MO MO - Kara Kopetsky, 17, Belton, 4 May 2007 - #3

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Hi Wizard, Welcome to WS and thanks for your interest in Kara's case. I've followed it from very early and it's one that I hold close to me at all times. I had some comments on your above post. To make it easier. I will respond within your quoted post in red. Everything is IMO, and based of my own findings in Kara's case.

It happens a lot actually. Some of us try to give Newbies a heads up. We don't want to lose anyone that might have valuable input. Glad to be of help to you. And please keep posting on Kara's threads. We need all the help we can get. Also, I can tell you how to get in touch with Peter if you are interested in talking to him more about Kara's case.

Thanks, this would be a great help! There were a couple of factors that I was not aware of that you mentioned in your above post. For the most part, everything you've said is correct. I really think there is little evidence of foul play here, but there are quite a few clues IMHO that she may have run off. I'm going to take some time and reread your posts and add those factors into the equation before replying.

By chance would you know how much this case has been investigated outside the Belton PD/LE? Wasn't there a petition going around for them to reinvestigate the case? Did anything happen with that? The private message that were sent by Kara, was there any information released on where that house was? Did they reveal any information on what was found?

One more question, in your opinion, why did Kara's myspace page have a log in date of 5/3/07, but yet the page was updated on 5/28? Any ideas?
Sorry, had another one. The message that could've been sent by Kara a few weeks after they claimed she disappeared, was this a message in distress or was it more as if she was saying "hello, I'm here, please don't let anyone else know where I am because I'm running away". Are you able to comment on this?

We might have half the puzzle solved here. If we can get more information about the message that was sent and the the whereabouts of the house they investigated, we may have a better idea of where she was heading if she ran away.
Thanks, this would be a great help! There were a couple of factors that I was not aware of that you mentioned in your above post. For the most part, everything you've said is correct. I really think there is little evidence of foul play here, but there are quite a few clues IMHO that she may have run off. I'm going to take some time and reread your posts and add those factors into the equation before replying.

By chance would you know how much this case has been investigated outside the Belton PD/LE? Wasn't there a petition going around for them to reinvestigate the case? Did anything happen with that? The private message that were sent by Kara, was there any information released on where that house was? Did they reveal any information on what was found?

One more question, in your opinion, why did Kara's myspace page have a log in date of 5/3/07, but yet the page was updated on 5/28? Any ideas?

Hi Wiz.
I will send you a PM with info to contact Peter. I don't want to post it here without his permission. He no longer posts here but he does read here sometimes.

I don't believe there has been any information released to show that anyone outside of Belton PD has investigated this case. There was a petition going around asking for the case to be turned over to other officials, I think maybe federally, but I can't remember exactly. I never heard that anything came of that and my understanding NOW, is that petitions are basically worthless unless you have hand signed signatures. That may be part of that problem.

As for the Private MS messages that PHD believes were sent to him from Kara, I may have to read my old posts to refresh my memory as it's been a long time. But IIRC, she didn't state that she was Kara, but acted as though she knew him personally. For whatever reason, something she said, or the way she typed, he felt sure it was Kara. I do not know if PHD himself was ever informed of what house they traced the IP to and determined that she had been there, he never posted that info on the forum. Also, I have to keep in mind, that PHD may not be reliable, so this is only hearsay from him. Nothing was ever revealed about any of this by Belton PD, so also, nothing was released on what they may or may not have found at that house.

As for Kara's MS page. My opinion on the date issue: One of three things, 1) LE manipulated something on her MS on 5/28, they have been known to gain access to social networking sites during investigation. Perhaps they didn't want the last login date to show 5/28 as that may make people think Kara herself had logged in. 2) Perhaps a friend or family member with Kara's login information accessed the account for whatever reason. 3) Perhaps Kara herself accessed the account and manipulated it not to show the new login date. Your guess is really as good as mine.
Sorry, had another one. The message that could've been sent by Kara a few weeks after they claimed she disappeared, was this a message in distress or was it more as if she was saying "hello, I'm here, please don't let anyone else know where I am because I'm running away". Are you able to comment on this?

We might have half the puzzle solved here. If we can get more information about the message that was sent and the the whereabouts of the house they investigated, we may have a better idea of where she was heading if she ran away.

From what PHD posted on the forum (can't remember the name, but it was a local forum to Belton and many of the people that Kara ran with post there), it was a message basically saying "Hi, what you up to?" kind of thing. I THINK he said that he asked if it was her and the person would not say. IF it's true, and IF it was Kara, she seemed to be alive and well. But keep in mind, that even if Kara DID run away, there are any number of things that could have happened to her in the meantime. So she may NOT be alive and well today.
I don't believe there is anything wrong with me commenting on this because I found it posted on a public forum online, and I don't know any details other than what was posted.
I have a hunch that if I was provided the same information as LE, I think I would be able to solve the case. What a shame they wouldn't be willing to release any additional information, they are only hurting the family and more importantly maybe Kara by doing this.

What they've found from emails, web history, phone calls the house that was searched 3 weeks after her disappearance is such critical information. Unfortunately and sadly, any of us have very little chance of solving the case. Hypothetically if she ran away, with 6.7 billion people in the world and 195 countries+ the United States and with no strong leads, good luck finding her.
From what PHD posted on the forum (can't remember the name, but it was a local forum to Belton and many of the people that Kara ran with post there), it was a message basically saying "Hi, what you up to?" kind of thing. I THINK he said that he asked if it was her and the person would not say. IF it's true, and IF it was Kara, she seemed to be alive and well. But keep in mind, that even if Kara DID run away, there are any number of things that could have happened to her in the meantime. So she may NOT be alive and well today.

It would appear after LE was contacted with this information, they raided that house and they were convinced she had been there. I'm in posting mode so I can't find it at the moment, but were you the one that commented on that earlier?

Absolutely! Even if she was well and alive, 2 and a half years is a long time to be away and on the road. Drugs, prostitution, the guy she met was another loser etc etc, the possibilities are endless. I know there were occurrences in the past with her ex bf and step dad, but there hasn't been one iota of proof that she was ever killed. No evidence of foul play or even a struggle, no body, no DNA etc.

Do you have the link to the old Belton forum, if you can provide that, I may be able to access the information.

Any idea if the girl in the video in the hallway is afton from myspace?

Who is not talking from her myspace friends?

If we want additional help, we need to somehow gather her friends into this forum, that may be our only chance to solve it.
The guy that was responsible for the Smith murder, Edwin Hall has a very creepy look to him, almost to the point I want to puke and I'm not really squeamish.

Anyways, Hall had a wife and kid, how could he hold Kara captive for two weeks if he was the man in the sketch, assuming he abducted her on 5/4 and was seen again on or around 5/18? Hall killed Smith on the same day, almost within and hour, why would he wait two weeks or more to kill Kara? And then take her to a restaurant? LE from Belton and Overland Park didn't have any connections with the cases. Hall must have had an alibi for his whereabouts when they questioned him about Kara.

If you look at the Kelsey case, I think Hall was actually insane(not nutty), not knowing what he did until after the fact that he actually did killer her(insanity by law). That was just so poorly executed, with the Walmart surveillance, just pulling Kelsey into his truck right in the middle of the parking lot and not turning off Kelsey's cell phone. He was driving very erratically after watching the tape, like some madman.
I would like to go more in-depth with this for a minute:

She forgot one of her textbooks and called home and asked her mom to drop it off at the school office. She also asked her mother to wash her uniform so she could work the 4 p.m. shift at Popeye's Chicken.

Forgetting her textbook may have been done intentionally to get herself out of school. Most main offices in schools are near the exit door. It would've been an easy escape considering everyone else was in class and nobody saw her to make a quick escape. But for whatever reason the ploy didn't work. Then possibly she intentionally got herself thrown out of class, with the teacher argument, so she could get out of school. Again, it wasn't in between periods, so she could walk out without being seen. I might be wrong on these points, but I don't think it was an accident she forgot her book. Maybe she wanted to leave when nobody was around, because she didn't want anyone to get a description of the guy in the vehicle she was leaving town with.

I still haven't figured out the washing the uniform bit was about. Maybe for whatever reason, Kara wanted everyone to know to make it look like she was missing by abduction, so it could throw off the case and they wouldn't focus too much energy on her running away.
I've found sound comments from a youtube video, not sure how much merit they have:

posted by jeenroox:

This is utterly ridiculous. You almost sound like you're advocating her just vanishing into thin air. Kara was, is, not like that at all. She's a fun person to be around. Never in my life have I heard Kara Kopetsky do anything that would merit the slander you just gave. Moreover, the people she hangs out with are about as strange as you could get (including myself) in Belton, so I don't think she ever had a problem with shunning differences.

posted by Raven Silver Star:

Do you even know Kara? I went to school with her, and she definitely wasn't the good girl the media keeps portraying her as. She was in a huge fight at school when she was a Freshman that included at least three other girls. The administration and witnesses to the fight all claim that Kara started it by attacking another girl.

She was a real snob to anyone that was different that her, and she liked to laugh at people when something unfortunate happened.

posted by btownchoirboi:

Ok obviously you dont even know her... I go to Belton to and sure she could be a ***** sometimes but that wasnt her whole personality. She could be a great person and a supportive friend, we had been friends since 7th grade so dont just call her a bi*ch and think that we shouldnt look for her. Thats kind of a dick thing to say or imply.

posted by darrellrobynne:

I am still praying for Kara and her entire family. Thank you for allowing me to be a friend during this rough time in your lives. I have been there where you are. Love you Kara!
I wanted to submit this post separately, it's probably nothing, but I'll post it anyways.

*This was posted 8 months ago by prettyface777:

This is going to sound crazy but I swear I seen a girl that looked just like her at a olive garden with some weird looking lady I live in Pennsylvania. I notice the two when we were waiting for our seat they were standing too waiting. I can't be sure it was even her maybe just a girl that looked like her.
Does the post mention what part of Pennsylvania they're from?
Does the post mention what part of Pennsylvania they're from?

Nope, but I will send her an email and ask her.

According to her youtube profile, she was 45, so this wasn't exactly a kid talking a bunch of crazy stuff.
Wow Wiz,
You've been busy. It's gonna take me awhile to catch up here. To start, YES, I am the person who originally posted about the postings by PHD on the local Belton forum. I can't remember the site name, but it's possible that I posted a link. I really need to go back and review Kara's threads, specifically my own posts, to refresh my memory. If I didn't post the link, I think I can still find it. I DO KNOW, that I had gone back to that forum later and those posts were no longer available. I don't know why. Maybe the topic was against TOS, or maybe there was a blowup or something that the thread got deleted. I just know it wasn't there any longer. Also, I know that the news sites that carried the story with Kylr's interview no longer carry it either.

I also remember posting a tidbit I found somewhere (Topix, I THINK) where an unknown person posted something about Kylr having ties to some higher ups in Belton. But I had no way to confirm this, nothing to go on, etc. But I've always considered that an extremely interesting bit of hearsay information.

As for your other postings, it's gonna take me awhile to catch up and answer or respond. I was off work yesterday with a cold, and have a bit of catching up to do.

Yes, if you have the site and the approximate date when that thread from the forum originated, I still may be able to track it down even if it's been "deleted".

Still haven't heard from that girl from PA. prettyface777.

When I get a chance, hopefully today, I'm going to send out a quick message inviting friends into the forum with any information they might have.

I will try to get caught up and get you some of the information you are looking for as soon as I can. I just wanted to let you know that if you go back to the older threads for Kara, you may get a little confused when people quote my posts. I used to post as StillHoping. I had some account trouble and admin merged that old account with this new one under NewMommy09. All of my old StillHoping posts should now show NewMommy09 but it might show StillHoping when people quoted me. Just wanted to put that out there to help avoid any confusion. You could try searching for posts by me, if you know how. That would allow you to look at my old posts on Kara's thread without sifting through pages and pages. I will be back as soon as I can to help with that.

What I can remember of that forum was it was a site that seemed like call letters. (I.E. KSL (which is actually a Utah Newspaper) or something like that.) Hopefully I posted the link somewhere. Also, IIRC, PHD posted as DavisInBelton (Not sure of the no spaces or caps, etc). I hope this info will help you until I can get back to you with more.
Bringing this post up to the current thread for reference as per Wiz's request.
There may be more of my posts connected to this, but I need to go for now and didn't have time to keep sifting. Hope this helps for now.

I also found this forum where some of Kara's friends have posted. Post # 3 by Taylor on the 2nd page is interesting and is the same info that PHD gave me. I have not had the chance to read through all of this yet, so there may be more posts of interest here.

For anyone who can't view the site: Taylor basically states that Kara had called wanting to skip school and hang out. Then apparently Kylr answered her phone when Taylor called back, and told Taylor not to say anything about Kylr being with Kara that day.
(The wording is a little contradicting though)
Despite my best efforts, that thread(from appears to be gone. However, on a positive note, there may be a few good digs I can scrape out of those forums. There are a few threads from the past year or so, which might give me some more information. Thanks!
Time to get back to work on this case. The lady prettyface777 that saw her did not reply back. However, based on some of her youtube comments, prettyface777 could reside anywhere between Bedford, PA and Pittsburgh,PA more towards the western part of the state. Why she didn't reply, I have no idea.
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