GUILTY MO - Tyler Dasher, 1, Affton, 15 Nov 2011 - #2

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
from what I have heard from people in that neighborhood, Shelby's mom, Christine, is "hiding".
I have a question I hope one of you can answer. I've read here and in comments elsewhere that when Tyler's body was found in the cemetery, he was naked. Could someone please post a link to where this information came from? I've read every news report available and either missed it, or else it came from a witness who has reported it in other media (such as this forum or others).

I believe Shelby's mom, Christine, left for work that morning, and Tyler woke up then or soon after. I think Christine usually took care of Tyler before she went to work and did the first diaper change and feeding. (That's what the boyfriend, Edgar, meant when he said Shelby's mom usually helped with Tyler in the morning.) As Shelby's FB page stated, she was not a morning person, and this was especially true after staying out til 2:30 a.m., smoking blunts. Shelby was very fond of weed, as her FB page stated (before it was pulled), and we've seen the photo of it included in Tyler's baby pics. I think she liked to get stoned then sleep it off. Unfortunately, Tyler and his needs didn't fit into that picture.

I believe that Tyler woke up, and Christine was not there to take care of him. Shelby wanted to sleep, but Tyler kept crying. I think Shelby yelled at him to go back to sleep, and that made his crying worse. I also believe Shelby resented the imposition Tyler had made on her life. She was one of the girls who now get pregnant because they (and their impregnator) are too lazy to use birth control/a condom because they don't consider the consequences, a new life, to be that important. If they think about it at all, they figure if they get pregnant, someone else will raise the kid. There is a whole population of teens who now see a baby as an accessory, and they hold showers for each other, and call the kids "little man" and "baby girl," but when push come to shove in their unstable lives, the poor children are shuffled around to whomever will take care of them. They never consider giving up their children for adoption because they don't consider what is best for the child. Most of them have no jobs unless it's working in fast food, and they continue to open their legs to any male who will give them attention. Children are an afterthought. After the cuteness wears off, the responsibility for caring for the child starts to wear on them, and if the child hasn't been abused already, it will start.

I believe Shelby's increasing resentment fueled her rage at Tyler that morning. I also agree with others here who stated there was an attachment disorder. Shelby never really was bonded to Tyler as a person. Her interest in him was superficial. He was a product of her sex life, nothing more. I believe it was Christine who was really bonded to him. She's the one who mostly talks to him in the videos. I think Shelby did the minimum to take care of him. After all, she was home all day, not working, so that was her job - to take care of Tyler. One thing that bothered me about the photos Shelby posted was several of them (towards the end of the photostream) where Tyler is on her lap, and Shelby is smushing his forehead skin down between his eyes. You can tell Tyler doesn't like it by the look on his face as he tries to turn away in the photos, and in fact, his expression says what Shelby was doing caused him some pain. Shelby doesn't care. She thinks it's funny. She continues to forcefully turn his head towards the camera and take photos of her handiwork.

I agree with those who say Shelby is a selfish and spoiled. Taking care of a child requires selfless love and many sacrifices. Babies do not adapt themselves to your lifestyle. To be a good parent, you have to allow yourself to be stretched in many ways. Shelby was like most immature and "gratification now" personality types - she wants what she wants and there's no delaying it.

I believe Tyler would not stop crying, and the more Shelby yelled at him to go back to sleep, the louder he cried. I think Shelby got up and threw him back down in his crib, telling him to shut up. This scared Tyler, and he cried more. He was hungry and needed a diaper change, but he was also frightened. He stood up in the crib, holding his arms out to her, tears running down his face as he screamed his fear. Shelby grabbed him again, and slammed his head hard down on the mattress, cursing him in a tone of voice that made him frantic. He stood up again, and this time Shelby smacked him hard across the face and head, sending him sideways into the crib headstead. Tyler screamed with pain. The noise infuriated Shelby even more. Instead of allowing her to go back to bed, Tyler was getting louder and more insistent. Shelby grabbed him, and began yelling that she would MAKE him be quiet as she slapped and shoved him in his crib. The more Tyler cried, the angrier she got until she picked him up and slammed his head hard against the crib railing and sides several times. Finally, Tyler quit crying ... and breathing. He lay there so still, it made Shelby realize he was dead. Her first thought was not for Tyler but to cover up what she had done.

Shelby took Tyler's lifeless body and walked quickly to a nearby cemetery, leaving him on the cold ground. She then went back to bed and slept for a little bit until she could put her coverup plan in motion. Then, she got up and called her boyfriend to come over for breakfast. When he offered to check on Tyler (because it was strange that Tyler wasn't already up that late in the morning), Shelby insisted she would check on Tyler so she could sound the alarm about him being missing. From there, the police were called, and the charade was on.
I have a question I hope one of you can answer. I've read here and in comments elsewhere that when Tyler's body was found in the cemetery, he was naked. Could someone please post a link to where this information came from? I've read every news report available and either missed it, or else it came from a witness who has reported it in other media (such as this forum or others).



In this video, the reporter says that he was found "naked, lying face down"... :(

That's all I could find.

In this video, the reporter says that he was found "naked, lying face down"... :(

That's all I could find.

Thanks so much, Belimon. I very much appreciate the link. I had missed that reporter's video.

That makes Shelby's crime even more sociopathic. She didn't not even care to leave his clothes on or wrap him in a blanket (like some moms who kill their kids and try to hide or dispose of the bodies). To leave your baby face down in the ground is another sign that Shelby was not truly attached to Tyler. No loving mother could ever beat their child to death, then dispose of their naked body on cold ground.

Tyler interrupted more than Shelby's sleep. His whole existence interrupted her life, and he paid for it.
One thing that bothered me about the photos Shelby posted was several of them (towards the end of the photostream) where Tyler is on her lap, and Shelby is smushing his forehead skin down between his eyes. You can tell Tyler doesn't like it by the look on his face as he tries to turn away in the photos, and in fact, his expression says what Shelby was doing caused him some pain. Shelby doesn't care. She thinks it's funny. She continues to forcefully turn his head towards the camera and take photos of her handiwork.

Respectfully snipped by me

When I saw those pictures I cringed and then teared up. You could tell just by looking that Tyler didn't like that and it probably did hurt him. The one person who should have loved him the most hurt him the most. I hate it.

I have a question I hope one of you can answer. I've read here and in comments elsewhere that when Tyler's body was found in the cemetery, he was naked. Could someone please post a link to where this information came from? I've read every news report available and either missed it, or else it came from a witness who has reported it in other media (such as this forum or others).

I believe Shelby's mom, Christine, left for work that morning, and Tyler woke up then or soon after. I think Christine usually took care of Tyler before she went to work and did the first diaper change and feeding. (That's what the boyfriend, Edgar, meant when he said Shelby's mom usually helped with Tyler in the morning.) As Shelby's FB page stated, she was not a morning person, and this was especially true after staying out til 2:30 a.m., smoking blunts. Shelby was very fond of weed, as her FB page stated (before it was pulled), and we've seen the photo of it included in Tyler's baby pics. I think she liked to get stoned then sleep it off. Unfortunately, Tyler and his needs didn't fit into that picture.

I believe that Tyler woke up, and Christine was not there to take care of him. Shelby wanted to sleep, but Tyler kept crying. I think Shelby yelled at him to go back to sleep, and that made his crying worse. I also believe Shelby resented the imposition Tyler had made on her life. She was one of the girls who now get pregnant because they (and their impregnator) are too lazy to use birth control/a condom because they don't consider the consequences, a new life, to be that important. If they think about it at all, they figure if they get pregnant, someone else will raise the kid. There is a whole population of teens who now see a baby as an accessory, and they hold showers for each other, and call the kids "little man" and "baby girl," but when push come to shove in their unstable lives, the poor children are shuffled around to whomever will take care of them. They never consider giving up their children for adoption because they don't consider what is best for the child. Most of them have no jobs unless it's working in fast food, and they continue to open their legs to any male who will give them attention. Children are an afterthought. After the cuteness wears off, the responsibility for caring for the child starts to wear on them, and if the child hasn't been abused already, it will start.

I believe Shelby's increasing resentment fueled her rage at Tyler that morning. I also agree with others here who stated there was an attachment disorder. Shelby never really was bonded to Tyler as a person. Her interest in him was superficial. He was a product of her sex life, nothing more. I believe it was Christine who was really bonded to him. She's the one who mostly talks to him in the videos. I think Shelby did the minimum to take care of him. After all, she was home all day, not working, so that was her job - to take care of Tyler. One thing that bothered me about the photos Shelby posted was several of them (towards the end of the photostream) where Tyler is on her lap, and Shelby is smushing his forehead skin down between his eyes. You can tell Tyler doesn't like it by the look on his face as he tries to turn away in the photos, and in fact, his expression says what Shelby was doing caused him some pain. Shelby doesn't care. She thinks it's funny. She continues to forcefully turn his head towards the camera and take photos of her handiwork.

I agree with those who say Shelby is a selfish and spoiled. Taking care of a child requires selfless love and many sacrifices. Babies do not adapt themselves to your lifestyle. To be a good parent, you have to allow yourself to be stretched in many ways. Shelby was like most immature and "gratification now" personality types - she wants what she wants and there's no delaying it.

I believe Tyler would not stop crying, and the more Shelby yelled at him to go back to sleep, the louder he cried. I think Shelby got up and threw him back down in his crib, telling him to shut up. This scared Tyler, and he cried more. He was hungry and needed a diaper change, but he was also frightened. He stood up in the crib, holding his arms out to her, tears running down his face as he screamed his fear. Shelby grabbed him again, and slammed his head hard down on the mattress, cursing him in a tone of voice that made him frantic. He stood up again, and this time Shelby smacked him hard across the face and head, sending him sideways into the crib headstead. Tyler screamed with pain. The noise infuriated Shelby even more. Instead of allowing her to go back to bed, Tyler was getting louder and more insistent. Shelby grabbed him, and began yelling that she would MAKE him be quiet as she slapped and shoved him in his crib. The more Tyler cried, the angrier she got until she picked him up and slammed his head hard against the crib railing and sides several times. Finally, Tyler quit crying ... and breathing. He lay there so still, it made Shelby realize he was dead. Her first thought was not for Tyler but to cover up what she had done.

Shelby took Tyler's lifeless body and walked quickly to a nearby cemetery, leaving him on the cold ground. She then went back to bed and slept for a little bit until she could put her coverup plan in motion. Then, she got up and called her boyfriend to come over for breakfast. When he offered to check on Tyler (because it was strange that Tyler wasn't already up that late in the morning), Shelby insisted she would check on Tyler so she could sound the alarm about him being missing. From there, the police were called, and the charade was on.

I think you did a fabulous job articulating your thoughts on how this horrific crime occurred; as I was reading your post, I could actually "see" the scene playing out...and I found myself crying...for precious baby Tyler, and for ALL the little children so violently taken from this earth, much too soon, and much too often!:cry: :frown: :cry:

THANKS for sharing your thoughts; unfortunately, I think your opinion on what/how this happened is more than likely to be quite accurate.:tsktsk: Oh, that poor, defenseless little cherub...I'll never understand how one could look into the face of a child- a miracle and a gift given by God- and KILL that precious life... To go back to bed :eek:hwow: after killing your child relays to the world the depth of depravity this girl could hold within herself.:steamed:

What is happening in this world, that a child means so little to these "mothers"?:help: :no: :confused:

~Mish :sleigh:
Respectfully snipped by me

When I saw those pictures I cringed and then teared up. You could tell just by looking that Tyler didn't like that and it probably did hurt him. The one person who should have loved him the most hurt him the most. I hate it.


I hate it, too. I will never understand it. But then, I guess those of us who aren't sociopaths never will. We empathize with the feelings of others and are able to put ourselves in their place. People like Shelby cannot do that. Tyler was her toy to do with what she pleased. She was bored, so lets play with Tyler's face. He doesn't like it? Too bad, she's gonna do it anyway.

From everything we've seen and heard about Shelby's relationship with Tyler, she wasn't so much his mother as his daytime baby sitter. Shelby posted on FB and texted that she couldn't wait to get out of Affton. Can you see her taking Tyler with her? I don't. I think she would have left Tyler there for Christine to raise. Shelby wanted out of the responsibility of caring for a toddler. I believe she saw Tyler as a millstone around her neck, and that it was his fault she was stuck in Affton.

Tyler's death might have been the result of a rage incident, but the reasons for that rage had been building for a long time.
I think you did a fabulous job articulating your thoughts on how this horrific crime occurred; as I was reading your post, I could actually "see" the scene playing out...and I found myself crying...for precious baby Tyler, and for ALL the little children so violently taken from this earth, much too soon, and much too often!:cry: :frown: :cry:

THANKS for sharing your thoughts; unfortunately, I think your opinion on what/how this happened is more than likely to be quite accurate.:tsktsk: Oh, that poor, defenseless little cherub...I'll never understand how one could look into the face of a child- a miracle and a gift given by God- and KILL that precious life... To go back to bed :eek:hwow: after killing your child relays to the world the depth of depravity this girl could hold within herself.:steamed:

What is happening in this world, that a child means so little to these "mothers"?:help: :no: :confused:

~Mish :sleigh:

It is difficult to look in the faces of our precious children, and at the photos of Tyler's sweet face, and imagine ANYONE hitting them and abusing them over and over again, but this is the terrible reality of the world we live in. I cannot ever imagine deliberately inflicting pain on a child, much less a baby who only wants a mother's unconditional love.

Thank you, Mish, for your kind words about sharing my thoughts. I have read many different theories about what might have occurred, but this scenario is the one I feel fits the evidence and the dynamics of Shelby's relationship with Tyler.

I wish I could have been there to protect Tyler. I wish I could protect all the children who are abused. It is hard not to cry when you think about it.
Poor baby,I feel so bad for him.I feel so bad for all our babies thrown away like trash.
Bumping up.

Thinking of u Tyler rest peacefully with all the other angels:angel:

Guess there is nothing new on Shelby?

Sent from my GT-I9100 using Tapatalk
I have a question I hope one of you can answer. I've read here and in comments elsewhere that when Tyler's body was found in the cemetery, he was naked. Could someone please post a link to where this information came from? I've read every news report available and either missed it, or else it came from a witness who has reported it in other media (such as this forum or others).

I believe Shelby's mom, Christine, left for work that morning, and Tyler woke up then or soon after. I think Christine usually took care of Tyler before she went to work and did the first diaper change and feeding. (That's what the boyfriend, Edgar, meant when he said Shelby's mom usually helped with Tyler in the morning.) As Shelby's FB page stated, she was not a morning person, and this was especially true after staying out til 2:30 a.m., smoking blunts. Shelby was very fond of weed, as her FB page stated (before it was pulled), and we've seen the photo of it included in Tyler's baby pics. I think she liked to get stoned then sleep it off. Unfortunately, Tyler and his needs didn't fit into that picture.

I believe that Tyler woke up, and Christine was not there to take care of him. Shelby wanted to sleep, but Tyler kept crying. I think Shelby yelled at him to go back to sleep, and that made his crying worse. I also believe Shelby resented the imposition Tyler had made on her life. She was one of the girls who now get pregnant because they (and their impregnator) are too lazy to use birth control/a condom because they don't consider the consequences, a new life, to be that important. If they think about it at all, they figure if they get pregnant, someone else will raise the kid. There is a whole population of teens who now see a baby as an accessory, and they hold showers for each other, and call the kids "little man" and "baby girl," but when push come to shove in their unstable lives, the poor children are shuffled around to whomever will take care of them. They never consider giving up their children for adoption because they don't consider what is best for the child. Most of them have no jobs unless it's working in fast food, and they continue to open their legs to any male who will give them attention. Children are an afterthought. After the cuteness wears off, the responsibility for caring for the child starts to wear on them, and if the child hasn't been abused already, it will start.

I believe Shelby's increasing resentment fueled her rage at Tyler that morning. I also agree with others here who stated there was an attachment disorder. Shelby never really was bonded to Tyler as a person. Her interest in him was superficial. He was a product of her sex life, nothing more. I believe it was Christine who was really bonded to him. She's the one who mostly talks to him in the videos. I think Shelby did the minimum to take care of him. After all, she was home all day, not working, so that was her job - to take care of Tyler. One thing that bothered me about the photos Shelby posted was several of them (towards the end of the photostream) where Tyler is on her lap, and Shelby is smushing his forehead skin down between his eyes. You can tell Tyler doesn't like it by the look on his face as he tries to turn away in the photos, and in fact, his expression says what Shelby was doing caused him some pain. Shelby doesn't care. She thinks it's funny. She continues to forcefully turn his head towards the camera and take photos of her handiwork.

I agree with those who say Shelby is a selfish and spoiled. Taking care of a child requires selfless love and many sacrifices. Babies do not adapt themselves to your lifestyle. To be a good parent, you have to allow yourself to be stretched in many ways. Shelby was like most immature and "gratification now" personality types - she wants what she wants and there's no delaying it.

I believe Tyler would not stop crying, and the more Shelby yelled at him to go back to sleep, the louder he cried. I think Shelby got up and threw him back down in his crib, telling him to shut up. This scared Tyler, and he cried more. He was hungry and needed a diaper change, but he was also frightened. He stood up in the crib, holding his arms out to her, tears running down his face as he screamed his fear. Shelby grabbed him again, and slammed his head hard down on the mattress, cursing him in a tone of voice that made him frantic. He stood up again, and this time Shelby smacked him hard across the face and head, sending him sideways into the crib headstead. Tyler screamed with pain. The noise infuriated Shelby even more. Instead of allowing her to go back to bed, Tyler was getting louder and more insistent. Shelby grabbed him, and began yelling that she would MAKE him be quiet as she slapped and shoved him in his crib. The more Tyler cried, the angrier she got until she picked him up and slammed his head hard against the crib railing and sides several times. Finally, Tyler quit crying ... and breathing. He lay there so still, it made Shelby realize he was dead. Her first thought was not for Tyler but to cover up what she had done.

Shelby took Tyler's lifeless body and walked quickly to a nearby cemetery, leaving him on the cold ground. She then went back to bed and slept for a little bit until she could put her coverup plan in motion. Then, she got up and called her boyfriend to come over for breakfast. When he offered to check on Tyler (because it was strange that Tyler wasn't already up that late in the morning), Shelby insisted she would check on Tyler so she could sound the alarm about him being missing. From there, the police were called, and the charade was on.

Where did u find pictures? Was it her FB and gone now? or do they have some that we can view now?:waitasec:
Freaky, again. I can't get to page 21...It keeps taking me back to page 20...
Bumping up.

Thinking of u Tyler rest peacefully with all the other angels:angel:

Guess there is nothing new on Shelby?

Sent from my GT-I9100 using Tapatalk

I haven't heard of anything yet. Kind of strange really. I imagine we will hear a lot eventually though.
Where did u find pictures? Was it her FB and gone now? or do they have some that we can view now?:waitasec:

Hi Aimee, I found them at the link provided by another Websleuths poster:


11-21-2011, 08:38 PM
Registered User Join Date: Apr 2010
Posts: 204

Check out picture 100 she was at least interested in taking pictures of drugs and posting them online.......


Edited to add: Sorry Nixie, I just now saw you'd already answered Aimee's question. I haven't been able to be on WS for a few days, so missed your posts.
I really wish there would be some more news coverage on this.

Also I would like to find out more information, like all of his injuries, the position his body was in, how long he was dead for, etc. Will these things come out during the trial? Does any of her friends say anything on there fb pages?

My heart aches for all the children that are hurt but especially the ones that are hurt by those they love and trust.

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