MO - Six Mohler family members for child sex crimes, Bates City 2009 #1

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Family: Mo. child sex abuse claims are `repulsive'
By DAVID TWIDDY and BILL DRAPER – 2 hours ago.

"I wanted to cry, and he appeared to be about the same way," Clark said. "But again, was he glad to see me for support, or was he embarrassed to see me? I can't really believe it. But I know it could be true."

Clark said when he heard about the charges against the five men his "chin kind of hit the floor

He cant beileve it but knows it could be true?? His jaw hit the floor. I know I am more then likely out of context , But if he was that shocked that his jaw hit the floor how does he come to I know it could be true.
The accusations are awful. I dont think I would be saying to the media this if I didnt have any reason to ever think something odd. I wonder if this man was closer to the family as a child then he has been currently . Just needed to get that thought out of my head so I could move past it.
This may be way off base and it concerns a possible victim so I'll try to be careful. A young woman, related to the Mohlers, is expecting a child. She lost a baby about a year ago and was delighted to become pregnant again. She is married to a theology student and seems like a fresh and sweet girl. I just can't seem to get it out of my mind that a pregnancy could certainly be a trigger to disclose.

Could this be an in-law, another daughter, a cousin? We haven't heard much about the other brothers' kids. David has two girls. How about Roland and Jared?
This case is crazy!,0,1950952.story

Headline: Father Says Son Was Victim of Mohler Family
His ex-wife was Mohler Jr's 3rd wife and he finds out Mohler liked to sleep with his son. He gets an emergency court hearing to receive custody and nothing happens to Mohler. Father says he kept tabs on Mohler. What!!! That's it; he doesn't demand a full investigation at the time. I'm furious if I'm reading this correctly.

He also said in the article:
""I didn't have any contact with any other family members except Ed Mohler, Jr. and I tried my best to keep track of him because of third party threats he had on me," Young said."

3rd party threats? Were they threatening the families of victims?
It's been mentioned that there was a "sham" marriage. Did anyone have anything to add about Graceland University and the Community of Christ, formerly the Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints (RLDS)? I am Christian but I've never heard of this church. I find the connection with the Book of Mormon interesting. Any thoughts or insight?

Most respectfully snipped by me, for spacial reasons:)

DISCLAIMER: I am not an expert, nor a representative of any church or organization. I am not implying this, nor any church is right, wrong, or involved in any case in any way. I am simply providing basic information which was requested. (Sorry for the verbosity, but last time I answered a similar question, some troll went off about how my family lived in the ghetto or something:))

Short story on this church: when Joseph Smith Sr. died, some people wanted the church leadership to go in a patriarchal manner, with Joseph Smith Jr. being the new leader. Others thought it should go to Joseph Smith Sr.'s second-in-command, Brigham Young. The former stayed in Independence, Missouri, became the RLDS, and eventually developed into the Community of Christ. The latter (heh) moved to Utah and continued to be known as the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, a.k.a. "The Mormons." The FLDS, or Fundamentalist LDS folks (I don't remember their entire name, it's late) branched off in Utah after the whole polygamy vs. United States thing. The only one of those three churches which currently practices polygamy is the FLDS.

(Personal side-note: My grandpa grew up as LDS prior to the stop of polygamy and had over two-dozen siblings, and six mothers! My family stopped practicing polygamy after that generation, which is just swell with me! My family cemetery is interesting to visit, though!)

You are completely correct....research on prison populations back this fact up many times....below is one link and a snip from it that shows a summation of research on the topic. The bolded statistic at the end is of interest in presenting the true numbers on this subject.

Snipped from source above:
Characteristics of Offenders Who Violate and Assault Children

According to the Survey of Inmates of State Correctional Facilities by the U.S. Department of Justice Bureau of Justice Statistics, the following statistics have been recorded concerning the characteristics of offenders who violate and assault children.

* Those inmates who were convicted of committing violent acts against children were more like to have been white, a percentage of nearly 70%, than any other race.
* White inmates were nearly three times more likely to have victimized a child than black inmates.
* About one in every seven Hispanic convicts had been convicted for a crime against a child.
* Nearly two-thirds of convicted child molesters and/or offenders were or had been married.
* Child molesters and offenders were more likely to have grown up in a two parent home and were more likely to have been molested as a child.
* Approximately 22% of child offenders reported having been sexually abused as a child.

Most respectfully bolded/underlined/reddened by me, for emphasis.

Great info, and I just highlighted a word which is important to consider:)

What an awful, awful, story! I meant to go to bed over three hours ago, but had to finish reading the thread, having just heard about this story earlier this evening. I knew WS would provide great insight and discussion, and I sure wasn't disappointed! Sleuth on!
You can't make a pregnancy up, or an abortion for that matter! A doctor could proof without a reasonable doubt whether this person had a previous pregnancy, or abortion within a matter of minutes. I don't see this as being made up..... I see this as VERY real, and sadly to say, that I feel its only going to get worse!
Yes its a playbook that was forcibly written in to their brains when they were little children being abused themselves.

That's NO excuse! Their are plenty of victims that grow up and DON'T re-abuse others. Being abused is NO excuse for molesting others!!!!
Yes, I believe I would.

My younger sister, who is my heartbeat, was abused by a pedophile. I empathize with her abuser. I am not someone who finds it difficult to disapprove of and feel pain about the terrible things humans do and still love them because they are human and, therefore, my brothers/sisters.

I understand forgiveness and praying for the perp, but to empathize?


1. Identification with and understanding of another's situation, feelings, and motives.

I'm grateful I don't understand the motivation behind terrorizing children (or anyone) over and over again. That motivation is evil.
I understand my friend and I do not wish to deny you or any other victim on here the feelings that you feel, everyone must deal with their problems the best way that works for them.

My ex-companion is a victim of satanic ritual abuse and was since she was a child so I know how this works and I have lived it also and I understand the heartache and pain and suffering that is involved when one is voilated in this manner. Please do not mistake my willingness to debate and discuss with indifference to your pain.

One of my dearest friends too. She is a beacon though - doing so well today, happy, healthy, raising three boys. The courage of abuse survivors is humbling.
Most of us learn self-control and self-sacrifice for others. And then there are those who prey on the weak and sacrifice others for self.

I tried to make it clear in my post that, while I practice that now, nothing about my early sexual experimentation and discovery and practice (age 12 through my late 20s) was about self-control or self-sacrifice for others. It was all about doing what I wanted to do because it made me feel good.

Luckily, my proclivities weren't towards children. But I can't pretend I would have been a beacon of restraint and self-control if they had been. I can only look back and think "there but for the grace of God...."

I personally would be a fraud if I didn't admit an empathy towards anyone who must always hurt a child in order to satisfy their sexual inclination.

That was the point I was trying to make, kiki. Just trying to be honest.
I understand forgiveness and praying for the perp, but to empathize?


1. Identification with and understanding of another's situation, feelings, and motives.

I'm grateful I don't understand the motivation behind terrorizing children (or anyone) over and over again. That motivation is evil.

I hear you BonKai. Yes, I do feel like I identify with and understand the motivation behind acting on a sexual desire with children again and again (that's kind of what my whole post was about).

I am grateful for that understanding.

I agree that this motivation is completely selfish. I agree that having sexual contact with children is always wrong and that our society should protect itself and its children against people who do this and I will always stand with our society as we strive to do that.
You can't make a pregnancy up, or an abortion for that matter! A doctor could proof without a reasonable doubt whether this person had a previous pregnancy, or abortion within a matter of minutes. I don't see this as being made up..... I see this as VERY real, and sadly to say, that I feel its only going to get worse!

There might not be proof if the pregnancy and abortion took place at home. It is not hard (though definitely not safe) to perform an abortion at home.
There might not be proof if the pregnancy and abortion took place at home. It is not hard (though definitely not safe) to perform an abortion at home.

I agree, However it can be proven if this was in fact a person who has been pregnant.

A doctor can tell if a woman has been pregnant before by looking at her insides. Would not be hard to dispute her claim.

I don't think the woman would make it easy to refute her story...... I don't think she would lie about something that could be proven to be a lie medically.
So if you think paedophiles are born that way why would you call them freaks and show no sympathy for them since they have no control over what they are born to be and could be likened to someone with downs symdrome for example, it is a physical defect that they have no control over.

At least in my argument they have control and choose to remain what they are, because I suggest it is a learned behavor stemming from something going wrong in their childhood.

For the record I study Scientology so you may understand why I feel as I do if you understand what Scientology's teachings are regarding learned behaviors before and after birth and during developmental stages.

I do believe they are twisted freaks, I do believe it's no different from being hetrosexual. That's why they do not/can not be changed. They are different and whatever caused's hardwired.

While my sexual preference and orientation can not be changed, I can chose to abstain. So can they.

The difference is they chose a sexual partner that can not consent. When the rights and well being of another is stripped. It's wrong. It's a crime.
One of my dearest friends too. She is a beacon though - doing so well today, happy, healthy, raising three boys. The courage of abuse survivors is humbling.


Humbling? Wow. When I think of the courage of abuse survivors, the first words that come to mind are admirable, inspiring, respectable, incredible strength. JUST AN OPINION from a survivor.
Very well (and quite honestly!) put, SCM.

I would prefer not to see pedophilia and homosexuality lumped into the same box here. I never really put much thought into the origins of a pedophile's inclinations. However, when I think of sexual abuse involving adults, I consider it to be a crime of violence, not sexual preference. It's an act of control and, very often, hatred. I have always seen sexual abuse against children in that same way. IMO, homosexuality is an inherant trait, not a learned behavior. Apples and oranges.

I think there are typical "power & control" rapists as well as those that profess to love children and in their minds they're not hurting anyone. Both are twisted. It's like comparing a a hetrosexual violent rapist with a normal hetrosexual. Apples and oranges IMO

Honestly, I don't care about the WHY.
Family: Mo. child sex abuse claims are 'repulsive'

LEXINGTON, Mo. (AP) - Family members of five men charged in a bizarre child sex abuse case reacted with disbelief and sadness Thursday to the "unspeakable" string of alleged atrocities spanning two decades. "It's unspeakable. I can't think of words that would put this in perspective. I find it repulsive if it's true," said Darrel Mohler, a brother of one of the five men charged.

Wow, just wow!
Most respectfully snipped by me, for spacial reasons:)

DISCLAIMER: I am not an expert, nor a representative of any church or organization. I am not implying this, nor any church is right, wrong, or involved in any case in any way. I am simply providing basic information which was requested. (Sorry for the verbosity, but last time I answered a similar question, some troll went off about how my family lived in the ghetto or something:))

Short story on this church: when Joseph Smith Sr. died, some people wanted the church leadership to go in a patriarchal manner, with Joseph Smith Jr. being the new leader. Others thought it should go to Joseph Smith Sr.'s second-in-command, Brigham Young. The former stayed in Independence, Missouri, became the RLDS, and eventually developed into the Community of Christ. The latter (heh) moved to Utah and continued to be known as the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, a.k.a. "The Mormons." The FLDS, or Fundamentalist LDS folks (I don't remember their entire name, it's late) branched off in Utah after the whole polygamy vs. United States thing. The only one of those three churches which currently practices polygamy is the FLDS.

(Personal side-note: My grandpa grew up as LDS prior to the stop of polygamy and had over two-dozen siblings, and six mothers! My family stopped practicing polygamy after that generation, which is just swell with me! My family cemetery is interesting to visit, though!)

Most respectfully bolded/underlined/reddened by me, for emphasis.

Great info, and I just highlighted a word which is important to consider:)

What an awful, awful, story! I meant to go to bed over three hours ago, but had to finish reading the thread, having just heard about this story earlier this evening. I knew WS would provide great insight and discussion, and I sure wasn't disappointed! Sleuth on!

The RLDS and LDS are very prevalent here. I have had four clients who were LDS. One of which would not surprise me in the least if the husband were somehow tied to this.

I don't live in Independence, but my high school graduation was at the RLDS auditorium. They had very strange rules for us.
I agree, However it can be proven if this was in fact a person who has been pregnant.

A doctor can tell if a woman has been pregnant before by looking at her insides. Would not be hard to dispute her claim.

I don't think the woman would make it easy to refute her story...... I don't think she would lie about something that could be proven to be a lie medically.

Someone with "repressed memories" can believe the story, yet the memory might not be real. Because of the claims that the woman who alleges these things suppressed the memories of abuse, I am still waiting to see if there is any actual physical evidence recovered. There are many stories of abuse accusations and repressed memories. Some of the people accused sued and won large amounts of money.
Someone with "repressed memories" can believe the story, yet the memory might not be real.

Very true.

However, people don't have the same repressed memories as their siblings.
Very true.

However, people don't have the same repressed memories as their siblings.

We don't even know what exactly they all are saying. I would also like to know how exactly were these memories "recovered." Was there therapy involved?
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