Mr. Chaz Bono on Oprah, Mon. May 9, 2011

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
Do you think the testosterone made Chaz gain all that weight? It doesn't look bad on most of his body but it's too bad his belly had to be so big. I hope he didn't put the weight on on purpose. There's guys out there that are so darn proud of their big bellies.

Probably. Women with hormone imbalances like PCOS tend to gain weight around the stomach area too. Stress probably had something to do with it too.
But non working or semi working "parts" fuel depression.


Which is probably why Chaz chose to retain female genitalia.

Sexually, there are removable phallises (not sure what the plural of the word would be, but I'm trying to keep it clean) and it's been said that the female wearing the prosthetic often experiences pleasure depending on where the prostheic bears down.

Although DNA is DNA, biology is biology - calling a transgendered individual by their birth gender is very highly offensive. Like, borderline derogatory in some eyes. Even if you don't agree with transgender lifestyles, show a human being some respect.
I can not call a female "he" or a male "she".
Has nothing to do with lack of respect. I has to do with my views and beliefs.

IMO that should also be respected.
I can not call a female "he" or a male "she".
Has nothing to do with lack of respect. I has to do with my views and beliefs.

IMO that should also be respected.

He's just finished his very successful run on DWTS - as he said this evening during his goodbye "everyone the opportunity to get to know a different kind of man"... Chaz is not delusional. He knows he's different, and has bravely (& entertainingly) shared his experience with the world. Everyone knows Chaz has transitioned FtM, and he's very happy about being able to dance through the rest of his life as the man he now is.

When one's views and beliefs are dismissive, offensive, and invoke trivia for the sole purpose of disrespecting another's human dignity, it's difficult to command respect for them. Of course, free speech supports expressions of all sorts of views and beliefs. I don't know what else to say, except that perhaps there are some views and beliefs that good judgement and circumstance would dictate are best kept to oneself. The compulsion to refer to Chaz Bono as "she" is probably one of those circumstances. :) JMHO
Chaz had a great run on DWTS but it was his time to say goodbye this week. It's a good thing that the world got to know him, and his story a bit better. And YAY! to DTWS for letting Chaz dance his way into hearts everywhere. :thumb: Good run Chaz!
How heartwarming it is for me to see so many individuals that may of known very little on this topic take the time to become informed and keep open minds.

I give Chaz Bono kudos for having the guts to take the many steps that are required and then to go public with his journey. In doing so not only is he helping himself but many others.

I hope and pray that he finds peace for himself and acceptance.
Chaz'z parting words on DWTS-

"I came on this show because I wanted to show America a different kind of man, and I know that if there was somebody like me on TV when I was growing up, my whole life would've been different and so I dedicate everything I did to all the people out there like me and especially the kids and teens who are struggling," he said. "You can have a wonderful great life and be successful and happy."
I'm glad he was able to experience this sort of exposure and hopefully this experience will give encouragement to others feeling trapped as tho life had played some kind of cruel joke on them. Keep on keepin' on Chaz!!!:rocker:
I'm glad Chaz ending on a happy note and really enjoyed the dance. I think the soccer gal is gonna go next week (Max's partner), then prolly Nancy.


Chaz really worked hard for this show-you could see his struggle every week. But, he never gave up, and he lasted six weeks-more than I could ever last. He did well, too. his parting words were inspiring. I know he was disappointed, but he put his disappointment aside and spoke to encourage others-what a nice way to leave the show-by leaving on such a positive note. I really admire and respect him.

Pat S
And there are topics that some would rather go by their beliefs and faith about without needing to research it.

Sorry. It is what it is.

There are some topics I'm not willing to budge on or "educate" myself on. There are some topics that defy or cross lines or morality for ME.

There is "science" that can make you question everything in life. There is also a person's right to not choose to question things they believe or don't believe in.

Has nothing to do with education. Has everything to do with one's personal walk.


ETA: OT- Science told my 37 year old brother in law he would live around 2 weeks (2 wks ago) but we decided to live on Faith Hope and Love.
Today he got VERY GOOD news. He's not going anywhere anytime soon. Thank God.
I believe sometimes the scientific community could educate themselves by looking at how us uneducated people live sometimes.


AH HA!!!!! I knew it! I so wish you'd have just come out and said it was a "faith" & "beliefs" thing!

Now.....atlast... I can simply sigh heavily and add this to the list of personal reasons I have against "faith"
Personally I find this whole thing disgusting. Does he want to date girls?

If his mom didn't have the money, what would she have done.

Going on TV to show "look at me now" is so degrading.

Beautiful little girl God made and he destroyed it.

...I'm looking around and seeing a WHOLE lot of ugly. God must be on hiatus.
AH HA!!!!! I knew it! I so wish you'd have just come out and said it was a "faith" & "beliefs" thing!

Now.....atlast... I can simply sigh heavily and add this to the list of personal reasons I have against "faith"

What are you asking me? Or telling me?

Are u referring to the other thread?

Because I plainly said in the other thread I do not agree with transitioning. But the other thread's topic is not pro transition or against transition. It's about the treatment or therapy.

I am opposed to the treatment due to unknown risks of a child's health.

2 different threads/2 different topics.
He's just finished his very successful run on DWTS - as he said this evening during his goodbye "everyone the opportunity to get to know a different kind of man"... Chaz is not delusional. He knows he's different, and has bravely (& entertainingly) shared his experience with the world. Everyone knows Chaz has transitioned FtM, and he's very happy about being able to dance through the rest of his life as the man he now is.

When one's views and beliefs are dismissive, offensive, and invoke trivia for the sole purpose of disrespecting another's human dignity, it's difficult to command respect for them. Of course, free speech supports expressions of all sorts of views and beliefs. I don't know what else to say, except that perhaps there are some views and beliefs that good judgement and circumstance would dictate are best kept to oneself. The compulsion to refer to Chaz Bono as "she" is probably one of those circumstances. :) JMHO

Oh well. What can I say.

I believe in free speech. And it's my opinion.

Don't know why I would keep it to myself on a thread about the topic.

She can live as a man. More power to her.
Oh well. What can I say.

I believe in free speech. And it's my opinion.

Don't know why I would keep it to myself on a thread about the topic.

She can live as a man. More power to her.

But she'll always be a woman. No amount of surgery and drugs will ever change that.
Well, since you asked. :smile:

All those things you listed do not require the mutilation of your sexual organs and pump your body full of hormones to treat a psychological disorder.


Since we're just talking about Chaz in this thread. He did NOT mutilate his sexual organs at all. He's also an adult so he has the right to use hormones just like anyone else who uses hormones for body regulation.
But she'll always be a woman. No amount of surgery and drugs will ever change that.

I guess it is all in how you define gender. To me, and this is jmo, gender is more than your sexual organs at birth.
Knock off the personal attacks and keep to the subject. Do not discuss one another.

thank you!
:woohoo: :woohoo:

:skip: :skip:​

Chaz has won another award!

:woohoo: Congratulations to Chaz! :woohoo:​

The Respect Awards are meant to honor individuals and corporations that have made significant advances in areas like diversity and inclusion.

Bono, a LGBT activist and author, legally became a man last year after gender-reassignment surgery. Bono's transition was the subject of the Emmy-nominated OWN documentary, 'Becoming Chaz,' as well as his own book, titled 'Transition,' which was released in May 2011.

Bono also made headlines and sparked controversy as 'Dancing With the Stars' first transgender contestant. Back in August, ABC message boards were flooded with bigoted remarks regarding Bono being cast in the celebrity dancing competition. Many of the anti-Bono comments posted on the 'DWTS' message boards targeted Bono for being transgender.

The "Dancing With The Stars" cast was there to support him.

Rob Reiner was also honored, as GLSEN recognized those who champion diversity, inclusion and education.

ABC7 and our president and general manager Arnold Kleiner were proud sponsors of the event.

:woohoo: Congratulations to Chaz! :woohoo:​

This is just me but ...

Every time a thread discussion an LGBTQ-related topic is locked or relegated to the private areas of the forum I think of it as one more little loss for LGBTQ people and those who love them and those who hope the public thread continues for discussion purposes. And then I worry that it was in part my doing - for being too outspoken in a debate - and that makes me part of the problem, not the solution. :sigh:

How sad it would be to see this happen to Chaz's celebrity thread. Chaz has worked hard, been the picture of respect, honesty, & dignity, and fought bravely. He will be continuing to appear on talk shows following his DWTS adventure, will be continuing his work education and sharing, and I'm guessing more than a few here would like to continue to root for him on this thread. Chaz deserves better than a locked and/or private thread.

Frankly, that is up to us.

Hey - wouldn't it be great if WS Admin could also get the Respect Award for - the service the forum does by permitting time and time again a topical discussion on LBGTQ issues, and for the patience they exercise on these difficult-to-monitor threads? :applause: We should nominate them! ;) Well, at least, we should thank them. :tyou:

:cow: Just my thoughts. :cow:
What are you asking me? Or telling me?

Are u referring to the other thread?

Because I plainly said in the other thread I do not agree with transitioning. But the other thread's topic is not pro transition or against transition. It's about the treatment or therapy.

I am opposed to the treatment due to unknown risks of a child's health.

2 different threads/2 different topics.


I am asking you nothing.

IMO I don't believe the bolded statement is actually true, especially after stumbling into this one. If it were true, logically... you would also be opposed to other treatments children receive daily that also carry a unknown risk factor as well as potential side effects.
I posted in the other thread a report by endocrinologists. It's important to understand that this treatment is monitored very very closely. Lorenzo's oil is another kind of treatment that people balked at because of long term studies not being done, until it started saving their children, then they realized what was more important.

I really have to applaud Chaz, it's got to be very hard to be in the spotlight like this. And "agreeing with it" is really just a moot point. I don't agree with some religious beliefs, but I would not feel it is my place to make sure the believer knows it. I suppose I respect the person well enough to know themselves and what works for them.

Ain't my beeswax. :D

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