
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves

What was Casey's motive to Kill?

  • Caylee interfered with Casey's partying lifestyle

    Votes: 45 9.3%
  • Caylee tattled on Casey to Cindy

    Votes: 15 3.1%
  • Revenge/rage against Cindy

    Votes: 83 17.2%
  • Tony didn't want a little girl around

    Votes: 22 4.6%
  • more than one of the above

    Votes: 366 75.9%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
There were many posts about that early on, and someone said it was on her page of face book whatever that social site is....
gosh it has been since Summer that I had not seen anything regarding that.
But it always stood out in my mind as an area that should have been investigated more.
hmmmmmm Maybe other areas should have been investigated more too....
Seems that the meter reader called attention to the bag way back in August.
Could all of this be a major Botch job?
Could it be an intentional Botch job because some people in the LE department may have an alliance with George? I do not know, but something is foul.

I always think it is safest to stick with the facts and evidence and to treat rumour and speculation with copious amounts of salt! :)
Without reviewing all posts on this thread (am I the only one constantly being kicked off WS? the site must be BUSY!) I have carefully assessed what facts have been presented to the public in this case and best as I can tell her motive was

Casey is impulsive and needs instant gratification. At the time, she probably could ONLY think about getting in bed with TL. That is the narrow selfish manifestation of moral insanity. She didn't want Caylee in the way whether it was an accident or deliberate. It was self serving behavior--her sex drive.
I think Casey believed CA was going to succeed in getting custody of Caylee given Casey's recent thefts and lack of employment. I think Casey knew she did not have the means to take care of Caylee, nor did she want to, but she couldn't bear the thought of Cindy having Caylee's love and affection exclusively due to deep seated resentment toward Cindy. I think it was spite--"If I can't have her, nobody can" sort of spite.
IMO the motive was revenge. To get back at CA (and GA) for a variety of reasons. I believed the fight with CA - where CA puts her hands around her throat - was what pushed her over the edge. With that I believe Caylee was either strangled or the duct tape around the head to suffocate her. This would also explain CA's very strange behavior as the guilt she must be feeling must be astronomical. Not that I condone CA's behavior IN ANY WAY.

I just believe the motive was revenge against CA.
Now that I think it over, I agree with many of you who say the primary motive is jealousy of Caylee.

IMO, Casey did not want Caylee from the beginning, and then when Caylee overshadowed Casey as the object of her parents' affection, that was it.

It would not surprise me, if eventually we see Casey curl up in a fetal position, sucking on her thumb.
I say she didnt want Caylee and she didnt want Cindy to have her either. But Caylee wanted to be with her NANA, more.
So KC killed her. I think she was searching Neck Breaking, because she wanted to murder her parents or chlorform her parents while they were sleeping. But taking Caylee was easier first. So she killed Caylee first. She took the car to Amscot and parked it. Tried to lay low for awhile in hopes she could sneak back home and Chlorform her parents late one night.
I think she thought about it all the time for exactly the three reasons you stated.

At that particular moment - when she finally acted on her thoughts - I think the order of the motives were:
1 revenge on cindy
2 stifled social life
3 jealousy

I agree with your list, just not in that order. Which is the more primal? It would be jealousy.

I can envision something to the effect of: You are ruining my life, Caylee. I never had a chance to live it (La Bella Vida). Now I will free myself from you. And, in the jail house talks with her parents there are some words that stick in my mind that could be translated as: you (the parents) led me to do it.
What on earth in Casey's life experience made her think she could pull this off.:eek:
What on earth in Casey's life experience made her think she could pull this off.:eek:

Sociopath or Psychopath...undiagnosed? Well, we could throw in the newly discovered "brotherly love" claim...... *rolling eyes* I don't buy it..She did this all by herself. I see no other willing participant in this terrible tragedy.
I think she felt stuck. She really did not want to care for Caylee, but if she gave Caylee up to her parents, she would really be on the outs with them.
I think in Casey's mind Caylee was an inconvenience and the cause of all of her problems. Casey did not want to be a responsible adult and parent. She wanted a free ride in life. She wanted to live the good life and spend her nights partying with her friends and looking for a man who could take care of her. Caylee made this a lot tougher on her because Cindy wouldn't allow her to just take off on a nightly basis to go party and Casey couldn't drag Caylee around with her. Caylee also would make it tougher for her to find a man to get serious with since most young men that age don't want to get tied down to a girl with a kid.

Caylee was the reason why she argued with Cindy so often. Cindy expected her to be a responsible parent and apparently thought Casey was unfit. No doubt she couldn't handle that her mom was constantly on her case.

I think it also infuriated her that Caylee was so close to Cindy and George. Even though Caylee was an incovenience to she wanted to be #1 in her life. She wanted to be viewed as a good mom even though she wasn't. Caylee preferring Cindy and George was another constant reminder that she wasn't a good mother.

I think she thought about getting rid of her for a while hence the computer search, but I believe it was her fight with Cindy that prompted her to do it when she did. That was the final straw for her. She was tired of the nagging and not being able to live her life the way she wanted to live it.
I think in Casey's mind Caylee was an inconvenience and the cause of all of her problems. Casey did not want to be a responsible adult and parent. She wanted a free ride in life. She wanted to live the good life and spend her nights partying with her friends and looking for a man who could take care of her. Caylee made this a lot tougher on her because Cindy wouldn't allow her to just take off on a nightly basis to go party and Casey couldn't drag Caylee around with her. Caylee also would make it tougher for her to find a man to get serious with since most young men that age don't want to get tied down to a girl with a kid.

Caylee was the reason why she argued with Cindy so often. Cindy expected her to be a responsible parent and apparently thought Casey was unfit. No doubt she couldn't handle that her mom was constantly on her case.

I think it also infuriated her that Caylee was so close to Cindy and George. Even though Caylee was an incovenience to she wanted to be #1 in her life. She wanted to be viewed as a good mom even though she wasn't. Caylee preferring Cindy and George was another constant reminder that she wasn't a good mother.

I think she thought about getting rid of her for a while hence the computer search, but I believe it was her fight with Cindy that prompted her to do it when she did. That was the final straw for her. She was tired of the nagging and not being able to live her life the way she wanted to live it.

I agree completely!
I think when her friends went to PR on vacation and she couldn't go no one to watch Caylee, Tone told her he didn't want Caylee at his place She was cramping her style and resentment towards her mom it all came to a head and she killed her
Casey Anthony is insane. I don't know if she was prior to Caylee's death or this developed after Caylee's death. Her actions since the middle of June are those of someone who is definitely not wrapped to tight.
Mommy dearest killed Caylee in a fit of anger, carelessly dumped her in a place convenient for her and went and "played house" with her current sex partner.
She told no one, she showed no emotion for a whole month. The woman is insane or not human.
i too want to think it was an accident, but then the internet searches come to mind, and the duct tape, then i think 'no, those things show pre-meditation'
then i think of reasons...
sometimes i think post partum gone unchecked...
i know caylee was almost 3, but what if she suffered from post partum very badly, did not recieve help (counceling, meds, whatever)
she was just psychotic...
I would have to hear someone say what Casey's demeanor was in the past (after she had Caylee) to believe it was post partum depression. Most people with post partum depression are not very social, nervous about their ability to care for the child and tearful. So, I would have to know that Casey had a really hard time after the baby was born to believe that it was post partum which lead to her being psychotic. Seems she was going on with her life...partying, men, friends, and the such.

But on the other side, post partum does lead people to be psychotic if it goes untreated, or does not go away after a period of time.
Narcissistic rage brought on by the fight with CA. Those who have knowledge of this psychological term and the narcissistic insult (the fight with CA) that brought it on can see how it fits with what, I think, happened that night. I'll be surprised if there's any other reason, motive, accident or whatever that explains what happened to Caylee.
Narcissistic rage brought on by the fight with CA. Those who have knowledge of this psychological term and the narcissistic insult (the fight with CA) that brought it on can see how it fits with what, I think, happened that night. I'll be surprised if there's any other reason, motive, accident or whatever that explains what happened to Caylee.

I agree with you totally. Also, do you notice how much little Caylee looks like her grandmother? I imagine she was the spitting image of her grandmother at that age.

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