MO - Sherrill Levitt, 47, Suzie Streeter, 19, & Stacy McCall, 18, Springfield, 7 June 1992 #13

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You obviously have no trial experience , so I ’m not going to belabor the point any further, since we already discussed this under your other screen name ..

Like mule & everyone else , here for a discussion not arguments .
I have never talked to you on another name and the point stands....motive was silence. At any rate..
There is nothing to expose in the institutional vandalism case . The prosecutor does not ask a witness “ any other crimes in Missouri while you’re here you want to bring up “? That’s not how it works .
She had already given a statement to SFPD ,there was no more harm she could do .

SEG was released on May 25, 1992
REW was paroled April 13,1992 .
That’s 44 & 11 days from out of state . Not a lot of time to get involved in some big conspiracy .
Now , if they had a chance encounter / sighting and decided to target the women that’s believable, since SFPD had Some probably Cause evidence to send to the GJ , so the question is , what evidence did they present that the GJ did not think was enough for a true bill ?


Your last question - no bodies.

Presuming this was as simple as three punks vandalizing a crypt and pawning dental gold, and there was nothing left to know - can you explain why undercover cops bothered to continue investigating and hassle MC/JR/DR and friends and/or associates when there was an abundance of criminal activity in MO, SPF and surrounding territories? LE travelling and transporting 1000+ miles to N IL to retrieve JR - most jurisdictions wouldn't bother. Wiretapping MC? Why? IIRC, MC - lived with sister. Sister's POE MC hangout.

Is it your contention that the only encounters LE had with Suzanne and/or Mrs. Levitt were the initial theater interview and/or at HDQ providing her statement?

MR - #3 released to KS 10/01/91 - absconded to MO undetected. Recorded as 02-06-92 .


Unsolved cases are not perfect crimes. One guy does not control this situation. How about some people show up at house at 3 or so. Suzie goes outside to confront them. Sherril hears the ruckus and goes outside to protect daughter. Maybe Suzie was struck, incident escalates. One of the guys notices Stacy peering through the open shade. They subdue her and the other two, put them in vehicle, gone to the forest. The house was isolated as far as people go. Largely by businesses. The neighbor was not home. There are no witnesses. Prints are not going to be found, because of so many people going in the next day. I would imagine Stacy was petrified and easy to control. My point is, that scenario could play out and little to know evidence would be available.

One guy with a gun can most certainly control three women. Ask Richard Speck.
Ok, so I am relatively new to this case and have been reading/watching as much information as I can about it over the past few days. Please allow me to vent for a moment...I find this case extremely frustrating, as even the most basic of "facts" have so many versions and inconsistencies it is driving me crazy! And making it hard for me to establish what actually did or didn't happen. I mean simple things, for example, when JK arrived at Sherrill & Suzie's home Sunday morning, was Cinnamon running free in the home, or closed up in the bathroom, or running around in the yard, or running around out in the street? I've seen all 4 versions! I don't really think the answer is important in this particular example, I'm just using it to illustrate how so many aspects of this case have so many different versions. Sometimes I don't know what I should or shouldn't believe. Regardless I'm now hooked on this case so I will continue to try to sort it all out :).

Thank you. This case has way too many rumors touted as fact.
Bookkeeper nails it again. Bravo.

I await @TexasT reply

Let's not forget Riedel and MR both have used aliases since the case.....wonder why ?...

I do think there was more to the graverobbing crime than meets the eye... other operations exposed. No one cared about the acid trip vandalism....they cared about what was just beyond
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actually it IS how it works... open ended questions are the entire point of cross examination...why do you think defense lawyers have the "then what happened" joke about prosecuting attorneys....
Prosecution can ask whatever they want... esp. if a GR was involved in other crimes or her car was used in other crimes.........she may expose a certain person dealing a certain illegal thing and bam...and how do you criminals dealing drugs know every rule of law?.. they dont want to take any chances...they may have just disliked Suzie talking to cops in general but motive is clear no matter how you want to spin was to silence these women and ensure they wouldn’t talk any further
the men associated with Steve were questioned because of their access/link to vehicles and potential weapons used.... also SG wasn’t developing the conspiracy or the network of drugs....the drug network existed prior to his release and the others. His friends sought because of secondary items like vehicles, weapons, assistance, etc imo
tuna was questioned about his rides with Steve and vehicles and nothing’s clear why that GJ was formed: info about the items surrounding the abduction and post abduction

You do realize steve knew other gooses/drug dealers...including one who was father of Clay's ex...did you even look into his gun crime? and if sherrill had a gun, did you trace the ownership of the gun?

also what was Steve’s alibi that night ?

I have read all of your posts and I'm trying to sort it all out. If I'm not mistaken, you believe that it was planned to go to Sherrill's home that night/morning to abduct Sherrill and Suzie, take them somewhere, and scare them into keeping quiet. But Stacy messed up the plan, resulting in the perps having to abduct and kill all 3 women.

While it's possible, I'm just not sure it fits. Sherrill was the only one home that night, Suzie wasn't even supposed to come home that night at all. Did the perps drive around all night waiting (hoping) for Suzie to come rolling up?

You said that Stacy ruined the plan by showing up shortly after Suzie. The girls were following right behind each other so I find it hard to believe that they wouldn't have seen Stacy pull up right behind her, in her own car. At that point, wouldn't it have been easier for them to abort the plan and try again later WITHOUT adding a 3rd (completely innocent) victim that everyone would surely want justice for?

IIRC you said that Suzie was the intended target because of her broad connections to seedy characters involved in drugs and other criminal activity. But none of those others ever went missing. Why?? Even if Suzie did have knowledge or saw something she shouldn't have, why take out her mother and Stacy? It wasn't necessary to get rid of her mother, seeing as she had no direct knowledge herself so what kind of witness would she really have been? In addition, how would they have known that Suzie didn't blab to one of her many friends, coworkers, etc?? And if they were really worried about Suzie, it would have made more sense to just disappear HER... she was an adult and now a high school graduate, she had left home before to live with a boyfriend and also her brother and seemed a free spirit, so if only Suzie had gone missing it would have been hard to prove she wasn't missing on her own free will. Instead they add in her mother and a completely innocent girl , complicating the case and bringing much more attention to it.

All that these alleged perps did was bring massive attention to everyone's alleged criminal activities and put everyone under LE's microscope! Which is what they ironically were trying to avoid in the first place lol! You would think that someone would have been punished for this at some point by the higher-ups in this criminal hierarchy, yet I don't know of any other deaths or missing persons connected to this seedy underworld you speak of.

So at this point I'm not convinced that this theory works, though I'm new to the case and still working so I could end up changing my mind.
I have read all of your posts and I'm trying to sort it all out. If I'm not mistaken, you believe that it was planned to go to Sherrill's home that night/morning to abduct Sherrill and Suzie, take them somewhere, and scare them into keeping quiet. But Stacy messed up the plan, resulting in the perps having to abduct and kill all 3 women.

While it's possible, I'm just not sure it fits. Sherrill was the only one home that night, Suzie wasn't even supposed to come home that night at all. Did the perps drive around all night waiting (hoping) for Suzie to come rolling up?

You said that Stacy ruined the plan by showing up shortly after Suzie. The girls were following right behind each other so I find it hard to believe that they wouldn't have seen Stacy pull up right behind her, in her own car. At that point, wouldn't it have been easier for them to abort the plan and try again later WITHOUT adding a 3rd (completely innocent) victim that everyone would surely want justice for?

IIRC you said that Suzie was the intended target because of her broad connections to seedy characters involved in drugs and other criminal activity. But none of those others ever went missing. Why?? Even if Suzie did have knowledge or saw something she shouldn't have, why take out her mother and Stacy? It wasn't necessary to get rid of her mother, seeing as she had no direct knowledge herself so what kind of witness would she really have been? In addition, how would they have known that Suzie didn't blab to one of her many friends, coworkers, etc?? And if they were really worried about Suzie, it would have made more sense to just disappear HER... she was an adult and now a high school graduate, she had left home before to live with a boyfriend and also her brother and seemed a free spirit, so if only Suzie had gone missing it would have been hard to prove she wasn't missing on her own free will. Instead they add in her mother and a completely innocent girl , complicating the case and bringing much more attention to it.

All that these alleged perps did was bring massive attention to everyone's alleged criminal activities and put everyone under LE's microscope! Which is what they ironically were trying to avoid in the first place lol! You would think that someone would have been punished for this at some point by the higher-ups in this criminal hierarchy, yet I don't know of any other deaths or missing persons connected to this seedy underworld you speak of.

So at this point I'm not convinced that this theory works, though I'm new to the case and still working so I could end up changing my mind.
it's the ONLY theory that fits...
I believe stacy and suzie entered the house at the same time.... i believe the perps were already with sherrill due to the cars being on the circle and one vehicle occupying the driveway
I do believe they were kidnapped to be threatened into being quiet about things they knew....yes Suzie wasnt home and which is why i believe something was fabricated into getting sherrill out of the house to look for her daughter. there were two separate sightings and both were valid and down the street from each other of sherrill looking for suzie just before 2am.. I believe the Steven Thompson sighting at gas station on S. Fremont..
and how do you know none of those others went missing?? And how do you know the ones that were guilty aren't threatening ones "in the know" with force too? Various people are controlled in diff could be in prison, dead, or its a simple photo of the women being hurt shown to someone and that person going "dont tell or I hurt your kids" and that's enough to keep people quiet...this is nothing new.

You have a similar situation with John Smith and Maureen Webb....Ricky Evans was charged with murder and then the main witness was threatened in prison....ironically (or perhaps not) enough Evans married a Robb....same farm connected to SG and his associates.

I believe some were punished.... but I can't go into all of that right now publicly...I believe the info I have is similar to the info Kathee Baird spoke of on CWD show..

You dont have to like the theory but theres no way you dont start connecting the dots with the gooses, MOCIC-assistance, joe's 100k bounty, and GJ3 and not see what's up...
You dont have to like the theory but theres no way you dont start connecting the dots with the gooses, MOCIC-assistance, joe's 100k bounty, and GJ3 and not see what's up...

It's not that I don't like the theory, it's a good theory but I'm just not convinced of it yet.

A few more questions... if the original plan was to threaten Suzie and Sherrill, why take them out of the house to do it? Why couldn't they just threaten them there?

Also, it was graduation night, Suzie was out partying and had plans to go to the water park that evening and stay overnight, which meant she wouldn't have been home until at least the afternoon the next day after spending it at the water park. So why would they have had Sherrill already tied up at 2:00am at home waiting for Suzie to arrive HOURS and HOURS later? Why wouldn't they have waited for another night until BOTH ladies were at home, alone, together??? Without all of the drama of graduation night and parties etc?
I have read all of your posts and I'm trying to sort it all out. If I'm not mistaken, you believe that it was planned to go to Sherrill's home that night/morning to abduct Sherrill and Suzie, take them somewhere, and scare them into keeping quiet. But Stacy messed up the plan, resulting in the perps having to abduct and kill all 3 women.

While it's possible, I'm just not sure it fits. Sherrill was the only one home that night, Suzie wasn't even supposed to come home that night at all. Did the perps drive around all night waiting (hoping) for Suzie to come rolling up?

You said that Stacy ruined the plan by showing up shortly after Suzie. The girls were following right behind each other so I find it hard to believe that they wouldn't have seen Stacy pull up right behind her, in her own car. At that point, wouldn't it have been easier for them to abort the plan and try again later WITHOUT adding a 3rd (completely innocent) victim that everyone would surely want justice for?

IIRC you said that Suzie was the intended target because of her broad connections to seedy characters involved in drugs and other criminal activity. But none of those others ever went missing. Why?? Even if Suzie did have knowledge or saw something she shouldn't have, why take out her mother and Stacy? It wasn't necessary to get rid of her mother, seeing as she had no direct knowledge herself so what kind of witness would she really have been? In addition, how would they have known that Suzie didn't blab to one of her many friends, coworkers, etc?? And if they were really worried about Suzie, it would have made more sense to just disappear HER... she was an adult and now a high school graduate, she had left home before to live with a boyfriend and also her brother and seemed a free spirit, so if only Suzie had gone missing it would have been hard to prove she wasn't missing on her own free will. Instead they add in her mother and a completely innocent girl , complicating the case and bringing much more attention to it.

All that these alleged perps did was bring massive attention to everyone's alleged criminal activities and put everyone under LE's microscope! Which is what they ironically were trying to avoid in the first place lol! You would think that someone would have been punished for this at some point by the higher-ups in this criminal hierarchy, yet I don't know of any other deaths or missing persons connected to this seedy underworld you speak of.

So at this point I'm not convinced that this theory works, though I'm new to the case and still working so I could end up changing my mind.

I have bolded the most salient portions of your very well reasoned analysis.

As you have correctly pointed out, Suzie wasn’t even supposed to be there. For about 75 days this was the major story in the newspaper and media.

It would have made infinitely more sense to have abducted Sherrill and Suzie who merely went missing on some weekend and left one car behind never to be seen again. It would have have been a one week story and soon forgotten. The women would have been seen as having left town to start a new life somewhere. Both had hair salon skills that could have been employed elsewhere. Cut and dye their hair and keep a low profile and get new identities. Sherrill was known to have had money problems when her ex-husband left her holding the bag for his bills he left for her to pay.
It was plausible.

What happened however only spotlighted what did take place ensuring that we are still debating it going on 28 years. That seems passing strange.

A few years ago a movie was made about a woman who had fallen out of love with her husband and wanted to punish him with a bogus charge of murder without her body. I watch it from time to time and ironically takes place in southwest Missouri. The movie”Gone Girl” shows how it would be possible to disappear. There is no law against leaving on one’s accord.
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It's not that I don't like the theory, it's a good theory but I'm just not convinced of it yet.

A few more questions... if the original plan was to threaten Suzie and Sherrill, why take them out of the house to do it? Why couldn't they just threaten them there?

Also, it was graduation night,, Suzie was out partying and had plans to go to the water park that evening and stay overnight, which meant she wouldn't have been home until at least the afternoon the next day after spending it at the water park. So why would they have had Sherrill already tied up at 2:00am at home waiting for Suzie to arrive HOURS and HOURS later? Why wouldn't they have waited for another night until BOTH ladies were at home, alone, together??? Without all of the drama of graduation night and parties etc?
No one said these guys were that smart (I.E. planning it on grad night) but they DID make their move late and expected Suzie to be’s obvious that whoever planned this had familiarity with Delmar and her car and possibly met Sherrill prior to abduction even...they weren’t smart but they WERE lucky

I believe the plan for that night (not waiting another night) was because of certain people knowing things and they couldn’t wIt any longer...I believe someone panicked on what to do with Stacy because there was no way to keep her silence like they felt they could with sherrill and suzie....stacy had too many wildcards with Janis, entirely different friend group, unknowns galore with Stacy

see Bookkeepers last post. In total agreement with it
Personally, I find this scenario to be far more KISS worthy than any conspiracy theories involving drug hits or hidden money, as the flaws in those types of victims’ backgrounds that draw the fire down on them tend to come out to the police and media pretty quickly in the post Eisenhower US. In addition, it gives us the reason for LE being so tight lipped – LE NEVER admits to potential serial killers unless the media forces them into it, which hasn’t happened here, and when the potential serial killer’s MO doesn’t match up with the known potential SK’s in the broad area, they really don’t like to share that info.

Okay, so there’s my rather longwinded take on things – whatcha think?"

Though I'm not convinced of some of the specifics of this theory, I definitely don't think that a sexual predator either known or unknown to one or more of the women can be ruled out, I think it is entirely possible. Someone working on impulse that night, who happened upon the home at just the right time, and with luck on his side. It's not the first time that a monster lured or forced a mother, daughter, and friend to an isolated place and disappeared them, actually off the top of my head I can think of at least two examples. My one concern about anyone sneaking into the house is the dog. Have you ever owned a Yorkshire Terrorist? They. Bark. At. Every. Thing. I would think that the women would have had a warning that someone was lurking around or entering the home, there were three of them, you would think one would have maybe tried to make a run for it. Or tried to fight back. But as has been pointed out, with a gun pointed at Suzie, Sherrill would have done whatever he asked, and young Stacy probably so terrified she also did whatever he asked. And of course, if it was someone known to them, the dog wouldn't even apply to this situation at all. They wouldn't have been alarmed at seeing someone they knew and/or trusted. Skewedview's theory is not my top theory right now but I think it is definitely a possibility.
The fact that the women were taken to a second site, without issue, and likely killed before morning (since whole town was searching immediately 24 hours later) should tell you two things: abductors had familiarity with 1717 and had land/isolation to carry out murder....that’s not someone acting on impulse. MOCIC involvement shows that this was a group effort and likely carefully orchestrated
The fact that the women were taken to a second site, without issue, and likely killed before morning (since whole town was searching immediately 24 hours later) should tell you two things: abductors had familiarity with 1717 and had land/isolation to carry out murder....that’s not someone acting on impulse. MOCIC involvement shows that this was a group effort and likely carefully orchestrated

BBM - I agree with this, whoever disappeared these ladies most likely either owned or had familiarity with/access to a very isolated area. Somewhere where none of the 3 bodies have ever been found by a random hiker/hunter/kids playing in woods etc. Though I disagree about it not being someone acting on impulse, I think that's possible too.

Your last question - no bodies.

Presuming this was as simple as three punks vandalizing a crypt and pawning dental gold, and there was nothing left to know - can you explain why undercover cops bothered to continue investigating and hassle MC/JR/DR and friends and/or associates when there was an abundance of criminal activity in MO, SPF and surrounding territories? LE travelling and transporting 1000+ miles to N IL to retrieve JR - most jurisdictions wouldn't bother. Wiretapping MC? Why? IIRC, MC - lived with sister. Sister's POE MC hangout.

Is it your contention that the only encounters LE had with Suzanne and/or Mrs. Levitt were the initial theater interview and/or at HDQ providing her statement?

MR - #3 released to KS 10/01/91 - absconded to MO undetected. Recorded as 02-06-92 .



SEG & REW were moved around Lansing & El Dorado roughly same dates interesting enough . REW fairly recently back out of prison , Again .

We’ve seen more successful prosecutions of no body cases , or going with a agg kidnapping charge to start , like the young lady from Texas a couple years ago Christina Morris . And surprise surprise her abductor was a long time Acquaintance that she turn down his advances . Simple as that , 20 somethings .. fortunately technology & some luck did him in .
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Presuming this was as simple as three punks vandalizing a crypt and pawning dental gold, and there was nothing left to know - can you explain why undercover cops bothered to continue investigating and hassle MC/JR/DR and friends and/or associates when there was an abundance of criminal activity in MO, SPF and surrounding territories?

Ummm...because they can? I honestly don't know the specifics of the "investigating and hassling" of the people you mentioned but the reality is that sometimes LE will use an unrelated crime to shake things up for people that they suspect for other crimes or sometimes just people that they have an axe to grind with.

For example, I think I mentioned this before, but I followed the Jayme Closs case very closely and paid careful attention to what the locals were saying about the case. LE performed swat-style busts on numerous residences, farms, etc. that clearly had nothing to do with Jayme's case but her case gave them a great excuse to get on those properties and "look for Jayme". Multiple residents were complaining about this happening to them and some were threatening suits.

Or maybe, for example, LE didn't like the way that the GR were smart-assing them during interviews and decided to make life hell for them.

Or....maybe it was a "look over there, not over here!" situation. Especially if someone in LE were involved somehow in the disappearance, or protecting someone close to them, it would benefit them to have so many "suspects" causing confusion and distractions until over the years people just start to forget about the case and it flies quietly under the radar and eventually out of the public's minds altogether. Maybe there are people who don't want this case solved for one reason or another.
SEG & REW were moved around Lansing & El Dorado roughly same dates interesting enough . REW fairly recently back out of prison , Again .

We’ve seen more successful prosecutions of no body cases , or going with a agg kidnapping charge to start , like the young lady from Texas a couple years ago Christina Morris . And surprise surprise her abductor was a long time Acquaintance that she turn down his advances . Simple as that , 20 somethings .. fortunately technology & some luck did him in .
And it was just random that SEG was shacking up with Dusty’s gf-at-the-time’s mom?? 3 weeks out? You do know EH, RH were gooses....SG’s pals related to Clay’s girlfriend.. they weren’t in prison.

and what about MR? Who starts uses an alias literally after the GJ in 1994...?

SG moving around prison means nothing,, he had an established network of friends in Springfield and still does..and wasn’t even in kansas

no trial was ever going without bodies...not for a case with no murder scene to go off of
As you have correctly pointed out, Suzie wasn’t even supposed to be there. For about 75 days this was the major story in the newspaper and media.

It would have made infinitely more sense to have abducted Sherrill and Suzie who merely went missing on some weekend and left one car behind never to be seen again. It would have have been a one week story and soon forgotten. The women would have been seen as having left town to start a new life somewhere. Both had hair salon skills that could have been employed elsewhere. Cut and dye their hair and keep a low profile and get new identities.
It was plausible

What happened however only spotlighted what did take place ensuring that we are still debating it going on 28 years. That seems passing strange.
Well said , it’s problematic bc Sherrill had upwards of 250 clients . Ever been in a salon . What’s going on ? Gossip 100 % .
Would not be shocked how many ppl knew Sherrill’s daughter was graduating , headed out to WW .. what are you doing this weekend ? Oh the girls will at WW so I’ll be home alone working on some furniture ..
It’s actually frightening how many intimate details you can learn about ppl there in 30 min .

Point being , if there was some master plan , for minimal effort you would have know Suzie wasn’t going to be home .
“Minimal effort” again no one said they were smart and whY do you think the Sherrill sightings were reported?? Someone was possibly with her trying to locate Suzie
Not argumentative but just saying.....
And no one questions the wife of a suspect liking any and every post that doesn’t point to SG/her husband....come on!!

and these people weren’t at a salon... they were one offs of prisoner drug dealers...they don’t know intimate details of Suzie’s graduation plans but they did know her house and studied her house
BBM - I agree with this, whoever disappeared these ladies most likely either owned or had familiarity with/access to a very isolated area. Somewhere where none of the 3 bodies have ever been found by a random hiker/hunter/kids playing in woods etc. Though I disagree about it not being someone acting on impulse, I think that's possible too.

Mackenna Milhon was murdered 2 weeks ago in Spfd . It took 9 days & a tip to find her .
She was just north of town off of hwy H ( which is Glenstone ) . So a few minutes directly north of Suzie / Sherrill’s house .
Quite a bit more populated in 2020 then 1992 , plus dead vegetation in winter .
Point being , you can drive a old van that’s a Troopers Dream to stop , to Kansas , Cassville or Colorado . But you’re just asking to get stopped . I’m not doing that .


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I have screenshots of his posts and text versions as well...... he knows who I am

he is changing his story to you now

I’m curious of how we know that he (Asher) knows who you are.

Do you have any evidence that you or he has reached out to each other? If so what did you discuss?

Minor point but I have been researching you tonight. I’ll give you this. You have really been keeping your nose clean over the years. There is one minor thing on the Missouri Case Net.

I expected to find out more.
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