MO MO - Ricky McCormick, 41, St Louis, 30 June 1999

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I know these rules may sound silly, but take a look at the following I coded, by using these rules:

L m D N L S E-H D E-S E-F R S E
Interesting, Kid Omni--
Have you be able to translate any parts of Ricky's code, following your rules?
Interesting, Kid Omni--
Have you be able to translate any parts of Ricky's code, following your rules?

congratulations for solving my coded message :)

here are a few examples of what could be written on the NOTES page:

A L P N T E G L S E - S E E R t E
1)A slipknot gulps/engulfs a secret
2) sad/bad/mad lips not gulp a secret
As you see, I am not sure about the first part but quite sure the second part means "a secret"

K L S E - L R S T E - T R S E - T R S E - M K S E N - M R S E
could mean someting like: skull lurks at torus <--> turn(s) make(s) in-marks

( S R E G N S E S E N M R S E)
sure agony is anymore

more to come but working on it is like :banghead:
The federal government/military has some brilliant code breakers. I feel confident that this code would have been broken fairly quickly...MOO I do not understand why the FBI would need to enlist the public. Also, I've noticed that there is a sparse amount of information about this case available to the public. This is an old case... In the Zodiac case, it was an ongoing serial killer at large which motivated LE to ask for help from the public. This is very different. On the face of it,it looks to be a robbery. Both robbery and murder are not that uncommon in the area where this victim was found...MOO Wonder why it is thought that the notes are connected to his murder ?

Based on the above, I wonder if this is a recruitment project ? Code breaking is not really something which is easily taught. It takes a certain mind set, and a certain skill set to be good at it. MOO

Did I mention that the hardest part will be, to find out what Ricky McCormick most probably wrote down in these notes? Well.. now you know what I mean ;)

T R S E could also mean turf(s) or turd(s) or turk(s)
P R S E could mean: Park(s), perm(s), perp(s), apart, sport, pork,.........
R C B R N E (sometimes written as R C B R N S E) could be a name or it could mean:
crack barin', rock bar in, .....
W L D could mean awe lady, own LSD... but maybe just an abbrevation?
N C B E could mean: nice bee, in a cab, on a cub, in a cub, nice bet,....

each one of these words give a whole new perspective to the notes, so we have to juggle around with assumptions... and hope, someone finds the right combination.
...MOO I do not understand why the FBI would need to enlist the public.

maybe this link, posted a few weeks ago by sfbaynancydrew, explains it:,19906/

You are absolutely right - this case is about a fairly unknown person who might have been a victim by coincidence. Wrong place, wrong time - and maybe wrong friends, too. The only thing that keeps the FBI from burying these case files deep in the archives is this code. One thing they cannot stand is not knowing everything.

based on the above, I wonder if this is a recruitment project ? Code breaking is not really something which is easily taught. It takes a certain mind set, and a certain skill set to be good at it. MOO

either recruiting or maybe it is an evidence of incapacity - with other words, (sarcasm: on) they use taxpayers money responsibly by not wasting it for solving cases like this. They are just wasting our time (sarcasm: off) :crazy: in either case, they will never tell us.

KO--Not really liking the missing letter code--answers seem forced. But the code we have sure does look like your missing letter examples.

It sure might be pure coincidence that it offers a result that just looks like the code from McCormick. It would be helpful to know much more about him. He most probably did not write down general informations about weather... so it is hard to find a step into these notes. What was he taking notes about? Family, friends, gardening, sport bets, sex, drugs...?
To think with someone else's head we do not know much about is very difficult and frustrating:banghead:
This is what I posted yesterday on another forum. I am interested in your opinion too.

When they found Ricky he had only the notes, so we presume that are from hospital. Why? That is his last known destination, and when you are sick, your sickness is most important thing on the world for you. Why notes, that you don't forget this, because it is imposible to remember all information, also if you are taking a heart medications doctors always recomend that you have a list of medications with you (but nobody told Ricky that list must be readable to others). If our theory is correct, his doctor will know if Ricky wrote a note at checkup. Maybe even doctor himself told him to make a note or maybe even dictated him. In that theory his doctor will be able to understand most of the notes. In any case, it should be a his cardiologist to translate.
The first note is diagnosis and medication.
Before diagnosis, he had to do some tests (blood test, ultrasound etc.). Most likely he did a test a few days earlier or was ended in ER. It seems that first note is older then a second one, the handwriting is slightly different.
On the second note, which appears to be made on some other examination (maybe after 3 or 6 month later) the doctor changed his medication and introduce some new. If we are right, then he's been at least 3 times in the hospital and there should be some trace of his treatment.
What is commonly known facts about Americans? They are mad for the abbreviations, so we assumed that he was written in abbreviations in their own form of expression, most likely phonetic (he wrote as he spoke). The problem is that for some words he use only one letter (first) and for another words he use combination of letters (with some mistakes due to haste).
Sorry to my English, I am from Croatia and English is not my native language, but I think that you will understand me. Here is what my girlfriend and me think that writes in the notes (possible words and meaning):

First note:
(ACSm) = Acute coronary syndrome medication

mND = medication and dosage/M.D. name of physician/mind (keep in mind/remind)
mKNE = medication know/key numbers/keep near
mRSE = medication RSE/recipe/
N-S = not skip/not smoking
mKNARE = medication …/keep near

P = pils
RC = Fosinopril and hydrochlorothiazude (for Hb pressure)?

PRSE = purchase new medication RSE/pressure
TF =theophylline?
mRSE DPRE = medication R side effect depression
HLD = hold warfarin low dose and CBE (WLDNCBE)?
(TFXLE TCXL N CBE) = try fix level/to fix level take CxL NCBE
XL = Toprol Xl

AL = always
PR = prothrombin ratio/pulse rate/prognosis/pressure/Prilosec or Prevacid medication/prior
PP = pulse pressure
PPIT = proton pumps inhibitor (pils)/troponin T or I
PR PPITXL = prophylaxis with proton pump inhibitors then XL
XLY = exzactly
PPIY = supply/apply?

CLTRSE = control self

AL = always WLDNCBE
TS mE LRSE = take separatly medication
RLSE UR GLSNE AS N = release urgently glycerine/as necessary/aspirin and WLDNCBE

NOPFSE = no pulmonary fibrosis in lungs regulary NCBE
NTE = and take
GDD = GD atorvastatin calcium 10 mg(lipitor) daily
NSENCURE = insecure/secure

TENE = atenolol (tenormin)?
= take … and CBR then use NCBE once

71 = 71 Pill imprint (Benzphetanibe – for obesity)

74 = 74 Pill imprint (Hydrochlorothiazide mix with Losartan – hypertension)

DE = daily
75 = 75 Pill imprint Clopidogrel (PLAVIX medication (imprint 75/75g)?
= Chlorthalidone (diuretic)
RE75 = Metoprolol tartrate (hypertension/Angina Pectoris/Myocardial Infarction)
TF = tirofiban (anti thrombotic drug)
NRCm = need regulary control medication
SPS OLE= supress on level
mRDE LUSE TO TE = medication reduce to the WLDNCBE

194 – LDL cholesterol level (in that case is very high) or total cholesterol (normal level)
194 – code APR DRG 194 Heart failure (severity index distribution)
TRFXL = (try fix Level/try to find XL)

RSE/BSE/RCBRNSE/WLD/NCBE/RCBR/XL = it seems that these are the names of medications?
WLD = Warfarin low dose
= weight loss diet
= with or without LD and CBE
= Warner Lambert drug (Lipitor)
nCBE = and Calcium blocker
= and CBE (some other medication)
= CB-1 obesity drug

Second note:
AL = always
PNTE = pay attention
GLSE = glicerine (nytroglicerine)
-SE = use
= seek
= once (take) ER + E
ER+E = ever (emergency + Enalapril or maybe Lisinopril – doctors give it after heart attack)
= emergency (relief or rescue or room)

VL = while (use)
= value
SE = use
= side effect
mT = medication therapy
SE = side effect
-WSE = Warning/name of the medication/without/use/worse
-FRTSE = first use effort/

PNR = pain relief take RSE
TR= therapy/try
SE = use
ONPRSE = on prescription
= on pressure
= prescribe
XL = toprol XL (high blood pressure med - Metoprolol)
RcmsP = RC medication suppress
NE = one/never
STS = substitute
mE = medication
XL = toprol XL (high blood pressure med)/ E x L
= Procardia XL
mE X L = medication XL (E x L)

DU LmT = daily use Lung medication therapy/diuretcs
6 TUNSE = 6 times to unified
NCBEXC = never combined BExC (medications)/calcium channel blocker
= necessary
= and CBE x C
= and CBE extra cost
= once BexC (Benazepril/Betaxolol/Bisoprolol)
(mu NSAISTEN mUNARSE) = Medication use/no sustain medication under no circumstence

KL =
STE = same time
-TR =
mRSE- = medication RSE
NmR SE = new medication RSE/use/separately/once

(SAE 6NSE SE n mBSE) = sudenly sickness use new medication BSE/B separately

Nm = new medication
NRC = need regular control/never combined BR and use P+E 2 pils take with …
BR = before (next appointment)
nSEP = and separately
+E2p = immedieately 2 pils take without regular control beats
TE = take
W = without/with
BKNSE = blood control neccessary
= once

26 mL = Lisinopril (L26M imprint)
S = sustain/once/use
E74 = Lovastatin 40 mg anti cholesterol medication (E74 imprint)
S = sustain/once/use
PRK = precaution
SE= use
29 K = Phentermine, for obesity 37,5 mg (K29 imprint)
E NO 8 (&)OL = enough
E173 = Hydrochlorothiazide and Lisinopril 25 mg / 20 mg (E173 imprint)
R+RSE = +recipe /Ramipril

35 = 3 5 (phendimetrazine or Lopressor)
356 LE = Levetiracetam (356 imprint - for epilepsy?)
UNUTRE = until/nutrition
DKRSE = decrease pain/crisis
PSESHLE = search help
= pressure
= precise high level/precisely
= schedule

651 = Jenloga medication for hypertension (651 imprint)
mT = medication therapy
CSE = to controlise
HTLSE n CUTCTRS = heart pulse and contractions/HTL = half tablet
NmR = new medication R / number

99.8 4.3 (5) = 99.8 temperature or % of blocked arthery?/ troponin level 4.5
99.84 = blood pressure 99/84, 99.8 cholesterol level
9 9 = Adipex-p (9 9 imprint) Phentermine for obesity
99 = Codeine sulfate (imprint 99)
99.8 +- 4.5 Heart rate/beats per min
4.3 = risk factor
2UNE = to understand/to unified pulse
PLSE NCRSE AOKTSE = Pills increase doktor said /after ordinary kontrol
nSKSENBSE = and seek BSE

NSREONSE P(QV)UTSEWLDNCBE (3XORL) = No response put self on (WLDNCBE)
3 times oral (he means 3 times per day)

NmSE = new medication side effect/use/separately
NRSE = no response/increase
(I)1N2 =want to/one to two
NTRLERCB = intolerance/and try level RCB
RNSE = response
NTSRCRBNE = …prescribed
CBR = Complete bed rest

LSPNSE = expence
= low response
= low spense
N GSPSE = good response/great expance
mKSEKR = medication …
BSENCBE AV XL’R = BSE NCBE average/after XL and R

Hm = Heart medication
CRE = creatinine
Nm = new medication
1/2MUNDPLSE = half amount pills

D-W-m- = D – W – medication/danger warning medication
4 HPL = for help/ Heart pulse
XORLX = x (times) oral x (times) (means take how much you need)
Very impressive Diedge45, sounds plausable to me....
Maybe he was murdered for his prescribed drugs.
Thanks dotr!
He was most likely had all medications in one bottle and have identified the pills by imprint on them. Maybe some junkie thought that Ricky in the bottle holding drugs. If my assumption about the notes and about Ricky`s health conditions is correct, and if he had money to buy medications, then he was sure keep the bottle in the pocket all the time (at least nitroglycerine). This can be checked.
But is there any cardiologist on forum or at least a doctor, or maybe someone can ask someone from the medical profession?
I don't know...There's definitely something to the routine S and E's....I think Kid Omni has the start of something at the very least....this is going to drive me nuts! Why did I open this thread? :)
Interesting thread. I did see this article when the fbi wanted help and i guess i forgot about it until running across it here. I am going to have a look at it this weekend. I am not a code breaker and really have not read up on code breaking but i do have some thoughts after reading thru the many comments here...
First i think this is probably very simple to the victim. its not a code he would translate english into. it was something he wrote out very quickly as we all scribble notes to ourselves. I was more reminded of how bookies use to create codes to disguise their bets from law enforcement. Since i am unclear if McCormick was involved in criminal activity my first thought was that he was not as concerned with law enforcement as just prying eyes..perhaps a little paranoid. If this coding started as a child, it sounds more like his own private language that he never grew out of. To scribble it out quickly the rules must be easy for him i would think. Perhaps many of the letters are just jibberish intended to deceive and there are letters or letter combos that signal this to him or signal the end of words or phrases if he is not using words. I keep seeing the repetition of SE and a few other similar combos..TE, CE, BE..i think, like many others, these letters are somehow the key. I also found it curious he wrote p1 on one of the pages as if they were instructions and he was concerned he might mix them up. could be a habit of his though. wonder why he felt no need to code p1.
I wonder if any of his siblings or friends ever asked him about any of his codes. I think if i had a friend or brother who did this i would have teased a bit and been very curious...most likely i would have asked a few questions over the years about what things might mean. I think the family is holding back.
Has it already been discussed that some of these "codes" could be stock market abbreviations? Like TFX and NCBE?
Has it already been discussed that some of these "codes" could be stock market abbreviations? Like TFX and NCBE?

Searching around online, I see that posters on some on other forums have made that connection, pointing out many stock related meanings, and that the oft-repeated "E" means "equity".

Stock exchange abbreviations can be found here:
Ok here is some links including to 1999 newspaper articles about the case.

here is a search link results from the Stltoday for ricky mccormick..seems other bodies were found in that area. not sure its related. I did not subscribe to read the entire articles..,E&p_text_date-0=2000%20-%202008|2011|1998%20-%202000|2000&p_field_advanced-0=&p_text_advanced-0=("ricky%20mccormick")&xcal_numdocs=20&p_perpage=10&p_sort=YMD_date:D&xcal_useweights=no

Here is a good case summary

I have read other boards that suggest its some type of phonetic language like pig latin..but of his own creation. perhaps its not a code but a short hand written with a rhyme scheme. I cannot find anywhere that mr. mccormick was adult autistic but his early use of this code seems to suggest something was different about him early on. Perhaps rhyming compulsions combined with some spoken shorthand..also someone pointed out that the page 1 was written neatly and as if on lined paper and the second one disorganized, and not so neatly.

He was on disability and found in a bad part of town. Could it be his customer ledger if he was a dealer? i think it could be meaningless..perhaps his shorthand mixed with the rhyme that had no rules other than his abbreviations that even he might not remember what it meant days later. someone asked a good question...why is the fbi even curious about this case? the facts we know are, a 41 year old man, on disability, had serious heart disease, found dead in a drug area of saint louis from interstate link mentioned, no federal crime it all because he had notes the local police could not figure out? i think the fbi has some splainin' to do.
Ok here is some links including to 1999 newspaper articles about the case.

here is a search link results from the Stltoday for ricky mccormick..seems other bodies were found in that area. not sure its related. I did not subscribe to read the entire articles..,E&p_text_date-0=2000%20-%202008|2011|1998%20-%202000|2000&p_field_advanced-0=&p_text_advanced-0=("ricky%20mccormick")&xcal_numdocs=20&p_perpage=10&p_sort=YMD_date:D&xcal_useweights=no

Here is a good case summary

I have read other boards that suggest its some type of phonetic language like pig latin..but of his own creation. perhaps its not a code but a short hand written with a rhyme scheme. I cannot find anywhere that mr. mccormick was adult autistic but his early use of this code seems to suggest something was different about him early on. Perhaps rhyming compulsions combined with some spoken shorthand..also someone pointed out that the page 1 was written neatly and as if on lined paper and the second one disorganized, and not so neatly.

He was on disability and found in a bad part of town. Could it be his customer ledger if he was a dealer? i think it could be meaningless..perhaps his shorthand mixed with the rhyme that had no rules other than his abbreviations that even he might not remember what it meant days later. someone asked a good question...why is the fbi even curious about this case? the facts we know are, a 41 year old man, on disability, had serious heart disease, found dead in a drug area of saint louis from interstate link mentioned, no federal crime it all because he had notes the local police could not figure out? i think the fbi has some splainin' to do.

An alternative is that the victim could have been an FBI informant..MOO In what capacity I have no idea...seems doubtful, but I think there has to be some pressing reason for the FBI to be so into this case ? There is also the distinct possibility that this case could be waaay more complicated than thought...MOO

I wonder why the "code" is thought to be connected to his murder ?
An alternative is that the victim could have been an FBI informant..MOO In what capacity I have no idea...seems doubtful, but I think there has to be some pressing reason for the FBI to be so into this case ? There is also the distinct possibility that this case could be waaay more complicated than thought...MOO

I wonder why the "code" is thought to be connected to his murder ?

Now you really got me thinking...perhaps the fbi think that this is info on the cases he was assisting them with...maybe mr mccormick was working for the fbi and was holding back info to keep the fbi strung along for a while..the code perhaps was to protect his info and sources and his money supply....just a thought, but i cannot understand the fbi being curious about the written scribbles of a dead poor man unless there is way more to it.
Some things don't add up : RNM's body was so badly decomposed that no apparent cause of death was present ? So badly decomposed after only 3 days ? And yet, RM was identified by his fingerprints ?

And, LE was not even sure initially that RM actually had been murdered.... News reports state only that he "appeared" to have some type of head injury. Was an autopsy performed, and if so, what was the actual cause of RM's death ?

Also, I cannot find any reference to searches of RM's property ...I know he had supposedly been evicted shortly before he was found. But, where were his possessions ? He must have had some stuff ? Any notes,or similar "code" ?

There is a pressing reason for the FBI's interest here. MOO But, what ? I wish someone in the know would give us a clue...Sigh...
Ok here is some links including to 1999 newspaper articles about the case.

here is a search link results from the Stltoday for ricky mccormick..seems other bodies were found in that area. not sure its related. I did not subscribe to read the entire articles..,E&p_text_date-0=2000%20-%202008|2011|1998%20-%202000|2000&p_field_advanced-0=&p_text_advanced-0=("ricky%20mccormick")&xcal_numdocs=20&p_perpage=10&p_sort=YMD_date:D&xcal_useweights=no

Here is a good case summary

I have read other boards that suggest its some type of phonetic language like pig latin..but of his own creation. perhaps its not a code but a short hand written with a rhyme scheme. I cannot find anywhere that mr. mccormick was adult autistic but his early use of this code seems to suggest something was different about him early on. Perhaps rhyming compulsions combined with some spoken shorthand..also someone pointed out that the page 1 was written neatly and as if on lined paper and the second one disorganized, and not so neatly.

He was on disability and found in a bad part of town. Could it be his customer ledger if he was a dealer? i think it could be meaningless..perhaps his shorthand mixed with the rhyme that had no rules other than his abbreviations that even he might not remember what it meant days later. someone asked a good question...why is the fbi even curious about this case? the facts we know are, a 41 year old man, on disability, had serious heart disease, found dead in a drug area of saint louis from interstate link mentioned, no federal crime it all because he had notes the local police could not figure out? i think the fbi has some splainin' to do.
One doesnt' have to be autistic to think in this manner. I'm convinced RM's "code" was unique and the key known only to him. It's not medical abbreviations or stock abbreviations (I played around with idea that very early on.) Sure, we can match up the letters with known abbrevations, but then can we put them together in a way that makes sense? Not just in one line, but in a way that follows throughout an entire page or large section of a page? There are very definite patterns in RM's writings. The way to solve the code is not one phrase at a time, but by looking over one entire page at a time and noting the patterns and the relationship between the letters and letter groups.

I'm convinced there is a numerical scheme beneath the letters, and I still believe my solution posted in April and May is pretty close to being accurate. I also suggest everyone read Sammy Sheep's post from May 6th at 10:00 am for good insight.
One doesnt' have to be autistic to think in this manner. I'm convinced RM's "code" was unique and the key known only to him. It's not medical abbreviations or stock abbreviations (I played around with idea that very early on.) Sure, we can match up the letters with known abbrevations, but then can we put them together in a way that makes sense? Not just in one line, but in a way that follows throughout an entire page or large section of a page? There are very definite patterns in RM's writings. The way to solve the code is not one phrase at a time, but by looking over one entire page at a time and noting the patterns and the relationship between the letters and letter groups.

I'm convinced there is a numerical scheme beneath the letters, and I still believe my solution posted in April and May is pretty close to being accurate. I also suggest everyone read Sammy Sheep's post from May 6th at 10:00 am for good insight.

The reference to austism was in regards to the se, te, be, etc rhyming scheme if one was to accept this as some type of phonetic language as pig latin. autism can result in compulsive rhyming in speech but perhaps it could be a theme in writing. i am also perplexed that this behavior of coding has gone on since childhood..i suspect becoming more complex over the years...
i looked back at your posts for your solution but i never saw a translation..can you repost if you get a chance?
I doubt this is a very sophisticated code..if you develop a code that requires mathimatical manipulation especially if its dynamic you would most likely write it in standard english and translate or take your time to get it right..the first page seems more like a controlled situation..the lines are straight, the printing is somewhat clear, etc so that could be a complicated code...but the second page looks more like notes scribbled while talking on a pay phone perhaps, or scribbled in a hurry perhaps not on a flat table and the boxing and verying indenting tells me he is highlighting some things or setting them apart from others because he wrote them at different times or during the same conversation over differing topics or people...
he was more like a street person than anything else..his life was chaotic with some police contact..he died in a drug invested dangerous environment with some scribbles in his pocket..makes me wonder why the fbi would care, especially these many years later..would love to know his connection to the fbi..
i use a number code for numbers only i developed years ago..don't use it often, but its basically 10 symbols..i can scribble it as fast as any number and in the middle i can but unimportant letters, symbols and numbers if i want...if he is writing this quickly my guess its very simple..and it will have plenty of red herrings and it might be spoken word if i am ever found dead with my banking pin number scribbled on a piece of paper in my code in my pocket..i doubt the fbi would why do they care?

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