MO - Lisa Irwin, 10 months, Kansas City, 4 Oct 2011 - #4

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this evening police spokesman was quoted saying....

"I challenge anyone to come up with an idea we haven't tried already"

i know that statement would have pizzed me off if i were them.

another note: Police never said parents will no longer speak to them.

Good point. What exactly does "not cooperating" mean ?
When I read the title of the article on abcnews ; I had a chilling sensation. Not being privvy to LE's procedures, I thought 'not cooperating' meant no longer speaking to LE; and maybe not allowing their cellphone records to be accessed ?

As far as the lights all being on when Lisas' dad returned home---- I believe any stanger turning on lights even with myself asleep would wake me up.
The only scenario I do not believe happened , was that a stranger driving by at night suddenly stopped in at their home and found out they had an infant ---and took her. That can happen; but in this case doesn't seem likely.

As far as LE goes...if these parents are uninvolved ; making a public statement about their (parents') lack of cooperation sure isn't making them look innocent to the general public.
Since it has been said that the mothers' 2 older boys are from a different relationship-- has that mans' whereabouts been checked out ?
This really strikes me too. It's got to be part of some strategy. They seemed to go out of the way for a long time to say how helpful the parents were, their stories didn't have holes etc. Then on a dime they turn and hold a presser to call them out for "not cooperating."

The question is whether the target of their strategy is the parents, or someone else?

I also wonder what exactly "not cooperating" means. They did a lot of talking, allowed police to search the house, allowed police to search vehicles. What are police asking for now that they're not willing to do? Is it more that police have asked them not to talk to media, or TO talk to media and they're refusing. Is that they released the cell phone info when they were asked not to?

That is exactly how the PD did with Susan Smith case. Remember? Gave all impressions to the public of an abduction when the one group of officers knew differently from the get-go :(
Don't know what they are talking about.
There hasn't been any thru traffic since Tues morning! Crime scene tape has not come down yet.

In Da Middle, can you tell us what the atmosphere among the residents is like after the last PC?
Don't know what they are talking about.
There hasn't been any thru traffic since Tues morning! Crime scene tape has not come down yet.

I read above or in the last page or 2 crime scene tape has been removed
IF the parents are involved, then they may have gotten rid of the cell phones to purposely create a hinky situation. When we heard that development, we all started to speculate about the type of person who would kidnap a baby and take the cell phones. It's possible they were trying to create a "persona" for this kidnapper. Like this person is so bold, their may have been something on the cell phone that gave them away, etc etc.
Good point. What exactly does "not cooperating" mean ?
When I read the title of the article on abcnews ; I had a chilling sensation. Not being privvy to LE's procedures, I thought 'not cooperating' meant no longer speaking to LE; and maybe not allowing their cellphone records to be accessed ?

As far as the lights all being on when Lisas' dad returned home---- I believe any stanger turning on lights even with myself asleep would wake me up.
The only scenario I do not believe happened , was that a stranger driving by at night suddenly stopped in at their home and found out they had an infant ---and took her. That can happen; but in this case doesn't seem likely.

As far as LE goes...if these parents are uninvolved ; making a public statement about their (parents') lack of cooperation sure isn't making them look innocent to the general public.
Since it has been said that the mothers' 2 older boys are from a different relationship-- has that mans' whereabouts been checked out ?

I read where police had contacted the boys father and he hadnt seen them in two years. moo
IF the parents are involved, then they may have gotten rid of the cell phones to purposely create a hinky situation. When we heard that development, we all started to speculate about the type of person who would kidnap a baby and take the cell phones. It's possible they were trying to create a "persona" for this kidnapper. Like this person is so bold, their may have been something on the cell phone that gave them away, etc etc.

Im sure they must of checked the fathers work times with his job. like ronald cummings.
I hope this is bad reporting. This almost sounds like they are punishing the parents. You don't cooperate and we are leaving?

"We are continuing to track down leads as we get them," Kansas City Police Department spokesman Capt. Steve Young. "But earlier, the mother and father decided to quit cooperating with police, but our door is always open."

Police said they were closing the command post as a result. They also began taking down the crime tape from outside the family's home about 8:30 p.m. Thursday.
We don't know what has been happening behind the scenes; LE may have been stretching the truth earlier when they said that there were "no holes" in their stories, to keep them cooperating, for all we know. Maybe stories were not matching up and LE finally called them on it. JMO

We can call this extreme tired, stressed and full of fear and anxiety, but if you listen to this accounting'll find the conflicting statements. Then all this happened shortly after with the PD. Maybe they questioned them on the same?

Listen to this video carefully:

He says, I came home and saw all the lights were on and a window was open. I went and checked on the boys and then we went and checked on her and that is when we realized she was gone.

SHE SAYS: Initially she says “whenever WE woke up, err, whenever he woke me up and said “she is not in her crib” and I said “What do you mean she is not in her crib?” And I just knew something was really wrong. And we are running around the house and we are screaming for her…and she was nowhere and I said “call 911, call 911”… and he said “Where are the phones?” And they were not on the counter where I left them. They were gone.

Whomever came in took all of their cell phones. (3) two were working phones. One was a broken one. All on kitchen counter. She said they were there because she was taking the broken phone to transfer contact list manually onto one of the other phones. Now ….my question. He went off to work without a cell phone?
I think as the days went on, LE knew it would be a matter of time before the parents got a lawyer, and thus began a big push toward the end to force the issue. Result: parents got tired of it, ceased cooperation. LE still has days of information the parents gave them. When it became clear they weren't going to get a confession, was it really much advantage to have the parents still cooperating?
Im sure they must of checked the fathers work times with his job. like ronald cummings.

It's possible that something happened when it was the mom and the kids home, and the dad found out when he got home, and helped to cover it up.

Hopefully, this message isn't leaning too far on the parents. Since LE announced that they aren't cooperating, are we allowed to talk about scenarios where they could be involved?
If my kid was missing and the police came right out and said they think I did it I would offer to do anything to be ruled out so the real perp could be found. Lie detector, truth serum, the polka, whatever they asked. I would do anything to help them find my child. I can't imagine any other parent who would not. Well, I can imagine. A parent like Casey wouldn't and didn't help LE.
Sorry, I am passing judgement. I am not on a jury and I am allowed to come to my own logical conclusion based on the information I have.
Now if they came out tomorrow and said they got upset and over reacted and will continue to help LE in anyway they can then I will change my mind again.

How do we know that the parents haven't taken a lie detector, taken truth serum or the polka? I just know from working in LE myself in the past that what is released to the media is not all there is.
Little Lisa where are you and are you safe? Hopefully your parents can shed some light on what is going on and what intimate information they have that may help in your return.

Prayers for you and all who have you in their hearts.

Has anybody checked to see if Lisa is still listed on the Missing list as being missing and endangered or if that has been yanked as well?
It's concerning that there are no missing posters up in the area.

I do know it's all over social media sites like facebook and twitter. I guess these days folks are more apt to hear about missing children through the internet than when out and about.

I'm sure bulletins have been issued to all hospital ERs and such, anyplace a child might show up. Truckers are also very helpful in watching out.
Does it matter if she was wearing shorts or not? Nit picking about what the mother put the baby to bed in will not help find Lisa. I'm sorry, don't mean to offend, but I just find the unnecessary judging and scrutiny frustrating. The parents clearly love their baby and even if they don't, the fact that she had shorts on is not a clue to anything. What is a right way to dress a baby for bed for you, isn't the right way for everyone. *sigh*

Ok, am stepping away. I just really feel for the parents. There is looking at all angles of what happened to Lisa, possible parental involvement included and then there is what I consider 'trying to find fault over something that is nothing'.

No offense to anyone, but I just couldn't bite my tongue any longer. This is IMO.


This was your response to my post and here is my response.

"What if" the child was never put to bed and that's the last thing she had on? It might be nothing, or it could be a clue. A clue. See where I am going? The last person to see the missing child is always the first to be questioned. The parents may have had nothing to do with this, but this just struck me as odd. And it could be nothing. But again, it was an observation not a parenting put-down. If this baby was in street cloths you can bet the police wondered the same thing. There may be an innocent answer for this, or there might be something much more sinister.

How many times have we seen people cry and cry about their missing baby and it turns out they killed the child or knew who was involved? You simply can't base your belief of involvement or non-involvement by this observation. I want the child to be found alive and well. I also feel for the parents. It's a nightmare I wouldn't want to live through, but the baby is missing and everything needs to be looked at thoroughly.

I wasn't questioning parenting skills but questioned whether the baby was even put to bed that night. Sometimes it's a simple slip of the tongue and cases are solved. And again, it could have nothing to do with what's going on. It's just an observation. That's all.

Sorry you had to bite your tongue.
I think as the days went on, LE knew it would be a matter of time before the parents got a lawyer, and thus began a big push toward the end to force the issue. Result: parents got tired of it, ceased cooperation. LE still has days of information the parents gave them. When it became clear they weren't going to get a confession, was it really much advantage to have the parents still cooperating?

It's absolutely possible the family is just extremely distraught, tired, full of anxiety and fears and therefore not thinking straight and just plain ol' don't want to talk to the police or reporters or anyone anymore. Maybe they called them and asked them to come back to the station and they told them "NO"...and that is what is interpreted as "not cooperating?" As I posted a few posts above, their accounting did not match as to what happened at that time they learned their baby was either they are covering something up or they are exactly as I started this post...too stressed and tired. I hope it is the latter.
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