More Misty Jailhouse Video Calls Released during March 2010

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Oh gosh, Maven... you know when she told Misty she got a car? I almost expected her to squeal out afterwards, like a giddy little teenager. Lots of compliments and talk about hair. She never once fusses at Misty for the drug sales or anything for that matter. Calls her "Sis" just as her siblings do.

They remind me of that old cartoon with the 2 dogs. One is the tough boss and the other is his little yappy hyper number one fan.

Lisa was so excited about that mystery admirer writing Misty a letter and putting money on her books. She seems tickled to death about her baby being a big celebrity now. :bang:
Exactly!!! Misty is praying like crazy that Ron does not turn State witness on her and, Ron vice-versa.

"I promise with my whole heart to be a good girl from now on if you just let me get away with HaLeigh, this one time and get out of jail free, pretty please .... please.."

LMAO!! that prayer is EXACTLY what I would expect her to be sayin'. Her mother's nickname for her "me me" is too perfect (and neither of them gets the irony either!)

All I've heard so far is a short convo w/DB and a mystery woman and MC talking to her mother for maybe a minute. Am I missing a link here or something?

BBM: a woman? I thought she was talking to a man. oops! Well a feminine type sounding man. Actually that's the impression I got of her other phone call. the one with possibly her husband... so who knows? :waitasec::waitasec:
You're right about their relationship. I keep hoping that Lisa will decide to come down hard on Misty. Scream @ her & call her a baby killer who's a disgrace to the family. something...but we keep gettin' nothing.

Hank is kinda trying to get her to open up finally but he too stops just short. I do wish that they both would be on the same side. When Hank pressures Misty she than gets to talk to Lisa who babies her and reassures her that they all believe in her and she will be gettin' a national apology. Misty needs tough love from both sides at the same time!! Lisa will never though I don't think.
Both Donna and Misty are talking to a wider audience, hoping to sow seeds of pity, poor girl, jailed and innocent. It's not working for me but can't blame them for trying.
Both Donna and Misty are talking to a wider audience, hoping to sow seeds of pity, poor girl, jailed and innocent. It's not working for me but can't blame them for trying.

yea ummm subtelty is not their forte
"Yu can ask anyone on this cell block right now"

I can't believe anyone in there is even speaking to her or listening to her! Or even braiding her hair thru the bars! I would've thought that they'd be throwing crap bombs at her.
Why does Misty believe she will be released *forever*?
Yes, well Misty there is a reason people don't beleive you. Lets see, you don't know what bed misty slept in. You've not been honest (with families help) when the last time JO was at the mobile home? Ron claims the bed was not made and there was no detergent to wash clothes.

You shut off your phone at 8:30 pm and refused calls until what 3:25am. You threw your cousin Jo under the bus, you've thrown your brother under the bus. I saw a 3, did you get up to pee or get a drink
. Why was your blanket in the van?

The cummings have played you like a fine violin and you still express loyalty, even if you may take a bad rap (Stop in the name of love) you've been taken for a ride to protect RC.

Misty - It's about credibility, through everything you've said you have none.

You're deception has fooled nobody, you need to reedeem yourself and speak honestly without being misleading.

You could be facing a far shorter sentence by being truthful or you can spend many many years behind bars. Honesty is your only option tosave yourself. This goes for others too. Nobody is fooled here. Speak to your attorney and work out a deal for your freedom. YOU HAVE NO OTHER CHOICE!

ETA Misty - What did Haleigh and JR eat that night?
:waitasec:At around the :56 Mark Misty asked her mother about a letter that Ronald wrote, if Teresa read the letter. I assume referring a letter that TN read at the vigil. It seems these videos are from after the one year anniversary of Haleigh's disappearance. How dose Misty know Ronald wrote a letter?
Video at link above.

Reporter: Misty asked her mom about a letter Teresa read at the vigil.

Misty:Teresa read a letter that Ronald wrote?

Lisa: Yeah, she says to make sure Haleigh knows that she will always be his baby girl.

Misty: Oh...
Is it me, Why am i only able to listen to Donna's call, I can't hear Misty's with her mom, (only the little part that is shown from the news station) i don't even get an option to do so. Are the news outlets having trouble putting the calls up on the websites? TIA
Sounds to me that Misty is not going to talk...she is still wooing over Ronald.:furious: I pray that she spilled something early on or that he has. I am curious as to why we have not heard anything from Hope, little from DB and Ronald. Misty the chatter box sure has much to say that is being released. I pray the reason we are not hearing much from Ron and the others is because it's information that LE can use. This has to come to end! Haleigh deserves better than this! :furious:

Misty Croslin Jail Videos Released
Croslin Discusses Vigil With Her Mother

POSTED: 6:41 am EST March 5, 2010
ORLANDO, Fla. -- Misty discussing the disappearance of Haleigh with her mother.

Misty insisted she had nothing to do with the disappearance of Haleigh.

Misty asked her mother if she had read the headlines about the case in the newspaper.

Croslin: You read the paper today?
Mother: No. I just got up and come out here.
Croslin: The people that are involved, that the cops think that's involved, is locked up.

Misty also referred to a vigil held for Haleigh that Lisa Croslin attended.

Croslin: Theresa read a letter that Ronald wrote?
Mother: Yes. She read it.
Croslin: Was it good?
Mother: Yes. It was good. It said make sure Haleigh knows she'll always be his baby girl. It was really good.
Sounds to me that Misty is not going to talk...she is still wooing over Ronald.:furious: I pray that she spilled something early on or that he has. I am curious as to why we have not heard anything from Hope, little from DB and Ronald. Misty the chatter box sure has much to say that is being released. I pray the reason we are not hearing much from Ron and the others is because it's information that LE can use. This has to come to end! Haleigh deserves better than this! :furious:

Thanks for the link - leaves one banging their head :banghead:

They are locked up - the ones involved or the ones LE thinks are involved. Lets see, Misty is locked up, Ron is locked up, Tommy and Hope wonder LE said talking to these people is like trying to talk to a rock. Misty was that said for a talk show hostess ?
Misty asked her mother if she had read the headlines about the case in the newspaper.

Croslin: You read the paper today?
Mother: No. I just got up and come out here.
Croslin: The people that are involved, that the cops think that's involved, is locked up.

WOW the BBM speaks volume to me...... JMO
Ronald will never say anything to hurt himself in any way. I wonder if TN and GMA are still visiting or are they are talking to him through his attorney, ala, the Anthonys' Guidebook.
Anyone notice how Misty rolls her eyes and shakes her head when her mother states that TN read RC's letter at the vigil?

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