MO - Lisa Irwin, 10 months, Kansas City, 4 Oct 2011 - #7

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The only way I can imagine anyone being able to pass off having a 10-month old baby randomly appear in their home is if they claim that they're foster parents.

Or desperate parents-to-be that just had an adoption fall through.

Or desperate wanna-be parents who are moving.
The expected twins is not this case it is the baby Aliyah case.
Worth repeating norest! Man the similarities to this and another missing child case with a red haired woman are increasing hourly.

I've been talking to DH about this case for the last hour or so, and he recalled how Ronald Cummings went to "werk" in the afternoon for the late shift when HaLeigh went missing. Similarities? Yes, but not the case to which you refer. jmo
Is Deborah pregnant? Why do they still have a baby tub that probably hasn't been used in months? I'm just trying to figure out why there is stuff in the crib.

Why is there black plastic over the window in her room?

Maybe the black plastic was placed there to keep prying eyes (media) from looking into the home...?
I'm not sure how much of this is allowed here, so mods feel free to edit, but Debbie's father David has posted several times on the FB page and has answered some questions from some people. You can find the comments under the link that states parents are no longer speaking to local media.

He was asked about the 2:30 text and he said he wasn't sure, that even he doesn't know everything.

He sounds like a nice, well spoken man, and my heart breaks for him. You can tell he loves this baby so much. I have a sick feeling he might be in for the shock of his life when we get to the ending of this.

I really want to ask him why the parents and family haven't been putting up posters everywhere if they think she is kidnapped...but I don't want my real name there. LOL Who's brave enough to do it???? ;)

FB page is Baby Lisa Irwin Updates
Dear God, how can anyone watch this and not see that this mother had nothing to do with Lisa's disappearance!

I think that as someone said on the previous thread - it's a matter of who you choose to believe. I think there has to be a certain level of objectivity maintained in order to get to the truth. And I do hope LE gets to the truth in this case, whatever that may be...
If a child is missing and possibly kidnapped, but no interstate transportation is known, will the FBI begin an investigation?

Yes. The FBI will initiate a kidnapping investigation involving a missing child "of tender years," even though there is no known interstate aspect. "Tender years" is generally defined as a child 12 years or younger. The FBI will monitor other kidnapping situations when there is no evidence of interstate travel, and it offers assistance from various entities including the FBI Laboratory.

Source please?
Re-posting timeline.....(someone tell if I'm posting it too much, but it seems to be helpful to me)

Lisa Irwin Timeline

Monday October 3, 2011

Abducted by intruder through bedroom window. Far right window of house.

UPDATE—according to police spokesman window may not be correct.

3620 block of North Lister 64117


Lisa in bed at 7:30 p.m. Debbie in bed at 10:30 after checking on Lisa. 5 year old son slept with Debbie in parents room. Point of entry by abductor was unlocked front door, window mentioned earlier was NOT tampered with.

UPDATE 10-6-11 3 cell phones also taken. One does not even work. Also, dad came home to find front door unlocked, most of the lights on and front window open.

Jeremy Irwin, Lisa’s father, told local media that whoever took his daughter also took all three of their cell phones so they couldn’t call anybody, including 911.

Read more:

~one of the cell phones did not work.. all three were on the counter and she was in the midst of reprogramming them/putting numbers into them

~phones were gone

~she did not notice if anything else was taken.. all she cares about is that the baby was gone.

~she grabbed the boys and went out into the yard and flagged down LE when they pulled into the yard

~she said nothing else appeared to be missing but she does not know

(thank you NBM)


Other two sons asleep in different bedrooms. (sons are half brothers to Lisa-the 6 year old is Debbie’s and the 8 year old is Jeremy’s from previous relationships.)—Correction. One son—the 6 year old was asleep with the mom and a stray kitten he had found earlier in the day.

Father is electrician that works nights. This night was the first night he EVER worked at night.—Jeremy

Mother is a SAHM--Debbie

Monday October 3, 2011 10:00 p.m. Last seen in crib wearing purple shorts and purple shirt with white kittens on it.

**Possibly seen by Mr. Parscale (a man that lives in the area) according to his wife Lisa around 12:00 a.m. Tuesday wearing only a diaper being carried by a male. Quote from Lisa--“He seen the guy act like he was going to go into a residence,” Parscale said, “but then my husband drove off so we’re thinking that maybe he was just doing that so that my husband would leave.”

**Parscale says her husband saw the man walking on a street perpendicular to North Lister, where Lisa Irwin lives with her parents and brothers.

Tuesday October 4, 2011 3:30 a.m. (first report stated it was 4:00 a.m.) Father returns home from work and discovered baby missing from crib.

UPDATE at 2:00 p.m. October 4 presser Capt. Steve Young speaking—Parents’ story has no holes. Looking into neighbor that possibly saw Lisa being carried by the male. No suspects other than neighbor sighting.

Tuesday October 4, 2011 approx. 7:00 p.m. amber alert cancelled. Lisa is considered a MISSING/ENDANGERED JUVENILE. Per police the alert has served it’s purpose. Police and dogs will search for a while into the night.

*** Tuesday night authorities searched a van and car at the home. There is no word on what police found or were looking for. Officers searching for the child focused on areas near the family's home such as railroad tracks near the north side of the Missouri River and a wooded area behind the home.,0,6273053.story

Tuesday 9:25 p.m.

Mass exodus of police from the command center. Looks like K-9's are finished searching for the night. Police search will continue in AM
by cliffjudy via twitter 9:25 P

**family stayed with relatives after being questioned until 10:30 p.m.

Wednesday October 5, 2011

9:00 a.m. press conference Capt. Steve Young speaking—basically no new information. Still searching with dogs, however there have been no hits. Parents not ruled out, but also not suspects. Very cooperative.

** KMBC's Jana Corrie: Children who were also inside the home at the time of the disappearance staying with neighbors

Read more:

**conflicting reports…unless the Grandparents are being referred to as “neighbors”

NBC Action News reporter Sloane Heller reports Lisa’s grandparents are watching the couple’s other children and have not been able to reach them since earlier Tuesday.

Read more:

Next news conference sometime this afternoon.

2:00 news conference—Jeremy spoke with Deborah (Bradley?) by his side. Begged for baby to be dropped off somewhere safe. The brothers are waiting to see their sister. Declined to take questions.

Again, Capt. Has no leads, not ruling out anything. 300 knocks and searches. 46 tips. No ransom note. Family is free to go where they would like. Family does not want to be at house.

**Alleged sighting of Lisa with a middle aged white male and female at a Love’s gas station in St. Joseph, MO I-29 and US HWY 169. Driving older model SUV. Article came out around 5:15 p.m. Surveillance video has been turned over to LE. Police say it doesn’t seem to be a major lead.

Thursday October 6, 2011

**Jeremy and Debbie provided LE with a list of 9 names of people that could be possible suspects.

**Per Debbie regarding cell phones and possible other missing items:

~one of the cell phones did not work.. all three were on the counter and she was in the midst of reprogramming them/putting numbers into them

~phones were gone

~she did not notice if anything else was taken.. all she cares about is that the baby was gone.

~she grabbed the boys and went out into the yard and flagged down LE when they pulled into the yard

~she said nothing else appeared to be missing but she does not know

(thank you NBM)

** police detectives are meeting early this morning to talk about where to search next.

**per Debbie, “Lisa is very sweet and will go to almost anybody.”

**per Jeremy, window was not tampered with, so perp (s) must have come in through unlocked front door.

**Lisa went to bed at 7:30 p.m. Debbie went to bed at 10:30 after checking on Lisa. 5 year old son slept with Debbie in parents room.

***Debbie and Jeremy have a heated discussion with LE before speeding off in police car to command center to find out about possible new lead.,0,5671503.story

**the list of suspects provided by the parents is now up to 12.

Capt. Young: "the mother and father no longer want to cooperate with detectives."

Read more:

Originally Posted by BeanE [ame=""]
[/ame]--thank you BeanE
Capt. Young: "There is no doubt they informed us that they no longer wish to cooperate with the investigation."
by Brian Foster - 8:05 PM

Capt. Young: "We have no plans to close the command center yet, but it will close at some point."
by Brian Foster - 8:04 PM

Capt. Young: "I don't have to illustrate how their lack of cooperation hurts the investigation."by Brian Foster - 8:03 PM

Capt. Young: "I cannot get into the details of the investigation."
by Brian Foster - 8:03 PM

Capt. Young: "the mother and father no longer want to cooperate with detectives."by Brian Foster - 8:02 PM

Capt. Young: "We don't have any suspect. If we had enough to charge anyone with, we'd probably be pursuing charges."
by Brian Foster - 8:02 PM

Capt. Young: "We don't have any suspects. From an investigative standpoint we've enjoyed their cooperation"
by Brian Foster - 8:02 PM

Capt. Young": The parents have intimate information as to what's been going on...our door is open and it doesn't help that they are no longer cooperating"
by Brian Foster - 8:02 PM

Capt. Young: "They've always been free and cooperative up until this point, but they've decided to stop cooperating"
by Brian Foster - 8:01 PM

Capt. Steve Young: Mother and father of baby Lisa Irwin have stopped cooperating with police
by Brian Foster - 8:01 PM

"This evening we will be shutting down the command post. We believe we have done all we can regarding geographic searches and will continue tracking leads as we get them or develop additional information," police Officer Darin Snapp said in a news release.

Read more:

Family statement: We saw the press conference at 7 PM, and we want you to know we have never stopped cooperating with police.
by Brian Foster - 9:11 PM

Read more:

Friday October 7, 2011

(thank you BeanE for gathering these)
#LisaIrwin's mom:We want to thank everybody who has helped us so far.
1 minute ago

#LisaIrwin's mom: we are not angry, we just want our daughter home, that's all we care about.
2 minutes ago

#LisaIrwin's mom: we appreciate everything the police dept. has done, we appreciate everything everybody has done.
2 minutes ago

#LisaIrwin mom: we don't know, which is why we need everybody to continue to look for her...because we want her home, we can't do this alone
21 seconds ago

#LisaIrwin's mom: "he's a good father and he's good to me and he loves her and everybody loves her, but no, there's no way." (about father)
38 seconds ago

#LisaIrwin's dad: hasn't taken polygraph but "if that's what it takes..."
3 minutes ago

#LisaIrwin's mom: "what do you say when someone tells you that and you know you didn't do anything."
4 minutes ago

#LisaIrwin's mom: volunteered to take polygraph, told failed. Says that's not possible.
4 minutes ago

#LisaIrwin's mom: We don't care what anybody thinks, we don't care what they think, our concern is to find Lisa, our Lisa.
5 minutes ago Favorite Retweet Reply

#LisaIrwin's Mom: don't have hard feelings, not mad, this is what they (police) have to do.
5 minutes ago

#LisaIrwin's Mom: police really nice yesterday, not like that the first time.
6 minutes ago

**Debbie failed LDT. Jeremy has offered, but LE said it’s not necessary.

Floor plan of Debbie and Jeremy’s home (thank you Carriebean)

**a neighbor in the area also had her dog come up missing the same night. (maybe related, maybe not)
**FBI cleared all the people that Jeremy and Debbie mentioned as possible suspects.

***Call made from Irwin home at 2:30 a.m.

**Debbie failed the LDT “MISERABLY”

** Jeremy at work constructing a new Starbucks (company? All Current Electric)

**Per the great grandfather (see the end of the following video at the 1:16 mark)

The GGFather then says "they are supposed to...with their lawyer offer some kind of statement to the press at a later time...(-00:19)

Then the reporter then says " you just heard, the couple has now hired a lawyer .....

Thank you to Hazel for finding this!

***ANONYMOUS TIP—LE searching Shawnee Kansas landfill.

**FBI: This is the second time they've searched the JOCO landfill. The first was Tuesday - hours after #LisaIrwin was reported missing.
10 minutes ago

**Searching landfill----possible connection to a dumpster fire at 4897 NE 37 st at 2:27 a.m. Tuesday, October 4. Dumpster less than ½ mile from Irwin home. Trash from fire been examined twice.,0,5538504.story

#LisaIrwin update: FBI not saying what, if anything, found at landfill.

**searching using metal detectors behind the Irwin house.

** possible sighting in California
Do we know for sure the picture is of Lisa's crib? If LE did strip the crib and it was remade, I would have thought it would be set up more like an empty shrine for when she gets back, not a storage bin.

Maybe the parents were gathering up items in preparation for the expected twins and stored them inside a second crib to keep everything out of the reach of Lisa who could have been at the crawling or toddler stage?

How was the child taken from a crib that is stacked high with stuff? There isn't room in that crib for this baby. Is this leftover after LE was finished?

Also, the statement about expected twins...... Is the mother pregnant? How did I miss that?
TY for finding that!

So there it is: recent footage of the crib - complete with storage bins & baby bathtub.

IIRC, the family has been staying elsewhere since baby Lisa disappeared - correct?

Why, then, is her crib filled with storage bins, etc., if she slept in her crib the night of her disappearance?

Police may have put that stuff there. As someone upthread noted, the dresser drawers are all stacked up, too.
It was reported by FOX citing a police source. The link should be on the other thread. I believe it was early this afternoon when the news broke of this alleged phone call.

You are right. A mod was keeping us updated.

MOO I think that this was leaked an LE didnt confirm or deny. I believe they "working" the case this way for reason. KWIM?

BTW Im worn out from playing catch up and from jumping back and forth over the fence and butt is raw from being on the fence. Can I dig a whole and just lay under the fence?
TY for finding that!

So there it is: recent footage of the crib - complete with storage bins & baby bathtub.

IIRC, the family has been staying elsewhere since baby Lisa disappeared - correct?

Why, then, is her crib filled with storage bins, etc., if she had recently slept in her crib?

Maybe they pulled them out from under the crib, bottom of closet or something, in looking to make sure she hadn't climbed out from her crib and hidden?
Also it looks like dresser drawers stacked to the left of Lisa's crib, but no dresser. Would LE just go through stuff and stack it up? Or would they put things back?

I knew someone who had their home searched by the FBI. Trust me, they don't clean up after themselves:)
I'm not sure how much of this is allowed here, so mods feel free to edit, but Debbie's father David has posted several times on the FB page and has answered some questions from some people. You can find the comments under the link that states parents are no longer speaking to local media.

He was asked about the 2:30 text and he said he wasn't sure, that even he doesn't know everything.

He sounds like a nice, well spoken man, and my heart breaks for him. You can tell he loves this baby so much. I have a sick feeling he might be in for the shock of his life when we get to the ending of this.

I really want to ask him why the parents and family haven't been putting up posters everywhere if they think she is kidnapped...but I don't want my real name there. LOL Who's brave enough to do it???? ;)

FB page is Baby Lisa Irwin Updates

I saw neighbors today putting up posters in the neighborhood on the 5:00 video.
Do we know for sure the picture is of Lisa's crib? If LE did strip the crib and it was remade, I would have thought it would be set up more like an empty shrine for when she gets back, not a storage bin.

Maybe the parents were gathering up items in preparation for the expected twins and stored them inside a second crib to keep everything out of the reach of Lisa who could have been at the crawling or toddler stage?

What expected twins ? TIA
I read an MSM article earlier but now can not find it :banghead: It was reported that there was a birthday party on Sunday past for Jeremy's boy who had just turned 8 years old. I would like to read the article again to get a sense of who/who wasn't at the party but I cannot find it again. It was in MSM and the grandfather was quoted about the birthday party.

To Google now and find anything is about the same as trying to keep up on this thread ............:crazy:

Does anybody have a link they could supply?

I think this is a picture from the party. I am the one who posted the birthday party information but I couldn't post the source.
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