Motive For Murder

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That's what I believe happened. He tried to show some authority, although he was a paeon, over some silly violation exactly like the "shoe covers" violation, or "we put the slash in THIS spot", and she was initially contrite and then put him in his place, and his pent-up anger over not being someone important suddenly took over. I'm not saying this well, but it's my theory.

I suspect he tried to show a bit of authority over Anne also. She probably did not have to say much to send him into a rage. He was probably already there in his head just expecting what she might say to him. Who knows, she might even attempted to ignore him. Boy, wouldn't that send someone like that over the edge!!!
Postulating here only:

I keep thinking about how Annie the bride MUST have been leaving town very soon for NY (wedding guests arriving, etc.), (and for at least a week, one would think), and making advance preparations to be gone from work - making preparations with regard to her absence from her research & perhaps from her mice. By Tuesday, she may have been making final preparations, and last minute requests, etc.

Labrat would have a better idea, but it seems Annie & RC might naturally need to communicate about mice things with regard to her absence. (Maybe even during her absence.)

Lots of work-related reasons to have an argument, and Annie's leaving for the wedding could have sparked some work-related conflict between them.

again, just noodlin' here...

Noodle away :)
yes had not thought of that-the impending absence from the mice may well have been one of the triggers as well as the speculations of mishandling or not respecting protocol
Noodle away :)
yes had not thought of that-the impending absence from the mice may well have been one of the triggers as well as the speculations of mishandling or not respecting protocol

A bit OT, here, but I just find it so tragic this might've been her last day at work anyway before the wedding. I keep thinking...she almost made it out. :(
From the Evidence thread (Thanks, shoebox!):
"Blood splatter were found on a laundry cart and a bead from her necklace was found on the floor of the basement lab where she was killed and stuffed into a wall panel.

ABC News has also learned that Clark sent a text message to Le early Tuesday, Sept. 8, requesting a meeting to discuss the cleanliness of research mice, with which Le was working and which Clark was in charge of overseeing. "

Sounds like Clark had plenty of time to stew in his anger. He was probably thinking of all the things he was going to say to her when she got there, and I'm sure Annie probably had time to anticipate the confrontation. Was she worried? Nervous? Irritated?

Point being, there was time plenty of time between the text and the meeting for RC to get worked up and for Annie's dread to build.
I'm still not convinced that this was anything related to his job versus hers, etc. I honestly believe that he was probably infatuated with her, knew she was getting married and decided to take a chance to approach her. Annie rejected him and he killed her. Now, the other thing that I am questioning right now is could this be something similar to what happened in the Texas cadet murder case? I'm am tossing this out there because of the strong accusations that the fiance posted on the MySpace page and the fact that she was so convinced that he wouldn't have an affair on her. Obviously something happened that made her post those things so is it possible that she might have helped him with this? I know it's probably a stretch but I sensed a real insecurity by his fiance, almost to the point of desperation and trying to convince herself that he wouldn't stray on her.
From the Evidence thread (Thanks, shoebox!):

Sounds like Clark had plenty of time to stew in his anger. He was probably thinking of all the things he was going to say to her when she got there, and I'm sure Annie probably had time to anticipate the confrontation. Was she worried? Nervous? Irritated?

Point being, there was time plenty of time between the text and the meeting for RC to get worked up and for Annie's dread to build.

Yes, he's the Mouse King. She crossed him one time too many.

moo again, just noodlin'
If RC listened to the 5:30 presser, he is going to be more disturbed with the police spokesman repeatedly talking about his low level position, his "custodial" position.
From the Evidence thread (Thanks, shoebox!):

Sounds like Clark had plenty of time to stew in his anger. He was probably thinking of all the things he was going to say to her when she got there, and I'm sure Annie probably had time to anticipate the confrontation. Was she worried? Nervous? Irritated?

Point being, there was time plenty of time between the text and the meeting for RC to get worked up and for Annie's dread to build.

Don't you know that RC was feeling quite righteous before his planned meeting. I wonder why it is that a custodian can call a meeting with the grad students. If Anne knew anything about him, I would suspect she was concerned about a confrontation.
The Chief's saying no info on other family members involved nearly rules out animal rights or something other it being between the two of them. The text message ABC is reporing tells us he summoned her to the lab -- no signup.
I can't make much of a comment, and tonight's PC will help

Raymond has been a tech for several years and worked with many doctoral level students prior to Annie regarding lab protocol etc. Certainly there were altercations, disagreements and clashing personalities before Annie! Working with minorities wasn't new to Raymond. Unless complaints were ignored and or hidden away by faculty, it appears that Raymond and student successfully worked out the problems. So what happened with Annie?

For one, and perhaps the biggest, his personal love life took a sharp turn - he got engaged and was to be married in December. He was living with his fiance. They shared a love for animals and both were working at Yale.

What if the engagement and living with his fiance exacerbated issues that he thought were resolved? Seems that Raymond is like the double edged sword, one side concerned with people, animals, and humanity and the other concerned only for himself...guess I need more information to figure out...why annie?
I can't make much of a comment, and tonight's PC will help

Raymond has been a tech for several years and worked with many doctoral level students prior to Annie regarding lab protocol etc. Certainly there were altercations, disagreements and clashing personalities before Annie! Working with minorities wasn't new to Raymond. Unless complaints were ignored and or hidden away by faculty, it appears that Raymond and student successfully worked out the problems. So what happened with Annie?

For one, and perhaps the biggest, his personal love life took a sharp turn - he got engaged and was to be married in December. He was living with his fiance. They shared a love for animals and both were working at Yale.

What if the engagement and living with his fiance exacerbated issues that he thought were resolved? Seems that Raymond is like the double edged sword, one side concerned with people, animals, and humanity and the other concerned only for himself...guess I need more information to figure out...why annie?

I've been wanting to chime-in on the wedding. It was scheduled for December 2011 -- quite a while away. I wonder if he ever had intentions of actually going thru with it.
The Chief's saying no info on other family members involved nearly rules out animal rights or something other it being between the two of them. The text message ABC is reporing tells us he summoned her to the lab -- no signup.

Perhaps it was a combination of romantic fixation, Asian fixation (as reported is being reported: - no offense to anyone), and some sort of hierarchical jealousy due to Annie's advanced position/education over him.

Imagine Clark, who probably performed menial lab tech duties, probably had to pretty much comply with what the researchers, faculty, researchers told him to do, generally speaking.

With Annie, perhaps he could exert some sort of power (in addition to his possible romantic fixations). Perhaps, in addition to perhaps getting rejected by Annie, he took out all his rage about being at the bottom of the totem pole on her because he could probably dominate her physically, due to her slight size. He also probably recognized that he could intimidate her. After all, she responded in a conciliatory manner to his emails about the mice. In addition, he requested a visit to discuss the mice issue, a request which she fatally complied too. (see evidence link: [ame=""][/ame])

I kinda don't get the feeling that Annie was mutually involved with him. I'm betting this was a one-sided fatal attraction.
Perhaps it was a combination of romantic fixation, Asian fixation (as reported is being reported: - no offense to anyone), and some sort of hierarchical jealousy due to Annie's advanced education over him.

Imagine Clark who does menial lab tech duties, and he probably has to do pretty much comply with what the researchers, faculty, researchers tell him to do.

Perhaps, in addition to perhaps getting rejected by Annie, he took out all his rage about being at the bottom of the totem pole on her because he could probably dominate her physically, due to her slight size. He also probably recognized that he could intimidate her. After all, she responded in a conciliatory manner to his emails about the mice. In addition, he requested a visit to discuss the mice issue, a request which she fatally complied too. (see evidence link:

I kinda don't get the feeling that Annie was mutually involved with him. I'm betting this was a one-sided fatal attraction.

Why now was he feeling at the bottom of the totem pole? He's done this work for a few why murder poor Annie? I haven't read one single report of Annie using her intelligence or doctoral status to taunt, exploit, or control men...not a one! So I disagree that Annie was anything like a fatal attraction...there is no history of it. Maybe Raymond saw her as such, but why? TIA if you can provide some.
I don't know if there's an obsession/sexual angle to this, but either way I think there must be a strong "power" angle. She's a Ph.D. student - that's the highest level graduate degree you can get in that field. To get in a Ph.D. program, you either came from an outstanding undergrad program, or have a master's degree (in addition to the B.A.). From the press conference, he was a "tech" in what it sounded like was a nice way to describe a specialized janitor. Even if he sent her emails about mouse cages, she was the clear "superior." If he's a controlling man by nature, he probably was very uncomfortable with having to basically clean up after this tiny, cute, Ph.D. student. For a lot of unenlightened men, that's not a "natural" position.

Everyone says she was a wonderful person, but sometimes people who are so educated and used to dealing with Professors and other Ph.D. students slip up and "talk down" to support staff. Good people never aim to talk down to others, but sometimes even if you think you're being respectful and don't mean to, the other person could interpret it as being talked down to. I could see in a situation like this him already being self-conscious about his position, and maybe her saying something off-hand that he took as an insult and flying off into a rage - either actually killing her there, or sparking the idea to kill her.

If he was obsessed with her also, then that's even stronger support for my argument. JMO as always
Perhaps it was a combination of romantic fixation, Asian fixation (as reported is being reported: - no offense to anyone), and some sort of hierarchical jealousy due to Annie's advanced education over him.

Imagine Clark who does menial lab tech duties, and he probably has to do pretty much comply with what the researchers, faculty, researchers tell him to do.

Perhaps, in addition to perhaps getting rejected by Annie, he took out all his rage about being at the bottom of the totem pole on her because he could probably dominate her physically, due to her slight size. He also probably recognized that he could intimidate her. After all, she responded in a conciliatory manner to his emails about the mice. In addition, he requested a visit to discuss the mice issue, a request which she fatally complied too. (see evidence link:

I kinda don't get the feeling that Annie was mutually involved with him. I'm betting this was a one-sided fatal attraction.

Thank you! You must have read my mind. I cannot fathom Annie and RC having any kind of romantic relationship, except maybe in RC's mind. It is also interesting that both Annie and RC's fiancee are petite in stature. Could be nothing more than his personal preference OR it is easier to be dominant over someone who is physically smaller than you. Just thinking outloud and MOO.
I am hearing that he used his keycard about a dozen times during the day of the murder and sometimes during off hours.
I don't think the motive is anger or sexually based at all. I believe that whoever did this caused the alarm to go off to create a distraction because they were trying to steal something. I think Annie ran across this person stealing and the person had to kill her to keep from being caught. Simply put wrong place wrong time.
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