Found Deceased MO - Toni Anderson, 20, North Kansas City, 15 Jan 2017 #6

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She was battling the flu and not even supposed to work that night. If I feel like crap I'm not going Pokémon hunting no matter how into it I am. Also the weather that night/ morning was predicted to be awful. It never really happened but the entire metro thought we were getting an ice storm. Another reason no to go Pokémon hunting at 5am. Sorry I just don't buy this.

So we can add possible cold meds to make her feel better into the equation.

And when I was 20, a potential ice storm would not even have registered. She could see conditions were fine.
Thank you, I wasnt sure if you had to stay in the area or not. And both hands arent needed?

You do need both hands to make a shot but can steer between shots and/or with your forearm or elbow.

You have to aim the ball. It takes concentration. After each shot you wait for a few seconds (randomly around 2 to 10 seconds) while the ball jumps around to see if the pokemon was captured. During that time you can look up and adjust your trajectory as necessary. If the pokemon breaks free, fire another ball. Repeat as necessary.
if pete jr has access to Toni's gmail account she used for her pokemon account, he can access her pokemon account on another device, like right now. You just log into google account to log into the game. Same as ingress. If so, seems a quick and painless way to exclude or confirm this theory.

jr had access to her twitter and facebook. If they shared a laptop, you likely have password saved in browser.
I can't believe we didn't think of this possibility before...I literally have crossed my local bridge to get to the other side of the Ohio river to catch water pokemon at a hot spot after work and I STILL did not consider this. Y'all are good!
pokemon go fazed out over a year ago. I'd be surprised if she was still playing but that surely could explain a few things huh!?

It hasn't been out for a year yet, about 8 months, but it has definitely become less popular already.
if pete jr has access to Toni's gmail account she used for her pokemon account, he can access her pokemon account on another device, like right now. You just log into google account to log into the game. Same as ingress. If so, seems a quick and painless way to exclude or confirm this theory.

jr had access to her twitter and facebook. If they shared a laptop, you likely have password saved in browser.

This is a great point, Max, and goes to show why LE likes to keep so much information to themselves.

Anyone with access to Toni's google account could not only potentially solve this case in seconds, but they could delete the evidence too, if they were so inclined. Let us say, for example, that the family has been told they have a good case for a wrongful death suit because the boat ramp wasn't marked well enough. Might they delete evidence that could harm their lawsuit? I'm not saying that is going to happen here, but I can think of all sorts of scenarios where someone might delete the evidence. Anyone who knows Toni's gmail and can guess her password could tamper with evidence, if they were so inclined.

LE will have taken all Toni's electronics, and likely Pete's as well. He would have to know the password to get access. Even then, I would expect LE to have changed it.
Is it even possible to drive and play at the same time?

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I do everyday.... I shouldn't, but I do. You have to drive 20mph or less for Pokémon to spawn. You have to be about 10mph or less to hit pokestops.

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I have to confess... um, yep. Once you have the pokemon engaged, you can drive away from its location and still work to capture it.

No. my kids told me an update months ago took away the ability to drive and catch pokemon.

ETA: i stand corrected
Facebook says the pokemon thing has been brought up before and her friends do not seems this would be viable.
Interesting theory, but I don't thing we will ever get an answer on it if we haven't already since this was discusses previously. I missed that conversation.
Facebook says the pokemon thing has been brought up before and her friends do not seems this would be viable.
Interesting theory, but I don't thing we will ever get an answer on it if we haven't already since this was discusses previously. I missed that conversation.

I agree it's slim, but if someone doesn't know how to quickly verify/exclude that, they are just guessing.

All that is needed is for anyone with her gmail account password to simply log into pokemon go on ANY smartphone and you can then determine if she was still playing it.

I don't see the harm in checking, being it's so easy.
Oh I completely agree. I meant if it was spoken about before PS would have been on it if he was able to.
Oh I completely agree. I meant if it was spoken about before PS would have been on it if he was able to.

I'll wager PS is on it.

If you look at the discussion group, someone who saw the idea over here brought it up. It was dismissed out of hand.

But did they do any research?

Step 1: Check Toni's social media. Wow! According to her twitter, she started playing it shortly after it came out and loved it.

Step 2: Check for Pokestops. Wow! There's one right down that road she mysteriously went down for no apparent reason. Wow! There's a pokestop right near the boat ramp!

That pokestop on W. 26 Ave is HUGE. How many of us spent so much time going over a google map of the area, trying to figure out why she went down there? There's just nothing there. As it turns out, her reason may have been to visit something virtual, something that doesn't show up in google maps.

I'm sure Pete is on this. I emailed a reporter. If this pans out this story could be huge. Any publication breaking this story will likely be widely cited.

I am confident we will find out. This is easy to determine. All we need is the time and location of the last pokemon that Toni caught. This is a very simple yes/no.

I do have my reservations. Pokestops are everywhere. The pokestops could be a simple coincidence.

However, at this time, I would say this is a 'best fit' theory. That doesn't make it true, but I'm going to be very surprised if this doesn't pan out. It explains so much.


By the way, guess how many of my friends and family know I play Pokemon Go? Outside of the people I live with, that would be none. It is not a secret, but it simply has not come up. So if you asked my friends and family if I played Pokemon Go, the answer would be 'no.'

On the other hand, I would expect Pete Jr to know. But maybe not.

It's possible Toni hadn't been playing for a while and just decided to go on a hunt that morning. It's possible. But I bet Pete Jr knows.
The only thing that makes sense to me now, is that LE got enough info from the icloud etc that they know this was an accident. I hope they know why Toni was in Parkville and cleared that as a suspicion. Someone posted on here that it was extremely foggy that morning, dense fog would explain Toni turning around in the parking lot and heading down the ramp instead of making the turn onto the road. Maybe she was frustrated and gunned it, went so fast down the ramp she just couldn't stop in time. Must have been the water temp that caused shock and she didn't get out of the window. This is my theory for now and most likely will be until we hear from LE. The Anderson's heard enough to convince them this was an accident and seems LE has enough facts, unless the autopsy shows something suspicious, that this was an accident. Could be the Anderson'w will be able to sue over the boat ramp not being shown well enough to be a ramp. Probably needs a barricade of some kind.
I think you can put the Pokemon Go theory to rest:

Pete Sanchez: Toni stopped playing Pokémon go around August.[1]

[1] From the Toni Anderson Accident Discussion facebook group.
This new development with Pokemon Go is brilliant sleuthing but if It was the smoking gun here PS Jr would of been all over it from day one.
It's the time that gets me, would Toni of been playing Pokemon Go by herself after doing probably a hard nights work while going to the lengths of concealing what she was doing to the LEO and pulling the tracker, I just don't buy it sorry.
BUT very good sleuthing if it had happened 6 months earlier and Toni was a 16 year old high school kid maybe just maybe I could buy it then.

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I agree it seems far fetched in terms of motivation. But it is an excellent fit for the circumstances.

There is only one way to tell. Time and location of her last caught pokemon. At this point I would expect only LE can give that answer.
I think you can put the Pokemon Go theory to rest:

Pete Sanchez: Toni stopped playing Pokémon go around August.[1]

[1] From the Toni Anderson Accident Discussion facebook group.

Did someone ask how he knows this?

I have said I think this is a longshot for sure, but if it's just via asking people around her if she plays, that's not a definitive answer. It was cool to play pokemon go, then it became uncool to play it. Which is why there was a lot of closet pokemon go players sneaking around in the early morning hours, and even still.

So the followup question would be -- how do you know that pete?

did you simply log into her account and verify when she last played?

That's all. Simple.

If he says, we logged into her account to verify the last time she played, then it's an actual fact. But if not, it's just an assumption.

All that being said, I think it's far more likely she quit in august as they said. But please.. if pete jr can get in her twitter and facebook, I'm sure he can take a moment to check her pokemon account, right?? If he has access to her gmail account, it's easy as cake. Most people have their email and other account passwords saved on their laptops via the browser, and that's likely how pete jr had access to her facebook/twitter. So, for the love of god, just make this a fact and not an assumption :)

Scroll down on that page and look at the posts, even today and for the last few months, made by women that match the age range of Toni.

One of the reasons that Pokemon Go was a hit in the first place is because it appealed to females as well as males. I played for a while, and I'd venture to say there was even more females playing the game than males.

I do think it's now played mostly by people who actually like pokemon, not just pokemon go, but I think some of us older people would be surprised by how much it appeals to women Toni's age.


She's in the sweet spot in gender and age range.

So please pete, just humor us, and check the account to make it concrete fact as to if she played that night.

I wouldn't be pressing so hard on this, if I didn't think it would explain so many things about her behavior that night in a very simplistic way.


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