GUILTY MO - Rowan Ford, 9, raped & murdered, Stella, 3 Nov 2007

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I was just reading the comments on the Joplin page and one really jumps out: a mother said that her 2 sons are afraid to go bed, now, because they are afraid of being taken. One of her sons is in Rowan's class... so I hope LE sends a counselor to the school to talk with her classmates... poor little angels must be terrified. :(
no surpise here.. but he really did fool me with those very sincere-looking tears.... i guess he was shocked at what he did and felt he had to lie because the truth was too terrible to believe......

RIP little sweetie. :(
I was afraid of this. The stepfather was definitely a suspect IMO, especially asking to borrow his mother's car in the middle of the night. I hope we don't learn she was sexually abused, but I'd bet she was. Poor little girl.
Some people say that things are not really getting worse. Some people say this stuff used to happen just as often years ago, but it just gets reported more frequently now. I don't believe that. I think things have definitely gotten worse. Here we have a situation where TWO adult men MURDERED a defenseless little NINE YEAR old girl. This would have been unimaginable when I was a little girl. I used to ride my bike to town all by myself and play on vacant lots, around the old buildings, pretty much everywhere. There really wasn't anyplace that I was supposed to avoid due to safety issues. I would NEVER let my children do the things I did.....I practically don't let them out of my sight. The other thing that has changed is the public's reaction over these sort of events. WE, i.e the people who read and post here at WS's are acutely aware of how horrible this is, and we are ANGRY.:furious: I fear that there are many more people in society who will read the headline about "Two Men Arrested in Murder of Nine Year Old Girl", and they will just skip right on over it. People seem to have grown accustomed to this news.....maybe not accepting of it, but at they are at least expectant that "these things just happen". How do we stop it?
What possesses an adult to focus so much rage at a child? It is mind boggling...And imagine Spear's mom-knowing her son transported the body of a child (at the minimum) in her car for the 5 hours she sat there in the house supposedly babysitting...Bless the detective who recalled the cavern and the sinkhole and decided to check it out on his way to work. At least Rowan can be given back to her mother now...

I found 4-5 Christopher Collins listed as sex offenders on the Family Watchdog website...It will be curious to see how this unfolds and if this was the person Spear's mom had misgivings about...

I agree- things are worse now than before and I think that people pay less attention to the news than in years past. Our prisons are more crowded than ever, and we're seeing strange sentences because of that.

I don't know how we solve the problem, but I wish I did! The world is such an unsafe place for kids.

eta: actually the world is unsafe PERIOD. As soon as I typed that the world is unsafe for kids, Dru Sjodin and Kelsey Smith came to mind! :(
I may be wrong, but I could swear that I heard one of the sheets was missing as well as the girl herself....If so, I really doubt this was a rage-based crime.
I may be wrong, but I could swear that I heard one of the sheets was missing as well as the girl herself....If so, I really doubt this was a rage-based crime.

Yes, a pink sheet was missing with the girl.
I bet it was a sex assult. Well find out with the autopsy. And I bet that stepdad was involved. I wonder if this as an ongoing thing. I wonder how the buddy got involved though.
It makes you just sick, doesn't it.
RE: the stepdad's tears... maybe it is because I saw the interview late, but Reb, I thought they looked fake. He had the crazy eyes going on. Like he was trying to read the interviewer to see what he needed to do next or say next. Some of the thing he was saying too were like... why were you bring THAT up now... like sending her to her room? Like about if you were a bad guy she wouldn't like you and she would "stay away" from you (I am remembering this on the fly, so those may not be exact quotes, but that is the jist of what I remember from being just getting ready to go to bed before I saw it)? Hum.
Usually people in this situation would have been talking about getting the child back, how much they are missed, their happy go lucky personality, how they have friends at school, how they have medical needs or they like to have a routine at night, and almost always say PLEASE BRING HER BACK in a plea to the abductor. I don't think I saw him say that at all in ANY of his interviews. That's my inexperienced, unprofessional synoposis.
But I tend to be a good people reader. I always have been.
Pedinurse, thanks for the link to that Myspace of little Rowan's Mom. Poor little girl. Looks like she had to live her short life with a bunch of idiotic stoners. I would be willing to bet you that the guy from Wheaton County who is arrested is the "Chris" guy on Mom's Myspace. The picture on his Myspace is of him sitting on what appears to be a slide at a playground somewhere. The last day he logged on was 11/2/07 - the day Rowan went missing. Why, why, why, why......!!!!!

They are reporting on the other thread that a Chris Collins has been arrested in connection with murder. So you were spot on.

Link to the myspace of the Chris from Wheaton, MO - who has been referenced in MULTIPLE news reports. Linked to the mom's myspace too. We're thinking this is the guy who was arrested in connection with the murder.
Creepy dude sitting on a slide...
We need to get these two threads merged.
A bit of information in this artcle outside of confirming who was arrested:

"He said when one of the friends dropped him back off at the house around midnight, he did not check on her again before going to sleep.
Spears did not initially tell investigators that he left the house a second time around 1:30 a.m. after calling his mother and asking to borrow her vehicle. He was gone for 5 1/2 hours in the mother’s Chevrolet Suburban, returning about 7 a.m. Myrna Spears reportedly watched television in her son’s living room and never checked on the girl during that time."

Perhaps I'm crazy but WTH is wrong with this woman ?
They are reporting on the other thread that a Chris Collins has been arrested in connection with murder. So you were spot on.

Link to the myspace of the Chris from Wheaton, MO - who has been referenced in MULTIPLE news reports. Linked to the mom's myspace too. We're thinking this is the guy who was arrested in connection with the murder.
Creepy dude sitting on a slide...
We need to get these two threads merged.

Just as an FYI, there is a Christopher Earl Collins listed as a SO on the Family Watchdog website. With the exception of weight, he appears a good match for the person shown on the myspace you posted...there is not a photo of him in the registry but he served time for sexual assault on a child under 12 and lewd behavior.
..Bless the detective who recalled the cavern and the sinkhole and decided to check it out on his way to work. At least Rowan can be given back to her mother now...

I'm very impressed that these officers found Rowan, too! McDonald County is practically all woods and there are caves and caverns everywhere. I bet the perps never expected her to be found, with all the evidence her body will provide. There's a drug element in McDonald County that is very violent and scary; it's good to know their police force is so clever and knowledgeable.
On the other thread we have the myspaces up of the other one who was arrested.
I have NO clue why the mother of Spears continues to defend him. None. He told her that he needed that five hour drive to clear his head. And she just drove over, gave him her car, sat up and watched TV in his living room (without checking on the little girl) for FIVE hours in the middle of the night without a second thought? AND THE WHOLE POINT OF THE VISIT WAS NOT TO BABY SIT BUT TO GIVE HIM THE CAR! THEY WOULD HAVE CONTINUED TO LEAVE HER THERE ALONE OTHERWISE!! WTF? This is a normal occurance?
Found mom's myspace because I'm nosy like that. 309969

David the stepdad is on there too it looks like. He's 24??!?!!?!?!?!?!?

I wonder if he was the suspect that they arrested.

This whole case makes me angry. has been posting minute by minute updates all day... from the time they have removed the body from the site, ect. :-(

FBI did polygraphs of ALL people who were at the house - mom, stepdad, the two friends dad went out with, and the grandma. They did not say who did or did not pass though. But they did take them.

Chris Collins the second suspect also has a myspace page. You can find his under Collens friends.
I'm very impressed that these officers found Rowan, too! McDonald County is practically all woods and there are caves and caverns everywhere. I bet the perps never expected her to be found, with all the evidence her body will provide. There's a drug element in McDonald County that is very violent and scary; it's good to know their police force is so clever and knowledgeable.

I swear to God every time I drive into Mac county I hear the banjos start dueling. Anyway, seems there are some local people on the thread... hi!

I am very impressed as well. Some people have taken pot shots at the local LE, saying that is why the FBI was called in, but that is common with child abductions (that the FBI was called in). Apparently the 50 plus of them have been in town for the past week. That is common in these cases. Local LE is inexperienced in child abductions, and I am sure they would be the first to admit that. But I think that prosecutions are going to be handled locally. At least that is what is being reported by local media.

It is thick down there (wooded) with small communities. Caves and sink holes are common. Like some of the articles are saying, it would have been IMPOSSIBLE for the perps to have gotten her down there unless they were EXTREMELY familiar with the area. Especially at night.
God bless the police officers who battle that drug problem down there and the social workers who have to deal with the issues down there also. Mac county has issues.
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