MO MO - Teresa Butler, 35, Risco, 25 Jan 2006 *GUILTY*

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Police search New Madrid Co. field for missing woman

Wednesday, December 20, 2006
Southeast Missourian

NEW MADRID, Mo. -- Authorities were out in full force Monday and Tuesday investigating rumors a Tallapoosa, Mo., field might be the location of a 35-year-old Risco woman missing since Jan. 25. But earth-moving efforts turned up nothing but ground, said New Madrid County Sheriff Terry Stevens.

More at link above.............
For some reason I still always go back to the husbands Ex wife having something to do with this.. :(
It's been almost a year. Are they still searching for Teresa at all or are they just at a stand still??
Every Sunday, members of a Baptist congregation in this Missouri Bootheel town say a prayer for Teresa Butler, one of their own who has been missing for a year.

New Madrid County Sheriff Terry Stevens thinks she met with foul play. So does her husband, Dale Butler.

Teresa's parents, Don and Linda Buchanan, who live just a mile from their daughter's home, worry that her husband knows more than he's saying about their daughter's disappearance.

"I wouldn't wish this experience on anyone," Linda Buchanan said.

Dale Butler and two other people were given polygraph tests and passed them. "Some of the rumors are disappointing," he said. "I love Teresa. She's a good person and the best person I've ever met. We've been together for nine years, and I love that woman."
LE must have checked the husbands alibi. Didn't he say he was working? It seems like they would have checked to see if he left work any time that night or if there any way he could have left for awhile without anyone being aware of him leaving.

I can't imagine who could have taken Teresa. Did they know for sure that she had gotten home from work? Her husband or someone must have been watching the boys until she arrived home so it seems that she must have disappeared from her home. I don't remember there being any signs of a struggle so it must have been someone that she knew that managed to get her out of the house. So many have disappeared without a trace right into thin air. It seems impossible for this to happen but it happens all of the time.
Bumping up for Teresa.

As many stories that have come out about people abducted and kept hostage, I can't help but wonder if she could be somewhere close by held prisoner.

Vegas Bride said:
Bumping up for Teresa.

As many stories that have come out about people abducted and kept hostage, I can't help but wonder if she could be somewhere close by held prisoner.


I wish this was the case with Teresa. Adults usually aren't held captive though. Usually when this has happened it is children and that doesn't happen to often.
bump..... any news???

I wish that we would hear something about Teresa. It has been so long and chances are that she isn't with us. I wonder if LE has anything at all? Hard to understand how people just vanish isn't it?
Wow. I was just thinking of Teresa today. Her poor kids. I hope something is found out soon. This has been way too long people.
I don't think that Teresa just took off and left her kids. Something happened to her just like all of the other married women who have disappeared. I wonder how airtight the hubby's alibi was? Could he have left work on a break or dinner break and gone back without anyone realizing anything? I guess I always suspect the husband or ex-something when a woman goes missing because that is usually who is responsible.
Has anyone heard anything new about the husband and children? (Since he was asking for money to fix the house)
Has anyone heard anything new about the husband and children? (Since he was asking for money to fix the house)

I haven't heard a word. I wonder if anyone on here is from the town he lives in? It would be interesting to know what he is up to now. I would just like to know if he had an air tight alibi so I can keep him on my suspect list or cross him off. Hate to blame a hubby if he has a air tight alibi. I also wonder about his ex. Wasn't she calling Teresa at work and causing problems? On the other hand weren't the ex and the hubby married when Teresa and the hubby started seeing each other? I guess that would give an ex a reason to really dislike the current wife huh? I wonder if she would have decided to get revenge on Teresa?
This is just heartbreaking that there is still no news of Teresa. How do people just disappear never to be seen again? I still wonder about the husband's alibi and I also wonder about his ex-wife that was giving Teresa a hard time by calling her at her work. I wonder how well she was checked out?
Gone but not forgotten. You'd think a young mother disappearing without a trace would make national headlines. Not in Teresa Butler's case though.

Her friends say Butler's poor, so that's probably why her disappearance didn't get any national attention. But it wasn't for the lack of trying and they haven't given up yet.

Risco's store signs advertise more than the week's specials on meatloaf and pizza; a poster off to the side also asks you not to forget Teresa Butler.

If that doesn't get your attention, maybe the dozens of yellow ribbons flying from posts will.

"It's like a family. When one hurts we all hurt," Paula Pearson said.

She knows the Butler family's pain all too well. Teresa disappeared from her home two years ago.
I have been keeping up with this case on Topix from the time Teresa disappeared. It has been a long time and interesting turns and twists. A few months ago the NMPD was led to a ditch where they believe they recovered Teresa's camera and a small red tool box also believed to belong to her.
They are now saying that the 4 and 1/2 year old talked and talked after Teresa's disappearance about a blonde haired women putting tape on his mom's mouth that night. At the time the NM PD said he was too young to know what he was talking about and they dismissed what he told them and have not followed through with this lead.
Teresa is still missing.
I think of this beautiful young mom often.. It's truely heartbreaking. I wish they would of listened to what the 4 year old was saying from the beginning. Remember Bobby Cutt's son was only 2 I believe and he knew mommy was in the rug!

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