Mom Says Family Will Never Live In Home Again! What?

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I am curious and this is an honest question. How would they go about getting on t.v. to make a plea? Don't the media contact them or how does that work. I am sure you can't just call up a t.v. station and ask for air time or a radio station. I am sincere in this question. I just don't know how it works. Does anyone know? tia

It's very, very easy. The parents call or email the TV stations, and say we're holding a news conference at this location at this time. The media would be there with bells on.
Again, this was the first time she was alone in the house without a man around. And yet she says she left the window open and doesn't know if she locked the door. One would thing that without a man around she would be extra careful. But in this case one would be wrong.

Unless she wasn't without a man? MOO
I can't judge them for this because I don't know what I would do.
This is one of those statements made by DB where it's difficult to have a true context IMO. And even if you did, it's up for debate, interpretation and let's face it; judgment.

When solely reading it, for me the word "never" jumps out because not only does it sounds so definitive and permanent, it's also quite dramatic.

Yes, something terrible happened in that house; whether it was a kidnapping or an accident (I'll leave out murder since it's too gruesome, though not IM-possible) and DB has the right to share her emotions in whatever way she sees fit - it's her baby that's missing after all.

But what strikes me as odd - and really I'm aware I'm passing judgment, is that Lisa could technically still return safe and sound. It's "only" been 10 days. That's a lot of time in terms of missing her but also very little time in terms of being so resolute and use the word "NEVER"

I guess what I'm trying to say is; I understand the family would want to move, it just seems so sudden and abrupt. It sounds like DB doesn't want to return to the place her daughter died (and she knows this) because she can't bear the feeling of Lisa not returning, knowing she won't return.

Anyway my :twocents: and opinion.
It's very, very easy. The parents call or email the TV stations, and say we're holding a news conference at this location at this time. The media would be there with bells on.

All they probably have to do is walk out their door. The media is pretty much there. Thank God Fox news mentions this and we have HLN at night, or else there would be no coverage here for me in NY anyway. (Not on the local stations here).
This is one of those statements made by DB where it's difficult to have a true context IMO. And even if you did, it's up for debate, interpretation and let's face it; judgment.

When solely reading it, for me the word "never" jumps out because not only does it sounds so definitive and permanent, it's also quite dramatic.

Yes, something terrible happened in that house; whether it was a kidnapping or an accident (I'll leave out murder since it's too gruesome, though not IM-possible) and DB has the right to share her emotions in whatever way she sees fit - it's her baby that's missing after all.

But what strikes me as odd - and really I'm aware I'm passing judgment, is that Lisa could technically still return safe and sound. It's "only" been 10 days. That's a lot of time in terms of missing her but also very little time in terms of being so resolute and use the word "NEVER"

I guess what I'm trying to say is; I understand the family would want to move, it just seems so sudden and abrupt. It sounds like DB doesn't want to return to the place her daughter died (and she knows this) because she can't bear the feeling of Lisa not returning, knowing she won't return.

Anyway my :twocents: and opinion.

ITA it does seem so sudden and abrupt. The only other missing child I can think of off-hand was Haleigh, when Ron moved out right away & never moved back in. Haven't we heard most take comfort and leave their rooms the same, etc. I thought it odd of Ron & odd here. Can anyone think of other cases where the family just up and moves out permanently?
Yes, I have heard of other cases where child/ young adult is missing and the family leaves the room the same (Morgan Nick's mother left her room the same, just in case she comes home). There are others, but that's the only one I could think of.
I'm willing to (once again) give the parents the benefit of the doubt here because I can't even begin to imagine what I would do in their shoes. On one hand most every memory I had of my child would be in that home and it would be so hard to walk away from that but on the flip side I would likely be paralyzed with grief countless times a day when those memories would come flooding back to me and that would make it darn near impossible to resume anything near a normal life for those 2 young boys. You also have to take in to account how the boys feel and I think my youngest would be very scared that someone would take him next.

I don't think the parents can win either way here. No matter what they choose they are going to be judged and someone is going to read something nefarious into it so they can only do what feels right to them and say to heck with public opinion. MOO.
I'm willing to give them a pass on this also. Assuming, for a moment, that events DID occur the way the parents say they occurred, I can completely understand them being freaked out about returning to a home where someone entered while you were sleeping and kidnapped your child.

Of course, I can also see how they wouldn't want to return to the home if some awful accident occurred there at their hand(s).

It's a wash for me.
I'm willing to give them a pass on this also. Assuming, for a moment, that events DID occur the way the parents say they occurred, I can completely understand them being freaked out about returning to a home where someone entered while you were sleeping and kidnapped your child.

Of course, I can also see how they wouldn't want to return to the home if some awful accident occurred there at their hand(s).

It's a wash for me.

BBM, me too. Since it doesn't change anything either way I am just going to give them the benefit of the doubt and not give this any weight in how I feel overall. Now if they happen to charge either parent and the other moves right back in with their child I may have to come back and give this some more thought.
ITA it does seem so sudden and abrupt. The only other missing child I can think of off-hand was Haleigh, when Ron moved out right away & never moved back in. Haven't we heard most take comfort and leave their rooms the same, etc. I thought it odd of Ron & odd here. Can anyone think of other cases where the family just up and moves out permanently?

I would never want to go back to a home where someone had come in and contaminated it with evil. It would never, ever feel right to me again.
You would probably never feel safe there again either. I know I wouldn't if someone had come into the house while I was sleeping, even if they'd only stolen a few phones and not done something as major as kidnap a baby, I'd still never sleep in that house comfortably again.
ITA it does seem so sudden and abrupt. The only other missing child I can think of off-hand was Haleigh, when Ron moved out right away & never moved back in. Haven't we heard most take comfort and leave their rooms the same, etc. I thought it odd of Ron & odd here. Can anyone think of other cases where the family just up and moves out permanently?

JonBenet's family never spent another night in their house after her body was found. However in that case, she was definitely killed in the house.
My sentiments, too. I feel strongly that whatever happened to Lisa was accidental and that DB panicked when she discovered that the baby was "gone".

OMG, let's just say for one moment that this is exactly what happened. What if DB or JI called the local ex-con/drifter/homeless/handyman, promised him a large chunk of money to help her cover this up and initially gave him enough to get out of Dodge.

OMG, let's just say for one moment that this is exactly what happened. What if DB or JI called the local ex-con/drifter/homeless/handyman, promised him a large chunk of money to help here cover this up and initially gave him enough to get out of Dodge.

Which is exactly why I want to scream for LE to get a picture out and find out if anyone has seen this guy in the past 11 days.

OMG, let's just say for one moment that this is exactly what happened. What if DB or JI called the local ex-con/drifter/homeless/handyman, promised him a large chunk of money to help her cover this up and initially gave him enough to get out of Dodge.


Jeremy and Debbie are not affluent. Where would they get a large chunk of money? And why would they trust this guy to stay quiet even with a down payment? Why would he take such a risk?

You can bet LE has already looked at their financial records.
OMG, let's just say for one moment that this is exactly what happened. What if DB or JI called the local ex-con/drifter/homeless/handyman, promised him a large chunk of money to help her cover this up and initially gave him enough to get out of Dodge.


Thanks, Just K, for labeling this a "What If"/Theory. Very helpful especially to those who read through quickly.
OMG, let's just say for one moment that this is exactly what happened. What if DB or JI called the local ex-con/drifter/homeless/handyman, promised him a large chunk of money to help her cover this up and initially gave him enough to get out of Dodge.


I do understand that. I'm just asking questions.
Re: Ella mae said: "Jeremy and Debbie are not affluent. Where would they get a large chunk of money? And why would they trust this guy to stay quiet even with a down payment? Why would he take such a risk?

You can bet LE has already looked at their financial records."

I don't know but I do know that anyone who has followed any of these big name cases would know that there is money to be made from selling your story... Then, of course, there are the good Samaritans that always seem to come out of the woodwork and offer, goods, services, and money. Again, if DB followed closely the other high profile cases she would know this. We already know that BS and his team have come into the story and there is $100,000 reward. So, let's say whoever left the house with Lisa, either alive or not, cannot just "discover' her. (Especially if that person is now on LE's radar.) So, he/she has a friend "find" her...maybe even at one of the suggested safe places/drop off locations. Friend gets the reward and gives the "taker" his part. Parents get child back and then more help from more benefactors...It's a risk but maybe one they felt was better than being charged with negligent homicide or a fake abduction.

Should this discussion continue in the theories thread?

If I was the sort of character who gets asked to hide a child's body I probably wouldn't if the promised reward was money from a media deal the person making the request hasn't made yet or a reward that hasn't been posted yet.

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