MO - Michael Brown's stepfather being investigated for inciting riot

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This link doesn't tell us when the stepfather knew about the verdict. I think it is clear from watching the reaction of the mother and stepfather that it was raw emotion.

The DM article that I posted says he was with Lesley when she was notified.
CTH has some photos that might be showing the same people who were standing with Head possibly being involved with lighting the cops car on fire.
Is the guy who shouts FIRE in a crowded theater responsible for the crowd's reaction?

Similar too.....
Is a person who screams hijack on a plane responsible for chaos that could ensue? ;)
The DM article that I posted says he was with Lesley when she was notified.

Thanks I posted before I saw your post. That article is not well written though and DM is notorious for printing inaccurate info. I will wait for a source a little more trustworthy before I judge. If they already knew, they did a pretty good acting job and were likely doing it for the camera's.

I was going by your saying you might say the same thing if your unarmed son was killed by an armed officer, regardless of the details. Even though I believe the details shouldn't be set aside, I still assume you are a good person. ;)

Every individual is responsible for his or her own actions. People who burned and looted should be charged for it.

Inciting people to riot is a separate crime. There are multiple agencies - not just local LE - looking into charging him for that crime. I believe he should be.

Others have clarified who exactly he is and other elements that make me feel this way. I think those have factored into the agencies' perception of his true motives too.

I don't think he will be charged because the people are threatening to riot more if he is. :sigh:

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Who exactly is he Muffet?
He didn't say it once-he said it over and over-inciting the emotions of that crowd of supporters for Michael Brown.
Do words matter? Excited utterances? You betcha.
If emotion excuses bad behavior, then I don't think anyone there is responsible for anything they do.
If emotion excuses bad behavior, then I don't think anyone there is responsible for anything they do.

In real life-emotions do NOT excuse bad behavior. That's why laws were made. Laws are not always correct though, and that is why it is so important to vote.
Thanks I posted before I saw your post. That article is not well written though and DM is notorious for printing inaccurate info. I will wait for a source a little more trustworthy before I judge. If they already knew, they did a pretty good acting job and were likely doing it for the camera's.


IMO, DM prints inaccurate info no more than the NYT etc... does.
Who exactly is he Muffet?
Louis Head. He is either the boyfriend or new husband of MB's biological mother, Leslie Mcspadden.

It gets confusing, doesn't it. Lol

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No offense to anyone, but this is the stupidest thing I have heard yet. We have a thread about someone getting pissed that a GJ didn't indict his step son's killer? If you thought you saw riots already, just wait to see it light up if the step dad gets indicted.

On a personal level, I don't like the step dad. I've read enough about his history and have witnessed his behavior to know that hes <modsnip> and his behavior was way out of line. That doesn't change the fact that I just shake my head over the fact that this is even a thread on WS.
No offense to anyone, but this is the stupidest thing I have heard yet. We have a thread about someone getting pissed that a GJ didn't indict his step son's killer? If you thought you saw riots already, just wait to see it light up if the step dad gets indicted.

On a personal level, I don't like the step dad. I've read enough about his history and have witnessed his behavior to know that hes <modsnip> and his behavior was way out of line. That doesn't change the fact that I just shake my head over the fact that this is even a thread on WS.

I guiltily admit that I just KNEW there would be a thread when I heard the news this AM. I do think that he is a blowhard, but I also think that the arson was planned way before he called for it. JMO
Good lord , the man has lost his stepson of course he is angry. I would be likley to say the same in that situation, if I lost my unarmed teen to an armed officer. Details aside. Is he responsible for the crowd reaction to the verdict?

<modsnip> He commanded them to burn the city down. He screamed it at the top of his lungs, repeatedly. And asked for the microphone, to be sure they all heard him. He stood on top of the car to be sure he was seen and heard.

He was not hearing the announcement right then. They were contacted earlier in the evening. This 'spontaneous' response was orchestrated by him.

And I don't think you can put 'the details aside' when discussing the unarmed teen's killing. The details are of vital importance. jmo :cow:
So if someone burns your house or business down because of "emotion " do they also get a free pass?
No, of course not. I thought sonjay was being sarcastic and I was agreeing with the sarcasm.
Thanks I posted before I saw your post. That article is not well written though and DM is notorious for printing inaccurate info. I will wait for a source a little more trustworthy before I judge. If they already knew, they did a pretty good acting job and were likely doing it for the camera's.


Crump ADMITTED that they both knew about it before the announcement. He admitted it on Fox News with O'Reilly.

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