MO - Six Mohler family members for child sex crimes, Bates City 2009 #2

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Just a quick OT, I promise I'll make it short.

Linda7NJ and Missizzy

God bless you and your children! What horrific stories you both have. Your children have been put through He!!. OhMyGosh! It's truly unspeakable and I want to thank you for sharing. It's only through education of what these people do to our innocents, that we can even attempt to try to prevent it from happening.

I hope your children continue on the road to recovery. I also hope you get to a point in your lives, that you are healed from have to deal with this for your precious kids.


Missizzy and Linda! I wish I could reach out right now and hug you both. Instead, I just sent a prayer to God for you and your families. Both of your stories had me in tears. Thank you for sharing and thank you for being strong enough to do what you needed to do for your children. May God send many deserved blessing your way, we are blessed that you are here. :blowkiss:
Fran--Thanks so much. Those words feel good. I just wish that when victims step forward, there could be some sort of clearinghouse where those of us who have walked this path could be waiting for them. We could take care of their physical needs and set them on the path to healing.

The secret is that helping the victims or even helping "sleuth" the crimes helps us heal too. We've learned things we never asked to learn. We just want to shine the light in the dark corners.
So, Darrel's on suicide watch? That strikes me as odd. If I was wrongly arrested, I'd be as mad as hell and ready to fight, like LK. i seriously doubt that I'd want to end it all. Think about it, night before last, he was tooling home with a carload of kids. Why would he throw in the towel so quickly?
So, Darrel's on suicide watch? That strikes me as odd. If I was wrongly arrested, I'd be as mad as hell and ready to fight, like LK. i seriously doubt that I'd want to end it all. Think about it, night before last, he was tooling home with a carload of kids. Why would he throw in the towel so quickly?

The article made it sound as tho he's on suicide watch because of the way he answered questions during intake

He said he was placed on suicide watch because when he arrived at the jail, he was asked if he was depressed and said "yes," he was "devastated." According to Darrel Mohler, he was asked if he had ever contemplated suicide and said "most of us have" and that it has "crossed our minds one way or another."

But I wouldn't be surprised if all of them were on suicide watch--no matter how they responded to any questionaire....I've read too many stories lately where men accused of abusing kids and/or collecting child *advertiser censored* are ending their own lives.
Texas Mist--I agree, it's becoming a trend. I don't think a week goes by that a child *advertiser censored* addict or a fallen financial advisor hasn't offed himself. I just don't think that the innocent ones ever think to do that. They're too offended and angry. Personally, I like the fact that they are watching these guys closely. I want a trial. I want some answers. We'll all be watching.
Man Says His Son A Mohler Victim
Father Says He Has Documents To Prove He Reported Concerns

POSTED: 11:02 am CST November 15, 2009
UPDATED: 10:05 pm CST November 15, 2009

INDEPENDENCE, Mo. -- A Kansas City metro father said he believes his son is likely one of the victims of a family charged with numerous child sex crimes and said he reported the abuse years ago.

"I found out from Burrell Ed Mohler Jr.'s ex-wife," Mark Young said.

Young said he tracked down Jeanette Mohler in 2000, after he said the Liberty School District called him to report his son had been missing from school for 30 days. The boy's mother married Ed Mohler Jr. in 1999.

"I couldn't conceive, the stories she was telling me about sexual abuse and she did advise my son was in extreme danger," Young said.

Since February 2000, Young said he has collected more than 300 pages of documents from the Division of Family Services. He said the documents consist of his verbal and written complaints that he believed Ed Mohler Jr. sexually abused his son. He said he even called the Lafayette County Sheriff's Department to check on his son's welfare and notified a court appointed guardian named in DFS reports as Pete Schloss
Man Arrested, Released In Family Child Sex Case Talks

POSTED: 10:43 am CST November 15, 2009
UPDATED: 2:24 pm CST November 15, 2009

KANSAS CITY, Mo. -- A man arrested, questioned and subsequently released as part of the investigation of six family members accused of child sex charges, said he was shocked by the entire event.

Larry Kidd was arrested on Thursday night after a call came into the TIPS hot line said Kidd might be involved in the case of six members of the Mohler family who face multiple child sex charges in Lafayette County, Mo. Kidd was held in custody for nearly a day, then released late Friday.

Kidd said he doesn't even know the Mohler family and his only connection to the case is that he knows one of the victims. He said he was horrified his name came up connected to the case.
Mystic Rose--The Larry Kidd thing is pretty odd, isn't it? Notice that Mr. Kidd says that he's never met the Mohler family and yet knows one of the victims. Wouldn't that mean that this would be another unrelated victim? Pretty worrisome, IMO. I feel horrible for him if he was picked up in error. This coming week should be interesting.

OCALA, Fla. -- The son of a sixth Mohler family member charged with child sex crimes says his father was not part of any of the incidents.

"Now the shock and horror I feel is my father, a man I love and respect, has been painted with this ugly accusation," Jeffrey Mohler, the son of Darrel Mohler, said.


Jeffrey Mohler said he refuses to believe the accusations and said he convinced his father to fight extradition to Missouri.

more here
Kudos to the son for sticking up for his dad. However, he's going to be sorely disappointed and heartbroken if he's wrong and his dad was involved. After all, the story is, it was with the two young girls, and it didn't appear this son was there.

This is a terrible situation to be in, someone you know and love being accused of something so horrible. But I've learned, never say never. You just don't.


These things usually make far more sense in hind sight. Yeah, they may act weird, act out or be unusually quiet, have bad dreams, etc. Unless they tell, there is really no way of knowing. Most are terrified out of their minds.

My son was threatened that he if ever told, the perp would kill me, chop me up in little pieces and bury me in the back yard. He believed he was protecting me.

Children also believe a non offending parent should somehow just know. It's simply not true. After reading here, it seems many adults believe that as well.

I do understand that some parents may not know that abuse is happening to their children but for the most part based on my experience those who have been inflicted with horrible incest abuse for long periods of time most assuredly believed the mother did know and did nothing but turn a blind eye to all the red flags that were falling everywhere at the time.

I know without a doubt my mother knew. I was their only child for 16 years. She had no other child to take her attention away from what was happening to her little girl. As a mother she had to see the terror in my eyes when the abuser entered the room. She had to see the many tears I cried and how hard I begged her not to leave me alone with him and to take me to town with her. She not only knew she facilitated him. She would always tell me "no you cant go, you know he doesn't like to be left alone" and she would drive away, simple as that.

I have been to so many victim advocacy group sessions and time and time again as we revealed our own personal pain we had suffered for so very long the subject always gets around to the mothers we had. While a few said they didn't think their mothers knew the vast majority felt they most certainly did and it is the mother's betrayal that they seem to struggle with even over the abusers actions.

My mother passed away over 22 years ago. At times at night, even now and I am 62 years old, when I lay in my bed I still ask my mother "WHY?" and like all the years before no answer ever comes. All I ever wanted was to have parents who loved me and would do anything to protect me. It was not to be but I never changed who I was inside no matter what was done to me from the age of 5 thru 15. They tried to break my spirit but even they could not undo what God had given me.

I cannot say that my parents didn't teach me anything because in the end they did. They gave me an indelible road map of what never ever to do to any child and because of that I can say without reservation that I have been a kind, respectful, loving and supportive mother to five wonderful children. They define who I am.... not the yesteryears of my life in my childhood.

I have traveled the journey just as these victims will have to follow their own path to healing. I have been so blessed in my life and I give thanks to God everyday. I have a very good life filled with warmth and love from not only our 5 children but our 12 grandchildren and the dearest husband anyone could hope for.

So while I can relate to their pain I would much rather relate to the countless many who have succeeded in becoming victim warriors who fought their past battles and won. I hope and pray that these victims in this case will cross that finish line one day, victorious.

Man Says His Son A Mohler Victim
Father Says He Has Documents To Prove He Reported Concerns

POSTED: 11:02 am CST November 15, 2009
UPDATED: 10:05 pm CST November 15, 2009

INDEPENDENCE, Mo. -- A Kansas City metro father said he believes his son is likely one of the victims of a family charged with numerous child sex crimes and said he reported the abuse years ago.

"I found out from Burrell Ed Mohler Jr.'s ex-wife," Mark Young said.

Young said he tracked down Jeanette Mohler in 2000, after he said the Liberty School District called him to report his son had been missing from school for 30 days. The boy's mother married Ed Mohler Jr. in 1999.

"I couldn't conceive, the stories she was telling me about sexual abuse and she did advise my son was in extreme danger," Young said.

Since February 2000, Young said he has collected more than 300 pages of documents from the Division of Family Services. He said the documents consist of his verbal and written complaints that he believed Ed Mohler Jr. sexually abused his son. He said he even called the Lafayette County Sheriff's Department to check on his son's welfare and notified a court appointed guardian named in DFS reports as Pete Schloss

This doesn't sound right at ALL -- it's not a DFS workers place to make decisions based on who s/he likes !!! (emphasis mine) Does this also mean that someone at DFS completed the reports to their own liking???

He said he even called the Lafayette County Sheriff's Department to check on his son's welfare and notified a court appointed guardian named in DFS reports as Pete Schloss.

"He said, 'Well, I don't know what you want me to do. I like Mr. Mohler and I think you're starting trouble,'" Young said.

Young showed KCTV5 a report taken by the the DFS in March of 2000. There is a box checked "no" next to "child sexual abuse suspected." Young said this the report was taken one month after he called the Lafayette County Sheriff's Department concerned his son was being held on a Bates City, Mo., farm.
Good Morning Texas Mist--I agree. Upon re-reading the article about Mr. Young, some things don't click. First off, the comment about the worker "liking Mr. Mohler" is just hearsay and shouldn't have been accepted by the editor. It's a very inflammatory statement. Secondly, I have a very hard time believing that DFS produced 300 pages of documents which they've shared with Mr. Young. Those might be his notes and copies of letters (but 300 pages?) as DFS doesn't usually supply anyone with copies of their documents without a subpoena. It's not as if there was an Action Agreement in place, which would have generated a whole stack of paperwork. I'm not saying I disbelieve Mr. Young but the whole thing sounds a little fishy IMO.

Am I correct in reading that the ex-wife, Jeanette, who came before Mr. Young's ex-wife is the one who raised the red flag after he contacted her? I wonder why he would think to contact her concerning his son's unexplained absences from school?

And what do you make of the statement by the LDS church?

"A letter Young has, written by the Latter Day Saints organization in Utah, insisted the church had the right to "check the boy's worthiness to the church," a process Young alleges involved isolating the boy on the Bates City farm."

Why would the church have a right to isolate the child at the farm? I really wonder how much vetting went into this guy's story before the media ran with it.

I'm still waiting to hear from the man who said the female Mohler relative, who has stomach problems, disclosed to him. She was wanting a subpoena before she talked. Can they provide her with one?

I think we have to be prepared to have a lot of odd stories come out of the woodwork as this is a high profile case. LE has come across loud and clear that they are throwing the net wide and asking victims to come forward. I have no doubt some of them will be discounted.
Got a question. Other than Mr. Young, what links us back 10 years? I seem to remember reading the statement that these victims reported this crime three separate times over the past ten years. Other than "comments" under media articles from alleged family members and friends, have we heard this from a reliable source? Did LE allude to it? Was it in any of the Probable Cause Documents? I can't find it.

LE has said we'll be seeing additional charges. I'm anxiously waiting.
This doesn't sound right at ALL -- it's not a DFS workers place to make decisions based on who s/he likes !!! (emphasis mine) Does this also mean that someone at DFS completed the reports to their own liking???

He said he even called the Lafayette County Sheriff's Department to check on his son's welfare and notified a court appointed guardian named in DFS reports as Pete Schloss.

"He said, 'Well, I don't know what you want me to do. I like Mr. Mohler and I think you're starting trouble,'" Young said.

Young showed KCTV5 a report taken by the the DFS in March of 2000. There is a box checked "no" next to "child sexual abuse suspected." Young said this the report was taken one month after he called the Lafayette County Sheriff's Department concerned his son was being held on a Bates City, Mo., farm.

Pete isn't a DFS worker, he is a Guardian ad litem. I have a hard time believing that Pete would say something like that. However, I find it strange that so many GALs have been assigned to that case. Usually the initial GAL follows through any subsequent modifications.

Pete is a stand up guy. He has a sterling reputation and is one of the best mediator's in the area. I would like to think that if he had any inkling of any abuse going on, he would have reported it. :(
GALs are called CASAs (Court Appointed Special Advocate)in Oregon. These advocates have standing in court and make reports to the court concerning the child in question. By definition their job is of impartial advocacy and dedication to the best interest of the child--not the agency, not the parents, etc.

I have a foster daughter who has one appointed to her very messy case. GALs and CASAs are well trained and highly supervised. Poor performers are most often removed. It is a volunteer position. I find it extremely difficult to believe that Mr. Schloss would have been permitted to slide on a comment like that.

Since Mr. Young is "bull-dogging" his case through (good for him, BTW), I would think that such a derisive comment would have been reported and examined immediately. The GAL would likely have been removed from the case in the event the words were truly spoken (or written in an email) as that would be a conflict of interest. Mr. Young seems like a bright man. I would think that if a statement like that were made, he'd have raised holy heck right away. I know I would.

If Mr. Young stands by his story that Mr. Schloss made that statement, I would hope an investigation would be made.
Did I read correctly that DARREL is on SUICIDE WATCH, that seems strange for a man who was very vocal regarding his innocence doesnt it. But I guess we shouldnt read too much in to it at this time, have we heard anything else about that?
This doesn't sound right at ALL -- it's not a DFS workers place to make decisions based on who s/he likes !!! (emphasis mine) Does this also mean that someone at DFS completed the reports to their own liking???

He said he even called the Lafayette County Sheriff's Department to check on his son's welfare and notified a court appointed guardian named in DFS reports as Pete Schloss.

"He said, 'Well, I don't know what you want me to do. I like Mr. Mohler and I think you're starting trouble,'" Young said.

Young showed KCTV5 a report taken by the the DFS in March of 2000. There is a box checked "no" next to "child sexual abuse suspected." Young said this the report was taken one month after he called the Lafayette County Sheriff's Department concerned his son was being held on a Bates City, Mo., farm.

It's not right, but it happens all the time.You have to experience the family court system to believe how it actually works. Plus, there's little oversight. It's scary, but they really can do whatever they want.
I do understand that some parents may not know that abuse is happening to their children but for the most part based on my experience those who have been inflicted with horrible incest abuse for long periods of time most assuredly believed the mother did know and did nothing but turn a blind eye to all the red flags that were falling everywhere at the time.

I know without a doubt my mother knew. I was their only child for 16 years. She had no other child to take her attention away from what was happening to her little girl. As a mother she had to see the terror in my eyes when the abuser entered the room. She had to see the many tears I cried and how hard I begged her not to leave me alone with him and to take me to town with her. She not only knew she facilitated him. She would always tell me "no you cant go, you know he doesn't like to be left alone" and she would drive away, simple as that.

I have been to so many victim advocacy group sessions and time and time again as we revealed our own personal pain we had suffered for so very long the subject always gets around to the mothers we had. While a few said they didn't think their mothers knew the vast majority felt they most certainly did and it is the mother's betrayal that they seem to struggle with even over the abusers actions.

My mother passed away over 22 years ago. At times at night, even now and I am 62 years old, when I lay in my bed I still ask my mother "WHY?" and like all the years before no answer ever comes. All I ever wanted was to have parents who loved me and would do anything to protect me. It was not to be but I never changed who I was inside no matter what was done to me from the age of 5 thru 15. They tried to break my spirit but even they could not undo what God had given me.

I cannot say that my parents didn't teach me anything because in the end they did. They gave me an indelible road map of what never ever to do to any child and because of that I can say without reservation that I have been a kind, respectful, loving and supportive mother to five wonderful children. They define who I am.... not the yesteryears of my life in my childhood.

I have traveled the journey just as these victims will have to follow their own path to healing. I have been so blessed in my life and I give thanks to God everyday. I have a very good life filled with warmth and love from not only our 5 children but our 12 grandchildren and the dearest husband anyone could hope for.

So while I can relate to their pain I would much rather relate to the countless many who have succeeded in becoming victim warriors who fought their past battles and won. I hope and pray that these victims in this case will cross that finish line one day, victorious.



Your eloquence and honesty always blow me away.

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