Morgan to Depose George, Cindy & Lee

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Why do I have the feeling that if this judge had ordered the depos to go ahead he'd be praised as a hero - Judge of the Year - instead of being compared to Ito or the CryBaby Judge?

Because it would be the RIGHT thing to do.
To the A's I say; Who cares if the media is listening! They didnt care when they were blabbing in front of cameras smearing the nanny, now they care about cameras when it pertains to them and KC?
Im sorry, its about time KC starts taking some slack for all she caused.
They need to stop protecting KC once and for all and help this case in the name of Caylee! And to help this poor innocent ZG!
Since KC has already said that this woman is not the ZFG she spoke of, why is this lawsuit being continued. Is this woman's name actually Zenaida FERNANDEZ-Gonzalez? I think I read it is not.

What possibly can be learned from the Anthonys to further her claims of damages, if she has already been cleared by the person who first uttered the similar name. And should similarities be fodder for capricious lawsuits? IMO, this is nothing less than harassment of a family who has suffere an unspeakable tragedy and more probably rises to extortion from their HO insurance company.

It does not matter if KC identified her or not. She told a lot of information about her. She first told she had no children, then she named the children by name. Cindy talked about her and her car and her car tags.

Cindy needs to put those big girl panties on and get her butt to the depositions. She was SO TOUGH when she could lie about the woman, but now when called to task for her lies, she is a big chicken to talk.
To the A's I say; Who cares if the media is listening! They didnt care when they were blabbing in front of cameras smearing the nanny, now they care about cameras when it pertains to them and KC?
Im sorry, its about time KC starts taking some slack for all she caused.
They need to stop protecting KC once and for all and help this case in the name of Caylee! And to help this poor innocent ZG!

Nothing wouldl make me happier than after that jury says GUILTY for KC, they arrest Cindy, George, Lee and all the rest of that scamming bunch, including all the criminals with which they have surrounded themselves.
i'm sick of the whole thing. Most everyone associated with kc and the a's have been trashed. For instance:
tm trashed by ca
(snipped)tim miller misrepresented his intentions, and is falsely accusing me of not cooperating with him, when it is evident his motives were to obtain publicity for his organization at the expense of exploiting my granddaughter's disappearance.

jg and ah
"he was the very first person i thought of," cindy anthony said. "(he) had a motive, could intimidate casey enough to keep her mouth shut and (he) would threaten us because he's that type of person. He was in my home every day, and i got to know him. And i got to see his anger and rage because he took it out on me one day."

tb aka gc and dc

i am tired of all of it and them. I truly believe in karma and not doing a simple little depo and finally clearing this zg's name is disgusting. I understand the judge's position and reason for postponing this but it would have been done and over if the a's weren't afraid of saying something to hurt little kc's murder case by pulling out the psychiatric care card. Their attorney could have gotten together with jm and judge and agreed on some way to do a depo in private. But they are not just fighting the non private depo, they are claiming that they cannot give a depo because of psychiatric/psychological care - imo in other words they are just fighting giving any depo, private or not. From the beginning it has appeared to me that the a's and kc really truly believe they are above the law.

well said!!!!!!!!!!!
Very interesting the point made about Cindy sitting in court at the bail hearing (I think) and saying she'd been hearing about "Zanny" for 2 years. Whether it was now or 20 days from now, Cindy is gonna get raked over the coals, and rightfully so.
Plus, the notion that when KC referred to Zanny, "she was just referring to whomever was watching Caylee at the time," is hogwash to say the least. Nobody does that. And why would KC refer to Amy or Jesse as Zanny anyway? That was just plain stupid. Still is.
[snip] ...
The truth here is that the defense doesn't want anyone to discuss or clarify the Zanny the Nanny issue, in case they still pursue it. Any clarity or process of elimination of who it is or isn't just exposes how bogus and incredible it all is. BC doesn't want the A's under oath in this civil case, being pinned down and subject to charges of perjury if they don't tell the truth. He hasn't gotten immunity for them yet. The A's don't want their options to help Casey foreclosed before the trial, like the ability to go on tv and discuss the evil Zanny, etc.
... [snip

:clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:

Exactly! Very well said!!!
"I refuse to answer on the grounds it might embarrass me"
lol-- I agree.
to quote Judge Larry "crybaby" Seidlin "when the whale rises, it gets harpooned."
That's exactly the judge I couldn't think of his name!:doh:
GA is well enough, psychiatric/psychological care or not, to help in the search for Haleigh and give statements about that search to the media. If he is well enough to participate in something that hits way too close to home, a missing little girl IMO he can answer a few questions about KC's ZFG Nanny.
GA is well enough, psychiatric/psychological care or not, to help in the search for Haleigh and give statements about that search to the media. If he is well enough to participate in something that hits way too close to home, a missing little girl IMO he can answer a few questions about KC's ZFG Nanny.

I thought it interesting that the lawyer for gfz didn't know about all of ga's "special" appearances before the trial---he did not look happy to say the least when informed.....:furious:
I don't see the judge being swayed by the "grief" card. BC better have case law other than that feeble excuse.

O/T thanks law girl, she is a schnoodle, schnauzer poodle cross (coming in for a kiss)

I think it is all about delay, delay, delay. JMO
They do know what they can and can't get away with.
they did not give a Caylee garment to the search team so that the search/find would be delayed.
Seems to me and I do hope I am wrong on this one, that the longer they can delay the more watered down the case against Casey becomes.
Imagine finding the body last summer - surly there would have been far more flesh on the skeleton, that can help the case against Casey.

I think their strategy is BUYING TIME is always in their favor.
Very interesting the point made about Cindy sitting in court at the bail hearing (I think) and saying she'd been hearing about "Zanny" for 2 years. Whether it was now or 20 days from now, Cindy is gonna get raked over the coals, and rightfully so.
Plus, the notion that when KC referred to Zanny, "she was just referring to whomever was watching Caylee at the time," is hogwash to say the least. Nobody does that. And why would KC refer to Amy or Jesse as Zanny anyway? That was just plain stupid. Still is.

It is very obvious that Cindy has been helping Casey, starting with the washed pants.
What is not obvious to me as a grandma is that she never met any of Caylees Nanny's and Caylee lived in her house.
I know all my grandkids baby sitters, Nanny's and the kids do not live in my house; so that to me is very strange.
I think it is all about delay, delay, delay. JMO
They do know what they can and can't get away with.
they did not give a Caylee garment to the search team so that the search/find would be delayed.
Seems to me and I do hope I am wrong on this one, that the longer they can delay the more watered down the case against Casey becomes.
Imagine finding the body last summer - surly there would have been far more flesh on the skeleton, that can help the case against Casey.

I think their strategy is BUYING TIME is always in their favor.

Just curious, songline, since we discussed this so much on another thread. Is your opinion of the A's changing a bit with new information, such as refusing the depo's? Or did I just not fully understand it, as the thread was closed and we stopped discussing it?

I remember I had thought we were very close in our thinking but thought you still considered them solely victims. Or am I confused? Thanks in advance for explaining, if you have the time.
Why do I have the feeling that if this judge had ordered the depos to go ahead he'd be praised as a hero - Judge of the Year - instead of being compared to Ito or the CryBaby Judge?

Because it would be the RIGHT thing to do.

I sure wouldn't praise a Judge as a hero for making the right decision based on the Law. BC did not offer a legitimate excuse nor did he provide any proof whatsoever of why ZFG should be deprived of her right to dispose under the Law.

If the A's are too fragile to sit and answer a few questions, they were too fragile to attend, speak, and sing at a two hr. memorial service televised on national TV.

I feel if the shoe were on the other foot, ZFG would be ordered to attend and answer questions/depos., if she had to be wheeled in the court room clad in a straight jacket.

I don't blame Morgan. I would be furious with this Judge for depriving my client of her rights.

I have said it before and will say it again. The A's will do whatever it takes to protect their daughter and the profit all hope to make from this case.


[COLOR=#000000[B]]I sure wouldn't praise a Judge as a hero for making the right decision based on the Law. [/B]BC did not offer a legitimate excuse nor did he provide any proof whatsoever of why ZFG should be deprived of her right to dispose under the Law.[/COLOR]

If the A's are too fragile to sit and answer a few questions, they were too fragile to attend, speak, and sing at a two hr. memorial service televised on national TV.

I feel if the shoe were on the other foot, ZFG would be ordered to attend and answer questions/depos., if she had to be wheeled in the court room clad in a straight jacket.

I don't blame Morgan. I would be furious with this Judge for depriving my client of her rights.

I have said it before and will say it again. The A's will do whatever it takes to protect their daughter and the profit all hope to make from this case.


Well said!

And speaking of doing whatever it takes, my blood boiled when I saw them on LKL the night before the remains were found, & when LKL asked " You hadn't seen Caylee for a whole month, wasn't this unusual" to which Sindy A. replied "Not Really":furious:
Yesterday the transmission of the hearing kept breaking up and the Sentinel only has a partial recording of it, so we may never have the answer to my question. Did BC tell the judge that the A's have made no public appearances since Caylee's remains were found ? I thought he did. If so, did he lie to a judge, in a court of law, during a legal proceeding ? Aren't there consequences for that ?
Does anyone see a relapse comming on with GA? Is CA going to be the next reported Anthony to have to seek intense counseling for anger frustration depression in the next couple of weeks, keeping them from a depo? Since the beginning of the case unfolding we have always given the A family the benifit of doubt each time they make a move we can't understand under their circumstances. Add all those instances up to date and I think it shows obstruction. CA, GA and now BC are trying to play a skilled game of chess with Morgan. I feel the A's moves are a strategy right now. If they haven't been recieveing counseling as BC stated one of those two is going to have to think of a mental illness ploy. From a song, "They (the A's) aren't crazy they just know too much" Maybe the judge feels these depos are going to be revealing as to what the A's know or don't know and this info could be used at KC's trial so Judge Strickland once again wants all I's dotted and T's crossed. I feel Judge Stricklands compassionate demeanor is more about, "Lets not make any mistakes before trial"
Just curious, songline, since we discussed this so much on another thread. Is your opinion of the A's changing a bit with new information, such as refusing the depo's? Or did I just not fully understand it, as the thread was closed and we stopped discussing it?

I remember I had thought we were very close in our thinking but thought you still considered them solely victims. Or am I confused? Thanks in advance for explaining, if you have the time.

Hi Lin, I do consider them victims.
AND I also think they are parents caught between a rock and a hard place and will not want to see Casey in the general population of any prison. I think they know she will be in prison, and hope she gets to be in a protective single cell.
What ever they do to delay is to help Casey. I do feel for them. But that does not mean that ZG should have to go through what ever she is going through to clear herself. She can't even get a job and that is unfair.
They did not see this coming from Casey, NO and they are in a horrific position, but should also consider other people ZG and give the deposition.
I am not dismissing their position and their hardship, I am not suggesting they are bad people, or anything else, I do wish them to heal from a broken heart, but I also feel they did help their kid in some ways.
what is a parent to do? and who am I to judge a parent? one who has not abused their kids.
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