Motive: The Truck

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I think the point was that 4 days was enough time to finish burning the body and scatter the ashes from a plane, not the whole body. ;)

I guess I think that my priority would be to remove the body and truck as far away from myself as quickly as I could, rather than just removing myself from the body and truck.

MOO, but I also believe that their priority would be to get rid of all evidence ASAP. I just don't think they anticipated the media attention and the organized searches by LE and the public for TB and his truck that ensued so quickly after his disappearance. Everyone seemed to know about it, even my teenagers who don't pay much attention to the news. This is the reason I believe they were in a panic, and probably paranoid (not thinking straight) as well. JMHO
People generally aren't thinking as they commit offenses many times.

I have literally had people(vehicle operator) leave a traffic stop running on foot, into the woods with me holding their photo Driver's License in my hand. A obvious Darwin Award nominee.

Many criminals can't/won't/don't think. They think destroying what they "think" is evidence forever severs and terminates the trail. They don't realize all the evidence already in existence prior to that point that will tie them to the crime.(DM's tattoo, burner phone, eyewitness, etc., may eventually be that very evidence). Or in my example above, the Driver's License he left me holding.

Evidently, DM wouldn't run a legit business and is too simple to stay out of serious trouble.
3000 vehicles stolen in the Ancaster area in 3 1/2 months. Wow, that sounds very high for an area that size.

I never said "Ancaster area" . Thank you .

Was more a reflection of an 200 km "area" from London to Toronto including Hamilton .... which often has the highest rates of auto theft per capita

Car theft is actually dropping because of immobilizers.

In 2003, Statistics Canada reported 19,515 “incidents of theft of motor vehicles in Toronto.”

In 2011, total vehicle thefts in Toronto dropped to 8,696. (724 per month)

In Canada Thieves stole 82,000 cars in 2011, down from 146,000 cars stolen in 2007.

Not hard to come up with 3000 for a 5 month period in the area from London to Toronto. Final figures for 2013 will not be published until 2014

However car jackings are on the rise

This whole case revolves around a carjacking
People generally aren't thinking as they commit offenses many times.

I have literally had people(vehicle operator) leave a traffic stop running on foot, into the woods with me holding their photo Driver's License in my hand. A obvious Darwin Award nominee.

Many criminals can't/won't/don't think. They think destroying what they "think" is evidence forever severs and terminates the trail. They don't realize all the evidence already in existence prior to that point that will tie them to the crime.(DM's tattoo, burner phone, eyewitness, etc., may eventually be that very evidence). Or in my example above, the Driver's License he left me holding.

Evidently, DM wouldn't run a legit business and is too simple to stay out of serious trouble.

Please provide the evidence that DM wouldn't run a legit business and is too simple to stay out of trouble, or is that an opinion? Do you have some proof that Millardair is not a legitimate business? How could they be allowed to go back to business as usual if they were not a legitimate business?
Did DM even have a valid pilot's license? I thought he didn't.

Since we don't know the conditions of the remains, we don't know what they did or didn't have time for. We don't know if they used the incinerator, ran out of fuel, we don't know if the remains were partly buried, etc etc. So at the heart this seems to go back to the idea that if the body was on DM's property he couldn't have been the criminal, because criminals never leave bodies on their property, or at least not longer than a day or two. I still disagree with this. JMO.

We do not know the condition of the remains, but we do know that they had 4 days to finish the job of scattering the trail of evidence that lead right to DM's door before the police were literally on their trail, following behind DM for a few hours before his arrest.

Even if they had run out of propane, gotten wet matches or had a flat tire, they still could have completely gotten rid of the evidence with the tools at hand. IF one of them had access to a plane and an ability (licence or not) to fly it out over Lake Ontario, they could have easily sprinkled the ashes like it was a proper ceremony, while their buddies in the chop shop were tearing the hottest truck in town down to bolts and obliterating any VIN numbers that could have positively identified it along the way. When you have every possible tool necessary to actually commit the perfect crime and you don't use them, it makes me wonder what is wrong with the picture.

Perhaps DM or MS didn't really have access to a chop shop to get rid of a hot truck, in which case, why were they stealing it again? Perhaps the person who used the incinerator didn't have an ability to refuel it because it wasn't theirs and they were unfamiliar with it and couldn't ask the owner for assistance? Perhaps they did incinerate the body but didn't know how to fly a plane to scatter the ashes from?

Something tells me that generally when criminals leave bodies on their properties, it's because they don't have any other choice, and they don't have every tool possibly available to fully obliterate any trace of the crime. And who would really think that the person that they killed was not going to looked for or played in the media? If they really thought that, they why even try to destroy any evidence at all, why not just leave TB lying in the nearest patch of tall grass and drive the truck around, if you thought the crime would go mostly undetected?
In all due respect of the post above me #245 .

.IMO it gives every possible reason for why DM& SM could not have done this again..

I shall repeat what others have posted again and again and is my PERSON VIEW (but when it comes to court as we are under a PB here)...I am confident Le and all those LE personal involved have done their JOB.....DNA evidence, video survillence and testing done on incinerator and the inside of TB truck ( blood, etc .):
1. from MAY6( TB truck on test drive

2.and the night the truck was dropped off in DM Mom's driveway (TORONTO Maple Leafs lost one of the NHL final play off games) will show they have exactly who is suppose to be in JAIL....DM& SM thought they covered there tracks they burned TB body ....hide his car and I am sure it was to be chopped down like that Harley motorcycle and .....YES flown out of the country....maybe something happened as mentioned earlier like a neighbor showed up ...etc etc....and ruined their evil plan and several other things...possibly DM & SM were scared to move that HOTEST TRUCK for they knew it would be rocoginized so it was hidden for several days in that huge moving VAN ( trailer )...MOOOOOOOOOOO!.....JMO..I think DM MOM may have been out of town...possibly so she would not know....possible...than it would be moved quickly to the hanger to be chopped up and flown out of the country or something....I think they were in a panic state.....JMO again robynhood/
In all due respect of the post above me #245 .

.IMO it gives every possible reason for why DM& SM could not have done this again..

I shall repeat what others have posted again and again and is my PERSON VIEW (but when it comes to court as we are under a PB here)...I am confident Le and all those LE personal involved have done their JOB.....DNA evidence, video survillence and testing done on incinerator and the inside of TB truck ( blood, etc .):
1. from MAY6( TB truck on test drive

2.and the night the truck was dropped off in DM Mom's driveway (TORONTO Maple Leafs lost one of the NHL final play off games) will show they have exactly who is suppose to be in JAIL....DM& SM thought they covered there tracks they burned TB body ....hide his car and I am sure it was to be chopped down like that Harley motorcycle and .....YES flown out of the country....maybe something happened as mentioned earlier like a neighbor showed up ...etc etc....and ruined their evil plan and several other things...possibly DM & SM were scared to move that HOTEST TRUCK for they knew it would be rocoginized so it was hidden for several days in that huge moving VAN ( trailer )...MOOOOOOOOOOO!.....JMO..I think DM MOM may have been out of town...possibly so she would not know....possible...than it would be moved quickly to the hanger to be chopped up and flown out of the country or something....I think they were in a panic state.....JMO again robynhood/


I'm not sure how anyone could think that leaving a charred corpse out on their own property was covering their tracks, especially when they obviously had the tools and 4 days to actually cover their tracks.

The point I am making about the chop shop, if it needs clarification, is that chop shops are used to dealing with the hottest vehicles in town, that is what they do; they strip stolen (hot) vehicles down to parts, and they do it very quickly. If you have a hot stolen vehicle, and you also happen to have a chop shop (or even have a buddy who has one), you don't have a problem getting rid of that vehicle, in my opinion. Unless you didn't have a chop shop, or even didn't know a buddy who had one, then getting rid of a hot truck would be a problem.

I am saying the same thing about the other tools present as well; you have a dead body, an incinerator, an airplane, and a pilot, you shouldn't really have a problem getting rid of that body, from what I can see. Unless you were missing one of those elements, like say a pilot. To me these are some of the things that make me think that there is more to this case than meets the eye.
In all due respect of the post above me #245 .

.IMO it gives every possible reason for why DM& SM could not have done this again..

I shall repeat what others have posted again and again and is my PERSON VIEW (but when it comes to court as we are under a PB here)...I am confident Le and all those LE personal involved have done their JOB.....DNA evidence, video survillence and testing done on incinerator and the inside of TB truck ( blood, etc .):
1. from MAY6( TB truck on test drive

2.and the night the truck was dropped off in DM Mom's driveway (TORONTO Maple Leafs lost one of the NHL final play off games) will show they have exactly who is suppose to be in JAIL....DM& SM thought they covered there tracks they burned TB body ....hide his car and I am sure it was to be chopped down like that Harley motorcycle and .....YES flown out of the country....maybe something happened as mentioned earlier like a neighbor showed up ...etc etc....and ruined their evil plan and several other things...possibly DM & SM were scared to move that HOTEST TRUCK for they knew it would be rocoginized so it was hidden for several days in that huge moving VAN ( trailer )...MOOOOOOOOOOO!.....JMO..I think DM MOM may have been out of town...possibly so she would not know....possible...than it would be moved quickly to the hanger to be chopped up and flown out of the country or something....I think they were in a panic state.....JMO again robynhood/


I agree RH, it would have been pretty hard to have the "hottest truck in town" parked inside your hangar being chopped down, while you are trying to carry on business as usual. JMO. And as suggested by Jube, DM having some friends in the hangar "chopping the hottest truck in town down to nuts and bolts", while DM disposes of the body, would most likely involve admitting to a bunch of your buddies that you were involved in this crime. No matter how good your friends are, it's not that easy to trust them with murderous confessions IMO. I think putting it in the trailer was the best place to hide it, to keep from prying eyes IMO. Where else could you hide a giant truck that everybody and their uncle was looking for?! :moo:
Also not agreeing with "he had airplanes, therefore he couldn't be the murderer". How does he get the charred remains to the airplane? How does driving around with a container full of dead, charred murder victim make him any smarter than someone who tries to hide them on a large piece of property? We also don't know if the remains were already partially buried or what. We don't know if the remains were fully ash, or if he would have been dropping, pardon me, pieces of body out of his plane. And if he doesn't have a pilot's license, how does he talk another pilot into flying while he drops a mysterious substance out of the plane?

And back on the truck and whether it would be chopped, I know it's another inconvenient piece of info, but LE seized a stolen, chopped Harley Davidson motorcycle from the hangar. I'm still very interested to see who its stolen trailer was re-registered to 'within hours' of the theft.
I am sure everyone saw the pic of DM with his hair died RED in what they call a MOWAK..before his car race.....well I was wondering there is a HUGE trailer attacked to his pick up truck...IMO it looks real simiar to the thing ( Trailer left in his mom driveway) with TB truck inside. Can someone search for that link...I am looking now would be excellent to sleuth the similarities ....:)...robynhood....let's compare what was seized by POLICE to this photo from his car racing....BOTH ARE HUGE trailers pulled by pick ups...thanks for any help on this one...I am cheking if I am correct but I do not save this info so someone else will porbably find it sooner than me...Thanks ahead of time for any help given on this again...
Also not agreeing with "he had airplanes, therefore he couldn't be the murderer". How does he get the charred remains to the airplane? How does driving around with a container full of dead, charred murder victim make him any smarter than someone who tries to hide them on a large piece of property? We also don't know if the remains were already partially buried or what. We don't know if the remains were fully ash, or if he would have been dropping, pardon me, pieces of body out of his plane. And if he doesn't have a pilot's license, how does he talk another pilot into flying while he drops a mysterious substance out of the plane?

And back on the truck and whether it would be chopped, I know it's another inconvenient piece of info, but LE seized a stolen, chopped Harley Davidson motorcycle from the hangar. I'm still very interested to see who its stolen trailer was re-registered to 'within hours' of the theft.

My point is that he had the tools available to make sure that the body was nothing more than ash and small bone fragments, why wouldn't he do that instead of trying to deal with a charred body. Your suggestion that he would drive or fly around with charred remains, throwing body parts out of a plane doesn't make sense to me, and seems to be twisting my words. People dump the ashes of their loved ones from planes all the time, why wouldn't he do that? Even if he didn't have a valid pilot's licence (which we have seen no proof of from what I recall, so I don't know where that idea comes from), I would think flying without a licence is too small of a crime to be worried about if you just committed a murder.

My point is, if you have the proper tools to do a proper job, you would need a a very good reason not to do a proper job. Why would anyone bury a body when they have an incinerator at hand? Why would he bury the ashes and leave them all in one place when he could have scattered them to make it impossible to find them?

And back to the Harley, a real chop shop doesn't keep their wares around for 6 months, that is not how chop shops work. Which again makes me wonder if it really was a chop shop in his hanger, or if he knew about it, because again, if you have a chop shop and a stolen vehicle, you don't have a problem, you have a solution.

We read in the media that deliveries (of what we have no idea) were halted for that week, so that would eliminate the 'business as usual interrupted their ability to leave that hot truck there' theory, in my opinion. Add in the fact that apparently, they had other stolen vehicles at the hanger, so what is the difference between one stolen truck and a hanger full of stolen trucks, if you're going to get busted you're going to get busted. And if they thought that they were going to get busted, you think that they maybe would have spent the week getting rid of the other stolen parts that made it look like a chop shop, just in case. Especially, if some have suggested, you think that the police are hot on your trail.
I never said "Ancaster area" . Thank you .

Was more a reflection of an 200 km "area" from London to Toronto including Hamilton .... which often has the highest rates of auto theft per capita

Car theft is actually dropping because of immobilizers.

In 2003, Statistics Canada reported 19,515 “incidents of theft of motor vehicles in Toronto.”

In 2011, total vehicle thefts in Toronto dropped to 8,696. (724 per month)

In Canada Thieves stole 82,000 cars in 2011, down from 146,000 cars stolen in 2007.

Not hard to come up with 3000 for a 5 month period in the area from London to Toronto. Final figures for 2013 will not be published until 2014

However car jackings are on the rise

This whole case revolves around a carjacking

You said:

Since May 5 2013 there have been about 3000 vehicles stolen in the area

So obviously I assumed that you meant Ancaster and the surrounding area and that you were referring to a less than 4 month period instead of 5 months.

I now understand that these weren't statistics you were quoting, but merely your guess using 2011 figures and factoring it down to a 5 month period, and not taking into consideration that, statistically, car thefts have been dropping in recent years - in fact, by about 56% between 2007 and 2011.

Incidentally, here is the article you were quoting..

And here are the statistics it was based on..

My point is that he had the tools available to make sure that the body was nothing more than ash and small bone fragments, why wouldn't he do that instead of trying to deal with a charred body. Your suggestion that he would drive or fly around with charred remains, throwing body parts out of a plane doesn't make sense to me, and seems to be twisting my words. People dump the ashes of their loved ones from planes all the time, why wouldn't he do that? Even if he didn't have a valid pilot's licence (which we have seen no proof of from what I recall, so I don't know where that idea comes from), I would think flying without a licence is too small of a crime to be worried about if you just committed a murder.

My point is, if you have the proper tools to do a proper job, you would need a a very good reason not to do a proper job. Why would anyone bury a body when they have an incinerator at hand? Why would he bury the ashes and leave them all in one place when he could have scattered them to make it impossible to find them?

And back to the Harley, a real chop shop doesn't keep their wares around for 6 months, that is not how chop shops work. Which again makes me wonder if it really was a chop shop in his hanger, or if he knew about it, because again, if you have a chop shop and a stolen vehicle, you don't have a problem, you have a solution.

We read in the media that deliveries (of what we have no idea) were halted for that week, so that would eliminate the 'business as usual interrupted their ability to leave that hot truck there' theory, in my opinion. Add in the fact that apparently, they had other stolen vehicles at the hanger, so what is the difference between one stolen truck and a hanger full of stolen trucks, if you're going to get busted you're going to get busted. And if they thought that they were going to get busted, you think that they maybe would have spent the week getting rid of the other stolen parts that made it look like a chop shop, just in case. Especially, if some have suggested, you think that the police are hot on your trail.

1) We don't know if he used the incinerator (even those of us who think LE got the right guy admit that).

2) We don't know what state Tim's remains were in.

3) It was before you joined, but multiple people posted saying DM did not have a valid pilot's license. I don't know how you find this out, I'm sure someone else does.

4) There is a difference between me noting that DM had the means to steal, hide and chop a vehicle and me believing he had a substantial chop operation running. Personally, I think he probably only stole and chopped things of specific interest or value to him, or possibly as individual transactions/trades or favors to friends.

In any case, the things criminals do don't always make sense or seem smart in retrospect. This is a good thing for LE, because it means a lot of them get caught. Broken record, but I reject the idea that evidence pointing towards an individual means the individual is innocent, and I haven't seen anything to prove that DM is so intelligent he must be exempt from the sloppy, dumb things other criminals do. I also don't believe he's important enough to anyone for the unbelievably massive level of frameup that would need to occur for him to be innocent.
I am sure everyone saw the pic of DM with his hair died RED in what they call a MOWAK..before his car race.....well I was wondering there is a HUGE trailer attacked to his pick up truck...IMO it looks real simiar to the thing ( Trailer left in his mom driveway) with TB truck inside. Can someone search for that link...I am looking now would be excellent to sleuth the similarities ....:)...robynhood....let's compare what was seized by POLICE to this photo from his car racing....BOTH ARE HUGE trailers pulled by pick ups...thanks for any help on this one...I am cheking if I am correct but I do not save this info so someone else will porbably find it sooner than me...Thanks ahead of time for any help given on this again...

Good luck with that. All those black trailers look the same to me. I see that they come in 'small' and 'big'.

Actually RH, I believe those trailers were compared in a previous thread.
4 days from what till what?

This story got out VERY fast. We have absolutely no way of knowing when panic set in. Or if there was panic at all.
I expect a bit of panic set in the following day when I believe it was all over the local news....MOO
Good luck with that. All those black trailers look the same to me. I see that they come in 'small' and 'big'.

Actually RH, I believe those trailers were compared in a previous thread.

Yes RH, the trailer was discussed in another thread, and it was revealed via MSM that LE confirmed the trailer TB's truck was found in was registered to DM's business.
It is now confirmed Bosma’s black pickup truck was found inside a trailer that police say is registered to Millard’s company parked at his mother’s home in Kleinburg.
I am sure everyone saw the pic of DM with his hair died RED in what they call a MOWAK..before his car race.....well I was wondering there is a HUGE trailer attacked to his pick up truck...IMO it looks real simiar to the thing ( Trailer left in his mom driveway) with TB truck inside. Can someone search for that link...I am looking now would be excellent to sleuth the similarities ....:)...robynhood....let's compare what was seized by POLICE to this photo from his car racing....BOTH ARE HUGE trailers pulled by pick ups...thanks for any help on this one...I am cheking if I am correct but I do not save this info so someone else will porbably find it sooner than me...Thanks ahead of time for any help given on this again...


I believe there is a huge amount of data here on the trailers, if you care to look back. If I recall correctly, DM had two of the huge trailers, and I think it was agreed that the one in his mother's driveway was registered to Millardair, but I am sure someone will kindly correct me if I am wrong. I hope that helps.
Just saw this this article about a homicide in South Carolina and immediately thought of the Tim Bosma case.

Please exercise caution when meeting people you don't know!
Please provide the evidence that DM wouldn't run a legit business and is too simple to stay out of trouble, or is that an opinion? Do you have some proof that Millardair is not a legitimate business? How could they be allowed to go back to business as usual if they were not a legitimate business?

Uh... he s/d the MRO and is in trouble(charged at the moment only with murder confinement and theft. Can you provide a link that he has/is running a legit business?
Uh... he s/d the MRO and is in trouble(charged at the moment only with murder confinement and theft. Can you provide a link that he has/is running a legit business?

Wow. Does cancellation of MRO equal illegitimate activity?
Was WM was running an illegitimate business until he received the MRO certification? One would think so after reading your post.
If plans for the business were being explored post-cancellation, does that deem a business illegitimate? Unlawful?
Companies on the verge of bankruptcy are in trouble, does not make them illegitimate.

If DM planned to capture and kill TB and the plan was unsuccessful because he was caught for making stupid mistakes in carrying out his plan, then perhaps you can insult his intelligence as a criminal. but I didn't realize the trial was over and a verdict was passed in this regard. How are you so sure (other than "he's still sitting in jail", which is not proof).
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