MO MO - Ricky McCormick, 41, St Louis, 30 June 1999

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
Looks good, Adrian. I'm using a totally different approach and will post a sample soon. I have very little time to work on this puzzle, but it's bothering the heck out of me. I have this idea, and I'll never get any sleep until I follow it through and prove myself wrong. But who knows. Between all of the different ideas and possibilities that have been presented here, we just might hit on the right one.

As for the FBI posting the original handwritted note, again I think it was a caution against influencing our choices. If it's true that their crypto team can't figure it out, then they've missed something, and that "something" might be in the interpretation. So their sample is tainted, so to speak. As difficult as it is to read, I'm glad they supplied us with the original.

Indeed. Have you noticed the character anomalies, Bessie? They are not very noticeable unless you enlarge the pages. There are what appear to be at the very least corrections (letters over letters) and possibly even the key to this code in that RM inserted the keys within some of the characters.
Hello? Has this angle been looked at already?


The code enlarged is revealing I think.

What is that site?
Ok folks, I have been following this thread since day one. I joined ATS first because I had a hard time getting on here. Since my account got approved or whatever I have been loyal to this site only. You guys care, and are making a hell of an effort and thats why I'm happy to be here. I have said all along we need to talk to someone who knew him. Now I am blessed to have a job where i don't do a lot but surf the web. I guess thats why i'm following this case so close lol. So i tried to figure out how I could track someone down that knew him and I guess i'm just not that smart, but some of you guys are. The great thing about this thread is we all bring different ideas to the table. My idea is someone help me locate someone who knew him. I will make 100 phone calls tomorrow while im at work if you come up with a 100 names and numbers of people who might of knew someone who knew him. Let's get together a :crazy: list of questions and I will ask them. I have a webcam on my laptop so hell I will post videos of conversations. The FBI has done all this and they aren't telling us ****. So thats how I think we can get the best profile, we dont have much solid info on this guy we all just guess. Lets dig deep, and go the extra mile and maybe we can solve these damn notes.

Good Luck!
apologising for previous rudeness due to extreme frustration, i have to again agree with the puzzlement that, "why do we not get more tidbits from the FBI" .. it's a true source of madness. This can be solved with a few more simple facts. And maybe it already is. Eh? agent X?
Hey sammysheep. If you dig deep there is a Ricky brother. We can't name names on this site. You just needed to be in the right place/right time to get info like the guy's name and address. I was. But i can not repeat it out of privacy laws. Crazy, right? Well thats it. Good luck. BTW, i did not contact the brother.
ATTACHMENTS: Photos from Fox2 news of the body site and possible map locations of the body.

This is my first post. I've been following this thread for days -- read every single post on 17 of the 27 pages. Honestly, if I keep reading every post, I don't think I'll ever catch up to the point of actually writing my own observations and questions. So, please forgive me if what I'm about to write has been posted on pages 18-27 (as of this morning).

First, I'm not taking a crack at this from the POV of cracking the code. I'm approaching this from a level that might give insight to help others (more experienced) crack the code... or answer questions that might assist in deciphering the notes.

1) The first and most obvious question is WHY is the FBI involved at all? I've read several explanations about local LEOs asking for help. But, I don't buy it. My personal opinion is that Ricky McCormick is the potential victim of a serial killer (but not Travis).

2) IF he wrote in a cryptic code since he was a kid, where are other examples of his coded writings? I can't believe there are none.
Alternative answer: The code is not Ricky’s at all, but that of a serial killer. Ricky was a victim of the serial killer, which explains why the notes was on his body and why there are no other examples of his writing in code. It would also give a very good reason for the FBI to be involved (think Zodiac).

Seriously -- some smalltime hood, who died under semi-mysterious circumstances, writing in code, is not a matter for the FBI to concern itself with. Even after an autopsy & toxicology report, there is no significant evidence of foul play. There is a bigger picture... and I think it's serial murder.

3) What else was found on his body? Did they find more notes, blank paper, a pen? Did he have a wallet? Was his cash gone? Since he was identified by his fingerprints, that suggests either his "head wound" was a facial wound and/or his wallet/ID was gone (or he didn't carry any).

4) One point of news articles that puzzles me (and I have not seen anyone else mention it) is the disparity between the accounts of who found Ricky McCormick's body. Early reports say "A woman found McCormick's body early Wednesday near Highway 367, west of West Alton."
Another news article says a farmer found the body. The Washington Post says two fishermen found the body "along a cleared path that served as an access road for farming equipment". So, which is it? Or do they all somehow describe the same individual, a female farmer who was going fishing? Maybe not a major point, but an oddity, just the same.

Now, a few observations about the notes themselves:

a) Notes are circled from top right, down to the left, then back around. Does that suggest anything?
b) Note pages are two different sizes, and the paper types are different -- suggesting they may have been written at different times.
c) Something was pressed against the "Notes" page, causing an impression and smudging of the ink. What else was in McCormick's pocket(s)?

And the biggest two mysteries to me...
If McCormick was seen 5 days before his body was found... and LE believes the notes were written up to 3 days before his death, they have to surmize McCormick was killed or died within 2 days of his body being found. Do the math. So, what is the hold back? Where do they get the idea the notes were written up to 3 days before his death? Why not two weeks? Or, the day before, even? Something's fishy in that bit of disclosure.

Lastly, if McCormick died 2 or even 3 days before his body was found, normal decomposition would not be such that the cause of a wound would be indeterminate. Decomp doesn't occur that fast. Not to be gross, but if animals had been involved, that would change things. Otherwise, I don't think we are getting the full story on the CoD or the condition of the body when found.


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charlie we need the link for the pictures from the news site. can you post one? Thanks
and welcome!
charlie we need the link for the pictures from the news site. can you post one? Thanks
and welcome!

Sure, it's been posted before, so that's why I just attached screen caps. If I broke a rule, I'm sorry. Went back to my original post and added a link there, as well. :) But, here's the link to the video:,0,6801827.story

Also, I think the generally accepted written text of the notes is incorrect on a few letters. Here are two "embossed" versions of the notes, for further review. Maybe they will assist those trying to get an accurate transcription of the characters. I hope these help!


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Interesting, in this news clip, it clearly states RM was found with his throat slashed... thoughts?

This is the first time I've heard McCormick's throat was slashed... and I've read numerous accounts. ALL others say the CoD was undetermined. None mention anything other than a head injury. Very odd... is this disclosure the FBI didn't really want out there or is KMBC wrong in their reporting?

Hi! New here and have been enjoying this topic. Every time I look at these I find something else that only leads me to more questions. I do not know anything about code. I read where someone said if you noticed anything no mater how small you should speak up. Everyone noticed the paper is different but did anyone notice they seem to have been written at different times. The P1 page seems to have been written in a relaxed setting. Most of the letters are straight up and down. The NOTES page seems to have been written in a hurry, with most letters slanted to the right and harder to read. P1 in side of a circle while nothing else on the page is circled but all of the NOTES page is circled. All the circles on the NOTES page seem to be carefully attached except the first one. What is the thing at the top of the second circle a parentheses on top of a parentheses, the number 4 or simply a way to close the circle? The “P “ does it stand for page, part, person or P=1 ??? If you look at the U’s some have tails some do not. Does that mean the ones without tails are V’s? The N’s some are very small and point upward like a lighting bolt or a Tilde? On the P1 page the date does it read (ACSM) or could it read T(A[ 5 Mj)) ? P1 first line second M it looks more like a upside down u with a cross in the middle, last line NOTES page does it read M14HIL or maybe M14MIL? The E’s some look like C’s with a line through the center (as in math). The last line of the P1 page clearly starts off with a chevron and maybe the line before it too.
I decided to research Parentheses and came up with several interesting statements. Parentheses contain material that could be omitted without destroying or altering the meaning of a sentence, (could this mean that everything inside the parentheses could be omitted, there are lines that do not have parentheses).They can also indicate shorthand for "either singular or plural" nouns.
Parentheses inside of parentheses separates a statement from the original statement. Parentheses in math states what function comes first.
Square brackets [ ] are mainly used to enclose explanatory or missing material usually added later by someone other than the original author.
Angle brackets or chevrons - are used to enclose highlighted material. Dictionaries use chevrons to enclose short excerpts illustrating the usage of words.
In math chevrons or parentheses are used to denote ordered pairs. If you look up “List of mathematical symbols” you can find many of the symbols here.
The PLSE could it be pulse, (as in sound or wave)? If its some kind of shorthand maybe this will help. When I first saw this, these letters popped out at me, 356LE CLGSE so I went to map quest, West Alton, magnified to show streets and then satellite view. There is a street called Lewis and Clark Blvd. in West Alton, Missouri and it goes/runs across the river into East Alton, Illinois. It is an empty field surrounded by big industrial business, rail roads and at one end a few houses also it Goes/runs South in Illinois. Not sure what the last letter E would stand for. If this is true would that mean that the spaces could be words like and, at, it, is etc. I hope this will help someone.
I previously posted a link about ink dating, it was unnoticed, although it is a question that still pops up-so here is another link about handwriting analysis for anyone interested.
Origin and history of documents
One of the most frequently requested examinations is to determine the date when a particular signature or piece of writing was made. Sadly, there are no reliable techniques for dating ink on paper despite the efforts of forensic scientists over the last thirty years. Once an ink line is made on a piece of paper, certain volatile components of the ink disperse into the atmosphere – much effort has been made to determine the rate at which these volatile components do so over time
I suspect the reason they could put a date on RM's note, is because they probably compared that particular writing with something else he might have written around the same time with the same pen..
ATTACHMENTS: Photos from Fox2 news of the body site and possible map locations of the body.

This is my first post. I've been following this thread for days -- read every single post on 17 of the 27 pages. Honestly, if I keep reading every post, I don't think I'll ever catch up to the point of actually writing my own observations and questions. So, please forgive me if what I'm about to write has been posted on pages 18-27 (as of this morning).

First, I'm not taking a crack at this from the POV of cracking the code. I'm approaching this from a level that might give insight to help others (more experienced) crack the code... or answer questions that might assist in deciphering the notes.

1) The first and most obvious question is WHY is the FBI involved at all? I've read several explanations about local LEOs asking for help. But, I don't buy it. My personal opinion is that Ricky McCormick is the potential victim of a serial killer (but not Travis).

2) IF he wrote in a cryptic code since he was a kid, where are other examples of his coded writings? I can't believe there are none.
Alternative answer: The code is not Ricky’s at all, but that of a serial killer. Ricky was a victim of the serial killer, which explains why the notes was on his body and why there are no other examples of his writing in code. It would also give a very good reason for the FBI to be involved (think Zodiac).

Seriously -- some smalltime hood, who died under semi-mysterious circumstances, writing in code, is not a matter for the FBI to concern itself with. Even after an autopsy & toxicology report, there is no significant evidence of foul play. There is a bigger picture... and I think it's serial murder.

3) What else was found on his body? Did they find more notes, blank paper, a pen? Did he have a wallet? Was his cash gone? Since he was identified by his fingerprints, that suggests either his "head wound" was a facial wound and/or his wallet/ID was gone (or he didn't carry any).

4) One point of news articles that puzzles me (and I have not seen anyone else mention it) is the disparity between the accounts of who found Ricky McCormick's body. Early reports say "A woman found McCormick's body early Wednesday near Highway 367, west of West Alton."
Another news article says a farmer found the body. The Washington Post says two fishermen found the body "along a cleared path that served as an access road for farming equipment". So, which is it? Or do they all somehow describe the same individual, a female farmer who was going fishing? Maybe not a major point, but an oddity, just the same.
Hi there, Charlie. Glad you decided to post. Good questions, and the same ones that have had most of us scratching our heads. As for the discrepancies among the reported details, the best answer I can come up with is the timing of the articles. A couple were written immediately after RM's death when details were still sketchy. Others were written a few days later and might contain the most accurate facts. And some were published in the past couple of weeks when reporters were scrambling for information to add to the latest story which is the FBI's release of the notes. That still leaves the missing information, like whether or not he carried a wallet or ID, and it seems LE has not been released at all. That's bothersome because we have no way of knowing if it's been kept private because it's significant, or if it's really of no circumstance. Since we don't know and won't know, I've decided to disregard it for now. I find it more productive to focus on the facts that have been supplied rather than drive myself crazy with the unknowns.

Now, a few observations about the notes themselves:

a) Notes are circled from top right, down to the left, then back around. Does that suggest anything?
b) Note pages are two different sizes, and the paper types are different -- suggesting they may have been written at different times.
c) Something was pressed against the "Notes" page, causing an impression and smudging of the ink. What else was in McCormick's pocket(s)?

And the biggest two mysteries to me...
If McCormick was seen 5 days before his body was found... and LE believes the notes were written up to 3 days before his death, they have to surmize McCormick was killed or died within 2 days of his body being found. Do the math. So, what is the hold back? Where do they get the idea the notes were written up to 3 days before his death? Why not two weeks? Or, the day before, even? Something's fishy in that bit of disclosure.
In the image released by the FBI, the pages overlap or have been trimmed. One thought that occurred to me is the part we don't see had a business logo on it. I keep thinking of hotel stationary, but other businesses print their names on note pads, too. Maybe the paper was printed with the name of a business RM was known to have visited in the days prior to his death. If you look around a hospital or doctor's office, you see drug names/logos printed on practically everything but the furniture, pens, pads, lotion bottles, paperweights, etc. Perhaps RM used a pad from the clinic/hospital while he waited to see his doctor on the 25th.

Lastly, if McCormick died 2 or even 3 days before his body was found, normal decomposition would not be such that the cause of a wound would be indeterminate. Decomp doesn't occur that fast. Not to be gross, but if animals had been involved, that would change things. Otherwise, I don't think we are getting the full story on the CoD or the condition of the body when found.
I thought about that, too, so I did some research. Decomp can occur very rapidly outdoors in high temperatures and humidity, and it was summertime in St. Louis. Insects and animals could be a factor, as well.
Hi! New here and have been enjoying this topic. Every time I look at these I find something else that only leads me to more questions. I do not know anything about code. I read where someone said if you noticed anything no mater how small you should speak up. Everyone noticed the paper is different but did anyone notice they seem to have been written at different times. The P1 page seems to have been written in a relaxed setting. Most of the letters are straight up and down. The NOTES page seems to have been written in a hurry, with most letters slanted to the right and harder to read. P1 in side of a circle while nothing else on the page is circled but all of the NOTES page is circled. All the circles on the NOTES page seem to be carefully attached except the first one. What is the thing at the top of the second circle a parentheses on top of a parentheses, the number 4 or simply a way to close the circle? The “P “ does it stand for page, part, person or P=1 ??? If you look at the U’s some have tails some do not. Does that mean the ones without tails are V’s? The N’s some are very small and point upward like a lighting bolt or a Tilde? On the P1 page the date does it read (ACSM) or could it read T(A[ 5 Mj)) ? P1 first line second M it looks more like a upside down u with a cross in the middle, last line NOTES page does it read M14HIL or maybe M14MIL? The E’s some look like C’s with a line through the center (as in math). The last line of the P1 page clearly starts off with a chevron and maybe the line before it too.
I decided to research Parentheses and came up with several interesting statements. Parentheses contain material that could be omitted without destroying or altering the meaning of a sentence, (could this mean that everything inside the parentheses could be omitted, there are lines that do not have parentheses).They can also indicate shorthand for "either singular or plural" nouns.
Parentheses inside of parentheses separates a statement from the original statement. Parentheses in math states what function comes first.
Square brackets [ ] are mainly used to enclose explanatory or missing material usually added later by someone other than the original author.
Angle brackets or chevrons - are used to enclose highlighted material. Dictionaries use chevrons to enclose short excerpts illustrating the usage of words.
In math chevrons or parentheses are used to denote ordered pairs. If you look up “List of mathematical symbols” you can find many of the symbols here.
The PLSE could it be pulse, (as in sound or wave)? If its some kind of shorthand maybe this will help. When I first saw this, these letters popped out at me, 356LE CLGSE so I went to map quest, West Alton, magnified to show streets and then satellite view. There is a street called Lewis and Clark Blvd. in West Alton, Missouri and it goes/runs across the river into East Alton, Illinois. It is an empty field surrounded by big industrial business, rail roads and at one end a few houses also it Goes/runs South in Illinois. Not sure what the last letter E would stand for. If this is true would that mean that the spaces could be words like and, at, it, is etc. I hope this will help someone.

Welcome to WS V1jet Excuse me for quoting myself, but I thought it might be interesting to put this here for comparison.
snipped It occurred to me that "NOTES" might be a key. It's just hard to believe the FBI would've missed that one. I also get the feeling that the the pages were written at different times and contain unrelated subject matter, or related subject matter but different type of content. "P1" seems precise and organized, while "NOTES" looks like someone brainstorming, jotting down, uhm...notes. :) More importantly, the patterns and anagrams are very different in each page. NCBE appears like 13-14 times in "P1", but only 3-4 times in "NOTES". PRSE stands out numerous times in "P1", but while SE appears frequently in "NOTES", PRSE is only used once, I believe. Instead, we see repetitions of MRSE and MRE. So, there's definitely a shift of some kind.
Regarding your other observations:

I see the "date" at the top of P1. as (ACSM), and I wish I could make out what was written there before he added the parentheses.

On the second section that mark looks like a line added to complete the circle.

The P1 is curious, and could mean as you said, P=1 or even P+1.

I've had trouble with the small U's, V's and some N's. I'm pretty sure the U's are the ones with the tails on the right.

Lots of possibilities for the parentheses, but at the moment, I'm still clueless.
I believe you. I am in the process of examining the two pages of code up close in my graphics program and there are a lot of anomalies in the characters. I am just getting started, but here are just a few that might be leading to wrong assumptions and thus wrong thinking:


If you have a program that allows you to zoom in on the text, I think if you look at the way certain characters are constructed you will find that most observers have perhaps confused at least the following ones:

6, 5, H, M, R, K, 2, Z, W, Y, I , 1, U, V (and that's just so far)

I'm certain that if you examine the two pages of code close up, you will see what I am talking about.

I feel like I am reworking something the FBI has to have done, and with much more sophisticated software and/or equipment. Why the hell they can't give us the transcript they were working with in addition to the raw handwritten version is beyond me.

Anyway, I will examine the whole thing then reassess it with the new possible characters. When I am done, I will post my transcript here so everyone can analyse it.

I think that would be a big help, please post it when you get finished. I'm not convinced all the N's are N's but ~'s. Thanks for all your work!
I thought about that, too, so I did some research. Decomp can occur very rapidly outdoors in high temperatures and humidity, and it was summertime in St. Louis. Insects and animals could be a factor, as well.

I checked historical weather data for June, 1999 in St. Louis. The avg temp looks to have been around 84 F (depending on the source checked). I don't see excessive rain fall or humidity. But, like we both said - insects/animals could have made a major difference in the outcome of verifying the wound source.

T or +
One more observation about the notes in McCormick's pockets: a few characters that have been transcribed at T's look much more like + signs to me. I looked at all of the obvious T's. All of them, to my knowledge, have a distinct downward stroke and then a "tophat" -- at the very top of the letter. The characters that look like + signs are different.
I previously posted a link about ink dating, it was unnoticed, although it is a question that still pops up-so here is another link about handwriting analysis for anyone interested.
Origin and history of documents
One of the most frequently requested examinations is to determine the date when a particular signature or piece of writing was made. Sadly, there are no reliable techniques for dating ink on paper despite the efforts of forensic scientists over the last thirty years. Once an ink line is made on a piece of paper, certain volatile components of the ink disperse into the atmosphere – much effort has been made to determine the rate at which these volatile components do so over time
I suspect the reason they could put a date on RM's note, is because they probably compared that particular writing with something else he might have written around the same time with the same pen..

Maybe he added a note to the papers while he was at the clinic?
I checked historical weather data for June, 1999 in St. Louis. The avg temp looks to have been around 84 F (depending on the source checked). I don't see excessive rain fall or humidity. But, like we both said - insects/animals could have made a major difference in the outcome of verifying the wound source.

T or +
One more observation about the notes in McCormick's pockets: a few characters that have been transcribed at T's look much more like + signs to me. I looked at all of the obvious T's. All of them, to my knowledge, have a distinct downward stroke and then a "tophat" -- at the very top of the letter. The characters that look like + signs are different.
June 27-29 were pretty warm with temps reaching 90 and humidity sometimes reaching 100%.

I forgot to mention the T's earlier. You are so right. There are at least two symbols that one would interpret as being a lower case "t" until you compare them to the whole work and find they look nothing like the numerous other T's. I haven't gotten to the point where they appear in this little experiment I'm working on, but when I do, I'll see if they make sense as plus signs. The one that stands out the most is in the first line of the NOTES page. looks like "ER + E".

Another thing I've found when working with the characters is that although extremely difficult to determine, spacing is very important .

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