Found Deceased MO - Toni Anderson, 20, North Kansas City, 15 Jan 2017 #2

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Why does the fb group seem to think she ended up going to the southern quiktrip on Southwest Blvd? I haven't seen any other references to that location. The civilian searches have been in NKC.
I believe this is untrue about the parents moving closer to her. All media reports are that her parents are still in Wichita, where they've always been. They have temporarily relocated to the Kansas City area while searching for their daughter.

I do think that the parents may have been smothering her, though. There's plenty in her tumblr to suggest as much.

Sorry guys, I'm a super flaky poster but dedicated lurker and on day one when the bf was being insanely vocal on SM, I hesitate to say it was captivating but odd to me even then. Anyway on his facebook he posted something to the effect of the worst thing in the world that can happen has happened...blah blah blah and someone asked if her parents are searching and he said they are in town to try and find her. Its not up anymore but spent night one poking around due to jet lag and I watched him post live answering even strangers questions that said they saw the news and wanted to offer help searching.
Why does the fb group seem to think she ended up going to the southern quiktrip on Southwest Blvd? I haven't seen any other references to that location. The civilian searches have been in NKC.

because anyone can post anything on facebook and they usually have no idea what they are talking about, thats why it is almost always not allowed to be discussed on here.
Still nothing new? So what do you all think, did she disappear herself?
Sorry guys, I'm a super flaky poster but dedicated lurker and on day one when the bf was being insanely vocal on SM, I hesitate to say it was captivating but odd to me even then. Anyway on his facebook he posted something to the effect of the worst thing in the world that can happen has happened...blah blah blah and someone asked if her parents are searching and he said they are in town to try and find her. Its not up anymore but spent night one poking around due to jet lag and I watched him post live answering even strangers questions that said they saw the news and wanted to offer help searching.

Thanks for posting this, as reports from the early going are always useful.

BF comes across to me as nothing more than an opportunist. It's fairly clear he didn't do it. Dude is a self-confessed schemer, and g/f goes missing. Of COURSE he's going to set up a go fund me from minute one. It is confirmed now that he passed the account over to her parents.

Personally, I rule out the BF as a possible suspect.
Policy - We lived life, sister ;) the EDM scene is stronger than ever and drugs are better than ever. I think she has been having the time of her life, living down town and feeling confident. I gather that she's sharp and creative and adventurous. I hope she's ran away to join a gang of dj groupies and dance at shows. I just think you get sloppy when you are sleep deprived and drug riddled. Your internal voice can go away. The hairs on the back of your neck standing up stop standing to warn you. You know what I mean? I was a decent person and all about PLUR but I got myself in several super scary shady situations. Like my grandma told me us, don't toy with your own luck it's fleeting.
Why does the fb group seem to think she ended up going to the southern quiktrip on Southwest Blvd? I haven't seen any other references to that location. The civilian searches have been in NKC.

I haven't fully figured this out, but what I think is that she told her friends she was headed to QuikTrip and they assumed she meant the closest one.

Little did they know she was actually headed to the QT in North Kansas City.

That totally explains the discrepancy.
Thanks for posting this, as reports from the early going are always useful.

BF comes across to me as nothing more than an opportunist. It's fairly clear he didn't do it. Dude is a self-confessed schemer, and g/f goes missing. Of COURSE he's going to set up a go fund me from minute one. It is confirmed now that he passed the account over to her parents.

Personally, I rule out the BF as a possible suspect.

Oh yeah, there are other interesting info on SM. The whole bunch of them have lived more life than most people it sounds like. I know I'll get shanked by a mod if I say any more but maybe the imaginary PI needs to manage that account...
Still nothing new? So what do you all think, did she disappear herself?

Coming up on 12 days missing.
Yes, I believe she disappeared herself. I'm very concerned that she may have harmed herself.
Policy - We lived life, sister ;) the EDM scene is stronger than ever and drugs are better than ever. I think she has been having the time of her life, living down town and feeling confident. I gather that she's sharp and creative and adventurous. I hope she's ran away to join a gang of dj groupies and dance at shows. I just think you get sloppy when you are sleep deprived and drug riddled. Your internal voice can go away. The hairs on the back of your neck standing up stop standing to warn you. You know what I mean? I was a decent person and all about PLUR but I got myself in several super scary shady situations. Like my grandma told me us, don't toy with your own luck it's fleeting.

People that haven't had these experiences in their youth often jump to conclusions about people who do have them. There's nothing wrong with enjoying your freedom while you can and keeping those sunglasses handy for when the sun comes up (ughhhh)[emoji41]. I'm sure that's what Toni's doing. I hope, like I'm sure you do, that as a person who was once a young girl on the party scene that a fleeting bad decision hasn't led to a bad end for her.

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I still don't think she disappear herself even though I can see why someone would think that it's a totally fair point of view. However this story feels like it's more to it I just can't put my finger on it.

She could have stopped and helped somebody on the road in route and that person had a second person with them. We need to start thinking two people were involved because not finding the car and the gps situation it's possible she was taken and the other person took her car and eventually pulled the gps. Based on how long with no updates now. You have to at least consider two person crime with everything else we are discussing.

Remember if she did indeed disappear herself it would have to be greatly planned. She is not a millionaire and even with the college refund how long can that last with food and travel. Also it's cold right now so being indoors would be important meaning your just not out to be out your out with a purpose. It's cameras everywhere and why disappear yourself after working to 4am and planning to meet friends at shady. I definitely believe she met someone that night.

The BF can't be ruled out unless somebody can verify or confirm where he was that night. I don't care what he volunteer or if he was already question. It's not like he was at a job to confirm okay yeah he was here. Also I'm sorry but I don't care how many times my girl work late I just call to call. He could be cleared but let's keep options open.

To be fair I don't have the police information and what they know. However the family now has to make choice wait and follow police or hire a private investigator. Somebody does not turn out of gas station to just vanished. Not with a BF,School that Tuesday,and entire family left behind.

If the gas station does indeed have employees as somebody answer for me already thanks by the way. I would ask them did you see anything odd....One last thing I know because she is young the owner and security guard both walked her to her car. Sure that could be normal but it always hit me odd that it took two people to walk her out maybe due to past issues at club. If I'm the investigators I start going over every little thing even that why two people. Getting minor details and putting them together could be the only way. Unless this gps gives them the break they need.
People that haven't had these experiences in their youth often jump to conclusions about people who do have them. There's nothing wrong with enjoying your freedom while you can and keeping those sunglasses handy for when the sun comes up (ughhhh)[emoji41]. I'm sure that's what Toni's doing. I hope, like I'm sure you do, that as a person who was once a young girl on the party scene that a fleeting bad decision hasn't led to a bad end for her.

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I totally agree. It is overall (for the most part) a very positivity driven subculture and encourages unity and being open. Now you can be open to a lot of things, it's subjective I guess. When I partied you typically bought whatever you bought from someone who was a lot like you. Meaning they partied professionally but they weren't gangsters more like a hippie santa clause.Today I'm not sure who you would be buying designer drugs from. Maybe who you got everything from since it's so much more popular? I hope they know way way more than we do. And lol @ 😎 You hate life all day!
I'm walking on thin ice so I'll be vague but if you appreciate alternative crime consultants there is a very interesting video on YouTube. If you search Toni Anderson it was close to the top. It's kooky but it's super complicated and cool and it's about this case. It's 53.31 min long skip 10 min through the fluff if you choose. Not endorsing it in any way but if you have insomnia... Idk if I can say the YouTube channel?
I'm walking on thin ice so I'll be vague but if you appreciate alternative crime consultants there is a very interesting video on YouTube. If you search Toni Anderson it was close to the top. It's kooky but it's super complicated and cool and it's about this case. It's 53.31 min long skip 10 min through the fluff if you choose. Not endorsing it in any way but if you have insomnia... Idk if I can say the YouTube channel?

its nonsense, and it isnt allowed to be discussed on here afaik.
So I have been reading this blog for many days and just had my account activated so that I can post. The post that was made by ilovematt is simply about math. Longitude and Latitude. The "thin Ice" comment is what I'm referring to. Until I hear more from LE on the the facts, I have to agree with many of you on possible outcomes. I can't shake the BF situation. Nothing about it seems normal to me. So, that being said, I think he knows more than we have been led to believe. That creates the fork in the road. If he knows more, was she a part of that or not.? She deserves (no matter the choice of her lifestyle) the benefit of the doubt until more info comes out. I am not feeling like that is going to happen until a "real statement" by LE is made or more pertinent information comes out. Does anyone know what the relationship between the parents and BF is like? Did the BF notify her parents of a possible missing daughter? Did LE notify them? I haven't seen them in the same camera shot since this happened.

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Thinking on the Jessica Runions case, we never saw her boyfriend in the media, nor pictures of the family with him, and it felt really suspicious at first. It then became quickly very clear through SM that he was involved in every search and fundraiser and misses her terribly. We then found out LE had told him to keep his head down. Even if Toni's BF was cleared, it isn't unreasonable to surmise LE told him to withdraw and stay quiet, since he is the first person people will point fingers at.
Toni may have just claimed, online, that law was her intended field of study to legitimize herself to clients. Or, it also occurred to me that, perhaps, she felt like a victim of the system in some ways and wanted to help others like herself?

I have also wondered if Toni embellished things on her blog sometimes. Maybe the charges against her got dismissed, for example, or maybe she DID become an informant (possible, but not likely in my mind)....but MAYBE she simply overstated how serious her arrest was and charges were never filed (we couldn't find any). I wondered about it right away, actually, because if you *WERE* an informant or if you had just had a close call with the police over drugs, you probably wouldn't be in a rush to post things on your public blog...which would give dealers a reason to suspect you were a CI and police a reason to watch you more closely. Is there any chance she inflated the extent to which she was involved in drug deals etc. to impress upon other people or her blog readers that she was "hard core" etc.?
I posted early that I thought I had read she was a communications student, and I just found it was posted on her FB page that she has listed she is studying Communications at UMKC. Just wanted to update that reference.

Also there had been some discussion as to her having 3 jobs. I think she was referring to Nocturnal Times, Promoter at Hy-tekk, and Chrome.

Thinking on the Jessica Runions case, we never saw her boyfriend in the media, nor pictures of the family with him, and it felt really suspicious at first. It then became quickly very clear through SM that he was involved in every search and fundraiser and misses her terribly. We then found out LE had told him to keep his head down. Even if Toni's BF was cleared, it isn't unreasonable to surmise LE told him to withdraw and stay quiet, since he is the first person people will point fingers at.

Thank you for pointing that out. There was video of one of the searches from a local news station where you can clearly see the boyfriend at the search. I find it difficult to point the finger at anyone, boyfriend or otherwise, when there hasn't been any compelling evidence to raise suspicion about that person. I personally wouldn't want to be innocent of a crime but be publicly scrutinized just because I'm related to or a friend of the victim. In so many situations where this is done to a person and it turns out they're innocent their lives are never the same again.

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