Morgan to Depose George, Cindy & Lee

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The court was adamant that these depo's would be live and they will be held. I was surprised that Mitnik didn't remind the court of the televised memorial that CA put together when BC said they hadn't been on TV since Caylee was found. Overall, as much as it irks me that their "extra special grief" seemed to win the day AGAIN, it really is just a delay and I think BC irritated the court greatly. Having the court on one's side is a good thing and I have to think the court is with ZFG about the depo's but the big concern is the media and airing them live. I didn't see most of the hearing and will maybe understand better when I see the replay. Possibly the court was reluctant to just order them to go forward excluding the media because of freedom of the press issues. The court's demeanor seemed frustrated with the A's case, imo, so I found the ruling very surprising. But, who wants to deal with a 1st amendment case over this?

Thanks for letting me vent; going back now to catch up with the thread. :)


My computer is too old to stream video, etc. As far as I can see from reports here, the As' extra special grief won the day. Without documentation or work on the part of their lawyer.

My sense of reports here is that the judge is mindful of the media and public opinion. Kinda wussy. It especially worries me , if as reported, the judge complimented BC on his work for the As. If this is true, this is a very, very, very bad sign.

And, YO, Morgan, Mitnik & Co.! What about ZFG's distress????? Bring a note next time, will ya?!. Don't let this become about the freaking extra special grieving As!

There's a sucker born every minute when it comes to narcissists. :banghead: The As were only supposed to be the peripheral players in this case.
Not to defend Casey and her lies, but I think that error was on the part of her attorney. The entire filing is filled with errors.

You may be correct but one would think it would be counterintuitive for KM/JM to make the allegation, at #6 of the complaint without evidence to back it up.

One would think the counter complaint would contain KC's signature and that's the doc that says also at #6, that KC gave ZFG's name, described her car and named two of her children. This copy, unfortunately, seems to not have a signature page and I was unable to find a copy that had it. (Anyone else know where?)
I'm only right 50% of the time so ... :)

A broken clock is right twice a day. So if I get something right, I say I'm half as smart as a broken clock. If I get two things right, I crow that now I'm actually as smart as a broken clock!! :)

My computer is too old to stream video, etc. As far as I can see from reports here, the As' extra special grief won the day. Without documentation or work on the part of their lawyer.

My sense of reports here is that the judge is mindful of the media and public opinion. Kinda wussy. It especially worries me , if as reported, the judge complimented BC on his work for the As. If this is true, this is a very, very, very bad sign.

And, YO, Morgan, Mitnik & Co.! What about ZFG's distress????? Bring a note next time, will ya?!. Don't let this become about the freaking extra special grieving As!
There's a sucker born every minute when it comes to narcissists. :banghead: The As were only supposed to be the peripheral players in this case.

Bolded by me

Bingo - and get the judge to agree to seal these with the same diligence as he seals the As
Exactly. And the language keeps changing. First BC put it out that George was looking for and was going to outpatient treatment. Then, it changed to counseling. Hmm.
Also, in the Motion for Protective Order, BC took some license here with:
9. It is well known that George Anthony recently attempted suicide because of the grief, anguish and publicity surrounding his family.

Well, I submit it was a well known media stunt and now I see why.
And BC further warns the judge that Cindy hasn't tried to commit suicide...yet.

I hope their duplicity is discovered and displayed for all to see.
...attempted suide because of the publicity? That's just plain whacked. Who invited "publicity"? I wish these people would take ownership of their roles in all this. Grief, I get...anguish, I get. But after 3 months if you are able to function (planning a nationally televised memorial, taking a trip or two to Satsuma), surely you can answer questions.
If seeing counselors gets them out of it, might be a long time before it happens. My sister's son died over 5 years ago and she is still seeing a counselor every week.
Ok, just one more thing before I finish catching up: Can you believe the entire courtroom didn't burst out laughing when the court suggested they may not be comfortable with public speaking? Especially CA??


My question is: what rock has he been living under?

ZFG's lawyers should have set him right. Why didn't they???
I wonder if JB is still wanting to use this as a defense. That Casey dropped her off or that they took her from the park. Think I remember somewhere that she also said the nanny had a key to her parents house. Just thinking! Can you imagine going anywhere and giving your name for any reason, ZG, do you realize the looks you would get. Everyone has heard that name! All because of Casey. JMO

Good thinking and you may be right; defense may want to have this as a hail mary defense. Also, just think if someone answered your ad for a babysitter, or your child's daycare hired someone named Zanny.
What I don't get is why Mitnik didn't bring up the A's cameo appearance at the Haleigh site? Or did he?

I don't think he did - the video and audio kept cutting out, so I can't be sure.

IMO, both sides should have been better prepared. BC has been too busy appearing on TV and, I really think, was just winging it. ZFG's attorneys were given very short notice and little time to respond to BC's motion. But, they should have anticipated his arguments and come armed with doctor's reports for ZFG, video clips or at least still pictures of the As composed and frankly polished public appearances following the discovery of Caylee's remains. I'm kind of disappointed in ZFG's attorneys.
Maybe the Ants want LA's depo first and this is a delay for that??????
Kansas City February 25, 2009

Now that a Court has validated the concept of "Extra Special Grief", Hallmark Corporation will be making changes in the way they market sympathy cards. The most expensive cards will include music chips, lovely ribbons and the wording "In Your Extra Special Grief". A more affordable line will feature a nice quality of stock, embossed lettering and be worded "In Your Regular Old Grief". The economy line of cards will simply state, "Tough Luck" and will retail for $1.00.

:slap: Go ahead and slap me. It was worth it.
I'm going for the one that says "Whoopsie!" with the picture of a banana peel for 49 cents.
I for one am getting tired of the "abundance of caution" on behalf of KC and her parents. It appears to me that they're welfare is getting more "kid-glove" treatment than ZG's right to a "clear name". KC created this whole situation by using ZG's name and placing her at the "scene". KC is responsible for her parents emotional state- NOT THIS deposition. George and Cindy were perfectly competent in promoting the Zanny Nanny plot line, but NOW they clam up?!
As I see it, the A's and their behaviour are responsible for their own predicament and to a large degree, the media involvement. NOT ZG's LAWSUIT OR JM. Where are ZG's rights and consideration for her current situation?? Imagine if it was one of us in ZG's seat....

Hi, and WELCOME!

I am so totally with you on this (and the rest of the post). ZFG's lawyers would be wise to show ZFG's extra special distress over all the delays in deference to the As over a claim(they are merely peripheral players) that impacts her in two ways, defamation and continued defamation through the countersuit. Show that the As aren't these fragile toddlers whose hands have to be held and diapers changed. They need to make it all about Zenaida Fernandez Gonzalez.
I felt ZFG's lawyer was being a little overbearing in the court room. Don't get me wrong please, I like him and am on his side. I was just getting that from the atmosphere of the room. He seemed like he doesn't really know how to look meek--mild--mellow (you know like--"awwwwww poor me and poor lil ZFG").

Then look over at the poor lil Ant's lawyer in he lil wheel chair. Now this man was made for the Ants. He sits there and is all meek--mild--mellow. He knows how to play the "poor me" card.

Ok I'll shut up while I am ahead. Maybe I should head to "rant" now?
I'm guessing the documents from the hospital will show the truth about George's extended stay. That would be my guess also as to why BC wants them under seal.
As for any doctors that are treating them now? My guess is they are not under any doctor's care, other than what was already prescribed and written down in the A medicine cabinet.
BC has 20 days to doctor opinion only.

You have hit the nail on the head with this one. ITA with you.
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