Mom Says Family Will Never Live In Home Again! What?

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What I don't get is how one can compile such unethical, money-hungry people into your life without any forwarning to observers of your life.

For this to be an accident or a setup, you've got to have a least one parent and one bystander involved. If a safehouse is involved, there are probably two bystanders. How does anyone get from the point of considering a fake abduction or hiding an accidential death, to having the nerve to ask someone to help you with the plan? How do you know the person you ask isn't going to go straight to the police.

It's mind-boggling to me that any person would put that much trust in another person unless they were holding something over that person's head. I can't think of a single person in my life that I could go to and say "my child has accidentially died and I need help covering it up".

There is just no one in my life (thank God!!) that would go along with this. Where do these people come from and how does one instinctively know who to trust? I just don't get it. MOO
What I don't get is how one can compile such unethical, money-hungry people into your life without any forwarning to observers of your life.

For this to be an accident or a setup, you've got to have a least one parent and one bystander involved. If a safehouse is involved, there are probably two bystanders. How does anyone get from the point of considering a fake abduction or hiding an accidential death, to having the nerve to ask someone to help you with the plan? How do you know the person you ask isn't going to go straight to the police.

It's mind-boggling to me that any person would put that much trust in another person unless they were holding something over that person's head. I can't think of a single person in my life that I could go to and say "my child has accidentially died and I need help covering it up".

There is just no one in my life (thank God!!) that would go along with this. Where do these people come from and how does one instinctively know who to trust? I just don't get it. MOO

I agree with this!! There is no one who would help me fake the abduction of my child. There is no one who would help me hide a body either (not that I've asked, might be a good question to post on FB) ;).

The only thing I can come up with is (this is totally hypothetical) if JI or DB witnessed or were privy to information that would ruin someone's life (i.e. watched parent/sibling murder someone and cover it up) and threatened to go to the authorities w/the information if said person didn't assist them w/hiding Lisa's body.

I haven't had a chance to read this thread, but my niece's 10 month old child became sick and they took him to the hospital. Hospital personnel took the baby and came out about a half hour later and told my niece and her husband that he had passed. (from MCADD) They never moved back in their house again. They stayed with family until it sold and then bought another house.
We are responsible for our choices when it comes to protecting our homes and children. I always buckled my kids into seatbelts even before it was the law.


My dad put seatbelts in a car that was made without seatbelts. My gkids are always in seatbelt,carseats boosters. But in the summer we all in our different homes have slept with the windows open. I don't think that means we are irresponsible. I know when my oldest was a baby she got spinal meningitis and her pediatrician told us to leave her bedroom window cracked year round to help keep her nasal passages clear since that is where the the germs for meningitis originate in your body.
I'm willing to (once again) give the parents the benefit of the doubt here because I can't even begin to imagine what I would do in their shoes. On one hand most every memory I had of my child would be in that home and it would be so hard to walk away from that but on the flip side I would likely be paralyzed with grief countless times a day when those memories would come flooding back to me and that would make it darn near impossible to resume anything near a normal life for those 2 young boys. You also have to take in to account how the boys feel and I think my youngest would be very scared that someone would take him next.

I don't think the parents can win either way here. No matter what they choose they are going to be judged and someone is going to read something nefarious into it so they can only do what feels right to them and say to heck with public opinion. MOO.

I agree with every way.
Regarding Jersey guy-someone asked why doesn't LE release a picture of him to the public well maybe LE know where he is and they have been asking the people in the neighborhood about him just to get an idea of his involvement in the community?

For all we know he could be sitting in their jail right now.
I'm going to try not to read too much into the refusal to return to the house. They do have two other kids to think of, besides Lisa. I'm sure that their feelings about living in the house would have to be considered too. Parents may take more comfort from staying in the same place, but what about the other kids? They may be more terrified and have higher anxiety due to what happened there.

There are other cases where the parents refuse to leave or change their phone numbers, but in those cases, often the kids were older than Lisa and knew that address and phone number as home. Lisa wouldn't know those things yet, so the connection to that house might not be as strong. JMO, as I can't honestly say what I would do if one of my kids went missing. I would likely maintain ownership of the property, if possible, in order to return and check, and I would likely keep the same phone number, just in case, but I would probably move out of the house, especially if staying there seemed to be affecting my other kids.
I would never want to go back to a home where someone had come in and contaminated it with evil. It would never, ever feel right to me again.

I can certainly understand not wanting to return to the house, however, if they own the house (as opposed to renting) often it isn't practical to just abandon it, find somewhere else to live in the meantime, and hope it sells. Do we know how long they had lived there?

I can certainly understand not wanting to return to the house, however, if they own the house (as opposed to renting) often it isn't practical to just abandon it, find somewhere else to live in the meantime, and hope it sells. Do we know how long they had lived there?

According to the public records of their county JI has owned the house in his own name since 11/2002. No one else's name is on the deed.

I have no idea how long DB has lived there.
I can certainly understand not wanting to return to the house, however, if they own the house (as opposed to renting) often it isn't practical to just abandon it, find somewhere else to live in the meantime, and hope it sells. Do we know how long they had lived there?

he has owned it since 02
Why do I have a feeling in the pit of my stomach that we'll see the family move into a much bigger, more expensive house soon....
According to the public records of their county JI has owned the house in his own name since 11/2002. No one else's name is on the deed.

I have no idea how long DB has lived there.


Maybe it's the right time to sell?


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