Motive For Murder

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workplace major major snap not your average workplace violence

Yeah it sounds like Annie not cleaning up after herself was the triggering factor.

Really, really sad that this guy didn't somehow get the mental health help he needed before his problems escalated into this horrible tragedy.
Yeah it sounds like Annie not cleaning up after herself was the triggering factor.

Really, really sad that this guy didn't somehow get the mental health help he needed before his problems escalated into this horrible tragedy.

I was thinking this too-so sad people don't recognise themselves as needing help-or especially their loved ones
I think it was about perceived mistreatment or mishandling of rats or non respect of protocol
It may not have been "documented" workplace problems, but I suspected Annie talked about this loser to her friends and family. Probably something like, there is this freak I work with that cleans mice poo and takes his job waaaaaayyyyy too seriously. IMO, it's been about power all along. This guy who on a personal level when mad at someone could take his anger directly to them. When at work, he couldn't deal with the hierachy and that he was the lowest on the chain. He probably constantly tried to make his job more than what it was and Annie was there to put him in his place. Clearly, he is crazy, but how many of us all the time encounter "crazy", but we never know they would be capable of this. Scary really.

I may be way off base here, but I think he was so mad at her and it fueled so much hate toward her that he wasn't interested at all sexually. I don't think she was sexually assaulted.
Yeah it sounds like Annie not cleaning up after herself was the triggering factor.

Really, really sad that this guy didn't somehow get the mental health help he needed before his problems escalated into this horrible tragedy.

I totally agree. There is always a sadness I feel in these types of cases, because it seems like they could have been avoided. I'm sure he knew he had a temper that could flare out of control, and he should have received help for it. I'm not sure, however, that he knew he was ever capable of killing someone. I think the "deflated" look in all of the pictures shows he really can't believe he's in this position. I wouldn't be surprised if things spiraled out of control, and he didn't realize the severity of his actions until it was too late.

So sad that it all came down to this. Annie won't be able to live her life anymore, and Ray will not either. I always hope that these cases can become positives for others, who may decide to get help themselves. But, unfortunately, the nature of society is to be RE-active, and not PRO-active, so many will still go untreated, and living in denial.
He probably beat her and murdered her because he is unable to cope with life's frustrations and she'd be no match for him. Reminds me of how people would say that during WWI, when many Americans were anti-German, you'd hear of people kicking Dachsunds but not German Shepherds. This woman was the size of a middle-schooler. You better believe there are men who have frustrated him, even berated him at work and yet he almost certainly never lashed out at them violently. But he decided to take it out on a small, petite person who didn't stand a chance against him.

I wouldn't be surprised if he was an animal abuser, too.

As for the previous rape allegation (Let's call it rape rather than "forceful sex," which makes it sound like he just strongly persuaded her), I have no doubt that this man has "issues" with women. It probably just allowed him to dehumanize Le that much more easily.
He will probably claim it was an accident, if he even takes responsibility at all, hopefully he will plead guilty, or he is going to say she attacked him first and he defended himself, I believe he just blew a gasket and killed her in a fit of rage
Does anyone know how long Annie intended to be absent from Yale after her wedding?

I read that she and Jon were planning a honeymoon trip to Greece, but I don't know whether that trip was planned for immediately after the wedding, or for later on -- perhaps during a semester break when it would presumably be more convenient for both of them.

I ask because of the comments I've read here about the role of lab technicians and other non-professional people in caring for the mice in the absence of the scientist who is actually in charge of the research. I can see, especially if she were to be gone for a week or two, that it would seem reasonable for her to meet with RC that fateful Tuesday morning. MOO.

I also think that if she were afraid of RC, she might have asked someone from Bennett's lab/office to accompany her to Amistad. MOO.

Again, my thanks to Labrat (and others) for the education I've been receiving here about scientific research procedures!
I always think of the parents. Parents of the victim, parents of the accused. It's just absolutely heartbreaking for all of them, I'm sure.
Changing my theory here.

I could be wrong, but this is looking more and more like RC had an obsession for Annie Le. She was most likely cordial to him as an employee of the lab, and he took it to be more than that or hoped it would be more than that. I could see him foisting himself on her. Her rejecting him, and him then deciding to strangle her. Maybe he even built those biceps up for her. I'm sure we'll find out all about it in the weeks to come.

At first I took him to be just mentally unstable, but with what I've been reading from people who knew him and a relative, it's looking to be more sinister. Stories about him from fellow classmates differ. Some thought he was a good guy, other's weren't even shocked when they heard the news. RC's own cousin said he had anger management problems as a child.

One poster from RC's high school said it's erroneous that he was in the Asian Awareness Club. Said RC just showed up & got in the group picture the day they were taking photos.

People say he was an athlete, but he was only a member of each sport's team for one year. A coach didn't even remember the guy as being an athlete. I hate to be making references to a media source's commentaries, but that's where I got the info, and I don't even remember which one.
The Daily news quotes Chief Lewis saying NO sexual assault...that was not said at the newser, was it? Not being widely reported, wonder if DN got it right.
The Daily news quotes Chief Lewis saying NO sexual assault...that was not said at the newser, was it? Not being widely reported, wonder if DN got it right.

I didn't hear that either. He may have replied a simple no the a reporters question which I couldn't hear most of.
I remember the report saying her friends remembered the click of her heels all of the time, and then another report about R.C. being obsessed with shoe covers. I am wondering if lab workers often wore heels or if this was an exception, and if that was one reason why she got more hate from him? Heels accidentally messing up "his area"? A lot of people find heels frivolous or sexualized, but some short women find life works better in heels because then they can reach things they otherwise couldn't. (I'm 5' 11"-shorter women tell me these things frequently, and how they envy my height, as I get the jar of peanut butter from the top shelf for them at the store. I'd rather be short,lol. I think it's prettier.) Just a thought on why her and not some other student.

Lewis said Le, 24, was not sexually assaulted. He called her strangulation death a case of "workplace violence," but would not elaborate on what might have triggered the attack.
I don't like LE's use of that term, "workplace violence"... yeah it was violent... and yeah it was in the workplace... but it was murder plain and simple. Perhaps they said it in that way to stress the fact that there was no romantic relationship and it was not a sexual crime?

Still... workplace violence is putting too pretty of a bow on it for me!
From Comcast News today:

>snip "It is important to note that this is not about urban crime, university crime, domestic crime but an issue of workplace violence, which is becoming a growing concern around the country," Lewis said.>snip

Broad at best. Control issues take over and he loses it over work. Hmmmm.
From Comcast News today:

>snip "It is important to note that this is not about urban crime, university crime, domestic crime but an issue of workplace violence, which is becoming a growing concern around the country," Lewis said.>snip

Broad at best. Control issues take over and he loses it over work. Hmmmm.

Hmmm indeed. Why is LE so eager to pigeonhole it, before all the facts have come out?

I guess it's good to quash "affair gone bad" rumors for the sake of the victim's family, but I think it's a stretch to say it's not a "university crime."
Think about it though, it takes so much more energy to hate someone than to like them. Hate is something that grows and grows. For RC, his desire to hurt her or put her in her place was something that he probably even had fantasies about- what he would do to her if he could. We are going to see anger situations come up in this guys past. I think the thing that gets me is the way that he killed her. To put his hands around her neck would be so intimate. Suggesting to me complete rage in that moment.
Suffice to say, I think we all kind of missed our mark here even though some can't let go of a sexual motive.

In hindsight, I think we have a guy who was miserable in his own life. He worked around people with very bright futures while he cleaned up their messes. He probably could be hard to deal with at times and ultimately realized he was more of a janitor than a Technician.

Annie was probably more concerned about her experiments than following some of the rules of clean up. RC probably deemed it as an insult that she was not considerate of Lab rules or his rules. He deemed it personal and a blow up ensued. He probably had issues with her for a while and it got personal to him. Ultimately he snapped.
Hmmm indeed. Why is LE so eager to pigeonhole it, before all the facts have come out?

...maybe because LE has collected massive amounts of evidence and interviewed dozens of people about the crime , very little facts of which have been leaked to the press?
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