GUILTY MO - Kara Kopetsky, 17 in 2007; Jessica Runions, 21 in 2016; found deceased - *ARREST* #2

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
32nd Witness Detective Stephen Raitley KCPD

Next witness: Detective Stephen Raitley?? Not sure of spelling, will correct when I find out. He was called to 8735 Crescent to check the bushes next door at 8729, there was a shirt and plastic trash bag behind the bushes.

Detective said he was instructed to go to Raytown, to Yust's grandfather's house, where Yust lived. He saw in the bushes there was a shirt and plastic trash bag. Collected shirt as evidence. He took the bag to police HQ where he put it into evidence locker.​

The shirt is now getting taken out of the evidence bag before the jury. Detective putting on latex gloves. Looks like it is a red and white striped long-sleeve hoodie. He's holding it in front of jury.

State hands the evidence bag to the former KCPD detective. Pulls out a white shirt w/ thin brownish stripes on it. It's the shirt he recovered at the house on Crescent on Sept 10 2016

Defense cross/ex. Shirt wasn't hidden, it was just in the bushes. It was between the bushes and the house, detective testifies. She's questioning about the evidence handling of the shirt. Detective says when he collected the shirt he put it into a paper bag.

Defense cross-examining. Asking if he put the shirt in any special packaging when he found it, detective says no
33rd Witness Jarrah Kennedy, works at KCPD crime lab as a DNA analyst.

She did some testing on that striped shirt and some swabs from toothbrushes. She developed a female profile off that toothbrush. She also got cheek swabs from Runions's parents.

Kennedy is talking about DNA and examining the red/gray hoodie. She says there was brownish and blackish staining. Four areas of interest from the shirt.

Now, the jury is seeing a picture of the shirt. The entire right side has a brown stain covering the shirt. The right sleeve is tucked in. She said there are "defects" in the fabric. Kennedy said she eventually established a DNA profile from the shirt.

Kennedy establishing genetic information of Kylr Yust and Jessica Runions from several areas of the shirt.

She also got swabs from Yust. Also got a red and gray striped hooded shirt, identified brownish stains, "four areas of interest.


We're looking at the striped shirt. It's Volcom brand. She's pointing out the spots w/ brownish discolorations, blackish stains. Blood not indicated. Did some swabs on sleeves, neck, she's explaining.

There is also a potential third profile in the genetic mix on the shirt. Jarrah Kennedy from KCPD crime lab said she cannot provide an assumption of who it is due to the minimal nature of DNA. You can see a picture of the shirt on the screen.

Yust and Runions DNA are possible contributors to the profile she created from those swabs

And the swab from the cuffs - mixture is consistent w/ Yust and Runions being the potential contributors. 1/3 trillion - more rare mixture of genetic information

In Matt Vigil's cross ex of Kennedy, she is now talking about doing work on a hammer and hammer head from Kara Kopetsky's case in 2011.

Yust and Runions DNA found on two other areas of the hoodie

And on the blackish stained portion - Yust and Runions included as major contributors of DNA.

It's noted that in most of the areas she swabbed, she noted at least 3 contributors of DNA. But she can't say how or when the DNA was deposited on the hoodie.

Kennedy also tested bone remains, they weren't preserved very well because they were so degraded. She also tested some of Yust's clothing, found blood on a tank top, it was his. Partial profile from his shoe - also his.

Defense cross - Trying to ask if the dna she found is touch dna, like from someone wearing the hoodie. She says to be clear she can't speculate how it got there. Defense asks about major/minor DNA contributors. She picked up minor contributors but not testable.

One of the minor contributors was "unsuitable for comparison," so that was done. She didn't have anyone else's DNA to test against the other minor contributors.

There was also that trash bag found.. Kennedy did not test for DNA, she just took pics.

Defense brings this up a third time - Was there ever any of Jessica Runions' blood found on Yust's clothing or the striped hoodie? Kennedy says no. Nothing further. ((see upthread where DNA was found))
34th Witness Galen Smith, found the burning SUV

Galen Smith, who found Jessica Runions, burning Chevy equinox around 2:30 a.m. on Sept. 10.

He was driving and saw flames, pulled over and called 911. Heard and saw the fire popping, crackling. "It was a blaze."

Next day he drove back through to look at the scene, saw it was roped off. Talked to an officer and let him know he found the vehicle. State has no further questions. Defense will cross

Smith now on cross/ex. He originally described it as some sort of transformer fire. He said he stayed around to watch firefighters put it out. He came back the next day to check on it. That's when he gave his information to police.

Smith said he did not see anyone coming or going.

Smith did not know at the time whose car it was. Smith steps down.

35th Witness Stephen MacElroy.
He towed Runions car on Sept 10 2016.

Next witness: Stephen MacElroy. He towed Runions car on Sept 10 2016. It was found near Bannister & Blue River Road. We're seeing a picture of the scene. The car was located on the side of the road. He said it was severely burned, still hot.

He said as he was towing her car down to the lot, it reignited.

MacElroy: the day after he towed the car, he saw a Runions missing person flier on social media, recognized the plate number listed. He sent in pics of the vehicle, including a bag found laying on the ground next to car. Went to south patrol, Runions parents show up
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36th Witness "Uncle Paul "Andrulewicz, Jessep Carter's uncle

Uncle Paul is looking at pictures of his house at 5901 Manchester.. before it burned down.

Andrulewicz said he did not talk to Kylr Yust when they arrived at his house on Sept. 9, 2016. Crystal never got out of vehicle. He went back inside. He said he went out to water his garden and a trash barrel was on fire. Yust had left 3-5 minutes earlier.

Two years later, Andrulewicz is now talking about his burned house. He said people told him Jessep Carter probably did it. July of 2018. Prosecution done.

Paul Andrulewicz said he gave police surveillance video of the day Jessep Carter burned his house in 2018.

Back to Sept. 9, 2016 on cross examination. Paul is talking about burn barrel. He said he never uses gas in the burn barrel. He said he never puts aerosol cans in the burn barrel. Cross/ex. done.

Now we're talking about the evening of Sept 9 2016, when Carter, Taylor and Yust showed up at his house. He was asked about borrowing a gas can but turns out Carte already had a gas can w/ gas in it in his car.

Uncle Paul said he came back outside, Yust, Taylor, Carter had left. Uncle Paul saw a fire in his trash barrel, so he got the hose and put it out. KCPD ended up getting a search warrant to search the barrels.

Uncle Paul assumes Carter set his house on fire in July 2018. He was not home at the time the fire started.

This is a picture of the back of Uncle Paul's house, where the burn barrel was.

Defense cross - Asks Uncle Paul if Carter looked 'crazed' when he came home to see his house was burning down, Uncle Paul says yes.

Defense is asking Uncle Paul if you put an aerosol can in the burn barrel, would it blow up, might you get burned? Uncle Paul says yes. Not 100% sure where they were going w/ that.

37th Witness Lori Nelson, crime scene tech for KCPD

Lori Nelson is a crime scene tech for KCPD. She processed the scene at Uncle Paul's house at 59th & Manchester. Said it was in connection to a missing persons case & they needed to search some burn barrels. She took pictures of and searched both barrels

She found black fabric, a buckle, and found a black cell phone Otter case laying outside the burn barrels.

Defense cross - Showing a picture of inside of burn barrel. Defense points out there are aerosol cans inside. Nelson said she wouldn't know if the items inside are of evidentiary value. Defense asks again about how to store arson case evidence.. store in cans

Nelson can't recall whether she stored the barrel items in a paper bag or one of the arson cans. Defense: nothing further


38th Witness Deputy Mitchell Lamberth.
In 2016 he worked for Henry Co sheriff's office. He's talking about when he was called to assist in a police stop when Carter, Taylor & Yust were pulled over on Sept 10 2016. 100 block N Hwy 2
Worked for Henry County Sheriff's office. Sept. 10, 2016, 3:02 a.m. was patrolling city of Windsor. Got a call to assist a deputy. He was the deputy had his gun drawn, during traffic stop of Taylor, Carter, and Yust.
Lamberth said they were pulled over initially because of a broken tag light, the Dodge Durango was driving erratically. Lamberth knows Yust because they went to elementary school together

Lamberth said Yust looked extremely nervous, knees shaking uncontrollably, pale in the face, looked like he had peed his pants. "Major red flags," Lamberth said

Lamberth talked to Taylor about the gun found in her waistband (the gun Carter gave her). Legally she was permitted to have the gun but Lamberth took the gun because Carter was a felon.

Lambert said Yust was wearing dark denim, but that it looked like he had peed himself. Yust, Taylor, Carter were allowed to leave.

Jessep Carter was driving. He stepped out. Passenger was Crystal Taylor. Kylr Yust was in back seat. They went to elementary school together. He instantly recognized Yust.

Cross/ex. Molly Hastings now questioning about whether Yust urinated on himself. Hastings presses deputy on whether he was an expert to know if Yust urinated himself. Deputy said based on his experience, that's what he concluded.

Defense cross - Saying that Lamberth drawing his gun on Carter's vehicle when pulling them over would make anyone nervous, right? Lamberth agrees. Carter had finally come to a stop in the middle of the road, so Lamberth said they didnt know what they were dealing w/.

Defense: Do you have knowledge about what was actually on his pants? Lamberth: "Just based on my observation." Defense: "You're not qualified to determine that? You're not qualified to determine what happened... Other folks have and they determined that was not true.

Defense asks if Lamberth saw any injuries on Yust at the time, he said no.

State cross - Confirming that Lamberth has experience w/ dealing w/ drunken ppl or ppl that have peed themselves. Lamberth says unfortunately yes. Defense asks to approach

Prosecution now questioning deputy about dealing with intoxicated people. Deputy said Yust's pants looked similar to how other intoxicated people urinate themselves. Cross ex. Hastings: "You would agree however..." Prosecutor Julie Tolle: "May we approach judge?"

Hastings: You would agree to the naked eye, you cannot tell the difference between liquid on someone's pants being urination and a liquid that may have spilled on them. Deputy: Correct.

State asks again if his experience w/ dealing w/ people who have peed themselves is consistent w/ what he saw on Yust that night. Lamberth says yes. NFQ. Defense was about to recross but now attys are approaching. A lot of talk over whether Yust peed his pants or not!

Defense: You can agree to the naked eye you cannot tell difference between liquid .. that may have spilled.. versus urination? Lamberth says that's correct. Lamberth steps down.
39th Witness gt. Terrance Carter. detective KCPD (ret)

He worked in bomb/arson squad. He was called to the KCPD lot Sept 10 2016 to examine Runions' burned out car, Chevy Equinox.

Terence Carter Master Detective (Ret.) for KCPD now on stand. Worked on bomb and arson squad. He is testifying about Sept. 10, 2016. He went to KCPD tow lot to examine Jessica Runions' burned Chevy Equinox SUV.


Here are pictures of Jessica Runions' burned SUV. 1. Front driver's side tire/wheel on vehicle burned. 2. Rear hatch damaged/burned.


Metal in SUV was damaged/burned. The wiring, seat covers, dash, everything had melted down to the floor. They had to pry out the melted plastic, once they did they smelled "strong odor of gasoline." Started taking samples, cut areas out.

Sgt. Carter said in his opinion, gas was poured on the SUV but couldn't figure out what lighted the fire. He says when gas is used as accelerant it's like an explosive, an unexpected result

Detective said the interior had melted down into the floorboard. Metal was damaged and burned. Wiring, seat covers, dash board, all melted. It had all become a thick mass of material.

Detective: SUV had a strong odor of gasoline, after investigators started using crow bars to pry up material. "I determined it was incendiary in nature," Detective Carter said. Gasoline poured in and around the vehicle. Ignited by an unknown source, he said.

Sgt. Carter says when gas is lit, there's a big flash of fire first, continues to burns or can even knock itself out. State: if someone is standing in close prox to a vehicle and uses whatever igniting source and is doused in gasoline, what type of injuries can we see?

Sgt. Carter said it depends how close the person was standing, if the car's doors/windows were open. He was about to continue but defense interrupts, approaches bench ((overruled))

State asks again: What kind of injuries can you expect on someone in close prox when this gasoline flashes? Sgt. Carter: It send out a huge heatwave, can burn skin, burn eyelashes.

Sgt. Carter explained that when all the plastic melted down to the floor of suv, it protected everything underneath. So there was still carpet under all of that. That's how they were able to collect samples, find gasoline

What about injuries from someone who lit Runions' vehicle, prosecutor asks. "When it flashes, it sends out a heat wave, burn." "It can singe hair, cause eye damage..." detective testifies.

Defense cross - Asking Sgt. if it's normal that a gasoline fire would put itself out, isn't that rare? Sgt. Carter said he's seen that so many times

Prosecution back. Would someone have to be leaning directly over a burn barrel to get burn injuries to face, etc. ? Det.: Would channel the blast/fire straight upwards. So, conclusion would be that someone would have to be standing directly over the burn barrel.

Defense is back on the aerosol can thing. Asking Sgt. Carter if someone could get burned if they lit a barrel on fire containing aerosol cans. Sgt. Carter says yes. Sgt. Carter also says he wouldn't know for sure how long it took for Runions car to burn.

State shows Sgt. Carter pic of the aerosol cans in the burn barrel at Uncle Paul's house. Asks what kind of injuries you'd get if you lit a barrel w/ aerosol cans on fire. Sgt. Carter said since the fire would go upward, you'd have to be leaning right over the barrel
40th Witness Deputy Dustin Love with Jackson County Sheriff's office

Deputy Dustin Love with Jackson County Sheriff's office now testifying. Used to work for Benton County Sheriff's office. Sept. 11, 2016, he showed up to Edwards, Missouri to investigate Kylr Yust. Contacted by KCPD to help with surveillance of his trailer.

Dep. Love saw injuries on Yust's face, asked him about it. Yust responded he ran into a tree, was smug and arrogant about it.

Love saw Yust in backseat of another deputy's vehicle. Love became aware Yust's facial injuries, wanting to make sure it didn't happen from his deputy. Deputy: As for face injuries, Yust said he ran into tree. "He was pretty smug and arrogant," Deputy Love said.

Cross/ex. Matt Vigil confronting him about no report, or body cameras. Love said he responded from home in the middle of the night and was not in uniform, so he did not have body camera. Redirect. Love talking about supplemental report from Sept. 15 he wrote.

Defense cross - Asked Love if he documented Yust's face, Love doesn't recall bc he doesn't have the report in front of him. Asks if Love recorded the conversation, Love says he doesn't recall. And he didn't have his body cam bc he responded in middle of the night.

State shows Love his report from that day, asks Love to confirm again what Yust smugly said about walking into a tree. Love confirms.

Defense recross - says Love just said Yust had injuries on face, didn't note burns. Love said he's not a doctor but Yust had open wounds on his face. Nothing further
41st Witness Matthew Forrest, former KCPD crime scene technician

Matthew Forrest, former KCPD crime scene technician, now testifying. Sept. 12, 2016. Called to assist in processing multiple scenes in Warsaw and Benton County, Missouri. Processed the White Durango Yust, Carter, and Taylor rode in.

Gas can in the back of the Durango, Forrest testifies.


He also took pictures of Yust. Forest is looking thru the pics he took of Yust at the sheriff's on Sept 11 2016. Noticed discolorations on his face. We're seeing these pics now, trying to get screenshot to share. Can see the discoloration he's talking about, redness

Forrest now testifying about pictures of Kylr Yust obtained by a search warrant.

Forrest noticed discoloration on Yust's face.

We see an injury on the side of Yust's face, may be a scratch. Measuring the size of the injury on side of face. Roughly 2 cm long on left cheek

Seeing a closeup of Yust's left hand where we see what looks like a scratch. Then a close up of his finger where we see large open, red blisters on left hand, looks like burns



On cross/ex. Matt Vigil establishes Forrest did not get any fingerprints from gas can.
42nd Witness Melanie Fields, KCPD Crime Scene Unit Supervisor

Next witness: Melanie Fields, worked for KCPD crime scene unit. Did another search warrant on Yust Sept 13 at Warsaw jail. We are seeing more pics of Yust, this time in an orange jumpsuit. Fields said he had healing injuries on both sides face, injury on left side

Sept. 13, 2016, second search warrant executed on Yust, Fields said. It was clear that there was possibly some singed hair from pictures day before. They decided to go back and execute a new search warrant on Yust. She took more photographs.

Fields took pic of singed facial hair and that scratch on left side of face. We see he has a red nose, discolored lips. Scabs on his right hand, injuries on both hands.

Took shavings of his facial hair but no clippings of head hair, which may have also been singed.

Fields was also called to process the scene where Runions' and Kopetsky's remains were found early April 2017


New pictures of Yust, here, from Sept. 13. Photos of left side of his face. She saw healing injuries on both sides of face. Redness on nose. Hand injuries. Singed hair. Correction to record. Forrest's pictures of Yust came from Sept. 11, Tolle said.

Testimony about remains

Fields now talking about crime scene with human remains in 2017 in Cass County. Remains scattered. They broke the area into grids. Labeled grids.

Fields testifies she saw an older set of skeletal remains and a newer set of skeletal remains.

Fields talking about process of figuring out where Runions/Kopetsky's bodies were initially dumped. They focused on the places w/ the most skeletal remains. Found areas with hair. Found areas w/ pupa (insects), which showed remains were at that spot for a while.

I think the defense asked Fields if she was drunk while searching the area....???? She said absolutely not. :rolleyes:

-- Recess --
43rd witness Patrick Jones, from KCPD Crime Lab


Jones now talking about Kylr Yust's hair, as seen under microscope. Hair on right of picture has typical hair features. No damage. Hair on the left. It had characteristics of being burned or exposed to heat, Jones testifies.


Jones examined Kylr Yust's hair. Investigators wanted to know if there was any singing or burning in his hair.

Jones now talking about Kylr Yust's hair, as seen under microscope. Hair on right of picture has typical hair features. No damage. Hair on the left. It had characteristics of being burned or exposed to heat, Jones testifies.


More pictures of singed vs. normal hair from Kylr Yust, seen during testimony of KCPD's Jones.

44th Witness Pam Owens, crime scene tech with KCPD

Next witness: Pam Owens, crime scene tech with KCPD. Processed scene at house on Crescent Sept 14 2016. That's Yust's grandpa Alfred's house.

They found a red book in one of the bedrooms. Inside the book was written,"Love was just a word until you gave it meaning. I love you (heart) Jess."

They also found swabs with blood on them.

Owens found a red book at the scene. A page inside the book said this: "Love was just a Word, until You gave it Meaning. I Love You (heart) Jess."

Defense asks Owens to confirm they didn't find large amounts of blood in house, no signs of a struggle, no broken furniture, no holes in wall, no clothes w/ blood on it. #YustTrial

Owens on cross/ex. she said she didn't see any blood evidence at house, mud in the bathtub, dirt, etc. Only damage at house was when police executed warrant. Short cross. Owens is done.

Kylr Yust speaks with his attorney Molly Hastings on April 9, 2021 during the fifth day of trial. Yust is on trial accused of killing Kara Kopetsky and Jessica Runions nearly a decade apart.

Judge says we're breaking for the day, coming back tomorrow at 8:30 that way they can take care of some "issues" and more evidence.
Saturday, April 10th:
*Trial continues (Day 6) (@ 8:30am CT) – MO – Kara Elise Kopetsky (17) (last seen at Belton High, May 4, 2007, Belton; found by mushroom hunters in rural Cass County near East 223rd & State Route Y on April 3, 2017) & Jessica S. Runions (21) (missing Sept. 8, 2016, Raymore; her car was found burned near Bannister & Blue River Rds. on Sept. 10, 2016. Found by mushroom hunters in rural Cass County near East 223rd & State Route Y on April 4, 2017) – *Kylr Charles Yust (18 in 2007/29/now 32) indicted (3/1/18) & arraigned (6/18/18) on 2 counts of 1st degree & 2 counts of abandonment of a corpse. Plead not guilty. $1M cash only bond. Originally charged with felony arson for burning Jessica’s car was dismissed on 10/5/17. Charges of 2 counts of abandonment of a corpse-dismissed on 3/4/21).
Trial began 4/5/21. Jury Selection started on 3/29/21 & ended on 3/31/21. Court will be held on Saturdays also. Held in Cass County & jurors from St. Charles County. Jurors will be sequestered throughout the trial (expected to last 3 weeks). Jury: 12 jurors & 3 alternates (12 women & 3 men). One alternate was released on 4/5/21.
Court info from 3/1/18 thru 3/11/21 & jury selection (3/31/21) & Day 1 thru Day 4 of trial (4/5 – 4/8/21) reference post #196 here:
MO - Kara Kopetsky, 17 in 2007; Jessica Runions, 21 in 2016; found deceased - *ARREST* #2

4/9/21: Friday, Day 5 of Trial: 31) Crystal Taylor, Jessep Carter's wife/ Kylr's sister-in-law. (Jessep Carter committed suicide in the Jackson County Jail in 2018. He was originally jailed on a second degree arson charge). 32) Detective Stephen Raitley KCPD; Detective said on 9/10/16 he was instructed to go to Raytown, to Yust's grandfather's house, where Yust lived. He saw in the bushes there was a shirt & plastic trash bag. Collected shirt as evidence. He took the bag to police HQ where he put it into evidence locker. 33) Jarrah Kennedy, works at KCPD crime lab as a DNA analyst. Kennedy establishing genetic information of Kylr Yust & Jessica Runions from several areas of the shirt. 34) Galen Smith, found Jessica Runions, burning Chevy equinox around 2:30am on 9/10/16. 35) Stephen MacElroy. He towed Runions' car on Sept 10 2016. 36) Paul Andrulewicz, Jessep Carter's uncle. 37) Lori Nelson, crime scene tech for KCPD, processed the scene at Uncle Paul's house at 59th & Manchester. She found black fabric, a buckle, & found a black cell phone Otter case laying outside the burn barrels. 38) Deputy Mitchell Lamberth. In 2016 he worked for Henry Co. sheriff's office & talked about when he was called to assist in a police stop when Carter, Taylor & Yust were pulled over on Sept 10 2016. 100 block N. Hwy. 2. Lamberth knows Yust because they went to elementary school together. 39) Terence Carter, Master Detective (Ret.) for KCPD. Worked on bomb & arson squad. He is testifying about 9//16. He went to KCPD tow lot to examine Jessica Runions' burned Chevy Equinox SUV. 40) Deputy Dustin Love with Jackson County Sheriff's office. On 9/11/16 he showed up to Edwards, Missouri to investigate Yust. Contacted by KCPD to help with surveillance of his trailer. Love became aware Yust's facial injuries, wanting to make sure it didn't happen from his deputy. Deputy: As for face injuries, Yust said he ran into tree. "He was pretty smug & arrogant," Deputy Love said. 41) Matthew Forrest, former KCPD crime scene technician. Called on 9/12/16 to assist in processing multiple scenes in Warsaw & Benton County, Missouri. Processed the White Durango Yust, Carter, & Taylor rode in. 42) Melanie Fields, worked for KCPD crime scene unit. Did another search warrant on Yust 9/13/16 at Warsaw jail. Jurors saw more pics of Yust, this time in an orange jumpsuit. Fields said he had healing injuries on both sides face, injury on left side. Fields was also called to process the scene where Runions' & Kopetsky's remains were found early April 2017. Fields testifies she saw an older set of skeletal remains & a newer set of skeletal remains. 43) Patrick Jones, from KCPD Crime Lab. Jones talked about Yust's hair, as seen under microscope. Hair on right of picture has typical hair features. No damage. Hair on the left. It had characteristics of being burned or exposed to heat, Jones testifies. 44) Pam Owens, crime scene tech with KCPD. Processed scene at house on Crescent on 9/14/16. That's Yust's grandpa Alfred's house. Judge breaks for the day, coming back tomorrow, 4/10/21 at 8:30am, that way they can take care of some "issues" & more evidence.

Reviewing all of the notes from the trial, I am appreciating just how organized Ben Butler and the rest of the prosecution team has been in presenting the girls’ cases and in bringing in multiple witnesses to testify to what they have seen, heard, and experienced. He’s very methodical in his approach to systematically laying out who Yust is and what he’s done, the type of person he is. Butler seems to have left no stone unturned and anticipated everything the defense has tried to do so far. Hoping Butler and his team can keep up this momentum as the trial moves forward.
45th Witness Det. Jason Findley from KCPD

Det. Jason Findley from KCPD, testified 9-14-21 executed search warrant on Yust's residence.

He had followed up on tips and leads such as a "dungeon" on the Benton County property of Jessep Carter, and the strong odor of a decomposing body near Longview Lake.


Findley says Yust's grandfather told him Jessica Runions' vehicle was parked outside of his home the morning of September 9th, 2016 when he took Yust to work. It was later moved. Runions vehicle was found burned.


Findlay had studied Facebook communications between Yust and Runions. "Over the course of time, you could see where a relationship was forming, very playful. After a period of time, you could see where Jessica had broken off the relationship...

... and the communications from him were very pleading, 'I won't do that again' kind of thing. Desperate," he said.

Eventually, Findlay became aware two sets of remains had been discovered in woods off State Route Y near 233rd Street south of Belton.


Det. Jason Findley said Yust's behavior at the party the night Jessica Runions disappeared was angry.

Det. Jason Findley showed on a map where Jessica Runions and Kara Kopetsky's remains were found in a wooded area in Cass County


Upon further investigation, he learned that the location of the remains was approximately 1.3 miles from the residence of an individual Yust had spent quite a bit of time with, Joseph Trey Monteil.

Defense now cross examining Detective Findley in Yust double murder evidence found in burn barrels.

Defense going through an email Det. Findley sent to FBI with timeline of events starting with Yust leaving party with Jessica Runions.


Defense pressing on timelines...

Such as the brief amount of time between when Runions' car was reported burning in South Kansas City (1:41 am on Sept. 9) and just before 2 a.m., when Jessep Carter's car was captured on video arriving in Kingsville.

In the timeline, Alfred Yust the morning after the party reports seeing Jessica Runion's SUV at Yust's home and then after leaving in the afternoon and returning, the SUV was gone


Jessep Carter's car arriving 15 minutes after SUV reported burning in Kingsville, MO 45 minutes away.

Det. Findley testifies he obtained info Jessup Carter also a suspect in Runions' case, prosecution objects and and a bench conference with the attorneys and judge takes place.

Det. Findley interviewed Jessep Carter multiple times in Runions case but never confronted him about his possible involvement

Jury has left the room, but Det. Findley still being questioned by defense in front of the judge.


Objection being argued outside the presence of the jury. Defense counsel Molly Hastings wants to question Findlay about a tip received in 2007 regarding a gold or brown station wagon in the vicinity of the woods where the bodies were found

Same or similar vehicle reported in the area in 2017. State objects because defense is attempting to connect crime scene with Jessep Carter, not Kylr Yust. Judge sustains.


Prosecutor Julie Tolle to Det. Findlay: "Was there a reason to investigate Jessep Carter?" Det. Findlay: "No.

On re-direct, Det. Findley said Jessep Carter called police and was cooperative telling police about his half brother Kylr Yust and Findley said no reason to think Carter was a suspect.
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46th Witness Belton Det. Patrick McKarnin (again)

State recalls Belton Det. Patrick McKarnin. Eventually becomes lead detective in the Kopetsky case. McKarnin was the school resource officer at Belton High School during the disappearance of Kopetsky.

According to GPS tracking device placed on Yust's vehicle, on Aug. 23, 2007 (three months after Kopetsky's death) Yust's vehicle was 0.16 miles west of 233rd/St Rt Y intersection, stopped, turned around and went back to Belton, according to McKarnin.


McKarnin discovered this information in the last year after accessing emails of retired Belton detective Brad Swanson, he said.
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47th Witness FBI agent John Hauger (again)

FBI Special Agent John Hauger back on the stand to discuss Jessica Runions' and Kylr Yust's cell phone records.

Last voice call from Jessica Runions' cell phone 8:20 pm Sept. 8, 2016.

Last data transaction on Jessica's was at midnight, Sept. 9. That means the very last non-call activity before the phone shut off


FBI special agent Hauger verifying call records for Jessica Runions and Kylr Yust. Explaining the accuracy of AT&T location data that data was implemented in the investigation. Hauger says not all data points are accurate, need further context.

Special Agent Hauger said Jessep Carter's cell phone was in the Lake of the Ozarks area on 9-8-16 day of Jessica Runions' disappearance and on 9-9-16 as well.

((Lake of the Ozarks is down near Edwards and really far away from Overland Park where Jessica was last seen.))
Hauger (continued)


Hauger didn't receive 2007 phone records until 2020

FBI special agent Hauger being questioned about phone records. Hauger confirms it is still useful to look at clusters of data, despite the fact that some data points can be inaccurate.

Yust’s defense attorneys are questioning Hauger about phone records: -Kara Kopetsky’s phone’s last transaction was 1:03PM 5/4/2007 -May 4, 2007 at 11:25AM a call coming from Yust’s number was made to Kara. Call went to voicemail.

Agent Hauger, when told in 2017 about potential Yust phone location records, Hauger testified Yust's records from September 2016 when Jessica Runions disappeared would've been long gone.

FBI special agent Hauger: "I certainly won't hang my hat on one particular (cell data location) point to show what I wanted to is irresponsible." Emphasizing data points are best used collectively.


There is a lot of discussion/testimony about accuracy of cell phone data points (showing the location of a cell phone at a specific time.) Hauger says he is leery of using it for history and movement of a phone because it can be inaccurate

((There is about 40 minutes here where none of the reporters are bothering to tweet. This may have something to do with it "12m Currently watching the worst defense cross I’ve ever seen"))


Agent Hauger asked if at any time Yust's phone went to the area where the girls remains were found in September 2016 when Jessica Runions disappeared, Hauger said no.

Agent Hauger now done testifying about cell phone analysis, Judge Collins calls attorneys to the bench for a conference.


Yust's defense attorney is asking Hauger about Yust's phone. On September 9, 2016 between 10:05AM-8:16PM the phone belonging to Yust was near his grandfather’s home. Defense atty: "Nothing to indicate Yust left?" Hauger: "His phone didn’t."

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