher verification requirements. ID's that do not meet the requirements say some variant of 'Federal Limits Apply' and cannot be used to fly or enter federal government buildings.

As for LE saying that it isn't suspicious: I have to assume that it's a default line until they're cleared to or authorized to say more. Most notably the LE on the Nathan Millard case said something like this but they were working behind the scenes and would later announce details and arrests. IMO.
When I read that in the beginning of the case, my arms truly did do that amazing tingling thing they do, when surprised. First thoughts, were "Is he Mormon?". I didn't know at that time, but certainly, living in MO, a spiritual Mormon center, made me wonder. Did find out he was Mormon relatively quickly.

I did think about how soooo many MLM's are owned by Mormons, how Utah is the MLM capital of the world, and how there might be many disgruntled people "out there", in the MLM world. Think "Luluroe".

Thank you for that explanation, I hadn't realized MLM was respectable in Mormon culture.

ETA: I haven't seen where individuals have to pay to get into Onfocoin. So I'm not clear at this point whether anyone has actually lost money.

IMO it's possible the brothers were hoping to artificially create value and a market for their coins, by getting many people to own them, and then start trading them...

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I find this point about having the airplane tickets and leaving the next day, logically connecting to the passport.

However, I have not seen this specific data regarding his flying schedule.... can you post the source of that info...

I'm not the greatest at formatting but here is the link to CNN

The father of eight was not only recently engaged, he had plane tickets to leave the next day for Idaho and Utah to visit some of his children, his brother said.
Thank you for the source info. He had a shift starting at 7pm, and was flying out the very next day. Just makes one think that a perpetrator really really knew his life and schedule.

Unfortunately I think he fell victim to his job & schedule, just as you first thought was potentially the ex was jealous about the new fiancée, but with the child support and alimony already in line and divorce finalized I think it limits that option but doesn't rule it out.

The crypto background I think is more coincidental at this point.

Being a doctor, living in an RV right next to the hospital, etc. would make him easily noticeable to many, both staff and non-staff members. Based on his profession he likely has cash and valuables on him or available to him and potential access to narcotics. I'd imagine there are security cameras galore and LE has a pretty solid lead on this one. Based on how tight lipped they have been, I think this one should be resolved in the near future.
Interesting about the trailer near the hospital. I will share some knowledge. One of my friends here in San Diego works as an ER doctor in a desert town about 2+ hours away. They provide some sort of trailer for the doctors. The idea is that a doctor can come out to the desert, work 2-4 long shifts at the hospital, while staying in the trailer between shifts to sleep. They have some sort of housekeeping service to change over the sheets, etc. Most of the doctors stay out for a few days, then return to San Diego, where they have their actual house. The access to the trailer is just a perk of the job. Few doctors want to actually live in that rural/desert community, nor do they want to make the long commute to/from the coast. So I wonder if the trailer he was staying in was something similar. Probably not really relevant to the case, but I just wanted to point out that it might have been a similar arrangement. Maybe he wasn't just trying to hide from the court officials trying to serve the papers.

The ~$4000/month child support makes sense given his probable income, but the $15,000 per month in ALIMONY seems insane... Could it be a typo and should it be $1500/month? I've never understood why a spouse shouldn't be expected to work and support themselves at some point (at least after kids are in school, etc).
Interesting about the trailer near the hospital. I will share some knowledge. One of my friends here in San Diego works as an ER doctor in a desert town about 2+ hours away. They provide some sort of trailer for the doctors. The idea is that a doctor can come out to the desert, work 2-4 long shifts at the hospital, while staying in the trailer between shifts to sleep. They have some sort of housekeeping service to change over the sheets, etc. Most of the doctors stay out for a few days, then return to San Diego, where they have their actual house. The access to the trailer is just a perk of the job. Few doctors want to actually live in that rural/desert community, nor do they want to make the long commute to/from the coast. So I wonder if the trailer he was staying in was something similar. Probably not really relevant to the case, but I just wanted to point out that it might have been a similar arrangement. Maybe he wasn't just trying to hide from the court officials trying to serve the papers.

The ~$4000/month child support makes sense given his probable income, but the $15,000 per month in ALIMONY seems insane... Could it be a typo and should it be $1500/month? I've never understood why a spouse shouldn't be expected to work and support themselves at some point (at least after kids are in school, etc).
Makes sense….. Joshua Tree? I was surprised how big their local hospital is.
Like Johnny was doing side work? Or someone else doing work for him?

Not that I am aware of.
Well, I had the tin foil hat on for a minute thinking of all the bizarre crimes in this area. I mean just read a little about Cassidy Rainwater incident which is a two hour drive away, which, I think there is way more to that story, and the pregnant woman. Just can't make some stuff up so my thought was maybe he was doing some cosmetic lift's or something, out of the RV, and had one not go as intended, the boyfriend, husband or whoever paid for it wasn't happy with the results, once they found out it couldn't be fixed ... well let's say the conversation didn't go in his favor...

Highly doubt this and my mind was drifting, I do not mean any disrespect at all, but, just strange happenings and not much surprises me anymore. This crypto stuff is pretty interesting and doesn't sound like a healthy thing to be involved in.
Do we know if they have verified the identity of the remains through DNA testing? You would think that the body would be difficult to identify by sight alone after being in water for a substantial period of time, MOO.
Do we know if they have verified the identity of the remains through DNA testing? You would think that the body would be difficult to identify by sight alone after being in water for a substantial period of time, MOO.
I think dental records are still used when the teeth are intact and the person kept up their appointments, which I think a doctor would.

Do we know if they have verified the identity of the remains through DNA testing? You would think that the body would be difficult to identify by sight alone after being in water for a substantial period of time, MOO.
LE said they were trying to find where John was between the time he disappeared until he was found in the lake. So maybe he wasn't in the water the entire time.

"A missing emergency room doctor from Missouri was found dead in Arkansas from an apparent gunshot wound, authorities confirmed Wednesday, but they’re still investigating what happened in the week since he was last seen."
See my post #448 -- J was target since he WAS only one with key -- perhaps gift to R at last meeting was the key, since J had been threatened 'give it up or else' by ?someone.

The fabulous prize for finding the key was a single bitcoin. Why would anyone kill for that ? The gimmick in ONFO is that you get a bitcoin every time you recruit a new person. That sounds pretty easy compare to killing someone.

Edited to add: The contest was from 2021. It seems too remote in time to have any relevance to JF's death.

I am so grossed out at the long term scheme that the Dr cooked up with ONFO. He and his brother portray ONFO as a noble philanthropic effort and what it really is is these two brothers building up a base for future money making schemes targeting the vulnerable, uneducated & disadvantaged from across the world. I have no real understanding of bitcoin and cryptocurrency but I KNOW this isn't philanthropic. As far as ONFOCOIN goes, I don't see it as a likely cause for people to be angry enough to kill the Dr. I think there may be some angry victims remaining from one of the brothers earlier efforts. An earlier poster gave info about one such failed company, Alitin.

The fabulous prize for finding the key was a single bitcoin. Why would anyone kill for that ? The gimmick in ONFO is that you get a bitcoin every time you recruit a new person. That sounds pretty easy.

I am so grossed out at the long term scheme that the Dr cooked up with ONFO. He and his brother portray ONFO as a noble philanthropic effort and what it really is is these two brothers building up a base for future money making schemes targeting the vulnerable, uneducated & disadvantaged from across the world. I have no real understanding of bitcoin and cryptocurrency but I KNOW this isn't philanthropic. As far as ONFOCOIN goes, I don't see it as a likely cause for people to be angry enough to kill the Dr. I think there may be some angry victims remaining from one of the brothers earlier efforts. An earlier poster gave info about one such failed company, Alitin.

Reward for 'new recruit' was not a Bitcoin....

If this was a suicide, there would be a chance his remains wouldn’t be discovered. (The body tends to float after about three days, depending on temperature, but it will sink again.)

I think if it’s a suicide he left it as a sign that he didn’t travel far, imo.

If this was a murder, I have no idea why he’d leave it out other than I understand from reports he was set to fly out to see some of his children. (You don’t require a passport for domestic flights in Canada, I’m not sure about the US, but I use my passport for domestic flights here.)
It is being reported he had purchased plane tickets to visit his children, of which he has 8, in the Utah and Idaho area. He was set to leave I believe the following day, per a CNN report.

That would make sense on why he had those possessions with him, in case he had to leave quickly for the airport while at work and why it may have been prepped in his car in advance.

I also think this further reduces the odds of a potential suicide - already purchased airfare to visit his kids, recent engagement, etc.
I think the fact that he left his passport, along with cell phones, laptop, briefcase, wallet, keys in his unlocked car points to suicide. He also left his RV unlocked. I don't see the recent engagement, planned trip to see kids or his reported good mood during dinner with his brother as undermining a suicide argument. He may have been ambivalent about killing himself or something else. No way would a person described the way JF has been, (logical, competent, etc) that plans to return to his life, leave his car and pricey RV unlocked with all his important stuff unprotected.
Reward for 'new recruit' was not a Bitcoin....

I apologize for my mischaracterization about ONFOCOIN. You're totally right. My error highlights my ignorance about bitcoin and cryptocurrency. I just googled the current value of a bitcoin- it's ~ $27,000. I had no idea. It was worth even more at the time of the contest in 2021. I still don't see how a marketing contest from 2021 would be related to JF's death; I would expect the contest was long over. Perhaps JF didn't pay the person that believed they had won.
I think the fact that he left his passport, along with cell phones, laptop, briefcase, wallet, keys in his unlocked car points to suicide. He also left his RV unlocked. I don't see the recent engagement, planned trip to see kids or his reported good mood during dinner with his brother as undermining a suicide argument. He may have been ambivalent about killing himself or something else. No way would a person described the way JF has been, (logical, competent, etc) that plans to return to his life, leave his car and pricey RV unlocked with all his important stuff unprotected.
Agree with everything you say. My question is: how did he get to the lake?
Agree with everything you say. My question is: how did he get to the lake?
I know! I think there are appealing reasons to shoot yourself in a lake but I can't understand why he would leave his car a distance away. Why not just drive to the lake?

As posters have pointed out, he could walk to the lake in ~8hrs but why bother? I suppose he could pay someone enough money to drive him and never tell anyone. It just seems like a lot of drama if your goal is to end up dead.
You’re right. It just gently landed on his shoulder and stayed there as he was talking. How poignant.
View attachment 425643
View attachment 425644
I am so sad for this family. Butterflies are believed to be a sign from our loved ones. I lost my brother and niece to sudden death. I was walking last weekend and saw a butterfly and greeted my niece and said “where’s your dad?” About 5 seconds later, a daredevil crazy butterfly flitted around and up and down like a stunt plane. My brother was a pilot. ♥️♥️♥️
Re: walking.

It's not always possible without using a busy highway.

ETA Also to add, I have seen a lot of cases where the person wants to never be found, to completely disappear.

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