MO MO - Kara Kopetsky, 17, Belton, 4 May 2007 - #3

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Thinking of Kara today and always.
I felt confident that she was not the NY amnesia teen. But I was grateful for her case to get some coverage. I hope people don't forget now that the NY teen has been identified. Kara is still missing.
Anyways, lots of different potential leads. I've been following the case more recently, but just heard about it 6 months ago.

The fact that a lot of things weren't going right in her life, not getting along with her step dad, she needing to get a restraining order against the ex bf. There was also a message from one of her close friends on her myspace page that said she had friends that hated her at times.

I'm quite surprised nobody had brought up the argument she had with the teacher just before she left school. In 4 years of high school, I only remember one occurrence where someone had an argument with a teacher and stormed out of the class, but that obviously raised a red flag and seemed out of the ordinary. I would hate to think of it, but maybe she took her own life and she just had enough, hopefully not. The relationship with her step dad could've been even worse than imagined and she did not want to leave any traces of where she had been, which would've been the main reason she left her cell, debit card, cigarettes etc. behind. Basically, she didn't want to be found by anyone, hooked up with another person via internet? and possibly just left town.

There was also a sighting of her a couple of weeks after she disappeared, apparently a bit south on a major roadway. There was mention by her family and a few friends, where she mentioned that she wanted to run away to Mexico. Not sure if there was any truth to that alleged rumor.

Bottom line, she is 18, and can't force her to come home even if they had wanted her to, so maybe LE isn't pushing the issue too much. The other reason could be that there is strong suspicion that she has run away. I couldn't imagine they would put too much effort knowing that.

Also, noticed the ex bf has an open myspace profile, so can't imagine he would be involved. Someone in an earlier thread mentioned there was a news story where police did say the ex bf passed a LD test. A teen at that age, on average, is not able to pull off a sophisticated crime, they most likely would've nabbed him by now.

There were issues with the step dad, but Kara didn't phone him at 10:30 when she left school. In other words, he couldn't have known she left school at that point. I'm guessing someone relayed the information to the family that she was missing from school, which was why her dad went looking for her later that afternoon. Very possible.

It's kind of hard to separate fact from fiction, in this case, just so much information circulating the internet. Unfortunately, you'll never know when you'll encounter a poster that may know something that purposely is sending out information to throw the web community investigation off track.
One last point, it would be hard to imagine that was Kara that was seen 2 weeks after she went missing. Someone that would've gone through so much trouble to avoid detection by leaving all her items back would've made more of an effort to change her appearance so nobody would recognize her. I also believe there is at least one person that knows something and is keeping quiet.

Any notion on where she might be if alive? Mexico, Florida and Texas are possibilities.

Not very helpful, but if she's alive, maybe another major city such as NYC, DC or a big city on the left coast. Any ideas?
One last point, it would be hard to imagine that was Kara that was seen 2 weeks after she went missing. Someone that would've gone through so much trouble to avoid detection by leaving all her items back would've made more of an effort to change her appearance so nobody would recognize her. I also believe there is at least one person that knows something and is keeping quiet.

Any notion on where she might be if alive? Mexico, Florida and Texas are possibilities.

Not very helpful, but if she's alive, maybe another major city such as NYC, DC or a big city on the left coast. Any ideas?

You make some good points. And i pray that she is sitting by the beach in Mexico and enjoying a full and happy life.
That being said, i dont hold much stock in LD tests. True sociopaths and psychopaths have a way of distorting it in their mind what they want to belive and what is the truth. So it doesnt always show up on a LD test.
It takes alot to walk away from everything and everyone (even more so at 17), and she may have well done that. But, there was alot that needed investigated and alot that needed to be done when it was'nt done. The Belton PD dropped the ball on this one big time. I can only hope and pray Kara will be found and closure brought to those that love and care about her. We will never forget and never stop looking for her. And if there are people resonsible for her missing or know more, then they should know that guilt never goes away and Justice never stops, and they will be caught and held accountable.
Kara will always be in my thoughts and prayers. May peace and closure and justice come very soon.
You make some good points. And i pray that she is sitting by the beach in Mexico and enjoying a full and happy life.
That being said, i dont hold much stock in LD tests. True sociopaths and psychopaths have a way of distorting it in their mind what they want to belive and what is the truth. So it doesnt always show up on a LD test.
It takes alot to walk away from everything and everyone (even more so at 17), and she may have well done that. But, there was alot that needed investigated and alot that needed to be done when it was'nt done. The Belton PD dropped the ball on this one big time. I can only hope and pray Kara will be found and closure brought to those that love and care about her. We will never forget and never stop looking for her. And if there are people resonsible for her missing or know more, then they should know that guilt never goes away and Justice never stops, and they will be caught and held accountable.
Kara will always be in my thoughts and prayers. May peace and closure and justice come very soon.

I know we both hope for the best and there is still promise. I know it's not as easy for family and friends that have organized fundraisers, gone through the emotional struggle, but can honestly say or have never experienced what they are going through. My intentions are to help them find her, and not for the sole purpose of winning some "silly webcrap sleuthing award". Hopefully, everyone can work as a team, and connect ideas. I didn't agree with everything he mentioned, but Peter from Ct. had a lot of good insight and is probably much more experienced at this sort of thing than I am.

In any event, back to the case. I'm thinking more so than ever than they are not in hot pursuit here, mostly because they have strong suspicion she has run away and with 17 being the legal age. I'm also leaning more towards Mexico(Cancun?), it's received adequate regional attention, not so much in other parts of the country and probably nothing in Mexico. BTW: Cancun was just a hunch, probably a million to one shot. But I don't think she would be visiting Tijuana anytime soon.

In regards to the bf, one person strongly suspects the bf, another person suspects the step dad, and someone else mentioned the area killer that murdered the other teenage girl(Smith) from Overland Park. Unfortunately, and at most if it was homicide, it can only be 1 out of the 3.

It's possible, but I would question a 17 year old with enough knowledge to defeat the lie detector test, compared to someone that's older and with more experience. The question isn't so much if the LD test was accurate, but how experienced was the polygraph examiner? Even if he beat the test, an experienced person would still be able to notice his actions during the test. Sure there are ways and information available on the internet on how to beat it, but often a good polygraph examiner tries to stay one step ahead and read up on this as well.

My suggestion, keep raising money and keep hiring PI's. I'm sure they've done their fair share, but don't expect too much more help from LE at this point.
We really have limited information here, but would like to ask the following questions.

Internet history-What do we know about where she has been on the internet? How about email records?

Cell phone-Transcript of the calls that morning, which might include text messages. If the transcript isn't available, the caller ID to who she phoned and incoming messages should be available.

Interviews-Was there anything else that she said to her friends that was out of wack?
Anyways, as I'm thinking about this I'm 99.5% sure it was not the ex bf. The bf was not going to school at that time and she just had broken up with him. So if there was no trace to her ex bf's phone or vice versa, how could he have known she left school at 10:30am when school gets out around 3pm?

Unless, she had purposely planned to throw herself out of class to skip school and maybe meet with the ex bf?

What was the conversation with the girl in the hall on that video? That would be helpful as well.
Another scenario:

Kara isn't getting along with step father. She ends relationship with ex bf. In the meantime, finds a new and older guy that is willing to take care of her, possibly someone out of town. She goes with him out of the area in fear of what the ex bf might do to her, as it's possible she was in fear for her life if she stayed around. She has one good friend that she trusts that knows this information.

The new bf, probably had a lot more money than her paycheck, debit card, cigarettes, cell phone combined and was willing to provide for her, maybe the guy in his early 20's? Was that argument with the teacher intentional to get her out of class and skip out of town? Maybe knowing this would be her last day, she did this intentionally and was trying to get this teacher back for some reason. Not at 10:48 or 10:37, but right at 10:30?

Below is a link to some runaway stories you may find interesting.
I don't think Kara ran off. If she did, she would be well over 18 now and I think she would call her mom and/or brother. She might not come home, but I think she would call.

I don't think Kara ran off. If she did, she would be well over 18 now and I think she would call her mom and/or brother. She might not come home, but I think she would call.


Believe it or not, I was in somewhat of a similar situation when I was 17. My mom's bf was wacked in the head, but my mom was normal up until she met this guy. Guess who hasn't spoken to his mom in over 15 years? Why? Because my mother supported the guy I absolutely despised. Check the runaway stories, trust me it happens all too often.
Now let's take a quick look at Edwin Hall? This guy is a coward, someone that abducts and murders innocent young women?

Where was the murder of Kelsay Smith? Kansas? Executions since 1976? 0

If he murdered Kara, it would've had to have been in Missouri. This guy had a plan going in. He wasn't going to risk kidnapping someone in Missouri and bringing them back to Kansas. He's too much of a coward to go to Missouri to take someone down. He would've stayed in Kansas. Number of executions in Missouri since 1976? 67

In the initial case with Kara, the cell phone was turned off. A phone when in the off position is able to be "pinged". In the Kelsay case, the phone was on, and that's how they found the body. If Hall committed both murders, he would've turned both cell phones off or throw out the battery. This doesn't add up whatsoever.

The story about Hall being with Kara two weeks after she went missing is most likely rubbish. Now, that could've been Kara those people saw two weeks later, but it wasn't Hall she was with. She would've done something in that time frame to send a message, try to escape. He wouldn't bring her in public view like he had, it doesn't add up.
I'm sorry, I'm not trying to bore everyone with these repeated posts. But did Kara also skip out of town to get back at her ex bf? Knowing a week before what he did to her? Take into consideration the death threat and the restraining order? Figuring he would be the first suspect in her disappearance?

I really think she's out there. These pieces are starting to fit.
Here is her only myspace entry blog, only a week and a half before she went missing. She had her myspace account for a year up until 5/4/07.

so life hasn't been the greatest for me latley. over the last 9 months of my life iv dedicated my life to kylr. thats all i ever hung out with. i made no other time for any of my friends nor my family. over those 9 months i forgot the person that i was. i wasn't true to myself or anyone else around me. im trying to find that person again. the person that i was happy with. the person that lived her life for herself. with no regrets. i pretty much lost all the people that were my true friends. i feel so alone. but sometimes when things are scary, they're for the best.
Here is some more investigating I've been doing. There are forums on how to log in without showing your log-in date. But wait a minute? On Kara's myspace blog check over to the upper left hand corner. It was last updated on 5/28/07. Over 3 weeks after she disappeared.

If someone was investigating, why would they try to hide the log in date?
Anyways, lots of different potential leads. I've been following the case more recently, but just heard about it 6 months ago.

The fact that a lot of things weren't going right in her life, not getting along with her step dad, she needing to get a restraining order against the ex bf. One of Kara's friends used to post here at WS, and she said that Kara was still hanging out with Kylr after the alleged truck incident. I believe the RO was pushed by her parents, IMO.There was also a message from one of her close friends on her myspace page that said she had friends that hated her at times. This was from PHD correct? This post on Kara's MS was due to the fact that some of Kara's friends were concerned about her skipping class, and hanging out with Kylr, not spending time with her longtime friends. I actually had some conversations with PHD through MS early on in Kara's case. He told me that Kara called him around 10 or 10:30ish the day she went missing. She wanted to skip school for the rest of her day and hang out. He told her that she needed to stay in school. I also, later found some posts by PHD on another forum. He posted there that he believes Kara contacted him a couple weeks after going missing from a new, anonymous MS account. He states that he contacted LE and they were able to trace Kara to a house and knew that she had been there, but was no longer there. He later said he couldn't talk about it anymore because LE asked him not to. I've posted all of this on previous threads for Kara. The other forum no longer has these posts, and PHD deleted much of what he talked about on MS about Kara, including my conversations with him. I may still have access to them if they become important to Kara's case at a later date.

I'm quite surprised nobody had brought up the argument she had with the teacher just before she left school. It was only released within the last two months that Kara had an argument with a teacher that morning. Previously, it was only reported that she'd had an argument with SOMEONE.In 4 years of high school, I only remember one occurrence where someone had an argument with a teacher and stormed out of the class, but that obviously raised a red flag and seemed out of the ordinary. I would hate to think of it, but maybe she took her own life and she just had enough, hopefully not. The relationship with her step dad could've been even worse than imagined and she did not want to leave any traces of where she had been, which would've been the main reason she left her cell, debit card, cigarettes etc. behind. Basically, she didn't want to be found by anyone, hooked up with another person via internet? and possibly just left town.

There was also a sighting of her a couple of weeks after she disappeared, apparently a bit south on a major roadway. I don't believe this sighting was ever 100% verified. But there is a POI sketch of the male seen with the person believed to be Kara. I think the sketch can still be found at www.findkarakopetsky.comThere was mention by her family and a few friends, where she mentioned that she wanted to run away to Mexico. Not sure if there was any truth to that alleged rumor.

Bottom line, she is 18, and can't force her to come home even if they had wanted her to, so maybe LE isn't pushing the issue too much. The other reason could be that there is strong suspicion that she has run away. I couldn't imagine they would put too much effort knowing that. True, that LE may not be actively pursuing Kara's case because she is an adult and can not be forced to come home. However, it is my opinion that this is all the more reason to worry. Kara can simply notify authorities and have her identity confirmed and state that she has no intention of returning home, case closed and nobody continues looking for her. If she truly ran away and doesn't want to be found, that would be the best course of action for her.

Also, noticed the ex bf has an open myspace profile, so can't imagine he would be involved. Someone in an earlier thread mentioned there was a news story where police did say the ex bf passed a LD test. Actually, I have never seen ANYWHERE that LE have confirmed that Kylr took and passed a LDT. Only a news article (no longer available) in which Kylr himself states that he passed a LDT. A teen at that age, on average, is not able to pull off a sophisticated crime, they most likely would've nabbed him by now. Concerning this MS page. There were posts on this page soon after Kara went missing from another girl that Kylr had hooked up with. He obviously had no concern for Kara or where she was. Could be that he knew she had run away and was okay, or could be that he had something to do with her disappearance and truly had no concern for her. Considering that he was obsessive enough with her to essentially kidnap her by not allowing her out of his truck, while he threatened to commit suicide, etc. I personally believe the latter is more viable.

There were issues with the step dad, but Kara didn't phone him at 10:30 when she left school. In other words, he couldn't have known she left school at that point. I'm guessing someone relayed the information to the family that she was missing from school, which was why her dad went looking for her later that afternoon. Very possible.

It's kind of hard to separate fact from fiction, in this case, just so much information circulating the internet. Unfortunately, you'll never know when you'll encounter a poster that may know something that purposely is sending out information to throw the web community investigation off track.

Hi Wizard, Welcome to WS and thanks for your interest in Kara's case. I've followed it from very early and it's one that I hold close to me at all times. I had some comments on your above post. To make it easier. I will respond within your quoted post in red. Everything is IMO, and based of my own findings in Kara's case.
Here is some more investigating I've been doing. There are forums on how to log in without showing your log-in date. But wait a minute? Look what I found! Check over to the upper left hand corner. It was last updated on 5/28/07. Over 3 weeks after she disappeared.

If someone was investigating, why would they try to hide the log in date?

Posting MS, FB, or Twitter links is against TOS here at WS. Just wanted to give you a heads up because I see that you are new here. I'm enjoying your new perspective on Kara's case, and I'd hate to see you get a time out or get banned. Please go back and edit this post to remove the MS link. If it's too late to edit, you can ask a mod to help you, and let them know you just found out it's against TOS. :)
Now let's take a quick look at Edwin Hall? This guy is a coward, someone that abducts and murders innocent young women?

Where was the murder of Kelsay Smith? Kansas? Executions since 1976? 0

If he murdered Kara, it would've had to have been in Missouri. This guy had a plan going in. He wasn't going to risk kidnapping someone in Missouri and bringing them back to Kansas. He's too much of a coward to go to Missouri to take someone down. He would've stayed in Kansas. Number of executions in Missouri since 1976? 67

In the initial case with Kara, the cell phone was turned off. A phone when in the off position is able to be "pinged". In the Kelsay case, the phone was on, and that's how they found the body. If Hall committed both murders, he would've turned both cell phones off or throw out the battery. This doesn't add up whatsoever.

The story about Hall being with Kara two weeks after she went missing is most likely rubbish. Now, that could've been Kara those people saw two weeks later, but it wasn't Hall she was with. She would've done something in that time frame to send a message, try to escape. He wouldn't bring her in public view like he had, it doesn't add up.

Actually, Hall abducted Kelsey in Kansas, and her body was found in Missouri, so I don't think it's that much of a stretch for him to have abducted someone from Missouri. Also, the fact that Hall did abduct KS from Kansas and leave her body in Missouri, tells me he either isn't too smart, or wasn't too concerned with ramifications for TWO reasons. 1) He added charges of transporting a kidnapped victim across state lines. 2) Missouri actually does executions. So had he kept Kelsey in Kansas, he would have had less chance of being executed had he ever been caught. So I wouldn't put it past him, JMO.
Posting MS, FB, or Twitter links is against TOS here at WS. Just wanted to give you a heads up because I see that you are new here. I'm enjoying your new perspective on Kara's case, and I'd hate to see you get a time out or get banned. Please go back and edit this post to remove the MS link. If it's too late to edit, you can ask a mod to help you, and let them know you just found out it's against TOS. :)

Sorry, I had no idea about not being able to post her myspace page on here. I got so wrapped up in the case, I forgot to read the TOS. :waitasec:

I will reply to your message when I can get the chance. Thanks for the greeting and assistance.
Sorry, I had no idea about not being able to post her myspace page on here. I got so wrapped up in the case, I forgot to read the TOS. :waitasec:

I will reply to your message when I can get the chance. Thanks for the greeting and assistance.

It happens a lot actually. Some of us try to give Newbies a heads up. We don't want to lose anyone that might have valuable input. Glad to be of help to you. And please keep posting on Kara's threads. We need all the help we can get. Also, I can tell you how to get in touch with Peter if you are interested in talking to him more about Kara's case.
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