MO - Lisa Irwin, 10 months, Kansas City, 4 Oct 2011 - #7

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AND it was the first time that her husband was away all night for work. What a strange night for her NOT to lock the door, the first night her husband is away from the house. Hinky, imo.

Oh that is a good point. She said she didn't lock the door? Do they always leave the door unlocked? Don't they live in a city?

I lock everything up very tight when I'm alone at night. Interesting observation, Katydid,.
Mom admitted to failing the polygraph.

Mom said LE told her that but would not provide proof. Mom has stated several times that she could not have failed because she is innocent, doesn't know what happened.....
Is Deborah pregnant? Why do they still have a baby tub that probably hasn't been used in months? I'm just trying to figure out why there is stuff in the crib.

Why is there black plastic over the window in her room?
Here's a video of "inside baby Lisa's home" and it shows the crib looking just like it does in that photo..

It sure does. I watched it several times, stopping the video to look at the mattress placement. The bedskirt rides up on one end and shows that the mattress is not in the lowest position. That would be level with the bottom of the slats on the end and side. A thirty inch child is almost as high as a kitchen counter. I now think it is possible that Lisa woke up and went over the side. The rest doesn't make sense.
Do we know for sure the picture is of Lisa's crib? If LE did strip the crib and it was remade, I would have thought it would be set up more like an empty shrine for when she gets back, not a storage bin.

Maybe the parents were gathering up items in preparation for the expected twins and stored them inside a second crib to keep everything out of the reach of Lisa who could have been at the crawling or toddler stage?

Also it looks like dresser drawers stacked to the left of Lisa's crib, but no dresser. Would LE just go through stuff and stack it up? Or would they put things back?
2:30 is what time I get home after a night out if I close the bar down (just kidding its been years). Did she go out while hubby was at work and leave the kids alone sleeping? Did she pass out with the lights on and the door unlocked and Lisa really was stolen while she was at the bar?

I hadn't thought of that yet. Only problem I see with that is you would think by now some bar patron would be coming forward to say they saw her and get their five minutes of fame.
iirc there is also an inconsistency in the time mom put baby Lisa to bed. Deborah said she last saw the baby when she put her to bed @10:30PM. Dad said the baby was put to bed@ her normal bedtime, around 7-8PM

Yeah, several versions. IIRC, Baby went down around 7:30 and mom last saw her when mom went to bed at 10:30? Where is Shelby's timeline when I need it?
Do we know for sure the picture is of Lisa's crib? If LE did strip the crib and it was remade, I would have thought it would be set up more like an empty shrine for when she gets back, not a storage bin.

Maybe the parents were gathering up items in preparation for the expected twins and stored them inside a second crib to keep everything out of the reach of Lisa who could have been at the crawling or toddler stage?

BBM I must have missed this. Do you have a link?
Yeah, several versions. IIRC, Baby went down around 7:30 and mom last saw her when mom went to bed at 10:30? Where is Shelby's timeline when I need it?

The first page. :kimsterwink:
Do we know for sure the picture is of Lisa's crib? If LE did strip the crib and it was remade, I would have thought it would be set up more like an empty shrine for when she gets back, not a storage bin.

Maybe the parents were gathering up items in preparation for the expected twins and stored them inside a second crib to keep everything out of the reach of Lisa who could have been at the crawling or toddler stage?

Expected twins?????
Who can outline for me what happened today. Just bullets please I have been working and couldn't keep up today?

Any news at all? If not just say GRAM no news. LMAO
Kimster a lot of hinky stuff that each one could be explained but putting them all together is what makes that hinky off the chart for me.

Notice the statements made, they go from (Husband) "They took the phones so we couldn't call LE" (ME) how does he know THEY?

Mother said we, then I then we, very mixed. On the surface all looks innocent can be explained as stress but again, putting it all in the bigger picture each one fits to start to complete the puzzle.

For me anyway. It seems there are very mixed views on this case. I was the first one who said this Mother is innocent on day one. Day two she is innocent, day 3 she is innocent, day 4, my gosh this mother is involved. MOO

BBM. IMO, "They" can be used singular or plural and can describe a person when you don't know if they are a she or a he. Not that it's always good grammer, but I find myself doing this.
OMG. I'm never going to catch up! I finally got to the last page of the previous thread thinking, "Whew. I made it!" Then I found out that the last post was the link to the new thread! Nooooooo!

Ha. I kept refreshing the last page of the previous thread, wondering where everyone went... :innocent:
What I'm curious about is why the FBI is there? There must be a reason that I'm missing or have missed. I know that they don't come in on every kidnapping. That makes me believe that there MUST be something more (evidence) that is the reason they are there.

If a child is missing and possibly kidnapped, but no interstate transportation is known, will the FBI begin an investigation?

Yes. The FBI will initiate a kidnapping investigation involving a missing child "of tender years," even though there is no known interstate aspect. "Tender years" is generally defined as a child 12 years or younger. The FBI will monitor other kidnapping situations when there is no evidence of interstate travel, and it offers assistance from various entities including the FBI Laboratory.
2:30 is what time I get home after a night out if I close the bar down (just kidding its been years). Did she go out while hubby was at work and leave the kids alone sleeping? Did she pass out with the lights on and the door unlocked and Lisa really was stolen while she was at the bar?

I wondered if the kids had been left alone for part of that night too...We do not know when Lisa's dad left for work, and do not know much of anything about the two boys that nigh ...except for the kitten story. MOO But I don't think Lisa was stolen by anyone.... MOO
Here's a video of "inside baby Lisa's home" and it shows the crib looking just like it does in that photo..

TY for finding that!

So there it is: recent footage of the crib - complete with storage bins & baby bathtub.

IIRC, the family has been staying elsewhere since baby Lisa disappeared - correct?

Why, then, is her crib filled with storage bins, etc., if she slept in her crib the night of her disappearance?
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